

单词 熟道儿

See also:


familiar adj
skilled adj
cooked adj
ripe adj

ripe (of fruit)
cooked (of food)
mature (of seeds)


son n

External sources (not reviewed)

结果对儿童生活的影响越大,儿童 成 熟 程 度 进行适当评估的意义就越 大。
The greater the impact of the outcome on the life of the child, the more relevant the appropriate
[...] assessment of the maturity of that child.
关于决策进程的各个方面,代表们必须具备充分 的知识和了解,并且富有儿童打交 道 的 经 验。
Representatives must have sufficient
knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of the decision-making process
[...] and experience in working with children.
第三条规定,凡未满18 岁者,即使他已经熟,均属于儿童, 从而阐明了儿童的概念,确立了比《公约》所述更宽泛的概 念。
Article 3 defines a child those
below the age of eighteen years,
[...] even if (s)he attains maturity earlier. Thus the [...]
concept of the child is expounded so
as to entail a broader concept than that adopted in the Convention.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到 道 国 政 府改 革后的安全部门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
要根儿童的年龄及其熟情 况儿童的意见(第 2(f)条)。
The child’s opinion will be
[...] weighed according to his/her age and his/her maturity (section 2(f)).
如果涉及到的群体是一种持久稳定结构的一部 分,例如家庭、一类学生或特定居住区的居民,那么将有助于 儿 童 年 龄和熟 程度的评估。
The task of assessing a child’s age and maturity is facilitated when the group in question is a component of an enduring structure, such as a family, a class of schoolchildren
or the residents of a particular neighbourhood, but is made
[...] more difficult when children express themselves collectively.
(b) 确保在收养过程中,根据年龄和熟 度 , 对 儿 童 的意见给予应有的重 视,并将儿童的最大利益作为首要考虑
(b) Ensure that the child’s views are given due weight, having regard to age and maturity, in the adoption [...]
process and that the best
interests of the child are the paramount consideration
(f) 有需要解決香港道路標誌不足的問題,並在本港更 廣泛應用全球衛星定位系統的技術,方便對本道 路不熟悉的來港內地司機。
(f) there was a need to rectify the inadequacy of signage on Hong Kong roads and widen the application of the global positioning
system technology in Hong Kong to facilitate visiting Mainland
[...] drivers who were not familiar with the roads in Hong Kong.
道德操守办公室将继续开展针对维和特派团工作人员的外联活动,让工作人熟悉道德操 守办公室的服务,并鼓励工作人员咨询有关问题,如道德操守问题 [...]
The Ethics Office will continue its outreach activities with
respect to peacekeeping mission staff,
[...] with the aims of familiarizing staff with the [...]
services of the Office and encouraging
them to consult on such issues as confidential ethics advice, training, protection against retaliation and the financial disclosure programme.
委员会认识到中小型企业对于国家经济的重要性以及这些企业面 临的各种问题,包括以下方面的问题:获得资金的适当 道 、 技 术、 市场熟练劳工、冗长繁杂的海关手续、以及遵守各种标准和认证要 求的必要性。
The Committee recognized the importance of SMEs to the national economy as well as the problems they faced, including those related to proper access to finance, technology, markets, skilled labour, cumbersome customs procedures, and the need to conform to standards and certification requirements.
不过,委员会对以下情况表示遗憾:缺乏信息,无法确切 道儿 童 权 利 是否被纳入学校课程;执法人员、医护专业人员、教师、保健人员以及社会事务 [...]
人员是否尤其被列为此种培训和讲习班的对象,或者,是否采取了任何其它措 施,以便向这几类人员宣传《公约》和介绍委员会的审议情况。
However, the Committee regrets lack of information
[...] as to whether children’s rights are [...]
included in the school curricula and whether
law enforcement officials, health professionals, teachers, health workers, and social workers are particularly included as targets of such training and seminars or if there are any other measures taken to disseminate information to such groups on the Convention and the Committee’s deliberations.
在其他情况下,据称叛乱 分子利用儿童作为代理炸弹手,而这 儿 童 不 知 道 他 们 携有炸药,有人拟在儿童 不知情的情况下遥控引爆。
In other instances, insurgents have
[...] allegedly used children as proxy bombers who did not know they were [...]
carrying explosives that were
intended to be detonated remotely without their knowledge.
每所學校在整個學年裡都將不斷進行應急演練, 使得學生和教職員工道並熟悉最 有效和最安全 的應急措施和程式。
Every school conducts emergency drills throughout the school year so that students and staff are aware of the most effective and safe emergency responses.
确认在儿童行使表达意见权利时,各国应尊重父母或于适用情况中尊重 当地习俗认定的大家庭或社区成员、法定监护人或其他对儿童负有法律责任的人 的责任、权利和义务,以符儿童年 龄、 熟 程 度 和不同阶段接受能力的方式, 提供适当的引导和指导
Recognizes that, in the exercise by the child of his or her right to be heard, States shall respect the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents or, where applicable, the members of the extended family or community, as provided for by local custom, legal guardians or other
persons legally
[...] responsible for the child to provide, in a manner consistent with the age, maturity and evolving capacities [...]
of the child, appropriate direction and guidance
突尼斯:过去四五年来,教科文组织 儿 童 基 金会 道 参 与 了全民教育监测、学前教 育、保留中小学教育领域的工作。
Tunisia: Over the past four to five years, UNESCO
[...] intervened jointly with UNICEF in the areas of EFA monitoring, [...]
pre-school education, and
retention in primary and secondary education.
[...] with its partners, UNICEF distributes ITNs [...]
using routine health services and campaign approaches.
(d) 倘於每間工廠的地面任何地方或使用或儲存爆炸物或高度易燃物品的地方 僱用逾十位工人,須採取有效措施確保所有工人 熟 悉 消防 通 道 並 已 接受 充分的相關培訓。
(d) In every factory wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosives or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures shall be taken
to ensure that
[...] all the workers are familiar with the means of [...]
escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such case.
主轴则为文化间性质;优先着重最贫穷的人;两性平等;投资于 儿儿 童 ;道德; 保全环境;公民参与;尊重人权。
Their crosscutting themes consider interculturality, the prioritization of the
poorest, gender equity,
[...] investment in infants and children, ethics and morals, environmental [...]
conservation, civic participation and respect for human rights.
作为一个良好惯例,所有机构和设施均应有系统地确保在雇用照料者和其 他直接儿童打交道的工 作人员之前,对其是否适合从事儿童工作做出适当的和 [...]
As a matter of good practice, all agencies and facilities should systematically ensure that, prior to
employment, carers and other staff in
[...] direct contact with children undergo an appropriate [...]
and comprehensive assessment of
their suitability to work with children.
自 2005 年起,学校必须保障服务内所有儿童的学习机 会儿童熟练运 用学校教学语言的程度不论。
Since 2005, schools must guarantee an opportunity to study for all children in their service area regardless of the child’s level of proficiency in the language of instruction of the school.
其實,㆒個熟的政府,當道議員 的取向時,就應預 先做好游說工作,這樣就可避免今次的尷尬局面。
As a matter of fact, a government with enough sophistication should do some lobbying beforehand once legislators’ views are clear to them.
儿童的成熟,行 使这些权利能帮助儿童实现儿童所有的权利,也 能够为他们在社会中发挥积极作用做好准备。
[...] these rights as they mature helps children bring [...]
about the realization of all their rights and prepares them for an active role in society.
其中强调的成果包括:毫不 动摇地致力于实现千年发展目标;强烈支持粮食保障;保护儿童权利、两性平等 和制止对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的战斗;与合作伙伴 道 , 为 在 儿 童 保 健、营养、 教育、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、紧急人道主义援助和其他中期战略计划领域取得全球 进展作出具体贡献;推出改善该组织的许多举措;对实现、监测和报告成果的重 视更加突出;推动更加强化和更有战略性的伙伴关系和协作关系;平稳指导该组 织度过全球经济衰退;继续支持联合国全系统的协调一致。
Among the results highlighted were an unwavering commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals; the strong support for food security, protection of children’s rights, gender equality and the fight to end violence against women and children; specific contributions, with partners, to global advances in child health, nutrition, education, HIV/AIDS, emergency humanitarian assistance and other areas of the medium-term strategic plan; the launching of the organizational improvement initiatives; a sharper focus on achieving, monitoring and reporting on results; the drive for strengthened and more strategic partnerships and collaborative relationships; a steady steering of the organization through the global economic downturn; and continued support for United Nations system-wide coherence.
委员会建议缔约国重新考虑《任择议定书》涵盖的违法行为的时效期限, 使其在受儿童达到成熟年龄 后才开始。
(24) The Committee recommends that the State party reconsider the limitation period for
offences covered under the Optional Protocol so that they
[...] commence only after the child victim has reached the [...]
age of majority.
(g) 还关注索马里境内,特别是中部和南部地区,继续缺少人道主义援助准 入及其对千百万儿童的有害影响,呼吁冲突各方确保人道主义援助不受阻碍和安 全地送达儿童,尊重援助的纯粹 道 主 义 性质和中立性,不加区分地尊重所有 人道主义组织的工作; (h) 呼吁冲突各方立即停止违反适用国际法,袭击或威胁袭击以及占领学校 和医院,保持按照国际道主义法为 儿 童 提 供居所、照顾儿童需要的民事机构的 中立和安全。
(g) Also expressing concern about the
continuing lack of humanitarian access in Somalia and its detrimental impact on millions
[...] of children, particularly in the central and southern regions, and calling upon all parties to the conflict to ensure unhindered and safe humanitarian access to children, respect the exclusively humanitarian nature and impartiality of aid and respect the work of all humanitarian organizations, without [...]
在 10 月 19 日至 21 日期间,联苏特派团、联刚特派团、联合 儿 童 基 会 (儿 童基金会)、道协调 厅、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)和一些非政 [...]
府组织召开会议,以便在处理上帝军在中非共和国、刚果民主共和国、苏丹南部 和乌干达严重侵犯儿童权利行为方面加强联合国的协调。
From 19 to 21 October, UNMIS, MONUC, the
United Nations Children’s
[...] Fund (UNICEF), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the Office [...]
of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and a number of non-governmental organizations met to promote enhanced United Nations coordination on addressing the LRA’s grave child rights violations in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Southern Sudan and Uganda.
法律厅在 2009 年给特别代表的一份说明中道,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在附 [...]
件标题中使用了这一术语,而没有得到安全理事会的 明确任务授权,也未为此得到其认可,这种情况给秘 书长、特别代表以及整个秘书处都带来了法律、政治 和实际的困难。
In a note to the Special Representative in 2009, the Office wrote that that this terminology has been
used by the Special Representative of
[...] the Secretary-General for Children and Armed [...]
Conflict in the title of the annex, without
a clear mandate of the Security Council nor, for that matter, its endorsement, and that that situation gives rise to legal, political and practical difficulties for the Secretary-General, the Special Representative and the Secretariat as a whole.




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