单词 | 照看 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 照看—look afterless common: attend to have in care 照看verb—touchv watchv 看看verb—seev
关于有条件提前释放(假释)的决定,应积极考虑女性囚犯的照看责任以及她 们重新融入社会的特殊需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Decisions regarding early conditional release [...] (parole) shall favourably take into account women [...] prisoners’caretaking responsibilities, [...]as well as their specific social reintegration needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种安排应当考虑到提供儿童照看服务和提供唯女性享有的服务的必要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such programmes shall take account of the need to provide care for children and women-only services. daccess-ods.un.org |
特 别报告员指出,在已经是剥削性的环境中,无人照看的未成年人由于缺乏家长保 护,更有可能接触有害物质。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur observes that unaccompanied minors are more likely to be exposed to harmful substances for want of parental protection in already exploitative environments. daccess-ods.un.org |
我现在 立此存照,看看会发现甚麽情况。 legco.gov.hk | I have to put this [...] on record, and we will see what happens. legco.gov.hk |
以下优先领域决定了《国家儿童行动计划》的结构:(1) 减少贫 困,(2) 对所有儿童进行优质教育,(3) 使所有儿童更健康,(4) 改善残疾儿童的 [...] 地位和权利,(5) 保护无父母照看的儿童的权利,(6) 保护儿童免受虐待、忽 [...]视、剥削及暴力,以及(7) 加强国家解决儿童问题的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following priorities determine the structure of the National Plan of Action for Children: (1) poverty reduction, (2) quality education for all children, (3) better health for all children, (4) improvement of status and rights of children with disabilities, [...] (5) protection of the rights of children [...] without parental custody, (6)protection [...]of children against abuse, neglect, exploitation [...]and violence and (7) strengthening national capacities to resolve the problems of children. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当在会员国法律制度的范围内,拟定与性别相关的转送教改机构措施和 [...] 审判前及判决替代安排的特定选择,其中应考虑到许多女性罪犯的受害史以及她 们担负的照看责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Gender-specific options for diversionary measures and pretrial and sentencing alternatives shall be developed within Member States’ [...] legal systems, taking account of the history of victimization of many women [...] offenders and their caretaking responsibilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种情况下,与家人失散或无人照看的儿童必须得到适当的照顾,一切相关措施都应准备就绪,以帮助他们与亲人团聚。 unicef.org | In situations such as these, separated or unaccompanied children must be given proper care, and all measures should be put in place for them to be reunited with their relatives. unicef.org |
委员会也意识到在国家机构及国家行为者包括学校、照看中心、寄宿 之家、警方拘留所和司法机构中广泛存在严重的针对儿童的暴力行为,有可能构 [...] 成酷刑和杀害儿童行为,还有武装群体和国家军事力量经常对儿童采取的暴力行 为。 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) The Committee is also aware of widespread and intense violence applied against children in [...] State institutions and by State actors [...] including in schools, care centres, residential [...]homes, police custody and justice institutions [...]which may amount to torture and killing of children, as well as violence against children frequently used by armed groups and State military forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了照看池塘的生态系统,OASE Aqua Activ 范围为长期的健康水提供您所需的一切。 oase-livingwater.com | To care for the pond eco system, the OASE Aqua Activ range offers everything that you need for sustainably healthy water. oase-livingwater.com |
来自南方各族州妇女、儿童及青少年事务署的伊尔加(Yirga)女士及其他团队成员在联合国儿童基金会的支持下,接受了有关照看儿童并帮助他们与家人团聚的培训。 unicef.org | Ms. Yirga and the rest of the team from the SNNPR Bureau of Women, Children and Youth Affairs were trained with the support of UNICEF to provide care for the children and reunite them with their families. unicef.org |
分析该条款可以得出,被托付照看已故职员孩子的人领取社会保障金,不 管其婚姻状态如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, the person to whom the child of a deceased female wage-earner is entrusted receives the social security benefit in question regardless of that person's marital status. daccess-ods.un.org |
在塞尔维亚共和国,以下儿童群体被认 [...] 为是特别脆弱的群体:来自贫困家庭的儿童,罗姆儿童,难民和流离失所者家庭 的儿童,没有父母照看的儿童和/或与父母分离的儿童,在收养机构生活的儿 [...]童,残疾儿童,处在重新被接纳过程中的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | The children from the following groups are considered particularly vulnerable in the Republic of Serbia: children from impoverished families, Roma children, children from families of [...] refugees and displaced persons, children [...] without parental custody and/or children [...]separated from parents, children in institutions, [...]children with disabilities, children in the readmission procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
在可能和适当情况下,对怀孕妇女和有受扶养子女的妇女应首先选择非拘禁 判决,只有在罪行严重或暴力犯罪或该妇女构成持续危险的情况下,并在考虑到儿 童最高利益之后,才考虑拘禁判决,同时还应确保做好照看这类儿童的适当安排。 daccess-ods.un.org | Non-custodial sentences for pregnant women and women with dependent children shall be preferred where possible and appropriate, with custodial sentences being considered when the offence is serious or violent or the woman represents a continuing danger, and after taking into account the best interests of the child or children, while ensuring that appropriate provision has been made for the care of such children. daccess-ods.un.org |
目标 5,具体目标 1:圣约社在北美洲和中美洲开展的母婴方案的侧重点一 直是教导这些母亲(其中一些仅 11 岁大)如何适当照看自己的子女,并确保她们 尽可能为自己及其子女作出最健康的选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | Goal 5, target 1: The focus of Covenant House’s mother and child programmes in North and Central America is always to teach the mothers, some as young as 11 years old, to care properly for their children and to ensure that they make the healthiest choices possible for themselves and their children. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多家庭的男主人成为太空人,两边跑,而留守妈妈们承担着照看孩子和家庭的重任。 homewithtyra.com | It’s very common that father of a family stays in the home country; mother and children stay in Canada. homewithtyra.com |
监测方面的进步尚未涉及家庭以外的弱势群体,包括生活在街头的儿童以 及监狱中或机构照看的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Monitoring improvements have not yet reached some [...] vulnerable groups outside of households, including children living on the street and children [...] in prison or institutionalcare. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您非 [...] 得在暖季以外的时间下水活动,一定要带上一位不游泳的同伴在身旁照 看,以便在您遇到危险时及时报警。 apply.carey.com.au | If you must enter the water at any time [...] outside this season, make sure you have someone [...]with you who is not swimming and can [...]raise the alarm in the event you get into difficulty. apply.carey.com.au |
无论您如何费尽心机照看您的爱犬,您的爱犬始终都有可能丢失。 eukanuba.com.cn | No matter how much thought you put into keeping your dog contained, there is always the chance that she might get lost. eukanuba.com.au |
如果父亲是主要的照看孩子的人并希望申请的话,要求母亲提 供一封信证明父亲是主要照看孩子的人。 multilingolegal.ca | If the father is the primary caregiver and wishes to apply, a note from the mother stating he is the primary caregiver is required. multilingolegal.ca |
委员会还对库尔德儿童,特别是女童、居住在偏远地区的儿童、接受机构照看的儿童、非婚生儿童和街头儿童受到歧视表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | 33. The Committee also expresses concern about the discrimination of Kurdish children, especially girls, children living in remote areas, children in institutional care, children born out of wedlock and children in street situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
9)复原的制冷剂的问题:一)从旧冷水机中复原而来的制冷剂没办法得到 很好的照看,二)没办法对复原的制冷剂进行清理和质量检查,因此对重新 使用这些复原的制冷剂没有信心。 multilateralfund.org | (9) Problems of recovered refrigerants: i) no agent to take care of the refrigerant that was recovered from the old chiller, ii) no agent to clean up and check the quality of recovered refrigerant, therefore there is no confidence to reuse those recovered refrigerant. multilateralfund.org |
在对女性罪犯进行判决时,考虑到女性的照看责任和通常的背景,法庭 应当有权力考虑减轻罪行的因素,例如无犯罪史和犯罪行为的相对非严重性 及其性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | When sentencing women offenders, courts shall have the power to consider mitigating factors such as lack of criminal history and relative non-severity and nature of the criminal conduct, in the light of women’s caretaking responsibilities and typical backgrounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些活动包括对 癌症病人进行的主要治疗,对普通内科或指定的肿瘤内科住院病区癌 症病人的照看,肿瘤学会诊和会诊性查房,非卧床肿瘤病人的护理, 定期举行的临床会议,治疗操作,复习影象学、病理学和其他诊断资 料,直接满足病人的其他需要,参加国内和国际的学术会议以及阅读 相关文献等。 esmo.org | These may include the primary care of cancer patients, supervision of cancer patients on the general medical service or in designated medical oncology in-patient units, oncologic consultations and consultation rounds, oncology ambulatory care, scheduled clinical conferences, performance of procedures on patients, review of imaging, pathology, and other diagnostic materials, other direct patient care, attending national and international scientific meetings, and reading relevant literature. esmo.org |
例如,如果一个 朋友愿意帮助我们采购日用品或照看小孩,那就去接受他们的帮助。 hongfook.ca | For example, if a friend offers to help with grocery shopping or child care, take him or her up on it. hongfook.ca |
(d) 增加从事儿童工作的专业人员的数量( 包括照看人、教师、社会工作 者、医务工作者、警察和司法机构的工作人员 [...] ) ,确保他们接受关于儿童权利的 培训,了解自己的义务,对怀疑涉及儿童的暴力案件立即报告并采取适当行动 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Increase the number of professionals working with [...] children (including caregivers, teachers, social [...]workers, medical professionals, members [...]of the police and the judiciary) and ensure that they receive training on the rights of the child and their obligation to report and take appropriate action in suspected cases of violence affecting children daccess-ods.un.org |
还发生其他 在地面侵犯“蓝线”的行为,主要是照看牲畜或在农田劳作的牧民和农民的无心之 过;这些行为主要发生在沙巴阿农场和 Shouba 村地区(东区)。 daccess-ods.un.org | There were other ground violations of the Blue Line, primarily inadvertent, by shepherds and farmers tending livestock or working in their fields mainly in the Shab‘a Farms and Kfar Shouba areas (Sector East). daccess-ods.un.org |
当他发现他 的兴起之地麦加的状况对穆斯林没有好处,他就告诉 [...] 他们到兄弟般的埃塞俄比亚国王那里去,而这位国王 恰好是一位基督徒,先知说,国王会照看他们的。 daccess-ods.un.org | When he found that things were not good for Muslims in Mecca, where he started out, he [...] told them to go to the brotherly king of Ethiopia, who happened to be a Christian, and [...] said that he wouldlook after them. daccess-ods.un.org |