

单词 热核聚变反应

See also:


nuclear fusion


nuclear fusion

聚变 n

fusion n


nuclear reaction

External sources (not reviewed)

我们也支持原子能机构在聚变方面 的方案。 印度通过提供特殊的硬件项目和专门知识,为《国热核试验反应堆》方案作出贡献。
India makes a contribution to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) programme by providing special hardware items and specialized expertise.
聚变反应堆中的主要极端条件,其可确保可靠 热 , 并 耐受超过2 000 °C的高温以及巨大的热力循环负载所产生的应力。
Faced with the extreme
[...] conditions that prevail within the fusion reactor, they ensure reliable heat removal  while [...]
withstanding temperatures
of over 2 000 °C and the stresses induced by massive cyclic thermomechanical loading.
以后各承诺期内,以上第33 段所指土地上发生的排放量和清除量的处理对应反映在 这些承诺期的土地利用、土地利用 变 化 和 林业 核 算 中
The treatment of emissions and removals that occur on the lands referred to in paragraph 33
above in the
[...] subsequent commitment periods shall be reflected in land use, land-use change and forestry accounting for [...]
those commitment periods.
在如日本的 JT-60、美利坚合众国的托卡马克聚变试验堆、大不列颠及北爱 尔兰联合王国的联合欧洲环和法国的 Ture Supra 等大型磁线圈环形室(托卡马 克)建立之后热核实验 堆项目已处于建造工业原型即示范发电站反应堆之前的 最终研究阶段,到 2050 年,反应推将利用聚变生产电力。
Following the establishment of large toroidal chambers with magnetic coils (tokamaks), such as the JT-60 in Japan, the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor in the United States of America, the Joint European Torus in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Tore Supra in
France, the ITER project is
[...] in its final research phase preceding the construction of an industrial prototype, the Demonstration Power Plant reactor, which will use fusion to produce electricity by 2050.
如果硅烷组分通过极短的分子桥——亚甲基基团(–CH2–)相互连接,杂 聚 合 物 的 反应 速 度就 会 变 得 特 别快。
The hybrid polymers react especially quickly if the silane components [...]
are connected by means of a very short bridge, a methylene group (–CH2–).
聚变研究方面,国热核实验 反应 堆 项 目是一个全球项目,旨在建设和 运行一个实验原型反应堆,以证明聚变能源用于和平目的的科学和技术可行性。
In the fusion research area,
[...] the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project is a global [...]
project aimed at building
and operating an experimental prototype reactor, in order to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes.
自 2005 年起,法国担任国际核实验反应堆 ( 热核 实 验堆)研究项目的东 道国,该项目的目的是证明将聚变 用 作 和平用途新能源在科学和技术上的可行 性。
Since 2005, France has hosted the International Thermonuclear
[...] Experimental Reactor (ITER) research project, which is aimed at demonstrating the scientific and technical viability of using nuclear fusion as a new source [...]
of energy for peaceful purposes.
作为科学的一分子,我们为我们曾经作出贡献的杰出项目感到骄傲,如在日内瓦的CERN粒子加速器环,慕尼黑II研 反应 器 ,欧洲南方天文台(ESO)超大型望远镜以及现在由Max Planck机构负责的,用于等离子物理的WENDELSTEIN 7-X 核聚变试验 ,以及在卡尔斯鲁厄研究院的超高真空主光谱仪等。
As a partner of science we are proud to have contributed to the
success of such
[...] outstanding projects as the CERN particle accelerator ring in Geneva, the Munich II research reactor, the ESO Very Large Telescope, and the WENDELSTEIN 7-X fusion experiment currently under [...]
construction by the
Max Planck Institute for plasma physics, and an ultra high-vacuum main spectrometer for the Karlsruhe Research Institute.
欧洲国内机构即欧热核实验堆和 聚变 能 开 发联合企业(聚变能企业)系 根据欧洲联盟理事会 2007 年 3 月 27 日的一项决定而设立。
The European domestic agency, the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (Fusion for Energy), was created by a decision of the Council of the European Union of 27 March 2007.
在该计划框架内,为艾滋病防 治中心的实验室购置了人体免疫缺陷病毒 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)和 RNA(核糖核 酸)自动分析器(用于进聚合酶链 反应 分 析 的准备)和自动洗涤器板。
As part of these initiatives, automatic analysers for
the separation of the
[...] DNA and RNA of the human immunodeficiency virus (carrying out preanalytical preparation of PCR analysis) and automatic plate washers for equipping laboratories at AIDS prevention and control centres [...]
were purchased.
TAC控制器设置出一个实时应用 的多维度模板,以此应对热负荷的突 变 化,热反应过程
The TAC controller constructs a virtual multidimensional
model of the application in real time to cope
[...] with sudden changes in thermal load such as during an exothermic reaction.
他50岁时,染上超级大国热的罗 纳德·里根政府在日益蔓延的腐朽的阴影中浮现,一方面致使日本遁入从属于美国的深渊,而另一方面是以色列发动空中闪电战,试图摧毁了伊拉克 核反应 堆。
At 50, emergence of super- power-maniac Ronald Reagan Government under the creeping shadow of decay, ensuing Japan’s diving into an abyss of subordination to US on one hand, and Israeli air blitz to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor on the other.
当然,还有其它的担忧:对索马里饥荒的担忧, 那里已有成千上万的儿童死去,而更多的人正处于危 险之中,我们必须在那里采取果断行动;对仍在持续 的战争与冲突的担忧;核反应堆安 全性的担忧;对 核扩散以及伊朗和北韩领导层的所作所为的担忧;以 及,对气变化的担忧。
Of course, there are other worries too: worry about the famine in Somalia, where thousands of children have died and many more are at risk, and where we must act decisively; worry about ongoing wars and
conflicts; worry about
[...] the safety of nuclear reactors; worry about nuclear proliferation and the behaviour of the Iranian and North Korean leadership; and worry about climate change.
经过两年的投标,Walter Tosto公司赢得了来自Fusion for
[...] Energy(F4E)的合同,和另外两家意大利公司共同生产具有极高技术含量 核聚变反应 堆 真 空容器。
After a two year bidding process, Walter Tosto was awarded the contract by Fusion for Energy (F4E) to produce,
along with two other Italian companies, the vacuum
[...] vessel, which is a reactor component with high technological [...]
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113
美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过
[...] 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中 应 用 的最后确认项目, 核 准 该 项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for
methyl formate in the
[...] manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without [...]
prejudice to consideration
of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
该分析指出,在热应用中, 对于泡沫产品的信心正在增加,这部分是由于金属饰 面板在欧洲的使用增加反过来 增加了对其泡 核心 的依赖。
This analysis indicates a growing reliance on
[...] foamed products in thermal insulation applications that has been driven in part by the increased use of metal-faced panels in Europe, which in turn relies increasingly on foamed cores.
它们还可以提热塑性聚氨酯 弹性体最终产品(例如 垫片、O 形圈和密封圈等)的性能,具有卓越的低温抗挠 曲疲劳性、良好的水解稳定性和抗化学腐蚀性、优异的耐 油耐溶剂性、低压缩变、低气味和良好的着色性。
They also improve
[...] the performance of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer end-products such as gaskets, o-rings and seals, with excellent low-temperature flex fatigue, good hydrolysis and chemical resistance, excellent oil and solvent resistance, low compression set, low odor and [...]
good paintability.
我们的里程碑包括了定制的颗粒状无定形α-聚烯烃、用于单组份湿固化热熔胶聚 酯多元醇、硅烷改性反应性无定形α- 聚 烯 烃 以及用 反应 性 热 熔 胶的丙烯酸酯类及 生物基聚酯,此外还有用于高性能胶黏剂及密封胶的高活性液体聚丁二烯以及具有 极好密封及剥离性能的丙烯酸基热密封漆。
Our milestones include tailor-made granulated amorphous poly(alpha)olefins, polyester polyols for moisture-curing one-component hot melt
[...] adhesives, reactive silane-modified amorphous poly(alpha)olefins, as well as acrylates and bio-based polyesters for reactive hot melts – in addition [...]
to highly reactive
liquid polybutadienes for high performance adhesives and sealants and acrylic-based heat sealing lacquers for superior seal and peel performance.
当热和压力施加于层数时,一个化 反应(聚 化) 变 换 层 数成高 热 固 性工业薄板状塑料。
When heat and pressure are applied to the layers,
[...] a chemical reaction (polymerization) transforms the layers into a high-pressure thermosetting industrial laminated [...]
根据 2001 年至 2007 年的商业图像,该建筑物的尺寸6 类似于所指称类型和 功率核反应堆的 尺寸,即类似于朝鲜宁边的 25 兆瓦(热)气冷 石墨慢化反应堆。7 原子能机构对一个成员国向其提供的被轰炸建筑物的一幅照片所作的分析证实 了叙利亚企图通过增加墙壁和屋顶部分掩盖该建筑物配置特征的指控。
I have the honour to refer to the implementation of the Safeguards Agreement between the Syrian Arab Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
热核反应堆项目是一个独特的工程项目。该项目的场址已经选定,实际 实施已经开始。
A unique engineering project has been developed for the reactor, a site has been chosen and practical work on implementation has begun.
主 要成就包括:进一步巩固和实施教科文组织气候变化倡议及其有关气候知识 核 心 计 划;气变化教 育和公共意识,教科文组织气 变 化 适 应 论 坛 以及本组织各站点的全球气候变化实 地观测台。
Among its major achievements are the further consolidation and implementation of the
UNESCO Climate Change
[...] Initiative and its core programmes on climate knowledge, climate change education and public awareness, the UNESCO Climate Change Adaptation Forum and the [...]
Global Climate Change
Field Observatory of UNESCO Sites.
热反应性可产生对包聚丙烯 在内不同基底的良好粘附性。
Their heat reactive nature poses excellent adhesion to various substrates, including polypropylene.
世衞建議,所有禽流感感染疑似個案的樣本經測試方法( 包括 快速抗原測試、病毒培植和甲型流感病 聚 合 酶 鏈 反 應 測 試) 得出陽 性結果後,必須送交指定的世衞 H5 參考實驗室作進一步測試核 實, 在國內即為北京的中國疾病預防控制中心病毒學研究所。
WHO recommends that any specimens with a positive result using testing approaches, including rapid
antigen detection, virus
[...] culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for influenza A virus and suspected of avian influenza infection should be further tested and verified by a designated [...]
WHO H5 Reference Laboratory,
which corresponds to the Virology Institute of Chinese CDC in Beijing.
与由教科文组织科学计划(国际地质对比计划、国际 水文计划、政府间海洋学委员会、人与生物圈计划和 社变革管理计划)5 位主席组成的指导小组就环境 与可持续发展问题举行了几次会议;出版了教科文组 织就切尔诺贝核反应堆事 故所开展的活动的最后报 告;制作了题为“教科文组织在世界山脉中”的光 盘,通报了山区生物圈保留地(人与生物圈计划), 世界遗产地(世界遗产公约)以及国际水文计划和国 [...]
Several meetings held with the Steering Group consisting of the
five chairpersons of UNESCO’s scientific programmes on environment and sustainable development (IGCP,
[...] IHP, IOC, MAB, MOST); The final report on UNESCO’s activities with regard to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident was published; A CDROM entitled UNESCO in the Mountains of the World was produced [...]
to inform on mountain biosphere reserves (MAB programme), mountain world heritage sites (World Heritage Convention), and on the mountain programmes of IHP and IGCP.
[...] 化,教科文组织迅速做出响应,出台了《气候变化问题行动战略》(181 EX/15)及其强化 行动计划(182 EX/INF.7),而且最近总干事又发出气候变化问题倡议,通 应 对 气 候 变化 问 题行动跨部门平台侧重于教科文组织在全球气 变 化 方面 的 核 心 行 动领域,这其中许多领 域具有长期性质。
In order to contribute to the United Nations system’s joint response on climate change, UNESCO has responded rapidly with a Strategy for Action on Climate Change (181 EX/15) and its Enhanced Plan of Action (182 EX/INF.7) as well as the more recent
Director-General’s Initiative on Climate Change, focusing through the
[...] Intersectoral Platform on Action to Address Climate Change on UNESCO’s core areas of action with regard to GCC, many of them of a long-standing nature.
委员会决定,针对特定内部发射源的工 应 当 聚 焦 于 氚和铀;针对天然辐 射源暴露增强的评估重应当改变, 以 避免与其他工作之间出现重叠;加强暴露 数据收集工作后应当开发辐射等级和影响知识库。
It decided that the work on selected
[...] internal emitters should focus on tritium and uranium; that the focus of assessments of enhanced exposures to natural radiation sources ought to change to avoid overlaps [...]
with other work; and
that the development of a knowledge base on radiation levels and effects ought to follow after enhancing collection of exposure data.
审议大会指出,正在发展这一领域能力的各国必须在国家层面,并通过在诸 如革新型反应堆和 燃料循环国际项目、国 热核 试 验 反应 堆 项 目和第四代国际 论坛等所有相关国际举措中开展合作,努力进一步发展和推广高级核技术。
The Conference notes the importance, for countries developing their capacities in this field, of working to
further develop and promote
[...] advanced nuclear technologies, nationally and through cooperation in all relevant international initiatives such as the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles [...]
(INPRO), the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and the Generation IV International Forum.
为此,有些代表团认为,34 C/5 应进一 步强调该部门在推动各文化间对话和各信仰 间对话的能力,以及其反对狂热、 极端主义和恐怖主义方面的作用。
In the same vein, delegates requested that
[...] document 34 C/5 should to an even higher degree underline the Sector’s potential to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue and its role in combating fanaticism, extremism and [...]




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