

单词 照抄

See also:

take a shortcut
make a copy
fold one's arms
search and seize
go off with
make a turning move

External sources (not reviewed)

很多实例显示照抄别的机制并不管 用,从殖民时期的遗产到将模式照搬到伊拉克,都是 [...]
There are many examples
[...] demonstrating that the copying of institutions [...]
does not work, from colonial legacies to the transplant of models to Iraq.
提交人还说,当时,他只能按照口授书写俄语照抄已有 的文字;他不能自行写出一段文字,也听不懂俄语。
The author adds that at that time,
he could only write in Russian, following
[...] dictation, or copying existing text; [...]
he was unable to elaborate a text himself,
and could not understand the language.
然而,这些记录并不包括合同规定的所有栏目。35 记录长 短不一,各个报告经常相照抄,有 时含糊不清或不够详细。
However, these reports do not contain all of the sections stipulated in the contract.35 Of varying volume, frequently repeating word for word certain passages from previous reports, they are sometimes muddled or insufficiently detailed.
尽管如此,教师和教师教育者应本着因地制宜的原则,根据 本国本地的教育和文化状况,经过不断评估、适当修改后,才可投入实践,不可一照抄照搬。
Even so, the principles should be assessed with reference to local conditions and adapted accordingly.
最后,各国历来采取体制性办法而不 照抄 国外 办法作出机构创新。
Lastly, countries have historically innovated in their institutional
[...] approaches rather than copying from abroad.
其他问题包括存照抄职务 说明内容而不是确定具体 目标的倾向,评估小组在审查时并非总能得到全部资料,在晋升和加薪时也并未 [...]
Among other issues,
[...] the tendency to copy the contents of [...]
the job description instead of setting specific objectives, that
the panel review is not always systematically informed and that the evaluation reports are not always taken into account at the time of promotions and salary increments.
當然,“各處 鄉村各處例”,我無意要求特區政府 照抄 ” 這 套方式,也不是要求特區政 府為創造職位而創造職位,只是希望政府當局按照這條思路動動腦筋,構思 一些有實際效益的基層政府服務,藉此紓緩就業市場兩極化的問題。
I am not asking the SAR Government to make a direct duplicate of this method, nor am I asking the SAR Government to create jobs just for the sake of creating them. All I am hoping the Government would do is to think in this direction, so as to formulate some government services for the grass-roots people with practical effectiveness, so as to alleviate the problem of polarization in the job market.
即便南南之间相照抄也不 总是十分顺利。
Even South-South copying does not always [...]
work smoothly.
出于准则2.5.9( 保留国或国际组织可单方面确定撤回保留生效日期的情况)的 评注中已经说明的理由,委员会也感到有必要通过一项部分相似的准则草案,以
[...] 包括这样一种假设情形,即提出反对的国家或国际组织自己单方面确定撤回该项 反对的生效日期,而不必完照抄前 一 准则草案。
(1) For the reasons given in the commentary to guideline 2.5.9 (Cases in which the author of a reservation may set the effective date of withdrawal of the reservation), the Commission felt it necessary to adopt a guideline that was analogous in order to cover the situation in which the objecting State or international organization
unilaterally sets the effective date of withdrawal of its objection, without,
[...] however, entirely reproducing the former guideline.
主席,我建議在 第 20 條加入第(3)款,其實是參考了 ─ 不是,不算是參考,而照抄了 ─ 資深大律師黃福鑫前主席的手稿,意思是要有這項條文,才能保障警監 會確實可以在這些情況下,取得這些所謂有“專業特權的聲稱”的資料。
He meant to state that this provision was essential in ensuring that the IPCC could actually obtain the information protected by the so-called "claim of legal professional privilege".
计算机辅助翻译技术”是一个广义的术语,涵盖多种复杂程度的种类繁多的工具, 从基本拼写检查(内置或附加程序)到较先进的机器翻译软件或者翻译记忆系统(如 MultiTrans 和 Trados),可以在特定情况下方便翻译的工作 照抄 以 前 文件已经译过 的段落、句子和章节。
Computer-assisted translation techniques” is a broad term covering a wide variety of tools of diverse complexity, from basic spell-checkers (either built-in or add-on programmes) to more sophisticated machine-translation software or translation memories (such as MultiTrans and Trados), which can facilitate the work of translators in specific contexts, by recycling paragraphs, sentences and segments that have already been translated in previous documents.
若看懂这些义务,必须查看合 同本身、合同中所提到的一般性条件、特别行政条款书(CCAP, 照抄 了 合同本身的某些 条目)、私人工程一般行政条款书(CCAG,特别行政条款书曾经提到、但没有写入合同, 有可能产生不同的安排)。
In order to identify these obligations it is necessary to consult the contract itself, the general terms and conditions which are cited, the schedule of specific administrative clauses, which takes up some of the items in the contract itself, and the schedule of general administrative clauses for private works, which is cited in the schedule of specific administrative clauses but not in the contract, and which might include different provisions.
所 以,如果我照抄國際的定義,會否影響香港其他監管執法機關的“酷 刑 ”定義呢?
Therefore, if we are to indiscriminately adopt a definition used internationally, would there be any implication on the definition of "torture" as adopted by other regulatory or law enforcement bodies in Hong Kong?
主席,政策有需要因地制宜,所以,我也不是要求政 照抄 上 海的 經驗,只是市民眼見一些“細眉細眼”的環保項目政府也未做出成績,又 如何令市民相信它是有決心對抗日益令人擔憂的空氣污染質素呢?
Only that if the public cannot see the Government produce results in environmental protection in small ways, how can it convince the public that it has the resolve to tackle the increasingly worrisome air pollution?
我們照抄政府 在九㆔年交給㆗方,希望㆗方接納的功能 界別的信。
We copied verbatim from the letter [...]
that the Government wrote to the Chinese side in 1993, urging the latter to accept its
plan for the new functional constituencies.
故 此 , 如果香港照 抄 其他外國 高 科 技 工業,現 時 才 [...]
開 始 可 能 付 出 的 代 價 非常大 , 然而, 就 納 米 科 技 而 言 , 因為相 對 較 新 , 所 以 香港現時 起 步仍未 算 遲 , 仍 然具備 競爭力。
Therefore, if Hong
[...] Kong wishes to copy other high technology [...]
industries in foreign countries, it may have to pay a very
high price if it starts doing so now.
因 此,我在一審時代表女方,向法院爭取香港的法庭處理在港財產的分 配 ⎯⎯ 即使香港沒有照抄”英 國在1984年有關的明文條文,也不會 令香港的法院沒有足夠的司法管轄權。
Even though Hong Kong did not adopt the practice of the relevant provisions from the United Kingdom in 1984, it does not mean the Hong Kong courts would have insufficient jurisdiction.
[...] 防止或追查嚴重罪行,是不足的,其實,在國內,這做法一向如是,將控照抄如儀 ,卻沒細節的,也可以告得入。
Actually, Ms Margaret NG said that it would not suffice to just copy the original
text such as public security, the public security of Hong Kong and the prevention or
[...] detection of serious crime once again.
基本法》裏 並 沒 有出現過“ 行 政主導 ”
的提述 , 但 《 基本法》無 疑 是 已把回 歸 以前的 港 英 政 府 的 一 套 “
[...] 行 政主導 ”模式一 成 不 變照 抄 下 來;殊 不知過往這個模式能行得 [...]
通 , 是有賴 當 時 的 委任議員和 官 守 議員的支持, 而 目 前 的政府
卻 連 議員就 政 府 法 案所提 出 的 修 正 案 , 也 要想盡辦法 不能讓它 面 世,我 真 不知道這種 狀 況能維 持 多 久 。
An "executive-led" mode is not mentioned in the Basic Law but it
[...] has undoubtedly copied wholesale the [...]
"executive-led" mode of the British Hong Kong
Administration before the reunification.
局長會否 認 為 , 這 種 機 械化地 適 應 化 的 做 法 有 重 新 檢 討 的 必 要 , 從 而
[...] 確 認 香 港不再 是 一個殖 民地,清 楚 凸 顯 香港特區具 特區的 憲 法地位 , 無照抄殖民 地時代 的法律?
This relationship as stipulated in the Basic Law is completely different from that between a suzerain state and a colony. Does the Secretary find it necessary to review this kind of mechanical adaptation, in a bid to confirm that Hong Kong is no longer a colony, to clearly highlight the constitutional role of the SAR as a special
administration region, and that there is no need for Hong
[...] Kong to copy the legislation implemented under the colonial administration?
我也是想說謝謝局長的,因為局長很坦白,他表明其實只想說“香港” 的“公共安全” ─ 即是說,他知道在香港擬就《基本法》第二十三條制 訂法例的過程中,大家也很害怕政府會將國內的國家安全 照抄 過 來 ,並將 國內的國家安全法應用於香港。
I also want to say thank you to the Secretary because he was being very candid when he made it clear that he only wanted to refer to the "public security of Hong Kong" ― that is, he knows that in the process of legislating to implement
Article 23 of the Basic
[...] Law, everyone was afraid that the Government would copy the national security law of the Mainland in its entirety and apply it to Hong Kong.
根據局 長的說法,如果我照抄聯合 國第 1373 號決議,是應該有這個詞的;但是, 我們在法案委員會曾討論這個詞應作何解釋?
As the Secretary has said, the term should be included if we indiscriminately copy the UNSCR 1373 but the Bills Committee has discussed how the term should be interpreted and what the term should cover.
21条第4款(b) 项的内容,在全体讨论期间没有引起 任何争议,不过一些委员认为该条在一定程度 照抄 了 准则草案4.3.1 。
It reiterated the content of article 21, paragraph 4 (b), of the Vienna Conventions and had not generated any controversy during the plenary debate, although some members believed that it duplicated guideline 4.3.1 to some extent.
佛罗伦萨抄本》按照很多 欧洲百科全书式作品常用的传统知识分类,介绍了“新西班牙一切神圣的(或者说崇拜偶像的)事务、人和自然”。
Following the traditional division of knowledge
common to many European encyclopedic
[...] works, the Florentine Codex deals with “all things [...]
divine (or rather idolatrous), human and natural of New Spain.
该专家的结论是,认罪书是在精神 紧张状态下写的,反映出是抄写一 个具有纪录技能的人的自然优雅的讲话。
The expert concluded that the confession of guilt was written under mental tension and reflected the reproduction in writing of the spontaneous speech of a person with skills in taking statements.
如果 局長也不相信我們的平機會,硬說平機會也 抄 襲 外 國的東西,我們是不照做的 ,因為我們的背景不同的話,局長未免難以向市民解釋為何我們要相 信平機會能發揮作用。
If even the Secretary does not trust our EOC and
insists that the EOC
[...] also wants to copy from overseas countries and that this is something we should not do because [...]
our background is different,
I think it would be rather difficult for the Secretary to explain to the public why we should believe that the EOC is able to perform its functions.
阿根廷、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、捷克共和国(代表属于欧洲联盟 的联合国会员国)、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、卡塔尔、俄罗斯联邦、阿拉伯 叙利亚共和国和乌克兰照第 6 3/68 号决议的规定做出的答复,曾载于秘书长报 告(A/64/138 和 Add.1),抄录在下文第三节。
The replies received from Argentina, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech Republic (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Lebanon, Mexico, Nicaragua, Qatar, Russian Federation, Syrian Arab Republic and Ukraine, in response to resolution 63/68 and previously circulated in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/138 and Add.1) are reproduced in section III below.
議員可參閱工 商及科技局於2003年 10月 向工商事務 委員會委員 發出,抄送不屬事務 委員會委員的所有其他 議員的資料文件(檔號:立 法會CB(1)178/03-04(01)號文件),以了解有關的進一步資料。
Members may wish to refer to an information note (Ref: LC Paper CB(1)178/03-04(01)) issued by the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau in October 2003 to members of the Panel on Commerce and Industry and copied to all other non-Panel members for further information.
在政府接管马西西后,刚果(金)武装部队 抄 了 恩 塔甘达将军在马西西 Bunyoli 和 Kilolirwe 的农场(见附件 35)及其在戈马的住所,发现了大量轻重型 武器(见附件 36)。
Ntaganda’s ranches in Bunyoli and Kilolirwe in Masisi (see annex 35), as well as on his residence in Goma, and uncovered large quantities of light and heavy weaponry (see annex 36).
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.




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