

单词 熟习

See also:

ripe (of fruit)
cooked (of food)
mature (of seeds)


practiceAE n

surname Xi

stagnant water

External sources (not reviewed)

Navicat 设计简单,易于使用,不管你是一个专业的数据库开发人员或新手用户,方便的 Navicat 正合你所需,不需花太多时间熟习。
Navicat is designed to be straight forward and easy-to-use. Whether you are a professional MySQL developer or
just a novice user, Navicat can handle your needs without consuming your
[...] valuable time on getting familiarized with it.
虽然有正规的档案管理训练是最好,有责任的人也能胜任,按以下的步骤把记录分类和 详述.熟习该机构历史的义工常能胜任.
While formal archival training is desirable, a responsible person can do an adequate job of sorting and describing archival records by following the steps outlined below.
为了使学生能加熟习本国 语文,对本国文化奠下更巩固的基础,教区中学已订下目标,在未来两年内,最少一半的初中教节将用中文授课。
To help students become familiar with their national [...]
language and to have a better foundation in their national culture,
the Diocesan Secondary Schools have set the objective of having at least half of their teaching periods in Junior Forms conducted in Chinese within the coming two years.
Some have become proficient not only in Chinese, but also in the minority language
[...] of the people group God has called [...]
them to work amongst.
[...] 是增强大学、图书馆及其它公共服务机构的能力,从而管理好各自的数字图书馆并逐 熟习 该软件的开发。
The aim is to develop the skills of and to empower users, particularly in universities, libraries, and other public
service institutions, to build and manage their own digital libraries as
[...] well as becoming familiar with software development.
2010 年第二季度,内部审计和调查小组支持管理层建立全组织风险管理系统 的工作,并与管理层联合举办了风险 熟 度 讲 习 班。
In the second quarter of 2010, the Internal Audit and Investigations Group supported management’s efforts in
establishing an organization-wide risk management system, and conducted jointly with
[...] management a risk maturity workshop.
2011 年理事会将重新任命技术审查专家小组,将从联合国
[...] 系统内外挑选在职员学院方案重点领域非 熟 悉 学 习 、 培 训和知识管理的知名专 家担任成员。
The Expert Technical Review Panel will be newly appointed in 2011, with members selected from among renowned experts in areas of the College’s programmatic focus — both within
and outside the United Nations system — who possess a strong
[...] understanding of learning, training and knowledge [...]
为期 九个月的日本方案为习生提供了熟 悉 海 洋法、司法 程序和致力于海洋和海洋法的各国际组织的工作的 机会。
The ninemonth Nippon
[...] Programme affords interns the opportunity to become familiar with the law [...]
of the sea, judicial procedures
and the work of the various international organizations dedicated to the seas and the law of the sea.
自 2005 年起,学校必须保障服务内所有儿童的 习机 会,儿熟练运 用学校教学语言的程度不论。
Since 2005, schools must guarantee an opportunity to study for all children in their service area regardless of the child’s level of proficiency in the language of instruction of the school.
具有 IPSAS 项目在其他组织实施经验的
[...] IPSAS 专家和财务专 家为粮食署的工作人员举办习班, 使他 熟悉 IPSAS 实施工作的性质。
IPSAS and financial experts with experience of IPSAS
implementation projects in other
[...] organizations held workshops to familiarize WFP staff with [...]
the nature of IPSAS implementation.
注意:一旦您已习惯该界面,熟 悉 其 功能后,可以重新启用 屏幕保护程序。
Note: Once you have become used to
[...] the interface and are familiar with its functions the [...]
screen saver can be re-enabled.
在协助通知书中明确确定部队指挥官授权和特派团首席航空事务干事 批准的攻击直升机飞行熟练射击练 习 中 将 要使用的弹药种类、数量和 费用,并规定联合国有义务在特派团责任区或其他地点提供一个用于射 击训练的适当射击场
To clearly determine in the LOA the types, quantity and cost of ammunition to be expended during proficiency firing exercises of attack helicopter pilots authorized by the Force Commander and approved by the mission’s Chief Aviation Officer, and to oblige the United Nations to provide a suitable firing range in the mission area of responsibility or in an alternative location to be used for training firing
彻底将终端用户从复杂的数据库结构中解放出来,用户可以根据自 熟 悉 的商 业 习 惯 和 名称进行数据查询,而不需要掌握如何使用ComponentOne Query 8.0的知识和技能就能在你应用程序中实现查询功能。
Your users don't require any special skills in order to use ComponentOne Query 8.0 in an application or need to be aware that the tool was used to create the application.
在 VISION 系统推出之前,将让工作人员习熟悉 SAP。
The VISION learning
[...] strategy will familiarize staff with [...]
SAP before roll-out.
教师不仅应该了解当地的教学语言、学生的社会文化背景以及日常交流的语言,也 应该能够使用习者熟悉的 一种语言,并根据相应的教学方针使用另外一种语言开展教学。
The teacher must not only know the local language of instruction, the pupils’ sociocultural background and the usual language of
communication, but must also be able to teach in a
[...] language that is familiar to learners and [...]
in another language, using appropriate teaching approaches.
但是对Forex会社很多的成员PAMM-系统成为了虽 习 惯 的 ,可 熟 悉 的 事情。
However, most members of the Forex community have already got used to the PAMM system.
国际电联开展了一系列能力建设活动,通过学术和习活动,培熟练的 互联网和“新宽带经济”专业人员。
ITU extended a series of capacity-building activities to develop skilled Internet and “new broadband economy” professionals through its academic and learning events.
总之,这项工作可能要花几个月的时间并很有可能需要反复地 习 才 能 熟 悉 和掌 握。
Overall, this process may extend over several months and will likely entail an iterative refinement and adaptation.
约拿的儿子玛尼,最经常在耶路莎米命名的学者之一,看来,以后在该撒利亚,其中值得一提的学者们生活在第四世纪,提出了Sepphoris学校的最高境界是 习 , 以及 对 熟 语 大 量的“的cæsarea学者”在耶路莎米包括(见“月刊,”1901年,第298 - 3l0)。
Jonah's son Mani, one of the scholars most frequently named in Yerushalmi, seems, after studying at Cæsarea, where noteworthy scholars were living in the fourth century, to have raised the school of Sepphoris to its highest plane; and a large number of the sayings of the "scholars of Cæsarea" was included in Yerushalmi (see "Monatsschrift," 1901, pp. 298-3l0).
坦桑尼 亚的 2 名资深狱警参加了禁毒办的区域习 交 流, 并 熟 悉 与 关押索马里海盗嫌犯 有关的问题。
Two Tanzanian senior prison officers have attended UNODC
[...] regional learning exchanges and are familiar with the issues [...]
associated with the custody of Somali piracy suspects.
2008/09 财政年度,联利特派团组织了两次所 有选定的执行伙伴必须参加的习班 , 以使它 熟 悉 速 效项目准则和良好项目管 理原则。
UNMIL organized
[...] two mandatory workshops during the 2008/09 financial period for all selected implementing partners to familiarize them with quick-impact [...]
project guidelines
and good project management principles.
这位活泼上进的年轻女子以破记录的短时间达到她的目的:做了几个月组装手表机芯的工作后,她就加入了卓越的腕表专业制作工坊,在工坊中 习熟 悉 万 年历和时间等式的复杂功能。
This vivacious young woman reached her goal in record time: after having spent several months assembling watch movements, she joined the
prestigious spécialités horlogères
[...] (watch specialty) workshop in which she familiarized herself with [...]
the perpetual calendar and the equation of time.
我们很幸运,古达是一个塑料娃娃模型,我们可以一遍又一遍地 习 , 直 到我 熟 练 操 作为止。”当这组辅助助产士转向下一个技能培训点,利用人体模型学习和练习抢救技巧时,另一个辅助助产士解释说。
Luckily for us, Gudda is a plastic doll, a dummy, and we can practise again and again, till we get it right,” explains another auxiliary nurse midwife as the group moves on to the next skill station to learn and practise resuscitation on a mannequin.
以下数字体现了移习惯的日趋熟 : 15 至25岁的手机网民平均每周花费12个小时通过手机上网;38%的智能手机用户每天使用手机的时间超过5个小时;智能手机用户每次查看手的的时间平均为六分钟;移动商务正在以每年416%的速度呈几何式增长,此外,手机还是一线城市用户观看网络视频的首选工具。
The increasing
[...] sophistication of mobile habits manifests itself through [...]
the following figures: mobile netizens in the 15-25
age group spend over 12 hours per week on average on the mobile web, 38% of smartphone users use their phone for over 5 hours per day, smartphone users check their phones every 6 minutes on average, m-commerce is growing 416% year on year and mobile is the primary decide for watching web videos in Tier 1 cities.
LED is an in-depth
[...] study to understand and good command of international [...]
"rules of the game" of intellectual property rights,
through PCT way actively apply for LED international patents, accumulating patents to strive for the initiative in international competition, for the long term.
[...] 保护土著妇女和女孩不受暴力侵害的意愿和能力,其中必须包 习 惯 法法 院 熟悉 《 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、《联合国土著人民权利宣言》和《儿童权利公 [...]
In addition, there is a need to strengthen the willingness and ability of traditional justice systems to protect indigenous women
and girls from violence, which
[...] must include customary courts becoming familiar with the concept [...]
of equality found in the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
习班让记者熟悉了 国际人 道主义体系,为可能的报道提供了参考点和建议,并就联合国和媒体在人道主义 危机,特别是本地区的危机中的作用发起了讨论。
The workshop succeeded in familiarizing journalists [...]
with the international humanitarian system, provided reference points
and suggestions for possible stories and stimulated debate about the United Nations and the media’s role in humanitarian crises, particularly those in the region.134 Notes
金 融 工 具 不 存 在 活 躍 市 場 的,本 集 團 採 用 估 值 技 術 確 定 其 公 允 價 值,估 值 技 術 包 括 參熟 悉 情 況 並 自 願 交 易 的 各 方 最 近 進 行 的 市 場 交 易 中 使 用 的 價 格、參 照 實 質 上 相 同 的 其 他 金 融 工 具 的 當 前 公 允 價 值、現 金 流 量 折 現 法 和 期 權 定 價 模 型 等。
Valuation techniques include reference to most recent market prices used by knowledgeable and willingness parties, reference to current fair value of other financial instrument with similar nature, discounted cash flow method and option valuation models.
特别委员会确认,维持和平行动可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提熟悉性 别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点纳入安全部门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the positive role that peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectives in security sector reform programmes.
这对建筑木工的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震建筑提供更 好熟练劳动力。
Skills standards and training curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.




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