单词 | 焙乾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 焙干noun—roastn焙干—dry over a fireSee also:焙—dry over a fire bake
减低面包、饼乾、烘焙食品和早餐谷類食品等谷類制品的丙烯酰胺含量 的具体方法 cfs.gov.hk | Specific ways to reduce acrylamide level in cereal based products such as bread,biscuits,bakery wares and breakfast cereals cfs.gov.hk |
这苹果蛋糕意义重大,它是我的人生中烘焙的第一个蛋糕。 4tern.com | It is my first cake that I baked in my life! 4tern.com |
将水和SILRES® BS 16混合物喷洒在砖瓦表面后,通过较低温度焙烧便可使砖瓦获得拒水性。 reports.wacker.com | When bricks were sprayed with a mixture of water and SILRES® BS16, they became water-repellent even at low firing temperatures. reports.wacker.com |
本分類不包括供制作面包及普通烘焙食品用的混合料(分類7.1.6)及供制作 精制烘焙食品用的混合料(分類7.2.3),因为这些乾混合料,除面粉外也含有 其他配料。 cfs.gov.hk | This category does not include mixes for ordinary bakery wares (food category 7.1.6) and [...] mixes for fine bakery [...] wares (food category 7.2.3) because these drymixes, inaddition to flour, also contain [...]other ingredients. cfs.gov.hk |
正如您平时调节控制器内的焙烧曲线一样,如果您必须更改从上到下的温度均匀度,您可以轻松地进行调整。 nabertherm.de | As usual, you set the firing profile on the controller. If you determine that the temperature uniformity has to be changed from top to bottom, then you can easily make adjustments of this ratio. nabertherm.com |
除工业领域,窑炉还 可广泛用于陶瓷厂、陶瓷作坊、医院、学校和私人住所等领域,特别是那些需经常焙烧、要求窑炉坚 固耐用且温度分布良好的场所。 nabertherm.de | You will find these kilns in industry as well as in ceramic workshops, studios, clinics, schools and private homes – practically every place where a rugged, capable of frequent firings and excellent temperature uniformity is required. nabertherm.com |
例子包括夹心糖、可可脂甜点(以可可脂、奶固体及 糖制成)、白朱古力、朱古力碎(例如供烘焙用 )、牛奶朱古力、忌廉朱古力、 甜朱古力、苦朱古力、夹心朱古力(中心及外层的质感有截然不同的朱古 力,不包括属分類7.2.1及7.2.2所指的面粉制甜点及糕饼),以及朱古力合成 品(加入可供食用材料(不包括面粉、淀粉及脂肪)的朱古力制品)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples include: bonbons, cocoa butter confectionery (composed of cocoa butter, milk solids and sugar), white chocolate, chocolate chips (e.g. for baking), milk chocolate, cream chocolate, sweet chocolate, bitter chocolate, filled chocolate (chocolate with a texturally distinct centre and external coating, excluding flour confectionery and pastry products of food categories 7.2.1 and 7.2.2), and composite chocolate (chocolate with added edible substances excluding flour, starch and fat). cfs.gov.hk |
基于前期的泥流变性能参数,这个精矿的品味适合于进行粉浆式进料--即 一种成本最低,最简单易行的硫化物焙烧工艺。 goldencross.com.au | Based on preliminary slurry rheology this [...] concentrate grade is suited to slurry feeding, the lowest cost and simplest [...] embodiment ofsulphide roastingtechnology. goldencross.com.au |
为评估市民从膳食摄入氨基甲酸乙酯的情况,这项研究集中检测本 [...] 港市面各种预先包装和非预先包装的发酵食物和饮品,包括九个主要類 [...] 别,即 (i)发酵谷物類食品( 面包( 包括有馅面包) 及饼乾);(ii)豆類食品( 发 酵大豆食品) ; (iii)腌制∕乾制蔬菜;(iv)肉類制品( 发酵猪肉制品) ; (v) 发酵乳類制品;(vi)发酵鱼類制品;(vii)调味料及酱料;(viii)不含酒精 [...][...]饮品;以及(ix)酒精饮品。 cfs.gov.hk | Nine major food groups were included in this study, namely (i) fermented cereals and [...] grains products [...] (bread/rolls/bunsand crackers); (ii)legumes (fermented soy products); (iii) preserved/dried vegetables; [...](iv) meat products [...](fermented pork products); (v) fermented dairy products; (vi) fermented fish products; (vii) condiments and sauces; (viii) non-alcoholic beverages; and (ix) alcoholic beverages. cfs.gov.hk |
每道餐点都新鲜烹饪,即使面包也是由我们的热情和专业知识烘焙而成。 msccruises.com.cn | Every product is fresh and carefully handled, such as bread baked on board with the passion and knowledge of the most distinctive boulangerie. msccruises.com.eg |
焙烧温度是确保陶土砖瓦的密度和质量的关键。 reports.wacker.com | The firing temperature is [...] a key factor in determining the density and thus the quality of clay bricks. reports.wacker.com |
德州仪器(TI)业务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易被有意忽略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了降低成本,部分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和安规方面电路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本,也是LED驱动芯片厂商设计能力的体现,不同的芯片厂商提供的方案,增加这部分电路增加的成本差别很大。 xkzd.net | Texas Instruments (TI) Business [...] Development ManagerHan Gan intheir [...]analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high [...]ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly . xkzd.net |
烘焙”(Bake)菜单可动态更新以显示反映当前角色 [...] 状态的选项。 images.autodesk.com | The Bakemenu updates dynamically [...] to display options that reflect the current character's state. images.autodesk.com |
属於本细分類的传统食品例子有 羅望子果浓缩物(无杂质的羅望子果提取物,总可溶性固体不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果酱混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固体、抗氧化剂、调味料(flavours)、稳定剂及防腐剂的混合物),以及乾果棒(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)与糖、调味料(flavours)及防腐剂混合并脱水 制成的薄片)。 cfs.gov.hk | Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet). cfs.gov.hk |
今天,美国是世界上最大的小吃市场,而欧洲市场上销量居于榜首的是烘焙食品。 foodtechchina.com | Today, the United States is the [...] world's largest snack food market, while European sales volume on the market is at the top of [...] the list isthebaking food. en.foodtechchina.com |
在焙砂的重新处理和气体清洁过程中所流失的硫酸大概为总量的 2%。 goldencross.com.au | Overall sulphur [...] losses from calcine retention [...]and gas cleaning operations are typically about 2%. goldencross.com.au |
将不含添加剂的新鲜烘焙咖啡 豆装填到咖啡 豆料斗中。 download1.cremi...ternational.com | Fill the bean hopper with freshlyroasted coffee beans without additives. download1.cremi...ternational.com |
谷物科学与行业学院是世界唯一提供磨粉、烘焙和饲料科学本科教育以及谷物科学研究生课程的学院。 foss.cn | The Department of Grain Science and Industry is the only place in the world that offers undergraduate education in milling, bakery andfeed science, and a graduate program in grain science. foss.us |
从全球范围来看,像亚洲太平洋地区,拉丁美洲和印度等地区,未来小吃和烘焙产品销量将呈现最好的增长势头,”PMMI商业智能总监Paula Feldman说。 foodtechchina.com | From a global perspective, as in Asia Pacific, Latin America and India and other regions, the future food and baking products sales will present the best growth momentum, " PMMI business intelligence director Paula Feldman said. en.foodtechchina.com |
因此,在熟料焙烧过程中使用废物可能改变 水泥产品的金属浓度,并且根据通过原料和燃料投入的总量,产品中的个别元 素浓度由于废物共处理而增加或减少(欧洲综合污染防治局,2010 年)。 ficem.org | Accordingly, the use of wastes in the clinker burning process may change the metal concentrations in cement products, and depending on the total input via the raw materials and fuels, the concentration of individual elements in the product may increase or decrease as a result of waste co-processing (EIPPCB, 2010). ficem.org |
这 种 黄 色 的 种 子在干燥烘焙后就成为了咖啡豆。 itochu.co.jp | When the yellow seeds are dried and roasted, they become coffee beans. itochu.co.jp |
二零一二年上半年钴产量较二零一一年上半年低67%,主要由於Mopani自产及所购进精矿的钴品位较低,及於二零一一年下半年对钴焙烧炉进 行 仔 细 检 修 所 致。 glencore.com | Finished cobalt production in H1 2012 was 67% lower than H1 2011 due to the cobalt roaster being placed on care and [...] maintenance in the second half of 2011, primarily due to [...] lowercobaltgrades in bothMopani [...]and purchased concentrates. glencore.com |
黑烘焙咖啡: 我们的黑烘焙咖啡富有浓浓的蜂蜜香味,来自有名的Chanchamayo地区,针对这种咖啡我们会将它的豆子烘焙到浓厚的油脂浮到表面。 peru.org.tw | Our dark roast has a deep rich honey flavor with exceptional body from the renowned Chanchamayo region, this coffee is roasted until the beans rich oils rise to the surface. peru.org.tw |
一直以配料质量,技术创新和优质服务闻名于世的焙乐道 ,正在发展其企业形象识别系统以充分展现集团与时并进的面貌:我们现已成为全球100多个国家成千上万的面包师,糕点师和巧克力制造者 [...] "锐意创新的可靠伙伴"。 zh.puratos.com.cn | Famous throughout the world for the quality of its [...] ingredients, its technological innovation and [...] its services, Puratos isdeveloping [...]its corporate image in order to fully reflect [...]what the group has become today: the "reliable partners in innovation" of hundreds of thousands of bakers, patissiers and chocolate makers in more than 100 countries. en.puratos.com.cn |
使用涂布OPPalyte™ 和Bicor™ 或高阻隔Metallyte™ 膜制造的包装保护的焙烤食品,与使用标准的、未涂布的OPP膜包装的产品相比,能保持较长时间的新鲜焙烤芳 香、口感和味道。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Bakery items protected by packaging made with coated Oppalyte™ and [...] Bicor™ or [...] high-barrier Metallyte™ oriented polypropylene (OPP) films retain their fresh-bakedaroma, texture and taste longer than products wrapped in standard, [...]uncoated OPP film. exxonmobilchemical.com |
学生通过学些可熟练掌握烹饪技巧和技 术,内容包括:烹饪与烘焙的原理和方法、刀具的正 确使用方法、食品介绍,菜单编写、食品安全和卫 生。 mcts.edu | Students will demonstrate proficiency in culinary skills and techniques that include the principles and processes of cooking and baking, proper use of knives, food presentation, menu development, food safety and sanitation. mcts.edu |