单词 | 热河 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 热河 —Rehe, Qing dynasty province abolished in 1955 and divided |
在干燥热河流域里的灌丛; 700-2500米。 flora.ac.cn | Scrub in dry hot river valleys; 700-2500 [...] m. SW Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
习性和 食性的分化无疑在热河脊椎 动物不同等级的分类单 元多样性的形成中起到了关键的作用. ivpp.ac.cn | The dietary and habitat differentiations [...] had undoubtedly played an important role in the [...] evolution of the Jehol vertebrate diversity [...]at various taxonomic ranks. ivpp.ac.cn |
热河生物 群脊椎动物群各个重要门类的发现和 研究对认识早白垩世全球陆地生态系统生物多样性 的构成和演化提供了重要的证据. ivpp.ac.cn | The discoveries and studies of several major vertebrate groups of Jehol fossils are critical to our understanding of the evolution of the biodiversity of the Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystem. ivpp.ac.cn |
热河生物群是一个生活于早白垩世中期 (131~120 Ma[1,2] ), 主要分布在东亚地区的陆生、湖泊 相生物群. ivpp.ac.cn | The Jehol Biota represents a terrestrial and freshwater faunal and floral assemblage in the middle Early Cretaceous (131–120 Ma [1, 2]) that was mainly distributed in East Asia. ivpp.ac.cn |
总之, 热河脊椎动物群多样性的形成既有复杂 多变的地质与环境背景的影响, [...] 也有生态系统中脊 椎动物和植物和无脊椎动物的相互作用, 同时与各 门类脊椎动物演化的规律和关键特征的产生具有密 切的关联. ivpp.ac.cn | To sum up, the [...] success of the Jehol vertebrate [...]diversity had a complex geological and paleoenvironmental background; it [...]was also closely related to both the interactions among vertebrates, invertebrates and plants in the Jehol ecosystem, and the appearance of many major morphological innovations of each vertebrate group. ivpp.ac.cn |
但巴西的 Santana 动 物群具有十分悠久的采集历史, 而且和热河生物 群 相类似的是民间的采集在规模上远远超过了有组织 的科学发掘. ivpp.ac.cn | The collecting history of the Santana Fauna is long and also similar to that of the Jehol Biota in the fact that most of the vertebrate fossils were the result of commercial collectings. ivpp.ac.cn |
热河生物 群可能是目前恢复早白垩世陆地生态 系统最好的一扇窗口, 也是中生代陆相脊椎动物群 保存最好的产地[3,105 ] , 为研究中生代陆地脊椎动物 群及其生态系统的演化历史提供了难得的较为完整 的资料. ivpp.ac.cn | Nevertheless, the Jehol Biota is undoubtedly now the best widow into the Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystem; it has preserved arguably the best evidence for studying the evolutionary history of major Mesozoic vertebrate groups [3, 105] as well as reconstructing their paleoecological history. ivpp.ac.cn |
与热河生物群相 比, Solnhofen 动物群的鱼类种类极多, 超过其全部脊 椎动物的一半. ivpp.ac.cn | Compared to the Jehol Biota, The Solnhofen fishes are more diverse and account for over half of the total vertebrate genera or species. ivpp.ac.cn |
我国北方其他一些地区 [...] 早白垩世的陆相地层中也发现一些 热河 生 物群的分 子(如新疆、甘肃、内蒙古中西部、陕西、吉林、山 [...]东等地), 但因资料相对缺乏且研究较薄弱, 暂不包 括在本文统计之中. ivpp.ac.cn | Although some of the Jehol taxa are also [...] known from other areas of northern China, such as Xinjiang, Gansu, middle and western [...]parts of Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Jilin, and Shandong, they are not included in the statistics of this paper. ivpp.ac.cn |
热河脊椎动物群中, 较低等的种类多适应水生 或半水生的环境. ivpp.ac.cn | Among the Jehol vertebrates, the agnathans, fishes, amphibians, turtles, and choristoderes were mostly dwelling in aquatic or semi-aquatic environments, constituting the top level of food web of the Jehol lake ecosystem. ivpp.ac.cn |
树栖性和植食性的 种类在热河脊椎 动物群中占有相当高的比例, 这无 疑和当时繁盛的森林环境有很大的关系; 如前所述, 无论是鸟类还是翼龙、恐龙、蜥蜴和哺乳类中都有大 量的例证. ivpp.ac.cn | The forests were vital to the evolution of various vertebrate groups as shown by the presence of a high percentage of arboreal and herbivorous forms in the vertebrate assemblages, such as birds, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, lizards, and mammals. ivpp.ac.cn |
东亚和中亚地区在侏罗纪中期-早白垩世的早期 曾经处于相对的隔绝状态[75] , 但已有的发现似乎表 明, 东亚地区从未与外界真正完全隔绝, 而且到了早 白垩世的中晚期(热河生物 群繁盛的时期), 交流已经 相对十分广泛[75] . ivpp.ac.cn | East and Central Asia were generally believed to be isolated from Europe during the Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous [75]; however, recent fossil discoveries seem to indicate that East and Central Asia were never completely separated, and by the middle and late Early Cretaceous when the Jehol Biota was most flourishing, the intercontinental biological changes were already frequent [75]. ivpp.ac.cn |
尽管中生代哺乳动物大约有 300 个属, 而热河生 物群仅仅包括 13 属 15 种, 但是考虑到全球早白垩世 超过 50 个不同地点发现的大约 100 种哺乳动物几乎 都是零碎的牙齿和少量骨骼, 而热河生物 群的哺乳 类则几乎全为完整或较完整的骨架, 因此能提供的 早期哺乳类演化的信息是其他地区无法相比的 [26] . ivpp.ac.cn | Although about 300 genera of mammals [...] are known from the Mesozoic globally, and the Jehol Biota only comprises 13 genera and 15 species, the information about early mammalian evolution as inferred from the Jehol mammals is extraordinary as they are almost all [...]represented by complete [...]skeletons while about 100 species of mammals from over 50 different localities in other areas are mostly fragmentary teeth or partial skeletons [26]. ivpp.ac.cn |
热河生物 群构成的冀北-辽西及附近地区独特的 生态系统中, 丰富的无脊椎动物, 特别是昆虫, 以及 热河植物群的多样性构成, 无疑为热河脊椎动物群 多样性的形成起到了重要的作用. ivpp.ac.cn | Undoubtedly, the diverse and abundant Jehol invertebrate assemblages, particularly the insect assemblage, as well as the Jehol flora have greatly contributed to the evolution of the Jehol vertebrate [...] diversity as they [...]were inseparable parts of the whole Jehol ecosystem. ivpp.ac.cn |
例如, 以燕辽动物群的分布和地层出露情况来看, 其 规模也无法和热河生物群相比. ivpp.ac.cn | For instance, the distribution and outcrops of the Yanliao Biota-bearing sediments are much less extensive compared to the Jehol Biota, and furthermore the scale of fossil collecting of the former is also much smaller. ivpp.ac.cn |
对不同类群脊椎动物生态习性和 食性等多样性的分析还显示, 习性和食性的分化无疑在热河脊椎 动物不同等级的分类单元多 样性的形成中起到了关键的作用. ivpp.ac.cn | Analysis of the habitat and diet of various vertebrate groups also indicates that the habitat and dietary differentiation had played a key role in the success of the taxonomic diversity of vertebrates of various ranks. ivpp.ac.cn |
尽管多数恐龙为地面行走或奔跑 的动物, 但具有树栖能力的恐龙在热河生物 群也有 发现(如小盗龙), 改变了人们对一些恐龙传统认识的 同时, 也支持了鸟类飞行的树栖起源假说. ivpp.ac.cn | Although most dinosaurs were terrestrial animals, arboreal dinosaurs have been recognized (e.g., Microraptor), which not only significantly changed our view of the life of some theropods but also provided further evidence supporting the arboreal hypothesis on the origin of avian flight. ivpp.ac.cn |
一提到蚊子,我们就会想到恼人的、令人发痒的叮咬,但事实上,蚊子还能传播疾病,如流行性乙型脑炎、疟疾、登 革 热 和 西尼 罗 河 脑 炎 病毒。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | When we think of mosquitoes, we think of annoying, itchy bites, but the [...] truth is that they can also transmit diseases such as Japanese [...] encephalitis, malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
聚集海洋多样性热点的红树林、河口 、 珊瑚礁、海底山脉受到 威胁。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mangroves, estuaries, coral reefs and seamounts harbouring hot spots of marine [...] biodiversity are under threat. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在热带雨林里的河流域; 400-1000米云南南部 [孟加拉国,缅甸,印度东北部 ]. flora.ac.cn | River valleys in tropical rain forests; [...] 400–1000 m. S Yunnan [Bangladesh, NE India, Myanmar]. flora.ac.cn |
应优先重视:珊瑚礁生态系统;河口 ; 温带 和 热 带 沼 泽地, 包括红树林;海草海床;其他产卵和繁殖场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Priority should be accorded to coral reef [...] ecosystems; estuaries; temperate and tropical wetlands, [...]including mangroves; seagrass beds; [...]and other spawning and nursery areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
气候往往是寒冷的冬天,除了在附近的罗 纳 河 谷 , 但相 当 热 在 暑 假期间与欢迎的海风和有时强风与雪可见的山顶部,在大部份的一年。 leapfrog-properties.com | The climate tends to be cold during the winter except [...] in the valleys near the Rhone but fairly hot during the summer [...]with welcome breezes and [...]sometimes strong winds with snow visible on the mountain-tops during the greater part of the year. leapfrog-properties.com |
一到晚冬时节,天色变得较明亮,欧纳 斯 河 就 特 别 热 闹 ,都是玩乐的人潮。 visitfinland.com | The river is especially crowded on bright late [...] winter days. visitfinland.com |
在夏季,人们聚集在这里吃喝和听音乐 , 河 岸 顿 时变 得 热 闹。 visitfinland.com | During the summer, the riverbanks come to life when [...] people gather here to eat, drink and listen to music. visitfinland.com |
由于干旱期间火灾,尤其是厄尔尼诺现象引发的干旱火灾, 如 1982/1983 年和 [...] 1997/1998 年发生的事件,拉丁美洲的热带森林,尤其是亚马 孙河流域的热带森林已受到严重影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Latin America’s tropical forests, [...] especially those in Amazonia, have been severely [...]affected by fires during droughts, particularly [...]during El Niño occurrences such as the 1982/1983 and 1997/1998 events. daccess-ods.un.org |
该委员会在本双年度期间举行了会议,并决定制定一个关于 江 河 流 域 管理的项 目,以表明可以而且应该开展跨学科研究来解决复杂的环境问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This committee met during the biennium and resolved to set up a [...] joint project on river basin management [...]to demonstrate how interdisciplinary research [...]can and should be pursued to address complex environmental issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
读者周女士拨打本报群众供职热线96 860反映 , 河 北 区 印江北里和开江南里划分是位于岷江道双侧的住民区,沿路的小区护栏板,存在大面积不足的情景,环境尤其老火。 sdgxsz.com | Readers call this newspaper week lady [...] masses Service Hotline96860 report, Hebei District in [...]North Yinjiang and South Division [...]is located in the road on both sides of the resident district, along the residential guardrail, the presence of large area of less than the scene, especially in Chinese environment. sdgxsz.com |
呈现着包罗万象的景观,有美丽的芝加 哥 河 和 天 际线, 有 热 情 洋 溢的阳光海岸花园广场和令人流连忘返的河岸,300北拉萨尔是一个为新老商业领袖设立的地址。 servcorp.com.cn | Presenting sweeping views of the [...] stunning Chicago River and skyline, a welcoming sunlit waterfront garden plaza and an impressive river frontage, [...]300 North LaSalle is [...]an address for both emerging and established business leaders. servcorp.bh |
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; [...] 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 [...] 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔 尼 河之 间 的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 [...] 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...]境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in [...] ensuring that the area between the Blue [...] Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized [...]armed personnel, assets and weapons, [...]taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel. daccess-ods.un.org |
委員要求政府當局確保:(a)在工程設計方面採納適當的 措施,盡量利用可再生能源和提高能源效益;(b)該計劃所包括 的各項新設施,應在離河畔較遠的地點興建,以便城 門 河 沿岸 可有更多綠化地帶供市民享用;(c)重建後的香港體院會為殘疾 運動員提供足夠的體育及配套設施和無障礙通道;及(d)拆卸位 [...] 於火炭院址的室外單車場以騰出地方建造的新的多用途大樓會 提供單車訓練設施。 legco.gov.hk | Members requested the Administration to ensure that: (a) the design of the Project should incorporate appropriate measures to maximize the use of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency; (b) the new facilities for the Project would [...] be constructed further [...] away from the riverside in order to provide a larger green area along the Shing Mun River for public enjoyment; [...](c) adequate sports [...]and ancillary facilities and barrier-free access would be provided for disabled athletes in the redeveloped HKSI; and (d) training facilities for cycling would be provided following the demolition of the outdoor velodrome at Fo Tan venue to make way for the construction of the new multi-purpose building. legco.gov.hk |