单词 | 熟客 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 熟客 noun —regular customer n熟客 —frequent visitorSee also:熟 adj—familiar adj • skilled adj • cooked adj • ripe adj 熟—done • ripe (of fruit) • cooked (of food) • mature (of seeds)
這份推廣資料內其中一點,是我剛才沒 有讀出的,那便是對熟客和新 客有很清楚的區分。 legco.gov.hk | One of the points in this promotion script which I have not read out is that there is a clear [...] distinction between regular customers and new ones. legco.gov.hk |
多年以来,Mahesh [...] Ram成功领导着公司的销售和产品开发业务,不 但 熟 谙 客 户 知识,具备全球商务经验,而且热衷于研究技术如何改变人的表现。 tipschina.gov.cn | With many years of success leading both our sales and product [...] development efforts, Mahesh Ram has a rare [...] combination of deep customer knowledge, global [...]business experience, and a keen understanding [...]for how technology can transform human performance. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些有远见的人物还将给Daptiv投资,进一步开发项目组合管理应用服务,支持其 成 熟 的 客 户 基 础,并确立全球市场份额。 tipschina.gov.cn | These visionaries will also lead an investment in Daptiv to [...] develop its PPM application services further, [...] to support its maturing customer base, and to [...]establish a worldwide presence. tipschina.gov.cn |
这显然需要设想一个发展后的未来:届时深思 熟虑、客观性和善意在和谐中共存,而强大富有世界 [...] 的人和其余地方生活在贫困中的人毫不延误地实现 真正的团结。 daccess-ods.un.org | It clearly entails envisioning a post-development future in which [...] thoughtfulness, objectivity and goodwill coexist [...]in harmony and genuine solidarity [...]reigns without delay between those in the powerful and wealthy world and those who live in poverty elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下指南,可帮助对塑料产品不十分 熟 悉 的 客 户。 quadrantplastics.com | Here are guidelines to [...] assist those less familiar with these plastics. quadrantplastics.com |
當時機成熟,各項客觀條 件都可以配合時,例如Fashion Show的表現形式等,意念便自然完成。 think-silly.com | Only when the various parts come together, [...] for example the format of fashion show, then the concept of the collection is finalised. think-silly.com |
我们的支持团队非常熟悉许多客户的 特殊应用,尤其是电信设备、工业控制、消费产品、警报器、主板、医疗设备和军用设备等领域的客户。 digikey.cn | Our support team is very familiar with many of our customers' specific applications, [...] especially those in telecommunications [...]equipment, industrial controls, consumer products, alarms, motherboards, medical devices, and military gear. digikey.ca |
一些成熟的应用,如客户关 系管理(CRM)和电子商务,已经在公共云平台上站稳脚跟。 mckinseychina.com | Mature applications,such as those for customer relationship [...] management (CRM) and e-commerce, are already well established on public clouds. mckinseychina.com |
贝桑松区心脏地带,坐落在古老的和有吸引力的城市,由于其 不 熟 悉 的 游 客 , 它 是非常和平的,即使在夏季的几个月。 leapfrog-properties.com | The ancient and attractive town of Besancon is [...] situated at the heart of the region [...] and due to its unfamiliarity with tourists it is very peaceful- [...]even during the summer months. leapfrog-properties.com |
法国政府包含一个相互熟识的客户群 ,对于他们来说企业的名声相当重要, 如果某个企业未能很好的履行某个合同的义务,它将在理论上和实际中被彻 [...] 底抛弃。 unesdoc.unesco.org | the French administration constitutes [...] a whole group of clients knowing one another [...]and where the reputation of a firm means [...]something, so permitting the debarment in principle or de facto of any firm that has failed to fulfil one of its contracts satisfactorily. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們紮根亞洲多年,熟悉各地市場,客 戶 需 要及趨勢。 aia.com | Our strong Asian roots also provide an in-depth [...] understanding of local markets customers' needs and trends. aia.com |
它們掌握最新的技術發展趨勢,並十 分熟悉如何遵守客戶嚴 格的安全及衛生標準。 mypages.iggesund.com | They closely follow the latest technology trends, and areaccustomed to maintaining stringent [...] safety and hygienic standards as specified by clients. mypages.iggesund.com |
優質旅遊服務協會誠邀熟悉旅客行為 及文化的香港註冊導遊協會 (HARTCO)主講於2005年12月15日(星期四)早上假香港生產力促進局舉辦的「各地旅客解構及優質服務全攻略」研討會,提高會員對不同國籍旅客的認識。 qtsa.com | In view of [...] that, QTSA has invited Ms Catherine Hau, the [...]vice-chairman of Hong Kong Association of Registered Tour Co-ordinators [...](HARTCO) to present in our seminar "Understanding International Visitors and Service to Excellence" which was successfully held on 15 December 2005 at the Hong Kong Productivity Council. qtsa.com |
我们的顾问遵循结构化的成熟方法, 为 客 户 创 建和管理强大的业务流程管理举措与方案。 pactera.com | Our consultants follow structured, proven methodologies to create and manage robust Business Process [...] Management initiatives and programs for our clients. pactera.com |
基于成熟的ECIF企业级客户信息模型、 A C R M 客 户 分 析模型。 pactera.com | Based on mature ECIF enterprise-level customer information model and ACRM [...] customer analysis model pactera.com |
尤其是对IBM、EMC和SUN在存储级容灾系统更 是 熟 悉 , 不仅帮 助 客 户 实现了业务连续性还拓宽了容灾系统的功能领域,加以综合利用。 surekam.com | It is particularly our strength in memory disaster recovery [...] systems for IBM, EMC and SUN. Our [...] service will not only help customers realize service continuity [...]but also expand functional domain [...]of disaster recovery systems for comprehensive utilization. surekam.com |
安全简报通常在专用区域(例如剧院和集合点),这次并不涉及所有的人员,船上的工作人员帮助 乘 客熟 悉 安全设备和过程。 msccruises.com.cn | The safety briefing is normally held in a dedicated area (usually the theatre or a Muster Station) and does not involve all the crew, being conducted by a [...] group of social hostesses and [...] animators that helps guests to familiarise themselves with [...]the safety equipment and procedures. msccruises.com.eg |
Chemtex作为M&G集团旗下的工程公司,专业从事工程解决方案。在能 [...] 源、生物燃料、环保、石化、化工、纤维领域通过 成 熟 先 进 技术 为 客 户 提 供最佳工程解决方案;拥有一支分布在中国、印度、意 [...] 大利和美国的1000余名的专业人员组成的团队,Chemtex为客户提供整套工程、项目管 [...]理、全球采购、施工管理解决方案。 biolyfe.eu | Chemtex, the engineering company of the M&G group, is a global organization that specializes in delivering innovative and value-added project [...] solutions based on state-of-the-art [...] technologies for its clients in the energy, biofuels, [...]environmental, petrochemical, chemical [...]and fibers industries; with a team of more than 1000 experts and professionals located in offices in China, India, Italy and the USA, Chemtex offers a full range engineering, project management, global sourcing and construction management solutions. biolyfe.eu |
软件保护层最大的问题是它们所使用的保护方式已经是 黑 客 们 所 熟 悉 的 方法,所以只要使用传统的黑客工具就可以轻易地绕过这些软件保护层。 evget.com | The main problem with software protectors is that they use protection techniques very well known by crackers, so they can be easily bypassed with traditional cracking tools. evget.com |
近年来我们在棋牌游戏、3D益智游戏、AR现实增强、体感平台、移动办公系统方面积累了丰富而 成 熟 的 经 验,深 受 客 户 信 赖和好评。 hydom.cn | In addition, we always keep learning new things and we have acquired rich experience in development of mobile OA (Office Automation), AR (Augmented Reality), somatic game (motion sensing game) platform, 3D puzzle games and casino games. hydom.cn |
該鐵路 的油塘站則 會在二零零二年八月四日啟用,以便觀塘 乘客熟習過 海服務的新轉 安排。 legco.gov.hk | The Yau Tong Station will be opened on 4 [...] August 2002 to familiarise Kwun Tong Line passengers with the new interchange [...]arrangements for cross-harbour journeys. legco.gov.hk |
在客户所熟知和 喜爱的平台上构建一个通往未来的桥梁。 evget.com | Build a bridge to the future on the platform you know and love. evget.com |
90年代中期,巴马格长期可靠的合作伙伴,奥特发自动化公司接管此业务时, [...] 世界纺织品市场蓬勃发展、纺纱厂对自动化需求不断增加,凭借用户化定制 的经验,奥特发驾轻就熟地满足了客 户 的 需求。 cms.autefafilaments.de | When Autefa Automation, a since long reliable partner for Barmag, took over the business in the mid 90s the world textile market was booming and the increasing [...] demand for automation in spinning mills could be satisfied easily with [...] their experience in customized machine engineering. cms.autefafilaments.de |
建议游客咨询熟悉的汽车租赁公司,了解更多详情。 shangri-la.com | Please consult your preferred rental company for more details. shangri-la.com |
然而,参与设计和落实担保权登记处的各方以及 登记处的潜在客户可能并不熟悉担 保交易的复杂微妙之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet those who are involved in the design and implementation of a security rights [...] registry, as well as the [...] potential registry clientele, may not be familiar with the intricacies [...]of secured transactions. daccess-ods.un.org |
银行业需要回归朴实,为客户提供熟 悉 业 务的人员以供面对面交流。 china.blackstone.com | Banks need [...] to go back to giving customers a well-informed person [...]to whom they can talk, face to face. blackstone.com |
我们的经销商在相关业务和当地市场方面拥有全面的经验;他们对商用车领域的了解胜于他人,而 且 熟 知 如 何解 读 客 户 的 需求并 向 客 户 提 供相应的解决方案。 iveco.com.cn | Our dealers are people with comprehensive experience in the business and the territory; they understand the transport world [...] better than anyone else, and [...] they know how to interpret their customers’ needs and provide solutions [...]to their questions. iveco.com.cn |
通过这种做法,公司可以建立新的本地市场,吸引 新 客 户 , 将其 深思熟虑的 企业战略与亚洲各国政府的首要任务相结合,在合理的社会及环境成本的基础上 [...] 产生利润,同时对社会及环境产生巨大的正面影响。 avantageventures.com | In doing such, companies can build new local [...] markets, attract new customers, align selected business [...]strategies with the priorities [...]of Asian governments, generate profits based on fair social and environmental costs, and simultaneously generate enormous positive social and environmental impacts. avantageventures.com |
坐落于布雷西亚省2500平米开放空间,Magazzini [...] F*并非只是简单的多品牌店,而是一家真正属于 顾 客 的 休 闲场所 : 熟 悉 的 环境,舒畅愉快的体验,并辅以吧台及免费的上网区域。 lillainternationalgroup.it | Settled in a 2500 square meters open space in the province of Brescia, Magazzini F* isn’t a simple Multibrand [...] Store, but it’s thought as a true [...] leisure area for our customers: a familiar environment [...]offering relax and pleasant experiences, [...]with a bar and a free internet zone. lillainternationalgroup.it |