单词 | 燕雀焉知鸿鹄之志 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 燕雀焉知鸿鹄之志 —lit. can the sparrow and swallow know the will of the great |
全球钟表界自从在智利阿塔卡马沙漠天文台的第一次演说之后一直 为 之雀 跃 , 并且在众多的电子 杂 志 , 论 坛和博客上铺天盖地的报道这款Sidérale。 iontime.ch | The global watch community is in total excitement since the first [...] presentation at an observatory in the chilean Atacama [...] desert and covered the Sidérale in numerous e-magazines, forums and blogs. iontime.ch |
其中包括:媒体工作人员培 训;在边远地区通过社区多媒体中心缩小数 字 鸿 沟 ; 本地内容制作以及利 用 知 识 促 进可持续 发展;缩小数字鸿沟; 利用信息与传播计划和电子空间的多语言使用;支持建设和平、解决 冲突和对话;学校的媒体扫盲和媒体教育; 文献遗产,包括音像资料;促进信息与传播技 术为可持续发展服务;改进媒体政策的伦理标准;支持国际传播发展计划和全民信息计 划之 间的协调。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Respondents proposed many additional “other priorities” for MP V. These included training [...] of media workers; bridging the digital divide through community multimedia centres in remote areas; local content production and the utilization of knowledge for sustainable development; reduction of the digital divide; use of ICTs and multilingualism in cyberspace; support to peacebuilding, conflict resolution and dialogue; media literacy and media education in schools; documentary heritage, including audiovisual material; promotion of ICTs for sustainable development; enhancing ethical standards in media policies; and support for coordination of the IPDC and IFAP programmes. [...] unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港發現的 H5N1 病毒主要屬於 2.3.4 支系及 [...] 2.3.2 支系,前一支系的病毒主要在小燕雀 及食 腐或食肉鳥類身上發現,而後一支系的病毒則在不同的 [...]鳥類中發現,其中包括鷺鳥及白鷺。 legco.gov.hk | In Hong Kong, H5N1 viruses, predominantly Clade 2.3.4 and [...] Clade 2.3.2, with viruses from the former clade, have been found [...] mainly in small passerines and scavenger [...]or predator birds. legco.gov.hk |
渔业领域与农业和畜牧业之间可 能对水和土地资源 有竞争,特别是灌溉农业以及牲畜和养殖的 鱼 之 间 关 于饲料的可获得性和相关效 率方面。 fao.org | Competition between the fishery sector and agriculture and livestock may arise over water and land resources, especially for irrigated agriculture, as well as in relation to the availability and relative efficiency of the use of feeds between livestock and [...] farmed fish. fao.org |
謝勵志先生告知與會人士,鑑於近日發生三聚氰胺事故,政府認為有必要作出緊 急立法,透過修訂食物內有害物質規例(第132AF章),對食物中含不適量的三聚氰胺 [...] 作出規管。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr. TSE Lai Chi informed the meeting that [...] in view of the recent melamine incident, the Government considered necessary to [...]introduce legislative control over inappropriate level of melamine in food urgently through amending the Harmful Substances in Food Regulations (Cap 132AF). cfs.gov.hk |
这两个文件均将在缩减知识鸿沟和 建设全民信息社会方面发挥行 之有效的催化作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Both instruments will be [...] effective catalysts in narrowing the knowledge divide and building an information society [...]for all. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些代表还反复强调,教科文组织很有必要解决数字 和 知 识 鸿 沟 这一问题,其中包括 城乡之间的鸿沟, 并提到在修订了有关战略并改善了工作效果后,全民信息计划(IFAP)可为此发挥的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Delegates also reiterated the need for [...] UNESCO to address digital and knowledge divides, including between urban and rural areas, and [...]referred to the contribution [...]that the Information for All Programme (IFAP), after the revision of the strategy and the improvement of its effectiveness, could play in this regard. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年的主要成就之一是共同编写了《2010 年世界社会科学报告:知识鸿沟》 ,该报 告于 2010 年 6 月 25 日由总干事和国际社会科学理事会(ISSC)主席共同发起。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A major achievement in 2010 was the [...] co-production [...] of the World Social Science Report 2010 Knowledge Divides, launched on 25 June by the Director-General [...]and the President [...]of the International Social Science Council (ISSC). unesdoc.unesco.org |
关于这 一点,俄罗斯方面表示愿意支助为阿富汗发展及其后实施下列优先项目:复原和 重建阿富汗建筑厂、楠格哈尔省灌溉渠、马扎里沙里夫氮肥厂、萨兰隧道和喀布 尔技术大学;建设和装备喀布尔、马扎里沙里夫和霍斯特省的汽车机械贸易学校; 恢复喀布尔的谷仓并在各省建造新的谷仓;在喀布尔省建造 Sorubi-2 型水电厂 及水电设施,并在巴格兰省凯拉盖建造一座发电厂;在海拉顿建造和装备一个海 关站。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, the Russian side expressed its willingness to support the development and subsequent implementation of the following priority projects for Afghanistan: the restoration and reconstruction of the Kabul building plant, the Nangarhar irrigation canal, the nitrogen fertilizer plant in Mazar-i-Sharif, the Salang Tunnel and the Kabul Technical University; the construction and equipping of auto mechanic trade schools in Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif and Khost Province; the restoration of the Kabul grain elevator and the construction of new elevators in various provinces; the construction of the Sorubi-2 hydroelectric plant in Kabul Province and hydropower facilities and an electric power station in Kelagay, Baghlan Province; and the construction and equipping of a customs terminal in Hairaton. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到阿 拉伯地区的需求,应该特别强调灌溉方法,荒漠化,以及自然灾害有效管理、水资源综合管 理和水资源利用的伦理问题的教育与研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking into account the needs of the Arab region, special emphasis should be given to irrigation methods, desertification, education and research for efficient management of natural disasters and integrated management of water resources as well as ethics of water use. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 就在大嶼山北 部竹篙灣興建國際主題公園及其主要相關基礎 設 施 (包括填海工程、水 上 康 樂中心、行人道、 鐵路、公共 交 通 交 匯處、 渡輪碼頭、 雨水排放系統、 污水抽水站、 灌溉設 施、供水系統及公用設 施 ;斜坡修建及鞏固工程、景觀屏蔽 和 美化工程)的環評研究。 legco.gov.hk | an EIA study for the construction of an International Theme Park at Penny’s Bay of North Lantau and its essential associated infrastructures, including reclamation, a water recreation centre, roads, a pedestrian walkway, a rail link, a public transport interchange, piers, stormwater drainage system, sewerage facilities, irrigation, water supply and utility services, slope formation and stabilization, screening and landscaping works. legco.gov.hk |
然而,在實驗室的環境下,受感染麻雀與牠們所 接觸的麻雀之間,並未出現互相感染。 legco.gov.hk | However, under the conditions of the experiment, transmission from infected to [...] in-contact sparrows did not occur. legco.gov.hk |
一位专业的编曲人,参与编曲制作的歌手包括乐伟、佳旺/子荧、欣彦、W.H.Y、谢婉婷、阿牛、Kay郭晓微、 何 志 健 、Wincci苏 盈 之 、 Ar iel Chang、卓如燕、安琪儿、Elisa Ray等。 serenemusic.net | A professional Music Arranger, he arranged for singers included Le Wei, Jia Wang/Zi Ying, Xin Yan, W.H.Y, Candy Xie, Ah- Niu, Kay Guo, Aric He, Wincci Soo, Ariel Chang, Zhuo [...] Ruyan,An Qier, Elisa Ray etc. He has been invited to be the Music [...] Arranger and Musician for《Chinese Education Festival Lin Lianyu Concert》in 2008. serenemusic.net |
在香港燕雀類雀 鳥分離到的病毒大多屬該支系(2.3.4),而2008年從死亡野鳥 體內驗出的病毒分離物則大多屬2.3.2支系。 legco.gov.hk | 3.6.2 Preliminary laboratory testing, based on comparative haemaggutination inhibition (HI) tests using the standard antigen and the new virus as antigen, suggests that the virus differs antigenically from other H5N1 viruses isolated prior to 2008. legco.gov.hk |
当中包括范逸臣《在這里分手》、張惠妹 《 知 己 》、 羅 志 祥 《 淘汰郎》《黑眼圈》《垃圾桶》、王心凌《想和你》《睜開眼》、郭采潔《你在不在》《不過問》、張棟梁《陌路》、2moro《兩個我》、蔡依林《小傷口》、梁靜茹《情歌沒有告訴你》、 孫 燕 姿 《 當冬夜漸暖》《是時候》、炎亞綸《下一個我》等。 serenemusic.net | Van Fan《Break Here》, Ah- Mei 《Bosom Friend》, Show Luo 《Lang eliminated》, 《Dark Circle》, 《Rubbish Trash》, Cyndy Wang 《To Be with You》,《Open Your Eyes》, Guo Cai Jie 《Are You Here》,《Never Ask》, Nicholas Teo 《Stranger》, 2moro 《Two sides》, Jolin Tsai 《Small injuries》, Fish Leong 《Love Does Not Tell You》,Stephanie Sun 《When Getting Warm Winter》,《It’s Time》,Aaron Yan 《The Next Me》 and many more. serenemusic.net |
食物业界应遵从良好农业规范,尽量减少食物受到无机砷污染的机 会,例如避免使用被砷污染的水作灌溉用途。 cfs.gov.hk | The food trade is advised to observe good agricultural practices to minimise inorganic arsenic contamination of foods, such as avoid using arsenic contaminated water for irrigation. cfs.gov.hk |
陳先生亦表示沙士疫症後,市民對健康飲食多了要求, 得 知燕 麥 有助降低膽固醇,該茶餐廳亦於日前增加健康早餐 -- [...] 蛋白燕麥片及冬菇瘦肉燕麥,亦減少用油,務求令客人吃得更健康。 hkupop.hku.hk | With the outbreak of SARS, people are getting more [...] health conscious. Knowing that oats is a healthy food and [...]can reduce cholesterol level, he [...]takes no time in launching a new health-oriented breakfast menu that includes oats with egg white and oats with pork and mushroom, while they are using less oil in cooking. hkupop.hku.hk |
(a) 为了促进积极参与知识社会,缩小发达国家和发展中国 家 之 间 的 知 识 和 技术 鸿沟, 以及充分发挥全球化的优势和尽量减少其威胁,制定相应的政策框 [...] 架,提高高等教育的质量和促进公平的接受高等教育的机会 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) develop policy frameworks that will [...] facilitate active participation in the knowledge society, [...] narrowing the knowledge and technological divide between developed [...]and developing countries, [...]maximizing the benefits and minimizing the threats of globalization, and to promote quality in and equitable access to higher education unesdoc.unesco.org |
在信息社会世界首脑会议及其后 续进程之中,教科文组织成功地自我定位为推动将信息和传播技术用于编写内容、制定政策 和提高能力的促进者,而这些活动对于弥合现 有 知 识 鸿 沟 是 决定性的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Throughout the WSIS [...] and its follow-up process, UNESCO has succeeded in positioning itself as a catalyst of enabling ICTs for the content, policy, and capacity development, which are decisive for closing the existing knowledge divides. unesdoc.unesco.org |
教科文组织为一些会员国在教育领域各个层面提供能力建设和政策建议支持,包括提 [...] 高师范教育和职业发展的质量,建立教育管理信息系统(EMIS)和制定教育政策与计划, [...] 修订科学、技术和创新政策,针对社会科学及人文科学领域的挑战制定应对政策(例如 《2010 年世界社会科学报告:知识鸿沟》 ),提高国家和地方的文化领域能力并制定文化 [...]政策,以及根据国际公认的标准制定媒体方面的法律。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO provided support to a number of Member States in capacity-development and policy advice in the area of education at all levels, including for improving the quality of teacher education and professional development, building Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and formulating education policies and plans; in the revision of science, technology and innovation policy; in the formulation of policy responses to challenges in the field of social and human [...] sciences (e.g. the World Social [...] Science Report 2010: Knowledge Divides); in the development [...]of national and local capacities [...]and policies in the field of culture and in the formulation of media legislation aligned with internationally recognized standards. unesdoc.unesco.org |
语言是土著知识世代相传的主要途径,也是土著人民文化生命力的 标 志之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Language is the main mechanism in [...] the intergenerational transmission of indigenous knowledge and is one of the signs of life of indigenous [...]peoples’ cultures. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 1974 年大会第六届特别会议上,联合国会员国庄严宣布他们“一致决心 紧急地为建立一种新的国际经济秩序而努力,这种秩序将建立在所有国家的公 [...] 正、主权平等、互相依靠、共同利益和合作的基础上,而不问它们的经济和社会 [...] 制度如何,这种秩序将纠正不平等和现存的非正义并且使发达国家与发展中国家 之间日益扩大的鸿沟有 可能消除,并保证目前一代和将来世世代代在和平和正义 [...]中稳步地加速经济和社会发展”(第 3201(S-VI)号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the sixth special session of the General Assembly in 1974, States Members of the United Nations solemnly proclaimed their “united determination to work urgently for the Establishment of a New International Economic Order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems which shall correct inequalities and redress existing [...] injustices, make it possible to [...] eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the [...]developing countries and ensure steadily [...]accelerating economic and social development and peace and justice for present and future generations” (resolution 3201 (S-VI)). daccess-ods.un.org |
自1983年起,她便跻身全球模特儿界迅速窜红的明星模特 儿 之 列 ,经常亮相于众 多 知 名 时尚 杂 志 的 封 面。 clarinsusa.com | From 1983 on [...] she became one of the quickest rising stars of the international modeling world, being featured on the covers of numerous international fashion magazines. clarinsusa.com |
1960 和 1970 年代所谓的绿色革命,在相当大程度上造就了世界大部分地区 的现有粮食体系,当时推动农业产量增长的途径,一方面是更密集地使用灌溉用 水以及对环境有害的化肥和杀虫剂,另一方面是推出许多新品种种子(图 O.3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In large parts of the world, food systems were shaped to a considerable extent by the so-called green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, which pushed agricultural yields as much through much more intensive use of irrigation water and environmentally harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as through the introduction of new seeds varieties (figure O.3). daccess-ods.un.org |
挂图中的数据包括农村地区的农村人口规模和增长速度、农业人口规模、 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的城市人口、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化 碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。 daccess-ods.un.org | The data contained in the wallcharts include, for the rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size of the agricultural population, agricultural area and cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and sanitation, economically active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此,我希望各政府有關官員們在為每日有 100 個公屋、居屋單位落成以及即將有的數以千計「夾心階層」居屋單位而感 到 雀 躍 之 餘, 也撫心自問,是否為最需要這個社會照顧的最低層的㆒群㆟做了足夠的工夫? legco.gov.hk | Here, I express the hope that the competent officials of the Government, while congratulating themselves on the daily completion of 100 public housing units and Home Ownership Scheme flats and on the prospect that there will soon be thousands of housing units for the "sandwich class," will put their hands on their hearts and ask themselves if they have done enough for those living at the lowermost stratum who desperately need to be looked after by the community. legco.gov.hk |
由於務農是很多新界居民的傳統職業,受收回土地或清拆影響的 新界「農民」,可獲特別為農民而設的特惠補償安排,當中包括以莊稼在收 成後市場價格為基準而定的農作物補償;為建於私人土地上合資格農用構 築物而設的特惠津貼( 津貼參考面積及性質相類構築物的標準單位租金減 去折舊值作出估算,折舊值則按有關構築物的狀況而定);及另外因應農地 上的雜項永久改善工程而設的特惠津貼( 津貼將按更換有關項目的標準價 格減去折舊值而定),改善工程可包括農場設備及裝置,如水池、井、圍 欄 、 灌溉管道/渠道、圍牆、大閘、土堤及其他小型附設裝置。 legco.gov.hk | As farming is a traditional occupation of many New Territories residents, special ex-gratia compensation arrangements are made for “farmers” in the New Territories affected by land resumption or clearance. These include among others a crop compensation, assessed on the basis of the market value of the crops under cultivation; an ex-gratia allowance (EGA) for qualified farm structures on private land, assessed at standard rates based on the type and floor area less depreciation value which makes references to the conditions of the affected farm structures; and another EGA for miscellaneous permanent improvements to farms e.g. farm installation and fixtures such as water ponds, wells, fences, irrigation pipes/ditches, boundary walls, gates, bunds and other minor annexures, assessed at standard rates which are based on the standard replacement rates of the items less their depreciated value. legco.gov.hk |
我還記得,在 1988 年,我爭取連任區議會時,有一次請到 Martin 為我 助選,我們到了一間酒樓,借用了酒樓的麥克風呼籲選民投票支持, 怎知 全間酒樓鴉雀無聲,只聽 Martin 說話,情境至今難忘。 legco.gov.hk | I can still recall that in 1988, when I campaigned for re-election to the District Board, I once invited Martin to canvass votes for me in a restaurant. legco.gov.hk |
拟议的联合保护小组 10 个民政干事员额和职位(1 个 P-4,3 个 P-3 和 6 个 联合国志愿人 员)的任职者将勘察主要民政和军事行为者以及政治、社会及经济 背景;分析保护需要和风险,特别关注性暴力和基于性别的暴力;与军事、人道 主义和地方领导人联络,以制订应急保护计划;拟定针对具体情况的民政和军事 保护对策;确保联刚特派团军事部门与地方当局及社 区 之 间 定 期交流关于保护问 题的信息;倡导补充性人道主义活动;以及监测联合保护小组考察产生的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The incumbents of the 10 proposed Civil Affairs Officer posts and positions [...] (1 P-4, 3 P-3 and 6 [...] United Nations Volunteers) in the Joint Protection Teams would map key civilian and military actors and the political, social and economic context; analyse protection needs and risks, with special attention paid to sexual and genderbased violence; liaise with military, humanitarian and local leaders in order to prepare contingency protection plans; develop context-specific civil and military protection responses; ensure regular information sharing on protection issues between the MONUC military [...]component and the [...]local authorities and communities; advocate complementary humanitarian activities; and monitor the impact of Joint Protection Team missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
“伊本阿巴斯说,”他的手我的灵魂,以下是他的 意 志 ( 先 知 会 ) 给他的追随者 - 这是那些存在责任缺席那些转达这一信息,谨防唐“吨叛徒(如)不信道(变成异教徒)在 我 之 后 , 另一个醒目的脖子(切割的喉咙)。 mb-soft.com | Ibn Abbas added, "By Him in Whose Hand [...] my soul is, the [...] following was his will (Prophet's will) to his followers:--It is incumbent upon those who are present to convey this information to those who are absent Beware don't renegade (as) disbelievers (turn into infidels) after me, Striking the necks (cutting [...]the throats) of one another. mb-soft.com |