

单词 照旧

See also:

worn (with age)

External sources (not reviewed)

目前,人事费拨款和支出照旧出现在主要拨款项目这一级,而活动费用的拨款和支 出情况则反映在工作重点一级。
Accordingly allocations and expenditures staff costs are now shown at the level of principal appropriation line, while those for activity costs are shown at the level of main line of action.
Delegates agreed that the need to take effective action was essential, as “business as usual” could not continue.
许多代表团强调今后十年的处理办法不能“一 照旧 ”。
Many delegations highlighted that for the next decade the approach should not be in a business-as-usual manner.
照旧”不 是一种选择,人们有理由乐观地看到,可以通过以发展为导向和一致 的国家政策,并开展旨在满足各国具体需要的强有力和可预测的国际发展合作, 以克服今后的挑战。
Business as usual” was not an option and there was cause for optimism that future challenges could be tackled through development-oriented, coherent national policies, coupled with strong and predictable international development cooperation targeted to meet specific country needs.
旧的威胁没有消失,新的威胁已经出现,这要 求我们不能一照旧。
Old threats have not disappeared, but new threats are upon us, and they demand more of us than business as usual.
第二,各方同意,伊加特、非盟和包括联合国在 内的国际社会应当改变在索马里问题上的一 照旧 的行事方法,应当采取更加积极和更加明确的行动路 线,看看如何能够帮助这个不幸的邻国。
Secondly, it was agreed that IGAD, the AU and the international community, including the United Nations, should shift gears from business-as-usual engagement on Somalia and take a more proactive and better defined trajectory towards seeing how to help this unfortunate neighbouring country.
在这一方面,我们认为,这项协议应当包括一 项由发达国家提出的大胆、自愿的减轻气候变化影响 提议,目标是在总体上,通过推行低温室气体排放模 式,实现与所谓的“一照旧”模 式相比减排 30%和 到 2050 减排 40%的目标。
In that endeavour, we believe that the agreement should include a bold and voluntary mitigation proposal by developed countries, geared towards achieving, as a whole, reductions of 30 per cent compared with the so-called business-as-usual model, and of 40 per cent by 2050, by implementing a low greenhouse gas emission model.
有几个缔约方强调需要分享有关假设和方针的信息,包括有关“一照 旧”情景和“密度”的目标。
Several Parties emphasized the importance of sharing information on assumptions and approaches, including with regard to targets linked to BAU and “intensity”.
为在工作人员-管理层关系中取得有效的协议,秘书长和高 级管理层代表有必要“确保工作人员有效参与确定、审查和解决福利方面的问 题,包括工作条件、一般生活条件和其它人力资源政策问题”,这对于利益攸关 方可能意味着一种困难的对“一 照旧 ” 做 法的偏离,因为他们的思维方式是严 格与等级森严的组织文化联在一起的。
In order to attain effective agreements in SMR, the necessity for the Secretary-General and senior management representatives “to ensure the effective participation of the staff in identifying, examining and resolving issues relating to staff welfare, including conditions of work, general conditions of life and other human resources policies” may represent a difficult deviation from business as usual procedures for stakeholders whose mindsets are strictly tried to that of a hierarchic organizational culture.
相关规定的内容是:(1) 长期地将大气温室气体浓度稳定在远低于 350ppm 二氧化 碳当量的水平;(2) 将全球平均表面温度增加值控制在远远低于比工业化前水平高 1.5° C 的水平;(3) 使全球温室气体排放量至 2015 年达到峰值,此后开始下降;(4) 最迟至 2050 年使全球温室气体排放量在 1990 年的水平上减少 85%以上;(5) 鉴于其历 史责任,《联合国气候变化框架公约》附件一内所列缔约方最迟至 2020 年需将其集体 温室气体排放在 1990 年的水平上减少 45%以上,至 2050 年需在 1990 年的水平上减少 95%以上;(6) 在可持续发展的背景下,并在可计量、可报告和可核查的技术、资金和 能力建设的支持和促成下,通过可计量的、可报告的和可核查的适当的国家减缓行 动,使发展中国家明显驶离一照旧 的 轨 道。
This provides for: (a) long-term stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at well below 350ppm CO2-equivalent levels; (b) global average surface temperature increases to be limited to well below 1.5° C above pre-industrial levels; (c) global greenhouse gas emissions to peak by 2015 and decline thereafter; (d) reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions by more than 85 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 (e); annex I parties to the UNFCCC to reduce their collective greenhouse gas emissions by more than 45 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, and more than 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050, given their historical responsibility; and (f) a significant deviation from business as usual by developing countries through measurable, reportable and verifiable nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity-building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner.
发言中还介 绍了为达到“一照旧”情 景下的排放水平而使用的国内生产总值增长率数字。
Information was also shared on the gross domestic product growth rates used to arrive at the BAU emission levels.
但是,主要问题是,尽管我们目前面临巨大危机,世界各国领导人还在宣扬 一照旧的政 策,在很大程度上忽视环境、社会和经济领域之间的联系和复杂性。
The main problem is that, despite the enormous crises we face today, world leaders still preach business-as-usual policies that largely disregard the complexity and interlinkages between the environmental, social and economic spheres.
(c) 森林特征,包括龄级结构、增量、轮伐期及其他相关信息,包括关于 “政照旧”情 景下的森林管理活动的信息
(c) Forest characteristics, including age-class structure, increments, rotation length and other relevant information, including information on forest management activities under ‘business as usual
我们听到阿富汗 当局发出的响亮和清楚的信息,谈到他们要当家作 主以及我们不能——我们任何人都不能,甚至是阿 富汗当局也不能——采取“一照旧 ” 的 方式来做 事。
We have heard loud and clear the message from Afghan authorities about their sovereignty and the fact that we cannot — none of us, not even the Afghan authorities — work as if it were business as usual any more.
非洲发展新伙伴关系通过后十年过去 了,“一照旧”不 应成为一种选择,因为,这会导致承诺破灭,进一步拖延千 年发展目标的实现和非洲发展新伙伴关系的执行。
Ten years after the adoption of NEPAD, the option of “business as usual” should not be an alternative as it would lead to broken promises and further delay the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of NEPAD.
由于正在加紧 筹备联合国可持续发展大会,加共体呼吁所有会员国 摈弃一照旧和逐 步改善的观点,准备共同应对全球 可持续性带来的复杂挑战,要有紧迫感和高度的进取 心。
As preparations for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development intensified, CARICOM called on all Member States to reject business as usual and incremental improvements and prepare to confront the complex challenges of global sustainability collectively and with a sense of urgency and heightened ambition.
一条朝向光明的未来,另一条则是一 照旧。
One is towards a bright future, the other towards more of the same.
如果我们继续一照旧,本委员会 将进一步边缘化,失去其相关性。
If we continue with business as usual, the Commission will be further marginalized and lose its relevance.
在确定各项关键挑战时,各部长和高级别代表说,需要转变模式,他们表 示,“一照旧”无 法继续下去,而且必须改变人类与自然的相处方式。
In identifying the key challenges, ministers and high-level delegates said that there was a need for a paradigm shift, arguing that business as usual could not continue and that the way in which people related to nature must change.
黎巴嫩政府提供了如下政照旧的设 想,其中显示了对氟氯烃的需求情况,如表 3 所示。
The Government of Lebanon provided the business-as-usual scenario below indicating the demand for HCFCs as shown in Table 3.
On the environmental side of the equation, there is considerable experience with regard to how to measure the state of the environment, the degree of ecosystem integrity and the dimension of risk as a result of business-as-usual trends, which can be built into the sustainable development index or set of sustainability indicators.
该报告认定,无 疑目前全球发展模式是不可持续的“一 照旧 ” 已 不再行得通。
It concludes, unequivocally, that the current global development model is unsustainable – “businesses as usual” will no longer work.
因此,附件一缔约方可以一照 旧,最 终,不会带来排放量的实质性削减。
Therefore, the Annex I parties could continue with business-as-usual which, in the end, would not result in any substantial cuts in emissions.
从政府到治理的转变”9 或从“一照旧的政 府”到更开阔治理视野10的 转变已经出现,而且很有必要。
A shift from government to governance”9 or from “government-as-usual” to the broader perspective of governance10 has occurred and is necessary.
我们意识到以往行动纲领的执行未能给最不发达国家带来理想的社会经 济变革,强调国际社会应吸取教训,采取“一 照旧 ” 的 方式无助于解决最不发 达国家面临的多方面的问题。
We are mindful that the implementation of previous programmes of action has not been able to bring about much desired socio-economic transformation in the LDCs and underline that this should serve a lesson for the international community that “business as usual” cannot be an option to deal with a multitude of problems the LDCs face.
贸发十三大不能以“一照旧”的方式进行,不得辜负这次会议具有很大难 度的主题,即“以发展为中心的全球化:迈向包容性和可持续的增长和发展”。
It cannot be “business as usual”. The conference must live up to the challenge of its theme of “Development-centred globalization: towards inclusive and sustainable growth and development.
第21-22 段备选: [ 发展中国家缔约方,特别是主要发展中经济体,应当采 取适合本国的缓解行动,其中包括量化的内容,诸如偏离“政 照旧 ” 情 形的温 室气体排放密度指标。
Option for paras 21-22: [Developing country Parties, especially the major developing economies should undertake nationally appropriate mitigation actions, which include quantified elements, such as the greenhouse gas emission intensity target to deviate from the business as usual.
的任务延长到2012年2月( 级照旧) ;并 请UNMIT 在国家警察(PNTL) 承担所有地区和单位的初步治安责任之后,支持它的进一步 体制发展和能力建设。
A 2011 report of the Secretary-General noted that the handover of policing responsibility from UNMIT to the national police will mark the beginning of the reconstitution phase and precede the certification of full reconstitution and capability, which will come at the end of the reconstitution phase.69 In February 2011, the Security Council extended the mandate of UNMIT until February 2012 at its current levels, and requested that UNMIT support the further institutional development and capacity-building of the national police (PNTL) following its resumption of primary policing responsibility in all districts and units.70 41.
工作组认识到,衡量其任务成功与否的最终标准,将是所有利益攸关方在 商业活动中把“指导原则”纳入“一 照旧 ” 主 流的程度――各利益攸关方是否 以同样的方式影响、领导或参与,或受到影响。
The Working Group recognizes that the final measure of success of its mandate will be the extent to which the Guiding Principles are mainstreamed into “business-as-usual” for all stakeholders in business activities – whether they influence, lead or participate in, or are affected by the same.
2009 年最不发达国家报告》提供了关于这场危机影 响的独特视角,找出了各种政策备选办法和变革的机会,并提出,全球经济危机 的影响在最不发达国家很可能会如此严重,以致“一 照旧 ” 已 不再可能。
The Economic Development in Africa Report 2009 discussed Strengthening Regional Economic Integration for Africa’s Development; and The Least Developed Countries Report 2009 provided unique perspectives on the impact of the crisis, and identified policy options and opportunities for change, and argued that the impact of the global economic crisis was likely to be so severe in least developed countries (LDCs) that “business as usual” was no longer possible.




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