

单词 熟无熟手

See also:

无手 adj

bodiless adj


skilled person
an experienced hand

External sources (not reviewed)

哪怕手无法无天, 也不管他们的威 胁多么严重,这都不是,也不可能成为非法或不当行为的借口。
The lawlessness of an adversary, or the severity [...]
of the threat they pose, is not and cannot be an excuse for unlawful or improper conduct.
确认联合国目前无任何机构熟悉此一技术性法律问题,并能以充分 时间致力此方面工作。
Recognizing that there is no existing United Nations
[...] organ which is both familiar with this technical [...]
legal subject and able to devote sufficient time to work in this field.
目 前 本 集 團 認 為 時 機 已經熟,著 手進 行 服 務外 包 基 地 項目 [...]
建 設 的 前期 準備工 作。
Currently the Group is of the
[...] view that the time is ripe ,and the Group is [...]
at the early stage of preparation for the construction
of services outsourcing base project.
这次双重否决使安全理事会面对叙利亚政权的 暴力手无策, 但是,法国不会听任叙利亚人民面 对这些罪行,他们是这些罪行的唯一受害者。
This double veto leaves the Security Council helpless against the violence of the Syrian regime, but France will not leave the Syrian people to face the crimes to which they are victim alone.
这样就能以最快的速度扫描零件,而不会导致测量误差,”他补充道,“REVO看起来无所不能,而且几乎没有限制 无 论 是 技术 熟 的 编程人员还是技术 手 , 都能提高检测速度。
REVO opens up a lot of possibilities, with few limitations, so speed gains are obtainable for both the higher and lower skilled programmers.
It attracts skillful pilots who fulfill their missions with the utmost concentration and personal dedication.
With the increasing maturity of 3G networks and [...]
the ubiquity of WiFi connections, network access costs for tablets has been greatly reduced.
[...] 织和海运业应发挥积极作用,参与解决在全世界范围存在的招聘和留住技 熟练 的商船手的危 机问题,以支持海上贸易。
It was recommended, inter alia, that nations, international organizations and the maritime industry take an active role
in addressing the worldwide crisis of recruiting and
[...] sustaining skilled merchant mariners to support maritime [...]
[...] 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全理事会将手无寸铁 的平民的眼中丧失所有的公 信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 [...]
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the Security Council
in particular, will lose all credibility
[...] in the eyes of unarmed civilians, who [...]
call on us to assume our responsibility for
protecting them in armed conflict.
据报告,至少 23 名巴 勒斯坦平民,全部手无寸铁 的和平示威者,被残酷杀害,另有数十人在 [...]
Majdal Shams 镇的对抗中被以色列占领军打伤。
It has been reported that at least 23 Palestinian
[...] civilians, all unarmed, peaceful protesters, [...]
were brutally killed and dozens more
were wounded by the Israeli occupying forces in the confrontation that occurred in the town of Majdal Shams.
显然,即使各国均明确主张预防,尽管现有 体制存在缺陷,但我们还没有找到更好的办法,用以 协助和加强因刚启动而脆弱的和平进程;协助需要帮 助的国家恢复能力,管理本国领土,进而避免冲突死 灰复燃;保证国际社会保持警惕,不让最脆弱者任人 宰割;一句话,动员整个国际社会参与解决我们不熟视无睹的危机。
Clearly, even if all of us clearly favour prevention, and despite the system’s imperfections, we have not yet found anything better with which to assist and strengthen nascent and therefore fragile peace processes; to assist States in need to restore their capacities, administer their territory and thus avoid a return to conflict; to guarantee the international community’s vigilance and ensure that the most vulnerable are not left all alone in facing the hangman — in a word, to involve the entire international community in the settlement of crises from which we do not want to avert our eyes.
當負 責第一把關的人員所做的資料搜集工夫不足而將有關文件呈交上級 時,上級又因太熟手”的緣故,信賴屬下同事所遞交的資料,沒有以 監督下屬的態度來審閱文件,便出現關關失守的情況。
If the officer responsible for guarding the first gate fails to collect information properly and submits the document to his supervisor, and then the supervisor, due to his extreme "skillfulness", trusts the information submitted by his subordinate and fails to vet the document with a monitoring attitude of an supervisor, it will lead to the lost of hold at various gates.
尽管做出了迅速的国际努 力,以恢复和平进程,但以色列政府非但没有做出
[...] 相应,反而继续其非人道的做法, 手无 寸 铁的巴 勒斯坦人民、他们的家园和基础设施开动其军事机 [...]
器,关闭边界过境点,限制迁徙和运输自由,并实 施封锁和集体惩罚。
Despite all the fast-paced international efforts to revive the peace process, the Israeli Government, rather than responding, continued its
inhuman practices, pitting its military
[...] machine against the unarmed Palestinian people, [...]
their homes and their infrastructure,
closing border crossing-points, limiting freedom of movement and transportation, and engaging in blockades and collective punishment.
泰国 对这一大胆任命不可熟视无睹。
The appointment was a bold move that Thailand could not ignore.
为本计划提出的某些出版项目还不够 熟 , 无 法 计算其总的预算、印数或印刷成本, 因而没有获得批准,也未列入本计划。
Publishing projects which were submitted for the plan
[...] but which were not mature enough to permit the [...]
calculation of overall budget, print
runs or printing costs were not validated and are not included in the Plan.
彭晓赤教授:粒子植入手术全程依靠高端的影像设备来引导,手术前需要进行多次CT扫描来确定肿瘤的位置及进针的位置,这要 手 术 医 生能 熟 练 操作影像诊断设备。
Prof. Peng: As radioactive particle implantation is performed under the guide of high-end imaging devices, before procedures a patient has to take multiple times of CT scan to confirm the location of tumor and the points for needle insertion.
联合王国和直布罗陀政府都确认,2006 年《宪法》为双方规定了与殖民主无关的现代、熟的宪政关系。
The Governments of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar have both
recognized that the 2006 Constitution
[...] provides for a modern and mature constitutional relationship [...]
between the two sides, one which is not based on colonialism.
2007 年 4 月 6 日的 DG/Note/07/14 dated
[...] 号总干事通函已把接受这方面的培训 规定为“参与采购过程各个阶段工作之有关人员的必修课”并做出了所有助理总干事和局 长、处长均熟悉《行政管手册》有关条款的指示。
By DG/Note/07/14 dated 6 April 2007, training in this area had been made “mandatory for those involved at all the steps of the
procurement process” and instructions given that all ADGs
[...] and Directors familiarize themselves with the appropriate Manual Items.
太多政治精英仍对普通海地人的迫切需求 和海地人在重建生计和国家过程中面临的严重困熟视无睹。
Too many in the political elite remain indifferent to the dire needs of the average Haitian and the serious hardship Haitians face in rebuilding their livelihoods and their country.
奉我国政府指示,谨随函附上一封信,控诉以色列部队今天向聚集在黎巴嫩 南部马伦拉斯镇的一手无寸铁 的平民开火,打死 10 人,打伤 [...]
112 人,其中一 些人伤势严重(见附件)。
On instructions from my Government, I attach herewith a letter containing a complaint against the
enemy Israeli forces, which opened fire today
[...] on a group of unarmed civilians who [...]
were gathering in the town of Maroun Al Ras
in south Lebanon, killing 10 civilians and wounding 112, some of whom are in critical condition (see annex).
3 月 18 日,安理会主席向新闻界发表讲话,表示安理会成员对联科行动所报 告的科特迪瓦防卫和安全部队 3 月 17 日在阿比让阿博博的一个市场手无 寸铁平民进行野蛮袭击的行动感到愤慨,并且谴责科特迪瓦任何一方 手无 寸 铁 的平 民的暴力行径。
On 18 March, the President of the Council delivered remarks to the press, expressing the indignation of Council members at UNOCI
reports of brutal
[...] attacks against unarmed civilians allegedly committed by the Ivorian Defence and Security Forces at a market in Abobo, Abidjan, on 17 March and condemning violence committed by an Ivorian party against unarmed civilians.
该研讨会发布了 10 项建议,其中
[...] 立一个专门协助妇女移徙家庭佣工的办公室;为女工印发出版物 手 册 , 协助她熟悉了 解自己的权利;举办宣传活动,宣传女工权利,包括保留其个人证件(身 [...]
collecting data and statistics; the establishment of a special office in the Ministry of Labour for assisting women migrant domestic workers; issuing
publications and handbooks for
[...] women workers to assist them in becoming familiar with knowing their [...]
rights; organizing a campaign
to promote the rights of women workers, including the right to retain their personal documents (identity papers) and the right to freedom of movement and to privacy; and giving the director of general security and the internal security forces the power to protect some of the rights of women workers.
以下数字体现了移动习惯的日趋熟 : 15 至25岁 手 机 网 民平均每周花费12个小时通过手机上网;38%的智能手机用户每天使用手机的时间超过5个小时;智能手机用户每次查看手的的时间平均为六分钟;移动商务正在以每年416%的速度呈几何式增长,此外,手机还是一线城市用户观看网络视频的首选工具。
The increasing sophistication of mobile habits manifests itself [...]
through the following figures: mobile netizens in the 15-25
age group spend over 12 hours per week on average on the mobile web, 38% of smartphone users use their phone for over 5 hours per day, smartphone users check their phones every 6 minutes on average, m-commerce is growing 416% year on year and mobile is the primary decide for watching web videos in Tier 1 cities.
其實, 當我聽到這4個字時,我很擔心局長會否因為太 熟手 ” 而 容易掉以輕 心,喪失了批判性和警覺性。
In fact, when I heard that phrase, I worried that the Secretary would be complacent because of her "skillfulness" and lost the critical mind and alertness.
叶柄2-6厘米,密被微柔毛到无毛;叶片卵形,宽椭圆形,倒卵形,或者提琴形, 8-11 * 4-6 厘米,纸质,幼时仅叶脉密被微柔毛, 熟 时 两 面 无 毛 , 基部心形,很少浅心形或截形,先端锐尖,很少尾状渐尖;脉自基部3-5,侧脉4或。
Petiole 2-6 cm, densely puberulent to glabrous; leaf blade ovate, broadly elliptic, obovate, or panduriform, 8-11 × 4-6 cm, papery, only
nerves densely puberulent
[...] when young, glabrous on both surfaces at maturity, base cordate, rarely [...]
shallowly cordate or truncate,
apex acute, rarely caudate-acuminate; veins from base 3-5, lateral veins 4 or 5.
[...] 约的胼胝体毛3次小穗长度; 披针形,稀疏软骨质,暗褐色的下部颖片 熟 时 , 背面 无 毛 , 具缘毛的或偶有具长毛的短边缘, 下部外稃稍长于颖片,渐狭的先端,有时芒状; [...]
上面外稃线状披针形,全缘,; 芒1-1.5 厘米花粉囊(1-)3,1-1.5毫米。
Spikelets 2.5–3.5 mm; callus hairs ca. 3 times spikelet length; lower
glume lanceolate, thinly
[...] cartilaginous, dark brown at maturity, back subglabrous, margins [...]
shortly ciliate or occasionally
with longer hairs, apex palely membranous, sharply acuminate; lower lemma slightly longer than glumes, apex attenuate, sometimes awnlike; upper lemma linear-lanceolate, entire, awned; awn 1–1.5 cm.
叶柄1-3厘米的,正面宽具槽,通常具糙伏毛至少在凹槽上具毛;叶片背面的淡绿,干燥时黑色,正面深绿色,发亮,长圆形或倒披针形, ( 7-)10-15(-24) *
[...] 2-4.5(-6) 厘米,薄革质,金色具糙伏毛,熟 时 的背 面 无 毛,中脉通常黄,背面突出,通常具长硬毛,侧脉6-8 [...]
Petiole 1-3 cm, adaxially broadly sulcate, commonly strigose at least in grooves; leaf blade abaxially light green, black when dry, adaxially dark green, shiny, oblong or oblanceolate, (7-)10-15(-24) × 2-4.5(-6)
cm, thinly leathery, golden strigose,
[...] abaxially glabrous at maturity, midvein usually yellow, [...]
abaxially prominent, commonly
hirsute, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, arcuate ascending, reticulate far from margin, abaxially very conspicuously prominent, often hirsute, base cuneate, apex long acuminate.
我们最大的感悟是,中国企业,特别是中国民营企业若想稳定立足、顺利成长而最终在国际竞争环境中立于不败之地,就必须勇于面对 手 的 挑 战;必 熟 悉 知 识产权制度及其游戏规则并且还要善于运用这一规则。
We realize that China’s enterprise and especially China’s private-owned
enterprises must be brave in
[...] facing the powerful opponents and must have a good understanding [...]
of the intellectual property right system and its rules.
在两起事件中,达尔富尔混合行动的行动受到了苏丹解放军-米纳维派的限 制,阻手无寸铁 的警察顾问通过一个扎姆扎姆难民营的检查站,因为据称达尔 [...]
On the two occasions where the mission’s movement was
[...] restricted by SLA-MM, unarmed UNAMID police [...]
advisers were prevented from proceeding past
a checkpoint at Zam Zam camp because of an alleged failure by the mission to pay the salary of a local staff member.
图3这种不规范的页面数据,如果让Excel处理起来就会出现这样的结果(图4),看着是不是感觉很乱,所有的东西都错位了,一般的人会感到 手无 策 的
Figure 3 pages of this non-standard data, if Excel will appear to deal with such a result (Figure 4),
looking at not feeling great confusion, everything has been misplaced, the average
[...] person would be Super hands-free policies.




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