

单词 燃眉



extreme emergency

See also:

fig. spark off (hopes)
start (debate)
raise (hopes)

upper margin


light v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 惠津貼,並在有需要時為受影響的地段擁有人提供臨時撥款,以解決 他們燃眉之急
In addition, the Administration also undertook to expedite the grant of compensation and ex-gratia
allowances, and provide provisional payment to affected lot owners where
[...] necessary to alleviate imminent financial hardships.
The Government should also speed up its study on the feasibility of widening Tuen
Mun Highway as well as the implementation of the widening work of Castle Peak Road in
[...] order to cater to the pressing need.
我在2008年給政府的建議書中寫道:“我們建議政府向每名 巿民派發5,000元,以解基層勞工及中產人 燃眉 之 急
In the proposal I handed to the Government in 2008, I stated, "We suggest that the Government should
hand out $5,000 to each member of the public to address
[...] the pressing needs of grass-roots [...]
workers and the middle class.
资助采用现金补贴到户的形式,帮助贫困家庭应对家庭收入日益减少的状况,解决他们 燃眉 之 急
The support is reaching families
with cash transfers to cushion them from their dwindling household incomes and help to meet
[...] their urgent household needs.
鑒 於本港現 行追討贍養費的機制效果欠佳
,本會促請政府 改 善 追討贍養費的程序,以提高效率,並 且 成立贍養費局為 單親家庭收發贍養費,避免該等家庭因贍養費被拖欠 而 經 濟 出 現 困難,同 時使那些合資格 領 取
[...] 綜 援人士,可 以即時獲得 發放援助金 ,以燃眉之 急
That, as the existing mechanism in Hong Kong for the recovery of alimony is ineffective, this Council urges the Government to improve the procedure for recovering alimony so as to enhance its efficiency, and to set up an alimony council to assist in the collection and payment of alimony to single-parent families, in order to prevent them from suffering financial difficulties due to defaulted alimony and enable those people who are eligible
for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to receive assistant payment immediately, so
[...] as to meet their urgent needs.
正是由於這個原因,民主改革已到 燃眉 之 急 的地步,更何況普選是《基本 法》的目標和承諾。
It is precisely for this reason that democratic reform has become a matter of great urgency, not to mention that universal suffrage is a goal and pledge of the Basic Law.
她重 申,為解燃眉之急,政府當局只應尋求運用最低限度 的權力,藉以提供所需的協助。
She reiterated her view that given the urgency of the matter, the Administration should only seek the minimal powers to enable it to provide the necessary assistance.
雖 然 行 政長官 在 今 年 的 施 政 報 告 中 , 給予我 們 的 印 象 是 積 極 加大基 建 投 資,以 刺激經濟及創 造就業,但所提的基建 項 目 , 有不少 是 幾 年後的發展
[...] 計 劃,並不能 解決建造 業及該行業 從 業員燃 眉 之 急
Despite the impression made by the Chief Executive in the policy address this year that more investments will be made in infrastructure projects in a bid to stimulate the economy and create employment, quite a number of the projects mentioned will be
launched only a few years from now and will not serve to
[...] meet the dire needs of the construction [...]
industry and its employees.
所 以,民建聯要求特區政府要為受最低工資影響的失業人士,提供針對 性的臨時失業補助金,以協助因最低工資制度的推行而失業的人士, 幫助他們解燃眉之急 ,亦讓他們有時間適應就業市場的新環境。
Hence, the DAB requests the SAR Government to provide a dedicated unemployment subsidy to unemployed persons affected by the minimum wage on a temporary basis, so as to provide them with assistance, help them tide the difficulty and give them time to adapt to the new environment in the labour market.
然而, 如果說要搶燃眉之急,我當然相信,除了賣地外,亦要以立法來令市 [...]
民作出畢生的投資時可以得到公道,這也是很重要的,這便不會使樓價 因為地產發展商所出的口術和甚麼意向價等,而令市民有所損失。
Nevertheless, when it comes to attending to the
[...] most pressing needs, I certainly believe [...]
that apart from land sales, it is also
imperative to ensure by way of legislation that members of the public making investment with the savings of their entire life can get a fair deal, so that they will not suffer any loss in terms of property prices because of developers' verbal coercion and the so-called intended prices.
(2) 為有經濟困難的失業人士提供短期(約兩個月)的失 業救濟支援,以紓燃眉之急
(2) To provide short-term (about 2 months) jobless allowance for those unemployed with financial
[...] difficulties to cope with urgent needs.
[...] 石議員亦曾出錢出力,帶頭成立建造業關懷基金,以協助因工受傷而 不獲賠償的自僱工友解燃眉之急,亦幫助在工作時間猝死的工友的 [...]
In particular, in the construction industry, Mr SHEK has also put in his money and efforts and taken the lead in establishing the Construction Charity Fund to assist self-employed workers who were injured in work but
could not get any compensation in meeting
[...] their pressing needs, and he also helped [...]
the family members of workers who died suddenly in work.
我們希望政府可以協助他們解燃眉 之 急 ,並認真考慮 “五無戶”和 “十無戶”的需要。
We hope that the Government can help them meet this pressing need and seriously consider the needs of the "five-have-nots" and "ten-have-nots" households.
(第 162 至 164 段) 联黎部队给供应商至少 10 天时间准备强制性实地 访问燃眉之急或紧急情况除外。
UNIFIL gives vendors at least 10 calendar days to prepare for mandatory site visits, except for immediate operational requirements or exigency situations.
刪 除 “ 敦 促”, 並 以 “促請”代替 ; 及 刪 除 “參考 外 國經驗 ,立即設 立 一 個切合本 地 實 況 和 合 乎 經 濟 效益的 中 介 組織, 負責贍 養 費 的 收 取、追 討、發 放 及 各種有 關 的工作 ”,並 以 “改善 追
討 贍 養 費 的程序 , 以 提 高 效 率 , 並且擬 訂 措 施 , 讓那些因 贍 養 費 被 拖 欠 而 經 濟出現困難 的 合 資 格 領取綜 援 人士,可
[...] 以 即時獲得發 放援助 金 , 以燃 眉 之 急 ” 代 替 。
To delete "draw on overseas experience and immediately set up an intermediary organization, which matches the actual local circumstances and is cost-effective, to take charge of the collection, recovery and payment of alimony as well as other relevant work" and substitute with "improve the procedure for recovering alimony so as to enhance its efficiency, and to draw up measures to enable those people who have financial difficulties due to defaulted alimony and are eligible
for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to receive assistance payment immediately,
[...] so as to meet their urgent needs".
当然,我们的所有努力目前侧重于海地人民燃 眉之急,但我们也必须开始思考未来以及过渡到复原 和重建问题。
All of our efforts are, of course, currently focused on the immediate needs of the Haitian people, but we also have to start thinking about the future, the transition to recovery and reconstruction.
患病儿童学校”解决燃眉之急 ——通过小范围集中教学或病床边一对一教学的方式在医院授课。
The “Schule für Kranke München” [school for sick pupils] provides a solution – offering teaching in the hospital, either in small groups or in the form of individual bedside classes.
我在去年的施政報告辯論中論及管 治的問題,我引述:“......行政長官一方面缺乏民眾的認受性和面向人民
[...] 以及公共政策及財富分配的失衡......推動政制改革. .. . . . 燃眉 之 急的是 穩定和進步的社會,是人民能安居樂業,對公平公正有信心的社會......貧 [...]
Last year, I talked about good governance in the debate on the policy address and I quote, "…… We can see that there is already a governance crisis, as well as unbalanced public policies and distribution of wealth, as a result of the Chief Executive's lack of public acceptance and public accountability and, the excessive influence, and even control, by
the business sector……promoting
[...] constitutional reform…… An even more pressing [...]
task is to build a stable and progressive society,
where people can work and live in peace and have faith in justice…… Society cannot be considered to be fair and just if there is a widening gap between the rich and the poor, and if people still cannot earn enough to feed their families even after toiling round the clock.
政 府 今 次 願意將超 低 硫柴油稅優惠期延 長,可 以 紓 解 運輸業司機 和 車 主燃 眉 之 急 , 然而, 我今天對 9 個月後香港經 濟 復 甦 的 進展情況, 以 及運輸 業司機 和 車 主的生活改善 , 卻 不 敢 樂 觀 。
The willingness of the Government to extend the concessionary period will alleviate the pressing difficulties of drivers and vehicle owners in the transport industry. However, today I dare not be too optimistic about the progress of our economic recovery, and about any improvements to the livelihood of drivers and owners nine months down the road.
我在此請官員們對租援計劃廣 作宣傳,並多方便一些租援申請者令他們申請較為容易;既然他們是符合資 格,便要協助他們申請辦理,以解他們 燃眉 之 急
I would like to call on the officials to promote the RAS and provide greater convenience to the applicants so as to make it easier for them to make applications. Since they are eligible, so you should assist them in making the applications in order to help them solve their pressing problems.
[...] 确保所请求的额外资源额度不高,同时还要达成解决非索特派 燃眉 之 急 的目的。
As these proposals will require additional financing from Member States, efforts have been made to ensure that the
additional resources requested are modest, while also achieving the objective of
[...] addressing the most urgent needs of AMISOM.
这些项目将帮助解决达尔富尔民众 燃眉 之 急
Those projects will help address
[...] the immediate needs of the population [...]
of Darfur.
因此,我們必須立即採取行動,不但要 擴大現有的廢物處理設施,還要發展新的廢物處理設施,以 燃眉 之 急和 最終達到長遠的廢物管理指標。
Immediate action is required to expand the existing waste management facilities and develop new waste treatment facilities, in order to avert our waste crisis and to achieve our long-term waste management targets.
但是,幫助 失業市民尋找工作,不等同於解決了市民面對他們在失業問題上的困
[...] 境,只有經濟上的支援政策才能夠幫助這些失業人士,可以穩定社會民 心,只有經濟上的支援政策,才能夠解決失業市民 燃眉 之 急
But, helping the unemployed find jobs does not mean resolving the difficulties they face for only policies on financial
assistance will be able to help these people and soothe public sentiments and address
[...] the pressing needs of the unemployed.
[...] 商法規的內地律師,為前來求助的港商提供即時的法律諮詢服務,指示 解決問題的方向,替前來求助的港人解 燃眉 之 急
The office may consider employing a few more mainland lawyers who will be stationed in the office and are well versed with the laws and regulations governing the operation of businesses in Shenzhen to provide Hong Kong businessmen approaching the office for assistance with immediate legal advice, provide them with guidance on the direction to be
taken for the problems to be solved, and address
[...] the urgent needs of the Hong [...]
Kong people who approach the office for assistance.
環球Zakat慈善基金同時管理多個慈善基金,總值超過30億美元,為全球重大問題,尤其是面對全球數十年來罕見的金融危機,解 燃眉 之 急
The proposed Global Zakat and Charity Fund will manage charitable funds to address needy causes in the world and aims to raise US$750 million within the first year which will increase to over US$3 billion once commitments are realised.
她呼吁广大捐 助者、人道主义机构、国际社会大幅增加对难民的 援助,以解难民燃眉之急 ,同时解决让如此之多 的人口陷于危险的长期根本性问题。
She called on donors, humanitarian agencies and the international community at large to scale up their assistance both to meet the immediate needs of refugees and to tackle the long term, underlying problems that had left so many people in danger.
當 局 去 年 中 曾 表 示 目前東 鐵 的 過 境 客 運 服 務 雖 足以應付 需 求,不過仍 會 透 過種種短 期措施疏 導 過 境人潮 , 以燃眉之急
In the middle of last year, the authorities said that while the existing cross-boundary passenger service of the East Rail could cope with the demand, short-term measures would still be adopted to ease the passenger congestion which was a pressing problem.




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