单词 | 煸 | ||||
释义 | 煸—stir-fry before broiling or stewingExamples:干煸土豆丝—dry-fried potaslices (Chinese dish) 对抗煸动—anti-inflammatory (medicine)
在众多色香味俱全的本地美食中,享用香味四溢的咖喱菜、干煸菜以及沙律。 shangri-la.com | Enjoy aromatic curries, stir-fries and salads among other delightful native dishes. shangri-la.com |
军国主义在 1930 年代盛行,直至在 1945 年日本战败时才结束: a. 传统的武士阶级,或甚至是德川幕府瓦解及大政奉还以後的武士也具有特权及受人 尊重的地位,这煸动了军国主义;前长州及萨摩二藩的武士也对天皇构成具大的影 响力,他们扮演着一批十分特殊的菁英顾问:元老。 hkahe.com | Militarism reigned supreme in the 1930s until Japan’s defeat in 1945: a. Encouraged by the special privileges and respectable status of the samurai or warrior class even after the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration; former Choshu and Satsuma warriors were very influential with the Emperor as they acted as a special or elite group of advisers – the Genro. b. Became the basic trend in Japan after the failure of Party Government in the 1930s; people supported the idea of military dictatorship under the Emperor. c. Militarism was a principal factor in Japan’s expansionism and aggression, as well as hkahe.com |