

单词 照眼

See also:

small hole
crux (of a matter)

classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.

External sources (not reviewed)

使 用 角 膜矯正 鏡片與其他隱 形 鏡片一樣,若不照眼科 護 理 專 業人員的指示,會有令角 膜損傷 的 潛 在 危險。
The use of Ortho-K lenses, like other contact lenses, carry an inherent risk of injury to the cornea if not used in accordance with the instructions of eye care professionals.
C1430內建的特殊拍照效果,全面提升拍照樂趣、盡情發揮您的創意!充滿驚喜的LOMO風 照 、 魚 眼 效 果 、及色彩強化,讓您展現自我拍照風格。
The BenQ DC C1430 gives you some delightful special effects that take the fun of photography to a whole new level.
葉仲三所依據的照片尚未找到,但本壺畫的人和已知的遧 照 片 , 眼 睛 和 嘴唇很像。
The photograph of Dashou she provides
and others we have seen show definite
[...] similarities in the eyebrows and mouth, but [...]
we have not yet found the model for Ye’s portrait.
鑒 於 市 民 對 角 膜矯正 鏡片的 關 注 , 該署曾 於 2001 年 7 月 發 出新聞稿, 促 請消費者在使 用 隱 形 鏡片時 , 應照眼科 護 理 專 業 人員的指示。
In view of public concerns about Ortho-K lenses, the Department issued a press release in July 2001 urging
consumers to follow the
[...] instructions of eye care professionals on the use of contact lenses and to seek professional advice immediately in case of eye discomfort.
請勿使用手電筒直照射任何人眼 睛。
Do not shine the flashlight in anyone's eyes.
研究组应眼于按照委员 会的布置在合理期间内取得具体成果。
A Study Group should aim at achieving a concrete outcome in accordance with the mandate of the Commission and within a reasonable time.
可以说,神谷茂先生始终关注并眼 见 证 了中 照 明 的 发展壮大,也建立了对中国照明的特殊而深厚的感情。
We can say that Mr. Shen always cared about
and witnessed the development and
[...] prosperity of China’s lighting industry and built a [...]
special and profound feeling for China’s lighting industry.
眼下面的照片吧 !冠以“冲浪天堂”之名的206套房,以其天然的装潢材料和搭配了日落橙的温馨色调,渗透出真实的Billabong品牌风格。
Dubbed as a “surfer’s paradise”, Suite 206 exudes true Billabong style, with its use of natural materials and a wash of soothing colors coupled with energetic bursts of sunset orange.
该设备不仅完美地显示没眼镜的 需 3 D 照 片 和 视频,它还能自动转换成标准的2D到3D照片和视频,为消费者提供新的方式从事与娱乐。
Not only does this device flawlessly
[...] display 3D photos and videos WITH NO GLASSES NEEDED, it also [...]
automatically converts standard
2D photos and videos to 3D, offering consumers new ways to engage with entertainment.
742 “其目的在于 排除”或“其目的在于更改”是《维也纳公约》第 2 条第 1 款(d)项所用的措 辞,《实践指南》准则 1.1 和 1.1.1 为给保留下定义而原封未动予照用 , 这些眼与准 则 4.2.4 相应条款中出现的动词“排除”和“更改”相比照,表明准则 4.3.5 提到的保留不能被认为对反对方成立,因为反对方在理论上还没有接受保 留。
(35) Like paragraphs 2 and 3 of guideline 4.2.4, paragraphs 2 and 3 of guideline 4.3.5 begin with the phrase “to the extent that”, to reflect the fact that a single reservation can have both excluding and modifying effects.742 The words “purports to exclude” or “purports to modify”, which are the very words used in article 2, paragraph 1 (d), of the Vienna Conventions and are reproduced in guidelines 1.1 and 1.1.1 of the Guide to Practice in order to define reservations, contrast with the verbs “exclude” and “modify”, which appear in the corresponding provisions of guideline 4.2.4 to indicate that the reservations referred to in guideline 4.3.5 cannot be considered to be “established” in respect of the author of the objection since, ex hypothesi, the latter has not accepted them.
2.权利要求1的方法中照亮包含将眼 睛 的 瞳孔至 少弄成预定的大小,把所取得的至少虹膜部分成像 与已保存的成像资料比较,该保存的资料从具有同 一预定大小瞳孔的一个眼睛中取得。
The method of claim
[...] 1 in which illuminating comprises driving the pupil of the eye to at least one [...]
predetermined size, comparing
at least the iris portion of the obtained image with stored image information obtained from an eye with its pupil having the same predetermined size.
不管是在公園裡、公車上、露營中還是其他陰暗地方,您都不必擔心沒有燈光;Aspire S7 系列的電致發光背光鍵盤會自動亮起,並以最適亮度配合環 照 明 , 不傷您 眼 睛。
In the park, on the bus, out camping or wherever it's dark, you can rest assured there will be light: The Aspire S7 Series'
electroluminescent backlit
[...] keyboard illuminates automatically, optimizing its glow to suit the ambient light and keep your eyes comfortable.
The SOLAR EYE Irradiance Control System [...]
constantly monitors and controls lamp output to assure precise light exposure and
to maximize repeatability and reproducibility of test results.
而真正的红唇沙发则被摆在了它原来的位置上:蓬皮杜在展厅里还原了达利著名的视差艺术作品《梅·惠斯特》(Mae West):沙发组成的嘴、壁炉组成的鼻孔 照 片 组成 的 眼 睛 和 帷幔组成的头发,被摄影机拍摄后又投射在屏幕上,成为美国影星梅·惠斯特的面孔。
The famous Red Lips Sofa was in fact placed in its original position, as part of the Rita Mae West Room, which was
completely recreated with the lips,
[...] stove/nose, the eyes made of framed photographs, the hair made [...]
from curtains – all of which,
when photographed from a certain angle create an idiosyncratic portrait of, and homage to, the American actress.
它 有SOLAR EYE太眼辐照度控制系统,可监测和控制输出可见光,而不是紫外线。
It has a SOLAR EYE irradiance control [...]
system that monitors and controls visible light output, rather than UV.
(b) 施加及更改牌照條件,其中可包括就骨灰龕位備存購
[...] 買者及/或孝子賢孫的資料和聯絡方法的最新記錄、 在眼處張貼牌照、盡 量減少對附近居民造成滋擾 ( 例如空氣污染和噪音) [...]
、披露有助保障消費權益的資 料,以及在實務守則內就私營骨灰龕的妥善經營和管 理制定規則。
(b) impose and vary conditions in a licence which may include requirements to keep an updated record of information and contact in
respect of buyers and / or descendents
[...] for niches, display licence at a prominent place, [...]
minimise nuisance (e.g. air and noise)
to neighbouring residents, disclose information pertinent to consumer protection, and make regulations under the Code of Practice to ensure proper operation and management of private columbaria.
拍摄时,会自动检测眼并校 正照片数据。
This mode
[...] automatically detects red-eye and corrects still picture data when using flash modes with red-eye reduction ( ).
石造的拱橋造就出美麗的眼鏡橋,雙連的拱形和映在河畔的姿態合在一起宛如一 眼 鏡 , 因此被稱 眼 鏡 橋 ,被燈 照 耀 的姿態也相當美麗。
Spectacles Bridge (Megane Bashi) is a stone arched bridge with a name originating in the fact that the two arches and their reflection in the river look like eyeglasses.
如果您使用曼富图的LED灯拍摄照片,就会发现在夜间和室内拍摄人像时,再也不会拍出如吸血鬼般红 眼 睛 的 照 片 , 这是因为LED提供的光源是持续性的,在您按下快门前,眼睛已经适应了LED的光源。
If you use your Manfrotto LED for photos, you'll also
notice that you don't get
[...] vampire red-eyes in your night-time and indoor portraits; that's because LED light is continuous, [...]
allowing eyes to
adjust properly to the light before you take your photo.
Whether you are a DSLR or a digital camera possessor, you can take photos like professionals do!
眼看来,照片看 起来像经典的企业肖像。
At first glance the photographs appear to be classic [...]
corporate portraits.
杂志的著名「抛眼」封面照片-封面风云人物从Kate Moss 至 Rihanna-都见证著现代文化及影响著我们的品味与风格超过30载。
Their now
[...] infamous “one-eyed wink” cover shots by the likes [...]
of Kate Moss and Rihanna have been defining modern culture and
steering our tastes for over 30 years.
龐 大的資 金 能夠在眼 之間湧 入 又 流 出 , 這 對 任何細小而 又 開放的 市 場 , 都足以構 成 威脅; 未 來 更多企 業 將 交易搬 到 外 地 或網上進行, 可 能影響到 低 技 術 工人的就業機會 和 政 府收 入;而國 與 國 、 地 區與地 區 之間日 益 相 [...] [...]
互 依 存 , 也 會 令 外 來 沖 擊的力 度更猛 烈 。
The increase in off-shore or web-based business activities is likely to affect both the job prospects of lowskilled workers and government revenue.
眨眼偵測功能會自動檢視拍攝對象是否拍出 眼照 片 , 並立即提出重拍提醒,再也不用擔心事後留下拍不好的遺憾。
The Blink Detecion function alerts you when a subject has blinked, allowing the shot to be retaken immediately or saved according to your preference.
有30条:搬家了,抑制、听觉、试探,刺 眼,照 明 ,显示通过、接球、扭曲、移到一旁,冲向前,支持,附加、耦合,放手,投掷、跳跃、呻吟,模仿,哭泣,下降,指向,转动,旋转,周围,扔出窗外的东西,超车,重复三次,攀岩,站在旁边。
There are 30 of them: moving away, restraining, hearing, sounding
[...] out, dazzling, illuminating, showing through, [...]
catching, twisting, moving aside, dashing
forward, supporting, attaching, coupling, letting go, throwing, jumping, moaning, imitating, crying, falling, pointing, turning, whirling, surrounding, throwing something out of the window, overtaking, repeating three times, climbing, and standing by.
各国不应依赖于传统眼光,即家庭照顾已成为受抚养人的老年人,尤其是因为传统的家庭照顾结 构特别由于移民和城市化而压力日益增大。
States should not rely on the traditional vision that families will take care of older persons that have become dependent, especially as traditional family care structures are under increased pressure as a result of, inter alia, migration and urbanization.
眼花的微距照片, 摄于Manly War Memorial Park--悉尼郊外的一片土生澳洲矮灌丛地,在悉尼这样一座大城市中保留了这样一块适于当地植物群和野生物生长的相对原始的环境是弥足珍贵的。
Macro of a Bansksia flower. Taken in the Manly War Memorial Park...a pocket of native Australian bushland in suburban Sydney and therefore ³'precious³' as an area that remains as a relatively pristine environment for native flora and wildlife within a city as large as Sydney.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续终身的正规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内的价值观教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训( 眼于 增 加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.




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