

单词 燃点

点燃 ()

set on fire

See also:

fig. spark off (hopes)
start (debate)
raise (hopes)

External sources (not reviewed)

使用《材料安全数据表》,以确定材料的 燃点 和 闪 点温度,也可咨询跨骏工程塑料制品公司的服务人员。
Use Material Safety Data Sheets to
[...] determine auto-ignition and flashpoint [...]
temperatures of material or consult Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products.
2-1.9.10 硝化纤维花筒可用一燃点代 替 引线,这样其它针对引线的要求均不适用。
2-1.9.10 Nitrocellulose Fountains
[...] may use a point of ignition instead of a fuse, [...]
which shall not be subject to additional fuse requirements.
本仪器是本公司按《公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程JTJ052-2000》中T0611-1993沥青 点 及 燃点 试 验 方法(克利夫兰开口杯)开发研制的,适用于测定粘碉石油沥青、煤沥青及闪点在79℃以上的液体石油沥青材料的 点 和 燃点 , 以 评定施工安全性时使用,使用简单、方便,实现了试验过程自动化和数字化。
This instrument is the company on the basis of" highway engineering asphalt and asphalt mixture test code
JTJ052 2000" T0611-1993
[...] asphalt flash and fire point test method ( Cleveland cup ) developed, was applied to the determination of viscosity of petroleum asphalt, coal tar pitch and built in 79 degrees above the flash point of liquid petroleum asphalt material flash point and ignition, with the evaluation [...]
construction safety
when in use, the use of simple, convenient, realizes the test automation and digitalization.
将可能会燃烧的元件置于填充有砂子或类似惰性粉末的外壳中,这样当产生电弧时,电弧就不 点燃 外 部的爆炸性环境。
Potentially incendive components are placed within an enclosure filled with sand or a
similar inert powder so that when an arc occurs, the arc will not
[...] be liable to ignite the external [...]
explosive atmosphere.
[...] 某些群体成员的暴力行为,而在和平进程中如果处理不当也可能重 点燃 冲 突
In addition to potentially triggering a conflict, these scourges may exacerbate violence perpetrated against members of
certain groups in a situation of conflict
[...] and may also reignite a conflict if [...]
not adequately addressed during the peace process.
本标准适用于点燃式发 动机或压燃式发动机为动力,最大设计车速大于或等于 [...]
50 km/h 的轻型 汽车的环境标志产品认证。
This standard is applicable to the certification of
environmental labeling products ── light-duty
[...] vehicles powered by ignited engine or compressed [...]
combustion engine with maximum designed speed no less than 50 km/h.
这些电火花 可能点燃喷涂区域内易燃液体的蒸气、粉尘颗粒及其 它易燃物质。
These sparks can ignite fumes from flammable liquids, dust particles, and other flammable substances in the spray area.
美国 20
[...] 年来在整个国际舞台上推行不明智政策,对我国所在区域造成不可 避免的影响。该政策的倾向点燃区 域不稳定热点和危机,以通过“危机管理” 无限期操控受影响各国人民的苦难和经济贫困。
The ill-advised policies that the United States has pursued in the past 20 years in the international arena as a whole, with its inevitable ramifications in
our specific region, are
[...] characterized by a propensity to instigate flashpoints of regional instability [...]
and crises so as to
control, for an indefinite period of time, the suffering of the affected peoples and the economic destitution of countries through “crisis management”.
亚历山大(相对于安提阿)成为学说城堡的这一点,西里尔,虽然被视为正统的,在本质上提供相同的是燃料的 点燃 了 他 的继任者,Dioscorus和欧迪奇,谁否认身体基督作为机构男子。
Alexandria (as opposed to Antioch) became the citadel of this
doctrine, and Cyril, although deemed
[...] orthodox, furnished fuel for the fire kindled by his successor, [...]
Dioscorus, and Eutyches, who
denied that Christ's body was the same in essence as the bodies of men.
[...] 面解决办法的谈判和恢复对抗二者之间交替进行,我 们不能让黎巴嫩的火花再点燃中东 冲突。
With the situation in the region currently alternating between a return to negotiations on a comprehensive Arab-Israeli
settlement and a return to confrontation, we cannot allow the Lebanese
[...] spark to again ignite conflict in the [...]
Middle East.
在工作室中,当年让乐队成员们走到一起的那种激情和灵感重新 点燃 , 化作直击人心的不和谐之声、让人窒息的鼓点、令人目眩的吉他以及切切恳求的歌词,并通过这样的方式将他们来自挪威西海岸的迷幻曲风变成了更加凝重的肃穆。
In the studio, the fire that originally [...]
had them come together was once again relit, resolving into squeaking dissonances,
death-bringing drums, piercing guitars and pleading lyrics and thereby swapping their west coast psychedelia for darker matter.
根据颜料微粒比表面积的大小以及它们的微细程度,铝颜料的最 点燃 能 量 需求有着明显的不同。
The minimum ignition energy of aluminium pigments depends significantly on the specific surface area of the pigment particles and on their degree of fineness.
不管是为了纪念这一事件,还是只因为有趣,每个瑞士地区现在 点燃 篝 火 ,放烟花,儿童游行队伍举着点缀着瑞士十字或州标志的纸灯穿过街道,人们在窗 点燃 蜡 烛
Whether in remembrance of this event, or just because it is fun, every Swiss commune now lights its own bonfire and sets off fireworks,
and children parade
[...] through the streets with paper lanterns - often decorated with the Swiss cross or the symbols of the cantons - and people light candles in their windows.
与挥发溶剂和空气的混合物相比 点燃 粉 末空气混合物所需求的能量要高50到100倍。
Compared to solvent vapour/ air mixtures, a powder/air mixture requires 50 to
[...] 100 times more energy for ignition.
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言, 为数百万的人们重点燃了希 望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞 争优势的部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的 地理境遇给他们带来的贫困。
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to exploit fully those sectors where they had a competitive advantage; to benefit from the opportunities offered by their full participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
她的声音将回荡在每次宣读的誓言中,她的火焰将在每 点燃 火 炬时亮起,她的伟大遗产将通过世界上每天举办的每次竞赛和每位运动员而继续存在并发扬光大。
Her voice will echo each time the oath is recited, her fire will burn
[...] each time the flame is lit and her [...]
legacy will live and grow through every athlete
in every competition, daily, around the world.
据称,当点燃地毯 时,他对这位妇女 说,“这是给你的开斋节礼物,你这个穆斯林”。
As he set the carpet alight, he allegedly [...]
told her: “this is your Eid present, you Muslim”.
[...] 发冲突,加剧在冲突局势中对某些群体成员的暴力,或者如果没有在和平进程框 架内得到充分解决,也可以再点燃 冲 突
These scourges may trigger a conflict, exacerbate violence perpetrated against members
of certain groups in a situation of
[...] conflict or may also reignite a conflict if [...]
not adequately addressed within the framework of a peace process.
2008 年期间:(a) 1 月,刚果日内瓦委员会会议;(b) 9
月在日内瓦,切实执行德 班宣言和行动纲领国际工作组;(c) 9 月在巴黎,新闻部第 61 届年会;(d) 11 月,
[...] 与联合国开发计划署合作举行点燃 塞 拉 利昂希望”会议;(e)参与联合国高级别 [...]
和新闻部组织的会议;以及(f) 与欧洲委员会和协会组织保持联络。
During 2008: (a) Congo Geneva Committee Meeting, in January; (b) International Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, in September, in Geneva; (c) 61st Annual Department of
Public Information Conference, in September,
[...] in Paris; (d) Hope-Sierra Leone meeting [...]
in partnership with the United Nations
Development Programme, in November; (e) participated in high-level United Nations meetings and civil society forums, as well as seminars organized by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and conferences organized by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the Department of Public Information; and (f) liaised between the Council of Europe and Association organizations.
点燃了新的希望:国际社会也许可以通过在这些重要成就和新 达成谅解的基础上再接再厉,从而在可预见的未来实 [...]
New hope was kindled that, by building [...]
on these critical achievements and emerging understanding, the international community
could realize the vision of a nuclear-weapons free world in the foreseeable future.
5.3 他担心订于2011年11月28 日举行的刚果民主共和国总统选举会使约瑟 夫·卡比拉再次连任,他有卢旺达血统,因而有可能再 点燃 种 族紧张局势,给 他们带来酷刑风险,并使包括申诉人及其子女在内的人们的生命受到攻击。
5.3 He fears that the presidential election scheduled for 28 November 2011 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which could result in the re-election of Joseph Kabila, who is of Rwandan origin, might once again stir up ethnic tensions, bringing with them the risk of torture and attacks on people’s lives, including his and his children’s.
静电火花 可能导致气点燃或爆炸。
Static sparking can
[...] cause fumes to ignite or explode.
为了做到这一点,他们必须有一个衡量的勇气,爱和创业板冰环 点燃 希 望的永恒的火焰。
In order to accomplish this, they must have a measure of courage, a ring of love and a gem
[...] of ice lit by hope’s eternal flame.
然而,联合国持发大会的筹备进程可 以重点燃这种 热情,特别是因为信息和通信技术使得地方当局、民间社会组织 和其他行动方以 20 年前无法想象的方式建立全球联系网络。
The preparatory process for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development could reignite this enthusiasm, especially given that information and communications technologies have made possible global networking among local authorities, civil society organizations and other actors in a manner that would have been inconceivable 20 years ago.
特雷弗使用后火点燃的镁 ,喷泉瞪了他们和地球的中心。
After Trevor
[...] uses a flare to ignite the magnesium, [...]
a geyser shoots them up and out of the Center of the Earth.
两年来,我们重点燃了整个国际社会以及所有合作机构的教育主管的 热情,其程度可以说是 1990 年以来前所未见。
For two years, we re-energized the entire international community and the five heads of the education for all partner agencies, at a level, I would add, not seen since 1990.
[...] 全面施加军事压力,而延坪岛炮击事件则是第二次有计划的挑衅,旨在对朝鲜民 主主义人民共和点燃战火
TheCheonan case was the initial provocation to put overall military pressure on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in conspiracy with foreign forces while the
Yonphyong shelling was the second planned
[...] provocation to ignite a war against the [...]
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
1-1.1 本标准适用于传统的手持式产品(如 烟花棒、火花条和晨光花)由金属线或木杆或 竹杆覆盖或裹着烟火药,点燃后产 生火花的产 品,该产品一般都是将若干个产品包装成一包 或一盒作为一个销售单位。
1-1.1 This Standard applies to the manufacture of the traditional category of hand held items (such as Dipped Sticks, Sparklers, and Morning Glories) consisting of a spark-producing pyrotechnic composition, either coated on a wire, wood, or bamboo stick, or contained in a tube which is consumed during functioning and typically attached to a stick.




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