单词 | 爪蟾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 爪蟾—Xenopus (type of frog)See also:爪n—clawsn clawn pawn 蟾n—moonn 蟾—(striped) toad 涪—name of a river
然而,蟾蜍谁目睹Cornelius和拇指姑娘听到拇指姑娘的歌声绑架她在半夜。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However,a toadwho witnessed Cornelius [...] and Thumbelina and heard Thumbelina’s singing voice kidnaps her in the middle of the night. seekcartoon.com |
金属爪具嵌固件的机械特性、尺寸、荷载承载力及个别 专利型号/系列,须展示於呈交屋宇署批准的相关图则内。 bd.gov.hk | The mechanical properties, dimensions, load capacitiesand specific proprietary model number/series of metal spider fixing should be shown in the relevant plans submitted for approval. bd.gov.hk |
领导夫人蟾蜍,希望拇指姑娘是他们的剧团的一部分,而且还娶了她的长子,Grundel,是谁在爱她。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The leader,Mrs. Toad, wants Thumbelina [...] to be part of their troupe, but also to marry her eldest son, Grundel, who is in love with her. seekcartoon.com |
采用生物信号采集处理系统对草甘膦异丙胺盐胁迫条件下中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans Cantor)的心率和心电活动的相关指标进行了测定和分析。 actazool.org | By applying Biological Signal Recording and Monitoring System, this paper aims to study influences [...] of the herbicide glyphosate-isopropylammonium (GIA) on heart rate and [...] electrocardiogram (ECG) ofBufo gargarizans Cantor. actazool.org |
这些结果表明,蟾蜍糖原含量在一年中呈现显着的季节性波动。 actazool.org | These results indicate that glycogen content exhibits significant seasonal fluctuations. actazool.org |
(a) 抽取样本比率最少应为每个相关具代表性玻璃幕墙爪具類型的 1%或 3 个,以较多者为准,而测试样本 的设置方式须配合经批准图则内的建议嵌固件细 节。 bd.gov.hk | (a) Sampling rate should be at least 1% or 3 numbers, whichever is more, of each representative type of the spider components concerned, and the test specimens should be set up in such a manner that is compatible with the proposed fixing details given in the approved plans. bd.gov.hk |
拇指姑娘唱蟾蜍一家居住的一条小船上唤醒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Thumbelina awakens on a tiny boat [...] inhabited by a family of singing toads. seekcartoon.com |
于2005年11月至2006年10月,用硫酸-蒽酮比色法和比重法测定了中华蟾蜍各月份的肝糖原和肌糖原含量及肝比重。 actazool.org | The liver glycogen content, muscle glycogen content and the specific gravity of liver of Bufo gargarizans was determined monthly for one month from November 2005 to October 2006. actazool.org |
报告还将详细研究 2009 至 2010 [...] 年间出现的四个小型组织;它们分别出现在西爪哇的万隆、中爪哇的克拉登、 北苏门答腊的棉 兰及苏门答腊的楠榜,楠榜的组织最终与棉兰组织结 盟。 crisisgroup.org | It also examines in detail four [...] small groups that emerged in [...] 2009-2010 – in Bandung,West Java; inKlaten, Central Java; [...]in Medan, North Sumatra; and in [...]Lampung, Sumatra, that ended up in alliance with the Medan group. crisisgroup.org |
通过将录音中的咕噜声和口哨声与已知的鱼类声音对比,南佛罗里达大学的研究人员发现,红石斑鱼(如图所示Epinephelus morio)和蟾鱼(Opsanus spp.) 的声音出现的最为频繁。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By comparing the grunts and whistles on their recordings to known fish calls, University of South Florida researchers found red grouper (shown, Epinephelus morio) and toadfishes (Opsanus spp.) were the most frequent fish sounds recorded, the team reports this month in Marine Ecology Progress Series. chinese.eurekalert.org |
试验结果表明:随着草甘膦异丙胺盐处理浓度的增大,中华大蟾蜍的 心率减慢,心电图中P波、R波和T波的电压峰值降低,而P-R间期、QRS期和Q-T间期的时值延长。 actazool.org | Heart rate of the toads wasstatistically [...] correlated with the indexes of the electrocardiogram waveform. actazool.org |
多元回归分析结果表明,蟾蜍心电图中Q-T间期值对心率的影响最大,可以推断草甘膦异丙胺盐主要是通过延长蟾蜍心电活动周期中Q-T间期时值即心室收缩期而延长心动周期,导致蟾蜍心率减慢。 actazool.org | Because the Q-T interval in ECG waveform is the period for ventricular contraction, it can be deduced that the GIA solution slows down the heart rate of Bufogargarizans by prolonging ventricular contraction. actazool.org |
一对钩状电极安装于信源脊蟾蜍的坐骨神经上,用于记录信源脊蟾蜍受外部刺激时诱发的神经信号,该电极与微电子神经桥输入端相连。另外一对钩状电极与受控脊蟾蜍坐骨神经接触并与微电子神经桥的输出相连。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The hooked electrodes were in contact with the sciatic nerve of the source spinaltoad,which was stimulated by external stimulation. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此外,2009年秋季,作为Oberen [...] Zipfelbachtal自然保护区(42公顷)开园仪式的活动内容之一,14名凯驰学徒人员利用机械环清理了淤积水域并开挖了新池塘,从而恢复了黄腹铃蟾的栖 息地。 karcher.cn | Furthermore, in Autumn 2009, as part of the inauguration of the Oberen Zipfelbachtal as a nature reserve (42 ha), 14 Kärcher apprentices and the [...] machine ring cleaned the silted water and dug out new ponds in order to make it habitable [...] again for the yellow-belliedtoad. karcher.ie |
草甘膦异丙胺盐胁迫条件下,蟾蜍心率与心电图的各项指标有显着相关性,可用多元线性回归模型分别对蟾蜍心率与心电图中P、R、T波和P-R、QRS、Q-T间期的相关关系进行拟合。 actazool.org | Both the relationships between the heart rate and the peak voltage of the waves in ECG waveform and the relationships between the heart rate and the time of the intervals in ECG waveform can be fitted within a multiple linear regression model. actazool.org |