单词 | 热成层 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 热成层 —thermosphereSee also:成层—layered stratified
接着下来,本人谨代表董事 局、公司管理层及全体员工,热烈祝贺魏义军获委任为行政总裁。 asiasat.com | In turn, on behalf of the Board of Directors and the management and staff of the Company, I would like to congratulate William WADE on his appointment to Chief Executive Officer. asiasat.com |
本人衷心祝贺管理层每一位成员和全体员工之出色表现,致力维持最高的质素。 asiasat.com | I congratulate each member of management and staff for their outstanding performance and their dedication to quality. asiasat.com |
反光弹性装饰胶膜(RS3000) 是一款双面胶,外层是反光面, 内层是热溶性黏合剂。 interfiliere.com | Reflective stretch film (RS3000) is a two-layer film featuring a reflective face side and a heat-activated adhesive backing. interfiliere.com |
资讯保险一直是科技业界的热门话 题,因 为 层 出 不穷的资料外泄显示许多企业不如领导者想像的那样安全。 seagate.com | Information assurance has been a hot topic in the tech industry as high-profile data breaches reveal that many companies aren't as secure as leaders may have thought. seagate.com |
於1973年成立巧 新企业有限公司,以OEM型态,从事 即 热 式 瓦 斯 热 水 器 的生产,交於国内各知名厂牌销售,受到巿埸肯定,我们了解热水器出厂後经由各销售管道分布於各个家庭使用,攸关人民生命财产安全,在品质方面是极为重要的,所以本公司以品质第一为目标的理念,要求各同仁确实做到,提高与本公司往来的客户对本公司产品信任、交货准时、品质优良,彼此都能长期合作愉快。 tgas.org.tw | Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. [...] in 1973, by [...] OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic [...]each well-known [...]trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy. tgas.org.tw |
资本利用、资本回报及新业务价值 於产品层次计量,成为业 务规划过程的一部分。 prudential.co.uk | Capital utilisation, return on capital and new business value creation are measured at the product level as part of the business planning process. prudential.co.uk |
鉴於中兴新就本公司层面( 而并非就本公司的附属公 司 层面 ) 而 言,属 於 本 公 司 的 关 连 人 士,亦 是 立 德 的 主 要 股 东,因 此,立 德 本 身 构 成 香 港 联 交 所 上 市 规 则 项 下 本 公 司 的 关 连 人 士。 zte.com.cn | Given that Zhongxingxin is a connected person of the Group at the level of the Company (and not at the level of the Company’s subsidiaries) and is a substantial shareholder of Lead, Lead itself constitutes a connected person of the Company under the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
由於丙烯酰胺含量 是按食物的单位重量计算,以及丙烯酰胺主要是食物 受 热 时 在 表面形 成,所以水份含量低而比表面积大的食品一般含有较多丙烯酰胺。 cfs.gov.hk | As the amount of acrylamide was measured per unit weight of food and the acrylamide would be formed mainly on the food surface during heating, these two factors of low moisture content and large specific surface area would contribute to the generally higher acrylamide level. cfs.gov.hk |
这些公众参与活动深受公众欢 迎,主要持份者更是反应热烈,成功 地 提供了一个让公众 深入交流意见、理性讨论及建立共识的平台。 devb.gov.hk | These public engagement activities were well received by the public, in particular by the key stakeholders, as providing a platform for thorough exchange of views, rational discussions and consensus building. devb.gov.hk |
Thermage 与激光或将皮肤表层加热的技 术不同,它的射频技术能为真皮层及皮下组织加热至摄氏65-75度的同时,以冷冻剂保持表皮层於摄氏45度;配合专利的舒脉科技(Comfort Pulse Technology, CPT),利用微震动及散布式冷却技术,除了带来显着的紧肤去皱效果,亦令整个过程更舒适,与以往引起不少痛楚的射频治疗比较,皮肤接受程度大为改善。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | Unlike laser treatments and other technologies that heat up superficial skin layers, Thermage utilizes unique radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat up the dermal and subcutaneous tissue to 65-75 °C, while controlling the epidermal temperature at 45 °C through cryogen. Also, by applying the patented Comfort Pulse Technology, gentle vibrations and interspersed cooling, it helps turn wrinkled skin into tighter skin, and makes the Thermage treatment even more comfortable and less pain compared with other RF treatments. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
由於刚开始的暖气会是冷气,然後慢慢转 换 成热 气 , 所以特别难忍受。 4tern.com | The air conditioner would blast out cold wind at first, and slowly transform into hot air. 4tern.com |
Hespeler图书馆由卡内基基金会赞助,於1922年以14500美元 建 成 , Ko ngats建筑师事务所则以老建筑的当代外墙翻新工程,获得2010年Zerofootprint Re-Skinning奖项,先拆除20世纪中期增建的墙面,露出原有结构,再加盖如同「展示屋」的 隔 热 玻 璃 层 , 双 层 建 筑 玻璃可减少吸收太 阳 热 能 ,第 三 层 则 使 用手工织品,一方面能隔绝光线,另一方面保留当地过往的工业史,这些工程让图书馆能源效能提高67%。 thisbigcity.net | Mid 20th-century additions were demolished to reveal the original structure, and then an insulating glass ‘display case’ was built around the building. thisbigcity.net |
4.20 与任何机关(市级或其他或其他层次 ) 达 成 任 何 安排;向任何有关机关取得本公 司可能认为合宜的任何权利、特权或特许权;进行、行使及遵从任何有关安排、 权利、特权或特许权。 chinaallaccess.com | 4.20 To enter into any arrangements with any authorities, municipal or local or otherwise and to obtain from any such authority any rights, privileges or concessions which the Company may think it desirable to obtain and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges or concessions. chinaallaccess.com |
降低单位 GB 瓦比值有助於在最佳化容量需求的同时,亦减 少耗电和散热成本。 seagate.com | Lower watts/GB ratio helps achieve reduced power and cooling costs while optimizing capacity requirements. seagate.com |
时,在八十年代,工厂沙夫豪森IWC万国表已经开发出了分钟重复他的个人超卓复杂型腕表,一个项目中,已经投入了数千小时的工作,她不仅取得了优异 的 成 绩 , 在技 术 层 面 上,任何意见,但它也是一种味道让人联想到自豪的钟表制造商的制造。 zh.horloger-paris.com | When, in the eighties, the factory IWC Schaffhausen has developed its minute repeating his personal Grande Complication, a project in which it has invested thousands of hours of work, she has not only achieved an outstanding result in any views on the technical level, but it is also a taste reminiscent of proudly watchmakers of the Manufacture. en.horloger-paris.com |
交叉分析结果显示,反对如期立法者跨越各 阶 层 , 而 在近 两 成 的 坚 定支持立法者中,较多是五、六十岁以上的男性,及教育程度为小学或以下的被访者。 hkupop.hku.hk | Results of cross-tabulation analysis also indicated that the anti-legislation camp was a broad and cross-class coalition, while among the less than 20% firm supporters of the legislation, many were older males, aged above 50, and with primary or below education. hkupop.hku.hk |
於二零一五年项目完成时,第一期废 热 发 电 厂最终能向电网供应200,000兆瓦时剩余电力,并将於二零一 三 年 下 半 年 开 始 营 运。 glencore.com | The first phase of the cogeneration plant, eventually capable of supplying 200,000 megawatt hours per annum of surplus electricity to the power grid at maturity of the project in 2015, will become operational during H2 2013. glencore.com |
委员 会亦会在管理层成员毋 需与会的情况下与外聘核数师及内部审核 部门主管举行私人会议。 glencore.com | The Committee also holds private sessions with the external auditors and the Head of Internal Audit without members of management being present. glencore.com |
为例 (钻,螺丝刀,锯片等) 的工具和机器零件有涂层,改善其耐磨性 [...] 能、在半导体及太阳能电池生产加工的介质(绝缘 ) 层 制 程、 隔 热 玻璃 的改善应用於它的表面的涂料在反应炉内湿度控制,确保最佳的性能。 bronkhorstusa.com | For example, tools (drills, screwdrivers, saw blades, etc.) and machine parts are coated to improve their wear resistance, electric and dielectric (insulating) layers are deposited in semiconductor [...] and solar cell manufacturing [...] processes, the heat insulation of glazing is improved by [...]a coating applied to its surface and [...]the humidity in reactor/process chambers is controlled to ensure optimum performance. bronkhorstusa.com |
以下称“加创”或“公司”)(多伦多证券交易所创业版:CTS)欣喜地宣布了其用于猪流感(H1N1)筛查的约20套最先进的FeverScan M3000D双视觉热成像摄 像机系统的销售订单。 tipschina.gov.cn | ("Cantronic" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: CTS) is pleased to announce sales orders for approximately 20 units of its state-of-the-art FeverScan M3000D dual vision thermal imaging camera system for swine (H1N1) flu screening. tipschina.gov.cn |
除采纳香港财务报告准则第9号或会对现有可出售金融资产公平价值变动之分類及处理 构成 影响外,管理层预期 ,采纳该等新订╱经修订香港财务报告准则对本集团之业绩及财务狀 况不会构成任何重大影响。 | Apart from the adoption of HKFRS 9 which may have an effect on the classification and the treatment of fair value changes of existing available-for-sale financial assets, the management anticipates that the adoption of these new/revised HKFRS will have no significant impact on the results and the financial position of the Group. daphneholdings.com |
在农村中,他们好比一些土皇帝,较 [...] 有同情心的地方势力人士会为村民争取福利,但他们会视此为在上者对下层农民所施行 的责任,而不将它看待成下层农民 的必然权益。 hkahe.com | In villages, these men of influence acted as if they were little emperors. Some better men of influence might seek for some benefits for villagers, but they [...] would regard this act as a duty of the superior towards [...] the peasants and would never see this [...]as their rightful privileges. hkahe.com |