

单词 照得

External sources (not reviewed)

他 着重提到了土著民族获取签证或其 照得 到 承认方面遇到的、尤其是在需要保持 跨界关系的情况下遇到的各种困难。
He highlighted the difficulties facing
[...] indigenous peoples to obtain visas or to have their passports recognized, especially [...]
when they had to
maintain relations across borders.
每逢夜晚大桥,灯火把大照得通明 ,耀目非凡。
When illuminated at night, the bridge dominates the cityscape.
The river landscape is dominated by Jätkänkynttilä Bridge; it’s an impressive sight, especially when illuminated at night.
Appeals to non-governmental organizations to step up their efforts in keeping with the principles of action approved at Durban
貨櫃的擁有人、受託保管人或承租人必 須確保所處理的貨櫃獲認可當局批准、貨櫃上固定裝設有安全合格照、得到妥善保養、按獲准的程序予以檢驗,同時貨櫃上的標記與安 全合格牌照上的資料相符。
The owner, bailee or lessee of a container has to ensure that the container being handled is approved by recognized authorities, fixed with a safety approval plate, properly maintained, examined according to the approved procedures and that markings on a container are consistent with the information on the safety approval plate.
2. 所獲得的分紅獎金總數是照得獎人的年度總箱積分(在合格全球年終分紅 獎勵資格國家以外所推薦或發展出來的新人所產生的箱積分不算在內)﹐再 加上得獎人的第一代在任何海外全球年終分紅獎勵參與國中所推薦或發展出 來合格分紅經理的分紅箱積分來核算。
2) The qualifying Distributor will be awarded one Incentive Share for each of their Total Case Credits generated in their Qualifying Country (but not including the “new” case credits generated outside of their Qualifying Country), plus the Incentive Shares generated by the first Chairman’s Bonus Manager in each of their sponsorship lines in any Participating Country.
结果表明:根据同一个集合种群不同的快照所估测的参数可以有很大差异,一个 照得 出 的参数提示的是占据性强但存活率低的集合种群,而另一个快照可能反映的是一个占据性弱但存活率高的集合种群。
For example, estimates from one snapshot may indicate a species with good dispersal and poor local survival probabilities whereas estimates from another snapshot of the same metapopulation may suggest a poor disperser with good local survival probabilities.
委员会建议缔约国使寻求庇护者能行使寻求庇护的权利,确保 照得 到 广 泛承认 的不驱逐原则保护他们免受驱逐。
The Committee recommends that the State party enable asylum-seekers to exercise their right to seek asylum and that it ensure protection against refoulement in line with the widely recognized principle of non-refoulement.
透過 Auspicious Colour 持有的照, 該得以提 供結合衛星容量及上行鏈路服務之一站式服務。
Through this licence, held by Auspicious Colour, [...]
the company offers a one-stop solution that combines the provision of satellite
capacity and uplink services to broadcasters.
管理业绩:有能 力监测和评价方案的执行情况以及 照 进 度 指标 得 的 进 展。
Managing performance: ability to monitor and appraise programme implementation, progress against milestones.
评估众多残疾儿童被安置在长期照料机构接受照料的原因,并审查他 们在这些场所得照料和待遇的状况
(f) Assess why so many children with disabilities are in long-term institutional care and review their care and treatment in these settings
得 照料和接受高质量教育固然重要,但是远远不够, 儿童积极参与自身发展的身份应得到认同。
Access to quality care and education, however necessary it might be, was still not sufficient; children should also be recognized as active participants in their own development.
刑事司法系统中儿童问题行动指南》(经济及社会理事会第 1997/30 号决议, 附件)提出,应确保采取适当行动,减少这样一些需要特别保护措施的儿童的
[...] 问题:少数民族、移民和土著居民的儿童和其他脆弱儿童群体,应 照 《 利雅 得准则》的要求,将重点放在制定全面的预防计划上。
The Guidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System (Economic and Social Council resolution 1997/30, annex) provide that appropriate action should be ensured to alleviate the problem of children in need of special protection measures, such as children of minorities, immigrants and indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups of children,
and that emphasis should be placed on formulating comprehensive prevention
[...] plans, as called for in the Riyadh Guidelines.
(ii) 倘若房委會發現*本人/我們/本號曾設法操縱投標,則房委 得照 「 投 標 普通章程」第10條規定收取算定損害賠償。
(ii) if *I am/we are discovered to have manipulated HA’s tender system, as stated in Clause 10 of the General Conditions of Tender.
日内瓦排 雷中心补充说,乌克兰将采用的销毁方法安全、负 得 起 、 易于 照 国 家 排放标得到更 新,易于维护和操作、利用易于获得的材料建造,而且能够保持较高的 产出率。
The GICHD added that the destruction method to be used by Ukraine is safe, affordable, easily upgradable to national emission standards, simple to maintain and operate, built using readily-available materials and capable of sustaining high rates of output.
(e) 提供以对性别问题有敏感认识的方式使受害者 得照 料 、 康复和重返 社会的设施。
(e) Provide facilities for the care, recovery and reintegration of victims in a gender-sensitive manner.
最初所建 关系和得照顾的质量对幼儿的生存和发展至关重要。
The quality of their earliest relationships and care is crucially important for their survival and development.
例如,根據《區議會選舉活動 指引》第 17.10 段,為減少誤會,如果選舉廣告內印有顯示候選 人與其他人士參加某項活動的照片,可於照片下方加上標題,說
[...] 明有關活動的具體性質,但不會暗示或可能令選民相信候選人得照片中其他人物的支持。
For example, under paragraph 17.10 of the Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the District Council Election, to minimize misunderstanding, if an election advertisement carries a photograph of the candidate attending an activity with other attendees, a caption specifying the particular nature of the event could be added underneath the photograph in such a way that will not imply,
or likely cause electors to believe, that the candidate has the support of the other
[...] people appearing in the photograph.
所有的孩子 都在临时护理中心或寄养家庭立即 得照 顾 , 并已成功地与家人团聚。
All the children received immediate care in interim care centres or with foster families and have been successfully reunified with their families.
構思中的退休保 障制度中,現行的強積金計劃及社會保障制度應予以保留,俾能照顧一般僱 員及有特別需要人士的個別需要,而新引入的全民退休金計劃,則透過構建 共同承擔的機制,使過去被排拒的貧困長者都能 得照 顧。
Under  the  proposed  pension  system,  both  above‐mentioned systems should be maintained beca use, as a matter fact, they  can  take  good  care  of  the  well‐being  of  the  pensioners  and  those  in  special  needs  respectively.  The  introduction  of  universal  OAP  Scheme,  through  the  sharing  of  collective  responsibility,  is  expected  to  address  the  needs  of  impoverished elders being marginalized ‘in the pa st’.
他们懂得穿小珠子,穿时还得照原 来 的顺序穿。
They can string small beads and can copy bead order when stringing beads.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用得 超 過 有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
该规则还要求出口商和进口商必须向指定当局注册;只有 得 执 照 之 后 才允许进口消 耗臭氧层物质和使用消耗臭氧层物质的设备;并且出口只限于针对《蒙特利尔议定书》及 其各项修正案的缔约方,并且要根据配额进行。
The rules also require mandatory registration with designated authorities for exporters and importers; the import of ODS and ODS-based equipment is permitted only with a license; and export is restricted to countries that are parties to the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, according to quota.
例如,指导体育比赛的官员、裁判员及仲裁员等人 得照顾 比赛中的一方。
For example, the officials who guide sport competition, referees, umpires and the like, must not give preference to one side over the other.
但 法律规 定,如果孩 子 年 幼 并 且 用 母 乳喂养 , 母 亲 立即得照管权
However, the law provides that if the child is of tender age and breast fed, the mother gets immediate care and control over same.
还有,关于乡村妇女问题,签发 40 万份夫妻拥有土地的土地共同所有权证 的承诺(对 2004 至 2007 年从第一个国家妇女政策计划得益的所有家庭),已经实 现有余,因为在“安置项目”得照 顾 的 妇女已达 415 653 人。
Also on the issue of rural women, the commitment to issue 400,000 joint land titles to plots of land owned by couples — to all the families that benefited from the agrarian reform between 2004 and 2007 under PNPM I — was more than met; 415,653 women benefited from the Settlement Project.
26 个缔约国境内,这些国家报告 说,对人数众多的地雷幸存者负有责任,同时切记所有有能力这样做的缔约国都 有义务协助地雷受害者得照料、 康复并重新融入社会。
The focus of efforts has been on and in the 26 States Parties that have reported a responsibility for the well being of significant numbers of survivors, while not forgetting that all States Parties in a position to do so have an obligation to assist in the care, rehabilitation and reintegration of mine victims.




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