

单词 照出


(引出对照)然而 adv

now adv

External sources (not reviewed)

如在六周以后办理,您需要提供更多身份证明,如 照 、 出 生 证明或带有照片的国际驾驶执照等。
After six weeks most banks require you
to provide more identification,
[...] such as a passport, a birth certificate or an international driving licence with photo.
设 计师也设计出拥有极纤长线条 的厨房龙头,这些线条能够照出城市美学概念。
The gentleman of design also designed a second kitchen mixer with extremely slender, tall lines that echo an urban aesthetic.
照出口管路减小入口管路的 尺寸 / 直径。
Reduce size/diameter of inlet line relative to outlet line.
他们只是照出席 会 议和审案或执行具体项目的时间获得报酬。
They received payment only for time spent either attending meetings and hearings or working on specific projects.
二) 如屬兒童出生證明書,請照出生證 明書左方第一欄的英文字首及號碼填寫。
(2) For Birth Certificates, please [...]
quote the English prefix and the number in the leftmost column.
不再思考手動該如何配合燈照出美 麗 的照片,C1420的智慧功能除了美化光源外還能精準地為您選擇最恰當的模式。
The C1420 not only comes with optimized presets
[...] for different lighting conditions, but [...]
it is smart enough to select the
right one, saving you the trouble of manually switching modes.
将出现一个新窗口,请照出现的 提示完成安装。
A new window will appear, follow the prompts that appear to finish the installation.
(b) 如果為權宜的話,可以照出資人 法律權利以外之方法進行任何該等分配,特別是不 同級別享有不同的優先權或特權,或可全部或有部分排除在外;就如是按照〈公司條例〉第 237 條通過之特殊決議一樣,但如果確定 照出 資 人 法律權利以外之方法進行分配,因而受到損害 之任何出資者應有表示不同意之權利及附屬權利。
(b) If thought expedient any such division may be otherwise than in accordance with the legal rights of the contributories and in particular any class may be given preferential or special rights or may be excluded altogether or in part; but in case any division otherwise than in accordance with the legal rights of the contributories shall be determined on any contributory who would be prejudiced thereby shall have a right to dissent and ancillary rights as if such determination were a Special Resolution passed pursuant to Section 237 of the Ordinance.
他们会盯 着人脸看,而当镜照出自己 的脸时则会乐起来。
These children are fascinated by faces in general and are amused by their own face reflected in a mirror.
(b) 教協支持以下建 議:如有定期 刊物被 評 定 在 某
[...] 段期間內出版若干期屬於淫褻的刊物,或 未 有照出 版 不雅物品的法 例規定 ,評定委員會可 [...]
發出定 期 刊物令 。
against serial publications if a specified number of
[...] issues of the publications published [...]
within a certain period had been classified
as obscene or had not been published in accordance with the statutory requirements for publication of indecent articles.
經採納香港會計準則第12號修訂後,本集團 照出 售 而可全部收回之假 定重新計量有關其投資物業之遞延稅項,猶如此項新政策一直獲應用。
Upon the adoption of HKAS 12 Amendments, the Group re-measured the deferred tax relating to its investment properties based on the presumption that they are recovered entirely through sale as if this new policy had always been applied.
二十世紀比利時超現實畫家馬格利特的「自由行動」,和十世紀中國五代的「神駿圖卷」,也可以用Yaacov Agam(1928-)的方法結合在一起,當你移動位置,看到的畫面也隨著改變,在不同角度的鏡子也 照出 不 同 的影像。
The twentieth century Surrealist painter from Belize, Magritte's ¡§Free Movement¡¨ and tenth century Chinese fifth generation, ¡§Horse Spirit Scrolls¡¨, can be combined using Yaacov Agam's (1928-) method.
由荷兰政府资 助的技术援助项目旨在实现植物卫生证书手续的自动化,并 照出 口 报 关声明加 以验证,以加快清关手续。
A technical assistance project funded by the Government of the Netherlands aims to automate the processing of the Phytosanitary certificates and to validate them against the export Customs declarations in order to speed up the clearance formalities.
各国在取得国籍方 面采纳的规则 不 同 , 如 果儿童的出生
[...] 国根据血统原则授予国籍,而 其父母的国籍国照出生地 授予国籍,这些 国 家之 间的法律冲突通 [...]
常可能导 致 儿童无国籍。
As States adopt diverging rules on the acquisition of nationality, a conflict of laws between the States involved
typically will leave the child stateless
[...] if the State of birth grants nationality [...]
jus sanguinis and the State of nationality
of the parents grants nationality jus soli.
要越过长时间传输超时,应将照片放入扫描仪,通过扫描仪对 其进行传输,退出照片时传输停止。
To bypass long transport time outs, place a photo in the scanner to transport it through the scanner, the transport
[...] will then stop when the photo exits.
欢迎来到照片页面,在此页你可以查看以及下载高分辨率及高质量的 出照 片。
Welcome to our photo page, on this page you can view and download high resolution and
[...] high quality photos of this show.
直⾄照相机温度与环境温 度的差异⾜够⼩时,再出照相机
Take it out of the bag after the temperature difference from the atmosphere has decreased to a fairly small amount.
它还注意到举报侵害儿童的暴力案件的程序极其耗费时间,缺 乏出反应和为受影响者提照顾的 全面措施。
It also noted that procedures for reporting cases of violence against children were extremely long and lacked comprehensive measures to respond and provide care to those affected.
巡回出”照搬了出生于 底特律的麦当娜(她是挪用亚文化的身体性并将之重新改编便于大众消费的大师)的舞蹈编排, [...]
The Circuit” lifts
[...] choreography from Detroit-born Madonna, a master [...]
of appropriating subcultural physicality and reimagining
it for popular consumption, and reenacts historical moments from American and Detroit subcultures including rave, punk, hip-hop, juggalo, vogue, house, and skate cultures.
委员会还决定向缔约国出照会, 要求就下列问题做出书面答复,“鉴于缔约国 声称其法律允许提交人获得探视权,委员会请缔约国提供详细资料说明在此法律 [...]
The Committee also decided to
[...] forward a note verbale to the State party [...]
requesting a written reply to the following question,
"Since the State party claims that its legislation allows the author to obtain visiting rights, the Committee requests the State party to provide detailed information on effective remedies still available to the author under such legislation".
一些答 复还强调出,照例, 教科文组织的主要工作应由核心预算供资。
Some respondents also stressed that, as a rule, the core business of UNESCO needed to be financed from its core budget.
庭长回顾说,2010 年 12 月 15 日,按照《规约》规定,法庭书记官长已向《公 约》所有缔约国出照会,邀请它们在 2011 年 1 月 10 日至 2011 年 3 月 9 日期 间提出参加法庭选举的候选人姓名。
The President recalled that the Registrar of the Tribunal, in accordance with the statute, had addressed a note to the States parties to the Convention on 15 December 2010, inviting them to submit from 10 January 2011 to 9 March 2011 the names of candidates for election to the Tribunal.
頓時大家都非常有默契地從口袋裡 出照 相 機 ,然後爭著和他人合照。
At the same time, we pulled our camera from pocket, and started to take photos of everyone and everything.
(B) 倘任何股東出代表 其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(d) 調整有關表格及擬議內部指引的字眼,以便更準確反映被羈 留者的權利;及 (e) 修訂擬議內部指引,訂明對被羈留者進行涉及脫去所有衣物 的搜查,應被視為警方執行其法定職能和履行其對所有被扣 留人士出照顧的 責任的最後方法,而任何違反指引的人員 均有可能面對紀律處分。
(e) refinement of the proposed internal guidelines to stipulate that searches of detainees involving the complete removal of clothing should be considered as a last resort to discharge the Police's statutory functions and fulfil their duty of care to all persons detained in their custody, and that any officer contravening the guidelines might be subject to disciplinary action.
(14) 常常发生的情况是,一国在签署或表示同意受条约约束时就条约发表正面 或负面的意见,甚至出照该国 看来是对条约的改进以及改进的手段,其目的既 [...]
不在于排除或更改条约中某些规定或整个条约的特定方面对其本身和其他缔约方 适用时的法律效果,也不在于加以解释。
(14) It also frequently happens that, on the occasion of the signing of a treaty or the expression of its definitive consent to be bound, a State expresses its opinion, positive or negative, with regard to the treaty
and even sets forth improvements that it
[...] feels ought to be made to the treaty, [...]
as well as ways of making them, without purporting
to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty or of the treaty as a whole with respect to certain specific aspects in their application between it and the other contracting States or contracting organizations, or to interpret it.
因此,除 A/64/171 号报告所载资料外,还必须指出,阿根廷在大会范围内 参与拟定并谈判达成了第 64/167 号决议,而且,2009 年 9 月,阿根廷外交部长 向尚未签署或批准《公约》的联合国所有会员国外交部长 出照 会 , 以便向他们 表达该文书对于逐渐发展国际人道主义法的重要性,并请他们考虑酌情签署或批 准《公约》。
Thus, in addition to the information contained in report A/64/171, it is important to note that within the context of the General Assembly, Argentina elaborated and negotiated resolution 64/167 and that in September 2009, the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs delivered notes to his peers from all the countries of the United Nations that had not yet signed or ratified the Convention, in an effort both to convey to them the importance of the instrument with regard to the progressive development of international human rights law and to request them to consider the possibility of signing and/or ratifying it, depending on the case.
2010 年 3 月 10 日,科武装部队参谋长向联科行动和独角兽部队 出照 会, 宣布恢复对米-24 型直升机的维修工作。13 据报告,维修工作于 2006 年 中断,原因是制裁制度阻碍了外国技术援助和零部件进口(见S/2007/611,第 44 段)。
On 10 March 2010, the FANCI Chief of Staff addressed a note to UNOCI and Force Licorne announcing the resumption of maintenance work on the Mi-24 helicopter.13 Maintenance work had reportedly stopped in 2006 because the sanctions regime prevented foreign technical assistance and the import of spare parts (see S/2007/611, para. 44).
二. 中、英、數各科目每級以共同備課方式完成兩個課題的課業,有效地顯出 照顧學習差異的策略。
Two different topics of schoolwork were completed in each grade for the subjects of Chinese language, English language and Mathematics, which help showing the strategy of catering for the learning differences effectively.




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