

单词 熟道



well-trodden path
familiar road

See also:

ripe (of fruit)
mature (of seeds)
cooked (of food)

External sources (not reviewed)

科技令他們原本並未熟的道德觀 、價值觀,諸如私隱權、兩性關係、尊重 他人、個人操守等價值觀受到更大的扭曲,不利他們的成長。
Their immature moral concepts and values [...]
such as the right to privacy, gender relationship, respect for the others and personal
integrity are severely distorted further by technology, and this is detrimental to their growth.
因 此,不管多么岌岌可危和不熟,东 道 国 政 府和当地 政治行为者必须进行参与。
Engagement of the host Government and local political actors, however instable and rudimentary they may be, is therefore essential.
这 种 途 径 可 以 源 自 您 的 既
[...] 有 网 络 , 它 或 许 更 像熟”道,而不是上文提到的“生”道;在短时间内, [...]
后一种途径更有可能获得成功,因为产业合作伙伴了解 您,或者至少通过您的研究网络了解您,这也再次强调了 拥有良好研究网络的重要性
This approach is one that could
arise from your established networks and is
[...] perhaps more of a “known” approach than [...]
the “cold” approach listed above. This latter
approach is more likely to be successful in a shorter period because the industry partner knows you, or at least knows of you, via your research networks which emphasises again the importance of having a good research network
道德操守办公室将继续开展针对维和特派团工作人员的外联活动,让工作人熟悉道德操 守办公室的服务,并鼓励工作人员咨询有关问题,如道德操守问题 [...]
The Ethics Office will continue its outreach activities with
respect to peacekeeping mission staff,
[...] with the aims of familiarizing staff with the [...]
services of the Office and encouraging
them to consult on such issues as confidential ethics advice, training, protection against retaliation and the financial disclosure programme.
每款氣味的構想來自自然,也跟設計師的風格緊扣 — Toga的古田泰子便認為,只有大自然才能喚醒城市裡醉酒笙歌的人們 — 從而令她聯想到琥珀色的威士忌,香水靈感跟衣服的硬朗 熟 味 道 一 脈 相承。
Yasuko Furuta at Toga considers the nature as the special potion for those who dwell in the excesses of a city — the amber hue of Toga perfume is inspired by whisky.
日,与红十字委员会合作举办了讲习班,使检察官办 公室和司法部的职员及法熟悉国际 人 道 主 义 法。
A workshop was held in cooperation with the ICRC during 18-20 May 2008, 10-11
May 2009, and 23-25
[...] May 2010 to familiarize employees of the Public Prosecution Office and the Ministry of Justice and judges with international humanitarian law.
發生意 外的原 因 ,會否並不關 乎 到 達
[...] 前 有否知會,而 是關乎 內 河船隻是熟 悉香港的道 , 又或其 操 作 方 式 是 否與香港不同 ?
Would it be possible that the causes of those accidents lie not in the tendering or otherwise of PANs but in the fact
that the river trade vessels
[...] concerned are not familiar with the fairways in Hong Kong waters, [...]
or that their mode of operation
is different from that of Hong Kong vessels?
口感:平衡的,芳香的和複雜,帶有蜂蜜 熟 蘋 果 味
Palate : balanced, aromatic and complex with the
[...] taste of honey and ripe apple
任何土壤健康管理方式的大规模实施都需要广泛提供支持性信息,尤其是通过农民和推广人员 熟 悉 的 渠 道。
Any largescale implementation of soil health management requires that
supporting information is made widely available,
[...] particularly through channels familiar to farmers and [...]
extension workers.
(c) 人力资源管理专业人员负责履行人力资源管理职能,包括预测、规划、 人事记录、人力资源数据和信息处理以及人力资源发展,其中包括培训和继承 规划;(d) 知识丰富,技熟练和道德高尚的财政及其他资源管理人员,负责以负
(c) Human resources management professionals to execute the human resources management function, including forecasting, planning, personnel records, human resources data and information processing, and human resources development, including training and succession planning
[...] 使用混凝土和沥青混凝土、塑料薄膜等 熟 的 渠 道 防 渗 工程常用材料;鼓励在试验研 究的基础上,使用复合土工膜、改性沥青防水卷材等土工膜料以及聚合物纤维混凝 [...]
道防渗新材料、新工艺、新施工设备的研究;加强渠道防渗防冻胀技术的研究和产品 开发。
[...] common materials for mature ditch anti-seepage [...]
projects such as concrete, bituminous concrete and plastic film.
Encourage the use of geotechnic film such as compound geotechnic film, modified bituminous water-proof materials and anti-seepage materials of polymer fiber concrete, soil solidifying substance and geotechnic synthetic bentonite cushion on the basis of the experimental research.
维持和平人员需熟悉东道国的 文化和语言, 以便于与当地居民进行沟通和互动。
[...] personnel needed to be familiar with the culture [...]
and language of the host country, so as to facilitate communication
and interaction with the local population.
通过在国家一级建立生物伦理委员会 来开展能力建设计划和活动、利用包括面对面教育和在线学习等方式开展伦理教 育,包括按工作进度需要对记者进行培训,从而使他们能够对伦理挑战传达出多 元的熟谙就里的道(时 间安排:为期两年的工作计划,其中部分下放给总部 外机构执行)。
Capacity-building programmes and activities by establishing bioethics committees at national level; education in bioethics, through face-to-face and on-line modalities, including a work-inprogress for training journalists to enable them to communicate pluralistic, informed reports on bioethical challenges (time frame: two-year work plan, partly decentralized to the field).
其實,㆒個熟的政府,當道議員 的取向時,就應預 先做好游說工作,這樣就可避免今次的尷尬局面。
As a matter of fact, a government with enough sophistication should do some lobbying beforehand once legislators’ views are clear to them.
中国国际贸易促进委员会建筑材料行业分会是我国建材行业对外开展贸易促进的权威机构,始终致力于推动中外企业之间的交流与合作,具有 熟 的 *** 渠 道 及 良 好的国际声誉,与世界100多个国家和地区的工商企业界建立了广泛的经贸联系渠道;中国石材协会是我国最具权威和话语权的专业石材机构,涵盖石材矿山、石材加工、石材应用护理、石材贸易与流通、科研、石材专业检测等方面,在政府和企业之间发挥着重要的桥梁和纽带作用;北京华港展览有限公司作为专业的展览主办,拥有丰富的海内外展览资源和推广途径。
China Council for the promotion of International Trade Building Materials Industry Association China's building materials industry authority for developing foreign trade promotion, has always been committed to promoting exchanges and
cooperation between Chinese and foreign
[...] companies, with a mature * * * channels and a good international [...]
reputation, to establish
a wide range of economic and trade channels of communication with the world more than 100 countries and areas of the business community; China Stone Association is a professional stone institutions of China's most authoritative and discourse right, covering the stone mining, stone processing, the application of nursing, stone stone trade and circulation, scientific research, stone professional detection etc., play an important bridge and link between the government and enterprises; the Ciec Exhibition Company Limited as a professional organizer, with overseas exhibition and promotion of rich resources.
善用恶意骇客所使用的工具熟练 的认 证 道 德 骇 客(CEH)能够探测到入侵者与系统中的弱点与漏洞。
Utilizing the same tools as a malicious hacker,
[...] the skilled Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is able [...]
to detect intruders and the weaknesses
and vulnerabilities in the system.
大家都道,熟悉國 情 的人 ─ 像林局長般 ─ 都知道,中共中央政治局這個局很厲害,它決 [...]
As we all know, and as people who are [...]
knowledgeable of our country's conditions, such as Secretary Stephen LAM, will know,
this Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee is very powerful, for it decides the number of Bureau Directors and the number of Secretaries of Department in Hong Kong.
根据集成合作伙伴计划,Epic向该计划中的成员提供持续的UE3代码访问权及完整的技术支持,而该成员反过来要同意通过Epic的 熟 的 支持 通 道 向 UE 3授权用户提供高层次的技术支持。
Under the IPP, Epic provides continuous UE3 source code access and full technical support to members, who
in turn agree to provide a high level of technical support for UE3
[...] licensees through Epic’s established support channels.
(d) 倘於每間工廠的地面任何地方或使用或儲存爆炸物或高度易燃物品的地方 僱用逾十位工人,須採取有效措施確保所有工人 熟 悉 消防 通 道 並 已 接受 充分的相關培訓。
(d) In every factory wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosives or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures shall be taken
to ensure that
[...] all the workers are familiar with the means of [...]
escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such case.
Reminiscent of taste and flavor associated with cooked wild duck and other "gamey" meats.
(f) 有需要解決香港道路標誌不足的問題,並在本港更 廣泛應用全球衛星定位系統的技術,方便對本道 路不熟悉的來港內地司機。
(f) there was a need to rectify the inadequacy of signage on Hong Kong roads and widen the application of the global positioning
system technology in Hong Kong to facilitate visiting Mainland
[...] drivers who were not familiar with the roads in Hong Kong.
[...] 府组织合作伙伴的协调也加强了,尤其在应急行动的头几个月,促进改善了非政 府组织之间的交流,与熟悉国际人 道 主 义 系统的海地当地组织建立了联系和伙 伴关系,确保能听到非政府组织所关切的关键问题并在应急行动中加以考虑。
Coordination was strengthened with non-governmental organization partners, particularly during the first months of the response, through the establishment of a Non-Governmental Organization Coordination Support Office, supported by two non-governmental organization consortiums, InterAction and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies, to facilitate better communication among non-governmental organizations, to create linkages and partnerships with local
Haitian organizations unfamiliar with
[...] the international humanitarian system, and to ensure [...]
that key issues of concern to non-governmental
organizations were communicated and taken into account in the response.
每所學校在整個學年裡都將不斷進行應急演練, 使得學生和教職員工道並熟悉最 有效和最安全 的應急措施和程式。
Every school conducts emergency drills throughout the school year so that students and staff are aware of the most effective and safe emergency responses.
(d) 於熟食中心外增設簷篷,以及增設 道由 2 樓通往 3熟食中 心的新樓梯,包括進行有關的改善平台地面 工程。
(d) addition of canopy outside CFC and a new staircase leading from 2/F to CFC at 3/F including associated re-roofing works.
自 1987 年颁布以来,我们的《行为规范》就一直以一系列原 则引导我们,这些原则反映了高露洁的价值观和用于规范我道德行为的熟标准
Since its launch in 1987, our Code has
guided us with a set of principles that reflect
[...] Colgate’s values and established standards governing our ethical behavior.
讲习班让记熟悉了国际道主义 体系,为可能的报道提供了参考点和建议,并就联合国和媒体在人道主义 危机,特别是本地区的危机中的作用发起了讨论。
The workshop
[...] succeeded in familiarizing journalists with the international humanitarian system, provided [...]
reference points
and suggestions for possible stories and stimulated debate about the United Nations and the media’s role in humanitarian crises, particularly those in the region.134 Notes
2.4.2 香港能否成功提供快捷可靠的運輸系統,是取決於採納一 項強調三管齊下之熟運輸政策, 道 路 使 用管理、擴充 及改善公共交通以及改善交通基建項目的政策。
2.4.2 Hong Kong’s successful provision of a highly efficient and reliable transport system hinges on the adoption of the long established transport policy with emphasis on a 3-pronged approach, comprising the management of road use, the expansion and improvement of public transport, and the improvement of transport infrastructure.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到 道 国 政 府改 革后的安全部门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
道街市及熟 食中心一般改善 工程 向財務委員會建議,把 14NM 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 6,720 萬元,用以為深水 埗保道街市及熟食中心進 行一般改善工程。
To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 14NM to Category A at an estimated cost of $67.2 million in money-of-the-day prices for carrying out general improvement works to the Po On Road Market and Cooked Food Centre, Sham Shui Po.
此外,也由于此站正是我家乡的Grand Prix赛事,加上此道是我最熟悉的一站,所以德国站对我而言别具意义!在家乡车迷们的面前竞速驰骋,能真正的感受到充满爆发力的引擎声与支持声浪,届时场上将会充满热情喧哗的赛车氛围。
Going to Germany is a bit special for me as it’s my home Grand Prix and the circuit is the one that I know the best.




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