单词 | 燖 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 淖—slushless common: surname Nao 燖—warm up (food)Examples:泥淖n—mudn 巴彦淖尔—Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia 巴彦淖尔市—Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia 泥淖—sump fig. a sticky predicament muddy swamp
他60岁时,发生了日本负担了其五分之一的费用的海湾战争,同年,苏联在阿富汗进行军事干预的泥淖中消耗殆尽,走向解体。 shanghaibiennale.org | At 60, the Gulf War one fifth expenses of which Japan covered; collapse of Soviet Union after being exhausted from the quagmire of military intervention to Afghanistan. shanghaibiennale.org |
预计 2012 年亚太区域的增长速度将大幅放缓,世界各发达经济体将继续陷于 2008 年爆发的经济危机泥淖中。 daccess-ods.un.org | A substantial slowdown in growth in the region is expected in 2012, with the developed economies of the world remaining mired in the economic crisis which erupted in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们现在需要以务实的解决办法来摆脱由于大 会同行政部门之间的分歧而使我们身陷其中的机构 性泥淖。 daccess-ods.un.org | What is needed now is a pragmatic solution to extricate ourselves from the institutional muddle into which we have been immersed by the differences between the General Assembly and the administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数青年都面临贫困 和排斥,往往陷入暴力的泥淖,并且缺乏使其能够在日益全球化的世界中分享发展所带来之 好处的有关技能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Large segments of youth are confronted by poverty and exclusion, often mired in violence and lack the skills that would allow them to enjoy the benefits of development accruing in an increasingly globalized world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们的机关负有维护国际和平与安全的 首要责任,它必须切合区域和次区域组织,包括区域 经济共同体的需要,并避免陷入投机的泥淖,因为这 不仅有损安理会的权威,而且危及危难民众的生命和 安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our organ, which has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, must be attuned to the needs of the regional and subregional organizations, including regional economic communities, and avoid getting bogged down in speculation, which is harmful not only to the Council’s authority, but also to the lives and security of people in distress. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果国际社会继续不 认真开展建设性和真正的伙伴合作,兑现《蒙特雷 共识》和《多哈宣言》中所载的承诺,改革全球经 济体制,那么这些国家将会在未来的全球经济危机 中深陷泥淖。 daccess-ods.un.org | These countries will find themselves mired in future global economic crises if the international community continues to fail to seriously engage in constructive and genuine partnership to realize the commitments of the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration to reforming the global economic system. daccess-ods.un.org |
希捷 CEO Bill Watkins 表示:撊涨靶嫉恼庖痪龆ǔ浞炙得髁宋颐堑南乱幌钪氐悴呗允窃銮糠瘢貌呗允抢┱瓜=莺诵囊滴竦淖匀唤峁颐墙浞掷梦颐堑钠放屏斓嫉匚缓颓雷ㄒ抵叮嫦蛑行⌒推笠凳谐√峁┳钭吭降慕饩龇桨浮在过去三年中,希捷的主要策略是在更丰富的存储解决方案领域内经营核心硬盘业务,从而努力扩大客户群并把握商机。 seagate.com | Today's announcement highlights a strategic next step into services, which is a natural extension of Seagate's core business and will leverage our brand leadership and channel expertise to deliver solutions to the SMB market," said Bill Watkins, Seagate CEO. "Over the past three years, Seagate has been executing a strategy designed to broaden its customer base and increase growth opportunities by expanding beyond its core hard disc drive business into the broader storage solutions category. seagate.com |
五年前之 所以要成立人权理事会,是因为亟需解决人权委员会 由于陷入双重标准、对抗和政治操纵之泥淖而失去信 誉的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of the Human Rights Council five years ago resulted from the urgent need to address the discredit in which the Commission on Human Rights, caught up in double standards, confrontation and political manipulation, found itself. daccess-ods.un.org |