单词 | 爓 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 涓—brookless common: surname Juan 爓—flame涓涓—a trickle tiny stream sluggish flow sluggishly Examples:涓埃—negligible tiny stream of dust tiny things 涓埃之力—negligible force (idiom); tiny force 涓吉—choose an auspicious day
玛泽上海及中国大陆合伙人刘钰涓女士将在研讨会上分享她在中国的投资经验。 chi.mazars.cn | Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai & Mainland China, will share her experience of investing in China during the seminar. mazars.cn |
玛泽上海及中国大陆执行合伙人刘钰涓女士将分享如何收回在华投资的建议。 chi.mazars.cn | Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai & Mainland China, will share advice of ways to rapatriate your investment from China. mazars.cn |
各国不应假定,复苏将自动“涓滴”到最弱势群 体。 daccess-ods.un.org | States should not presume that the recovery will simply “trickle down” to the most vulnerable. daccess-ods.un.org |
顾名思义,多层次充电系统具有三个不同的充电循环,分别称为初始充电模式、电源充电模式和涓流充电模式。 tridonic.cn | As its name suggests, the multi-level charging system has three different charging cycles, namely initial charge, power charge mode and trickle charge mode. tridonic.com |
就人权而言,没有采取涓滴方法实现最低基本权利水平的余地。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no space in human rights for a trickle-down approach to the achievement of minimum essential levels of rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过“幽幽静水 - 涓涓流水 - 跳动精灵 - 夜色水景”虚拟驿站,您尽可漫步倘佯,细细品味。 oase-livingwater.com | Still Water - Flowing Water - Leaping Water - Evening Water" are virtual stations through which you can wander step-by-step. oase-livingwater.com |
在中国,最初的涓涓细流往往一夜间汇成洪流。 mckinseychina.com | In China, a trend that starts as a trickle often becomes an overnight flood. mckinseychina.com |
这位小组成员报告说,在许 多性别评估方法项目中看到了涓滴效应,而且通过培训,这些项目能够鼓励妇女 成为更积极主动的决策者,在社区发挥领导作用,从而赋予她们权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The panellist reported that a trickle-down effect had been observed in many gender evaluation methodology projects and that through training the projects were able to empower women by encouraging them to be more proactive decision makers and take on leadership roles in their communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
R. Rajagopal描述他承诺的目标是“在印度癌症机构促进临终关怀服务发展(目前该地区还不提供临终关怀服务),处理临终关怀政策、培训和给药方面的问题,最终通过受训肿瘤专家的涓滴效应,让今后的癌症专业人士在他们的日常工作中把支持护理和临终关怀融为一体” 。 tipschina.gov.cn | M. R. Rajagopal, Founder of Pallium India, wrote the goal of his commitment is to "promote development of palliative care services in cancer institutions in regions in India which have no palliative care now, addressing palliative care policy, education and drug availability, aiming for a trickle-down effect through oncologists-in-training, so that cancer professionals of tomorrow incorporate supportive and palliative care in their routine practice. tipschina.gov.cn |
顾名思义,多层次充电系统具有三个不同的充电循环,分别为:初始充电、快速充电和涓流充电。 tridonic.cn | As its name suggests, a multi-level charge system operates with multiple charge cycles, namely the following three: initial charge, rapid charge and trickle charge. tridonic.com |
铜和其他金属年久均会结垢,这将导致管道口径逐渐缩小,进而限制水流量,直到仅可通过涓涓细流。 cn.lubrizol.com | Copper and other metals naturally scale with age, decreasing the diameter of the pipe and restricting water flow until only a trickle of water is able to pass through. lubrizol.com |
虽然这个计划在 某些地方有待改进,但它是一个首创性例证,展示了 决策是如何对小型生产者创造涓滴效应的(Leopold 和 Aguilar,2009 年)。 teebweb.org | Although the program has garnered criticism from some corners, it is nonetheless a pioneering illustration how policy making can create a trickle-down effect to small producers (Leopold and Aguilar 2009). teebweb.org |
电子控制的充电电路有三种不同的充电循环,即“初始充电”,“电源充电“和”涓流充电“。 tridonic.cn | The electronically controlled charging circuit has three different charging cycles, namely “initial charge“, “power charge mode“ and “trickle charge mode“. tridonic.com |
重要展览有:2010年「纯真年代」,上海;2009年「美哉.崔芙丝蒂」,台北;2009年「涓滴理论」,赫尔辛基。 ravenelart.com | He has held the exhibitions such as 2010 "Stay Real Forever", Shanghai; 2009 "Travesty Paragon", Taipei; 2009 "Trickle-down Theory", Helsinki. ravenelart.com |
玛泽上海执行合伙人刘钰涓博士(Dr. Julie Laulusa), 参加了由玛泽图卢兹(法国),为主要航空业成员举办的名为“后金融危机期间航空工业发展前景“的早餐研讨会。 chi.mazars.cn | Dr. Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai, participated to a breakfast seminar on “Post-financial crisis development perspectives for Aerospace industry” organized by Mazars Toulouse (France) for the major Aerospace players. mazars.cn |
此充电器可以根据系统的功耗自动调整充电电流,还带有电池检测、涓流充电(预 设电流的 10%)和激活功能(5mA),内置的温度检测电路可以在温度过高或过低时自动减小充电电流。 dl.linux-sunxi.org | Compared with traditional linear charge, this PWM charger features dramatic efficiency increase and power consumption decrease in systems that require large power consumption and fast battery charging, and thus greatly improve the system temperature performance. dl.linux-sunxi.org |
玛泽上海执行合伙人刘钰涓博士将于2011年9月8日星期四出席「投资工具:收购和谈判进程」的圆桌会议,并重点谈论国际收购案中财务和会计方面的问题。 chi.mazars.cn | Dr. Julie LAULUSA, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai, will participate to a round table on “investment vehicles: acquisition and negotiation process” on Thursday 8 September 2011. She will give a special focus on the financial and accounting aspects of an international acquisition. mazars.cn |
当孙膑在魏国作官的,受到同学庞涓的迫害,被削去了膝盖骨,被齐国使臣救出后,就住在齐国的国都临淄。 chinesestoryonline.com | It was said that Sun Bin was circumvented in the state of Wei by his fellow student Pang Juan, and thus was sentenced to face-tattooing (criminal branding) and had his kneecaps removed, rendering him a handicap for the rest of his life. chinesestoryonline.com |