

单词 煤炭

See also:


coal n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,不合煤炭的影 響遲早會導致對質量主導出口產生積極 影響,並使有關產品重獲有利的溢價。
Moreover, an overhang of
[...] off-specification coals should in time lead [...]
to a positive outcome for quality oriented exports
and a return to favourable premiums for such products.
另有179百萬美元收入涉及Prodeco的未來產量與若干固定價格遠 煤炭 銷 售 合約有關的按市價計值上 調。
There were also $ 179 million of positive mark to
market adjustments related to certain
[...] fixed priced forward coal sales contracts [...]
in respect of Prodeco’s future production.
能源转型的最终目标应该是提高能源效率,减少对化石燃 料、特别是对石油煤炭的依 赖,并增加对可再生能源、特别是对风能、太阳能 [...]
The ultimate goal of such a transition must be to improve energy
efficiency and reduce reliance on fossil fuels,
[...] especially oil and coal, and to increase reliance [...]
on renewable sources of energy,
especially wind, solar and advanced (non-food) biofuels.
礦產資源租賃稅(MRRT)亦於二零一二年七月一日生效,但由於其僅適用 煤炭 及 鐵 礦採礦業務,故並未影 響本公司。
The Minerals Resource Rent Tax (MRRT) also
came into effect on 1 July 2012 and does not impact the Company as it
[...] only applies to coal and iron ore mining [...]
我国煤化工业能发挥丰富煤炭资源优势,补充国内油、气资源不足和满足对 化工产品的需求,推动煤化工洁净电力联产的发展,保障能源安全,促进经济 的可持续发展。
China's coal chemical industries could bring the advantages of abundant coal resources [...]
into play, make up for the insufficiency
of domestic oil and gas resources, satisfy the demand for chemical products, impel the development of coal chemical industry with pure electric power, safeguard energy security, and facilitate the economic sustainable development.
该组织已制定了各种方案,以便积极促进中 煤炭 生 产 大省发展清 煤炭技 术,包括推广清煤炭技术;增强清 煤炭 和 能 源行业的能力以及改善应对气候 变化的看法;促进产业的“绿色”发展;以及表彰积极履行社会责任的企业,从 而实现该行业和全人类的可持续发展。
The organization has established
programmes to actively
[...] promote clean coal technology in the major coal-producing provinces in China, including disseminating clean coal technology; improving the capability of the clean coal and energy industry [...]
and its perceptions
in dealing with climate change; promoting “green” updates for industry; and commending enterprises that actively take on social responsibilities, so as to achieve the sustainable development of the industry and all of humankind.
这包括高效清洁地开发利煤炭资源、调整和优化电 力结构、努力增加石油天然气供给能力、加快发展新能 [...]
源和可再生能源、加强石油储备建设、加大能源资源勘 探力度。
These include coal with high efficiency [...]
and clean burning technology; improving the electricity supply structure for higher
efficiency; increasing the supply of natural gas; speeding up the development of new energy and renewable energy sources; building up strategic petroleum reserves; and enhancing energy resources survey capabilities.
[...] 因素(如知識、經驗及行業慣例)所作的判斷表述,而此等估計的準確性可能受多個因素影響,包括勘探鑽 探結果的質量煤炭樣本 分析以及作出估計的人士所採用的程序及所具有的經驗。
Reserve and resource estimates involve expressions of judgment based on various factors such as knowledge, experience and industry practice, and the accuracy of these estimates may be affected by many factors, including
quality of the results of exploration
[...] drilling and analysis of coal samples, as well as [...]
the procedures adopted by and the experience
of the person making the estimates.
继《世界能源 展望 2007》(2007 年 11 月)聚焦中国与印度之后,国 际能源署进一步决定,通过邀请高级代表团参与委员会 周(就紧急应对准备、石油、天然气 煤炭 市 场 展望、 技术协作和能源效能措施等与能源相关的核心问题进行 为时几天的讨论),让全球最大的两个新兴经济体参与 进来。
After focusing on China and India in its World Energy Outlook 2007 (November 2007), the IEA moved forward on its decision to engage the world’s two largest emerging economies by inviting highlevel delegations to participate in Committee Week – several days of discussion on key energy-related issues including emergency response preparedness; outlook for oil, gas and coal markets; technology collaboration; and energy efficiency measures.
31 能源供应将继续主要依赖化石 燃料,直到 2030 年煤炭据预 测将占全球能源需求增量的三分之一以上。
Energy supplies would continue to be based primarily on
[...] fossil fuels, with coal projected to account [...]
for more than a third of incremental
global energy demand through 2030.
在此之前,他在德意志银行全球企业融资团队任副总裁,曾为很多企业提供重要咨询服务并参与了很多资本市场交易,如 AES Corp 对中国投资公司 (China Investment Corporation, CIC) 的私募股权配售、CIC 对 PT Bumi Resources 的策略投资、AB-InBev 对 KKR 出售 Oriental Brewery、海尔集团
(Haier Group) 的资产重组、建议中国华能集团
[...] (China Huaneng Group) 收购澳大利煤炭项目、建议凯雷集团 (Carlyle [...]
Group) 投资徐工机械 (Xugong Group Construction Machinery),还为香港特区政府提供金融策略咨询服务。
Before joining Blackstone in 2010, Mr. Chen worked as a Vice President in the global corporate finance team of Deutsche Bank AG, HK, at which he'd been involved in many significant corporate advisory and capital market transactions such as the equity placement by AES Corp to China Investment Corporation (CIC); CIC's strategic investment into PT Bumi Resources; the sale of Oriental Brewery to KKR by AB-InBev; the asset restructuring
of Haier Group; the proposed
[...] acquisition of an Australian coal project by China Huaneng [...]
Group; the proposed investment into
Xugong Group Construction Machinery by the Carlyle Group; as well as strategic financial consulting for the HKSAR Government.
无论您是需要炼钢流程方面的技术建议 煤炭 和 焦 炭贸易的战略合作关系,还是对降低风险、最大化利润、提高贵金属或贱金属开采或提炼效率的指导,我们都能随时为您提供国际服务。
Whether you need technical advice on
steel manufacturing processes, a
[...] strategic partnership in coal and coke trading [...]
or guidance on risk reduction, maximizing
profits or improving efficiencies in precious or base metal mining or extraction, we are readily available with an international service.
石英(化学名:二氧化硅)中的两个氧原子 煤炭 中 的碳原子清除之后,生成冶金级硅。
The carbon in the coal removes the two oxygen [...]
atoms from the quartz (chemical name: silicon dioxide) – leaving liquid metallurgical-grade silicon.
事实上,近年几乎在每一个煤炭规模 化生产的地方,政府和企业都在谋划上马“煤制油”项目,大部分项 [...]
In fact, since the beginning of this year, almost in
[...] every place where coal production is going to [...]
scale, the government and enterprises
are planning to start “coal liquefaction oil” projects, most of which have already submitted feasibility study reports or pre-feasibility study reports.
[...] Peters公司一直在为全球水泥及石膏行 业生产创新的材料处理和加工系统,并为全球钢铁工业制 煤炭 粉 碎和 喷射系统。
For over a century, Claudius Peters has been producing innovative materials handling and processing
systems for the global cement and gypsum
[...] industries, as well as coal pulverising and injection [...]
systems for the world’s steel industry.
除此之外,由于预期的经济增长(即预期的初级能 煤炭 的 需 求增长根据国际能源署参 考情景从 2005 年到 2030 年提高 2.2 倍[国际能源署,2007 年],参见第五章),能源和 原材料的运输同样会提高。
In addition, the transport of energy and raw materials will also increase due to the expected economic growth (e.g. expected growth of primary energy demand coal by factor 2.2 from 2005 to 2030 in the IEA reference scenario [IEA 2007], see chapter 5).
它由 William F.
[...] Rumpke 先生于 1932 年在俄亥 俄州迦太基创立,最初经煤炭和垃 圾场业 务。
Founded by William F. Rumpke Sr. in 1932, the
[...] company began as a coal and junkyard business [...]
in Carthage, Ohio.
[...] Gol项目成为国际认可的资源基地,我们现在希望升级并扩大我们的项目,并首次有信心地寻求高质量动力煤的生产方案,向国际动力煤市场供应有竞争力 煤炭 产 品
The results provide Sharyn Gol with a firm, solid, internationally recognized resource base from which we can now look to upgrade and expand our operations and for the first time, with confidence,
work towards establishing quality coal products which will be able to competitively compete in the
[...] international coal sales arena.
最终,波兰将必须减煤炭消耗 ,到那个时候它将会 更多地依靠核能、可持续的“绿色”电力生产以及深埋在页岩 [...]
Eventually, Poland will
[...] have to reduce its coal consumption, and when [...]
it does it will have to rely more on nuclear power,
sustainable “green” electricity production, and on natural gas, potentially that trapped in shale rock deep below the soil.
煤炭變現價格低於本公司未來任何採礦業務的整體生產成本,且該價格持續一段較長時間,則本公司或會錄得損失及或會決定 [...]
If realized coal prices fall below [...]
the full cost of production of any of its future mining operations and remain at such
a level for any sustained period, the Company could experience losses and may decide to discontinue operations, which could require the Company to incur closure costs and result in reduced revenues.
而这次扩增,丸红所拥有的相煤炭 权 益 的年产能力也将增至 750 万吨左右, [...]
其中供应给炼铁用的原料煤比重将增达 90%以上。
Marubeni Corporation, through the expansion of the
mine, aims to contribute to stable supply of
[...] 8.0Mtpa of low ash/low sulfur high [...]
quality HCC and PCI coal for steel making
customers in Asia, South America and the rest of the world.
植物对汞的吸收也许可以说明汞出现在化石燃料 煤炭 、 石 油、 天然气中的原因,因为我们通常认为这些燃料是由组织残余经由地质转换形成的(UNEP [...]
Its absorption by plants may account for the presence of mercury within
[...] fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, since [...]
these fuels are conventionally thought
to be formed from geologic transformation of organic residues (UNEP 2002).
这 是中煤炭公司 中唯一一家三地上市的公司。
It is the only Chinese coal company to be listed [...]
on three exchanges.
2008年8月,澳大利亚公司克瑞斯特矿业(Crest Mining)宣布与伊煤炭项目达成投资协议,持有该项目17%的受让股权,标志着澳大利亚涉足中国这个资源丰富的自治区,用专业技术,提高项目的安 [...]
In August 2008, Australian company
Crest Mining announced an investment
[...] agreement with the Yihe Coal project, with a 17 [...]
per cent farm-in stake in the project,
signified Australian involvement in the resources-rich autonomous region of China by providing its expertise to improve safety, efficiency and yields.
煤炭生产商和水泥工厂 经营者已经确定并发展长期的密切关系,供应工厂所需的全部或部分能量需求所要求 煤炭 ( ACA 2005)。
A number of coal producers and cement plant operators have identified and developed strong long-term relationships for the supply of coal to meet all or part of the energy [...]
needs of the plant (ACA 2005).
该公司由山西煤炭进出 口集团有限责任公司注册成立,并于 2009 年在上交所工 业板块(中国证监会将其分类为采掘业类)上市(SSE:600546)。
The company was solely
[...] incorporated by Shanxi Coal Import & Export Group [...]
Company Limited and it was listed on the SSE (SSE:
600546) in the industrials sector (CSRC Extractive Industry category) in 2009.
本集團擬將供股所得款項用作以下各項 所需資金:(i)如本公司日期為2013年3月27日之公佈所披露,建議收購威達貿易有限公 司全部已發行股本(煤炭收購 事項」)之代價餘款約5,000,000港元(視完成情況而 定);(ii) 倘落煤炭收購事項,預期為煤炭 貿 易 業務於申請中國銀行融資及/或開 出信用證時預期將予向銀行承諾抵押現金,則須為此預留約20,000,000港元;及(iii)收煤炭事項完成後煤炭貿易 業務之營運資金約2,900,000港元(視完成情況而定)。
The Group intends to apply the proceeds from the Rights Issue for funding (i) the balance of the consideration of approximately HK$5.0 million for the proposed acquisition (the “Coal Acquisition”) of the entire issued share capital of Wider Trading Limited (subject to its completion), as disclosed in the announcement of the
Company dated 27 March
[...] 2013; (ii) the new coal trading business of approximately HK$20.0 million the Company expected to commit for the pledging of cash with bank(s) for the purpose of applying bank facilities in the PRC and/or issuing letter(s) of credit when the Coal Acquisition is materialised and (iii) the working capital of the new coal trading business after the completion of the Coal Acquisition (subject [...]
to its completion)
of approximately HK$2.9 million.
不過 , 中 電 的 說 法是,他們的生產 方法中 , 三分之 一是以 核 能 發 電 , 三分之 一是以 石 油 氣 發 電 ,
[...] 餘 下的三分之 一 才 是煤炭發 電 , 因此, 問題便 沒 [...]
有 港 燈 那 麼 嚴重。
However, the CLP claimed that as far as its ways of power generation are concerned, one third of its electricity is
generated by means of nuclear energy, one third with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and only
[...] the remaining one third uses coal.
b. 会议文件:委员会年会报告(2);矿物分类专家组年会报告(2);煤层气问题特设 专家组年会报告(2);煤炭和其 他化石燃料更清洁发电问题特设专家组年会报告 [...]
全球背景下能源安全新风险(1);欧洲经济委员会成员国执行联合国化石能源和 矿物资源框架分类的情况(1);欧洲经委会区域新能源市场发展情况(1);欧洲经 委会国家可持续能源战略、政策和各种选择(1)
b. Parliamentary documentation: reports of the annual sessions of the Committee (2); reports of the annual sessions of the Expert Group on
Resources Classification (2); the Ad Hoc
[...] Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane (2) and [...]
the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Cleaner
Electricity Production for Coal and Other Fossil Fuels (2); report on clean coal technology development in countries with economies in transition (1); reports on economic transition in the energy sector (1), emerging energy security risks in a global context (1), implementing the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Resources in States members of ECE (1), new energy market developments in the ECE region (1) and sustainable energy strategies, policies and options for ECE countries (1)
前瞻性聲明包括ZEE和PWR利用PWR小型氣化裝置技術建造運營氣化工廠的意向;PWR小型氣化裝置優于其他氣化技術的性能;以及PWR小型氣化裝置技術是否對全球“清 煤炭 ” 機 遇的發展具有重要作用。
Forward-looking statements include the intention of ZEEP and PWR to build and operate gasification plant using PWR's compact gasifier technology; the ability of PWR's compact gasifier to outperform other gasification technologies; and
whether PWR's compact gasifier technology will be instrumental in the development of
[...] world-wide "clean coal" opportunities.




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