

单词 热点



a hot tourist attraction
a tourist trap

External sources (not reviewed)

协调打击人口贩运湄公河部长级倡议也在一些国家的主要省份 热点 地 区 设 立了专家队或协调中心,以便在最需要的地区采取专门对策。
COMMIT has also established specialist
[...] units or focal points in key provinces or hotspots in several [...]
countries, in order to bring
a specialist response to the areas where it is most needed.
国际养护组织 的报告指出,生物多样热点地区 有数目非常众多的特有物种,然而,它们剩余 [...]
生境的总面积仅占地球地表面积的 2.3%。
According to the Conservation International Report, the
[...] biodiversity hotspots hold especially [...]
high numbers of endemic species, yet their
combined area of remaining habitat covers only 2.3 per cent of the Earth’s land surface.
在 2012
[...] 年及以后,非洲经济委员会将继续着重查明多危害或复合风 热点 的情 况,开发受灾脆弱性测绘应用软件与灾害监测应用软件,以更好地了解人类和 [...]
In 2012 and beyond, the Economic Commission for Africa will continue to focus
on the identification of multi-hazard or
[...] composite risk hotspots and develop an [...]
application for mapping vulnerability and
monitoring disasters in order to better understand human and environmental impacts.
为了支持国家机关和非政府部门就白俄罗斯媒体发展 热点 问 题展开对 话,在媒体领域建立并运行了公共协调委员会。
A general coordinating council for the mass media serves to promote the dialogue between government bodies and the non-governmental sector regarding topical issues related to the development of the Belarusian mass media.
[...] 评估、指标、脆弱性分析、风险评估 热点 分 析 、情形分析和估值技术)以及宣 传水资源、土地利用和能源的综合规划和管理等方面做了许多工作。
The scientific community has done much in establishing institutions, in making professional assessment available to the general public, in developing tools for analysis (environmental impact
assessment, indicators, vulnerability analysis,
[...] risk assessment, hotspots analysis, scenario [...]
analysis and valuation techniques),
as well as in propagating the integrated planning and management of water, land use and energy.
因此,通过采取这些措施,该部门得以确定国际和地区性战略的主要内容,及更好地 评估在解决现热点问题 ,主要是业务方面的各种问题,特别是那些跟提高效率,侧重计划 传播,如何达到预期结果以及提供评估这些结果的指标等方面的需要。
In so doing, the Sector has been able to identify key elements for its international and regional strategies and to appreciate better the need to address in a realistic fashion, essential operational questions and issues, especially in as far as they relate to achieving efficiency, focus in programme delivery, attaining desired results, and providing indicators to measure those results.
2012 年,CNNIC 还邀请专业社会责任研究机构的专家开展社会责任讲座,与 CNNIC 员工交流社会责任工作推进方法 热点 话 题
In 2012, CNNIC also invited specialists from professional social responsibility research institutes to deliver lectures on social responsibility.
其他全热点地区 包括阿富汗、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、 伊拉克、缅甸、索马里、苏丹和也门。
Other global hotspots included Afghanistan, [...]
Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.
粮食署是全球粮食安全危机高级别工作队成员,它协助起草 20 国集团粮食
[...] 价格波动与农业行动计划,制订综合行动框架和协调非洲之角和萨赫勒“饥 饿热 点”等粮食安全问题。
As a member of the High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, WFP contributed to the G-20 action plan on food price volatility and agriculture, the Comprehensive
Framework for Action and coordination of food security issues
[...] such as “hunger hotspots” in the Horn of [...]
Africa and the Sahel.
这些项目系统性地解决了冲突促成因素,为年轻人提供了发展和获得社会技 能的机会以促进维持和平与安全,减少了以前 热点 ” 地区特别是偏僻的大吉德 州和宁巴州内的暴力行为,增加了采用诚实生活方式的前战斗人员的人数,据报 [...]
助法院解决了大量土地案件,减少了与土地相关的暴力行为,以及帮助逮捕了涉 嫌罪犯。
The projects systematically addressed conflict drivers and provided opportunities for young people to develop and acquire social skills towards
maintaining peace and security; diminished
[...] violence in former “hot spots”, particularly in [...]
remote Grand Gedeh and Nimba counties;
increased the number of ex-combatants taking up honest livings; contributed to a reported reduction in illicit mining; increased knowledge and awareness among the public about the rule of law and legal rights; supported the settlement of numerous land cases in courts, reducing the rate of land-related violence; and supported the arrests of suspected criminals.
第一届高等教育国际质量保证、认证与资格承认全球论坛(巴黎,2002 年 10 月 17-18 日),汇集了众多与高等教育有关的人士,与会者讨论了与全球化和高等教育有关 热点问 题,比如教育产业化和不同形式的无国界高等教育。
The first Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Paris, 17-18 October 2002) brought together a wide range of higher education stakeholders to discuss burning issues related to globalization and higher education, such as trade in educational services and different forms of borderless higher education.
[...] 应当指出,该行业的确为青年男子提供就业。此外,关于潜在的 热点 ” , 小组 在实地调查中发现,一些采矿营地引起的安全关切似乎比其他营地大。
Furthermore, with regard
[...] to potential “hot spots”, the Panel found [...]
during its field investigations that some mining camps
appeared to raise greater security concerns than others.
要实现世界的和平与稳定, 必须解决非洲热点问题 ,实现非洲的安全稳定。
To achieve world peace
[...] and stability, hot-spot issues in Africa must [...]
be addressed and security and stability in Africa must be realized.
生态范式让人们对作为测深特征的海山形成了一些普遍认识,认为海山是独 特的环境,是生物多样性和地方特 热点 , 也是极具生态价值的脆弱生态系统。
Ecological paradigms have created
a widely held view
[...] of seamounts, which are bathymetric features, as unique environments, hotspots of biodiversity [...]
and endemicity and
fragile ecosystems of exceptional ecological worth.
本文接受采访的人士指出可能的近 热点 事 件 是:2012年3月27日举行的中央马鲁古(Central Maluku)的区长选举;4月25日的已经不存在了的独立运动-南摩鹿加群岛共和国(Republik [...]
Maluku Selatan, RMS)-的周年纪念日;以及6月9日至19日的古兰经阅读比赛。
[...] interviewed could point to possible flashpoints ahead: elections [...]
for Central Maluku district head on 27 March 2012;
the anniversary of the defunct independence movement, Republic of the South Moluccas (Republik Maluku Selatan, RMS) on 25 April; and the MTQ from 9 to 19 June.
它位于不到两小时,一车从基多,厄瓜多尔一半的中间最丰富,最具有生物多样性的 热点 ” 在 地球上。
It is located less than two hours and a half by car from Quito, Ecuador in the middle of the richest,
[...] most biodiverse "Hot Spot" on the globe.
[...] 加强与非盟的协调与配合,采取更加积极的举措帮助 解决非热点问题,并同其它联合国有关机构一道, 给予非洲国家更多的援助。
The Security Council should strengthen coordination and cooperation with the
African Union, take more active measures
[...] to help settle hot-spot issues in Africa [...]
and work with other United Nations agencies
to channel more assistance to African countries.
国际社会依赖这支蓝盔部队保护生活在世界上一些最危险地区的弱势群体,但是他们的行动付出了高昂的代价:在联合国60多年的维和历史中,暴行、事故和疾病夺去了2 700多名在世热点地区工作的维和队员的生命,包括从中东到巴尔干半岛国家、非洲以及其他地区。
The international community counts on its Blue Helmets to protect the vulnerable in some of the world's most dangerous places, but their service comes at a high cost--throughout UN peacekeeping’s more than 60-year history, violence, accidents and disease have
cost the lives of more than 2,700
[...] individuals working in hot spots around the world, [...]
from the Middle East to the Balkans, Africa and beyond.
研究人员在重庆铁山坪流域进行的研究发现,中国南方氮饱和森林是N2O生成 热点 区 域 ,有可能是非常重要的N2O区域排放源。
In the on-going research in the Tieshanping catchment (Chongqing), researchers found that
nitrogen-saturated forests, common in
[...] south China, are hotspots for N2O production, [...]
potentially making them quantitatively
important regional sources for N2O emission.
CID格式是美国Adobe公司发表的最新字库格式,它具有易扩充、速度快、兼容性好、简便、灵活等特点,已成为国内开发中文字库 热点 , 也为用户使用字库提供质量更好,数量更多的字体。
CID format is Adobe released the latest font format, it is easy to expand and
speed, compatibility, and is simple, flexible,
[...] has become a hot spot to develop Chinese [...]
font, but also font for the user to provide
better quality, more the number of fonts.
一个代表团请秘书处审查 已确定的用热点区,以便更好地反应和覆盖亚太区域特别易受极端 [...]
气候事件影响的所有地区,包括永冻土融化对国家经济和对全球气候 变化产生的影响。
One delegation requested that the secretariat
[...] review the water hotspots that had been identified, [...]
in order to better reflect and
cover all the areas of Asia and the Pacific that were particularly vulnerable to different extreme weather events, including the impact of the melting of the permafrost on the national economy and on climate change globally.
因此,我们也会开展一些内部项目,如在商业世界中的一些 热点 领 域 ,人工智能、非标准语言(比如Squeak/Smalltalk)、嵌入式软件等等。
To supplement customer projects, we would applied for grants that would allow us to define our own internal projects to cover any gaps occurring because of the
current customer mix or because the
[...] competency area was not a "hot topic" in the commercial [...]
world, e.g. artificial intelligence,
non-standard languages like Squeak/Smalltalk, and experience with embedded software that was of little interest to our initial customer base.
请注意,“个热点”设 备会干扰机场的免费无线网络,如果遇到机场“互联网”SSID表现不佳的情况,请尝试移至其它位置以远离其他乘客正在使用的设备,并在不使用时关闭个 热点 , 帮助我们节省带宽。
Please note that "personal hotspot" devices interfere with the airport’s free Wi-Fi and so if you experience poor performance on the airport "Internet" SSID, please try moving to another location away from other passengers’ active devices, and please help us conserve bandwidth by turning off personal hotspots when not in use.
然而,地缘政治紧张不仅限于这个 地区,中国海域日益成热点。
Geopolitical tensions were not, however, exclusive of this area, with
[...] an increasing hotspot located in the [...]
China Sea.
调查还显示,58%的运营商(其中包括47%的移动运营商)坚信, Wi - F i 热点 对 用 户的体验来讲既是重要的也是必不可少的:可以为繁忙的移动宽带网络分担负荷,还可以提供增值服务平台。
The findings also show that 58% of
operators - including 47% of mobile operators -
[...] believe Wi-Fi hotspots are either very [...]
important or crucial to their customers'
experience; offload busy mobile broadband networks; and provide a value-added services platform.
全新的城市版全力掌握香港市民关注的本地新闻故事、相关信息及有趣点 ,包括热点话题及各种有趣新发现;城市版会以简易的列表编排,提供每日全面的城中活动信息,亦会采用全新易用的电视节目表;而CitySeen专栏则会采访和报导城中最精彩热闹之名人盛事,让读者紧贴社会潮流信息。
From hot topics to cool new discoveries, City section [...]
will feature new, easy navigation, daily listings for those planning
their social calendars, a new easy-to-use TV listings page, and CitySeen, which will get readers right into Hong Kong's social scene with more daily coverage of the best events in town.
缺少对使用、转让、储存小武器和轻武器的管制 和监督导致它们在紧张热点地区 不受控制地扩散, 给各国的稳定与安全及其社会经济和人类发展带来 [...]
The absence of regulations and monitoring of the use, transfer and stockpiling of these
weapons contributes to their uncontrolled
[...] proliferation in hot spots of tension which [...]
leads to unsustainable consequences for
the stability and security of States as well as for their socio-economic and human development.
从“航母Style”、选美比赛暗箱操作、恶搞iPhone5,到更为严肃的问题,如香港和中国大陆间的紧张关系(臭名昭著的“蝗虫”广告被反复地修改和恶搞),或是关于社会不平等现象的争论。2012年里,人们只有在网络上才能紧跟各种使整个社会产生动荡 热点 话 题 (参见我们的相关文章,查看“2012微博热门话题”完整榜单)。
From the “aircraft carrier style” meme to rigged beauty contests and iPhone 5 parodies to more serious matters such as tense relationships between Hong Kong and mainland China (with the infamous “locust” ad that was abundantly edited and parodied) or debate about social inequalities, 2012 has been a year where one had to be online to stay on top of the topics that agitated society as a whole (see our article for the complete list of most discussed topics on Sina Weibo in 2012).
最后,为促进设在日内瓦的知识产 权方面的利益攸 关方建立共识 ,贸发 会议和可持续发展国际中心在 2008 全年组织了关于如下各热点问题 的一些圆桌 讨 论:(a) 世贸 组 织 多哈回合关于知识产 权 问题的贸易谈判 的 前景;(b) 《与贸易 相关的知识产 权 协定》下的技术转让; (c) 发展中国家大学 创新专利的潜 力 ; (d) 知识产权执法和对发展的影响;(e) 从知识产权相关技术援助中汲取的教训。
Finally, in an effort to promote consensus-building among Geneva-based intellectual property stakeholders, UNCTAD and ICTSD organized, throughout 2008, a number of round table discussions on various topical issues, such as (a) the future of the intellectual property aspects of the WTO Doha Round of trade negotiations; (b) technology transfer under the TRIPS Agreement; (c) the potential of university patenting for innovation in developing countries; (d) intellectual property enforcement and development implications; and (e) lessons learnt from intellectual property-related technical assistance.




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