单词 | 烤肉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 烤肉noun—barbecuenless common: barbien 烤肉—barbecue (lit. roast meat)Examples:烤肉串n—kebabn 旋转烤肉—döner kebab 烤羊肉n—roast lambn See also:烤n—roastn 烤—bake broil 肉n—meatn fleshn 肉—irresolute pulp (of a fruit) (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy (of a person) flabby 滤n—filtern
位于瑞典林雪平市的烤肉生产商Meetab,对于交付的肉中脂肪含量的变化曾经深受困扰。 foss.cn | Kebab producers Meetab in Linköping, Sweden were having problems with variations in the fat content ofmeat deliveries. foss.dk |
在 Carnivore,烤肉先采用传统巴西配方腌制,再於碳烤炉火上烤至完美状态。 hk.marinabaysands.com | At Carnivore, themeats are marinated with a traditional [...] Brazilian recipe and rotisserie-cooked over open fire till perfection. marinabaysands.com |
香港除了港式火锅之外,还有日式Shabu Shabu,韩式烤肉火锅 等等不同形式的火锅。 cfs.gov.hk | Apart from Hong Kong style hotpot, a wide [...] selection of hotpots from Japanese Shabu [...] Shabu to KoreanstyleBBQ steamboat are available [...]in Hong Kong and they all offer a [...]great variety of tasty ingredients. cfs.gov.hk |
Sushi Kuu以提供新鲜生鱼片制成的寿司卷为主,亦有多款日式料理,天妇罗和 烤肉等。 ilovelkf.hk | As well as serving a selection of fusion sushi rolls made from [...] the freshest sashimi grade seafood, Sushi Kuu prepares a bunch of appetising rice [...] dishes,tempuraand grilled meatentreés. ilovelkf.hk |
位于最顶层的Azur餐厅供应日式寿司、新鲜的马尔代夫金枪鱼以及精制 烤肉,客人亦可在此纵览印度洋波澜壮阔的海景,如果想品尝各式东南亚风味佳肴,欢迎光临全天营业的Lime餐厅。 shangri-la.com | Enjoy sushi, fresh [...] Maldivian tuna, grilledpremium meatsand oceanviews [...]at the rooftop Azur Restaurant while our all-day-dining [...]Lime Restaurant features an abundance of Southeast Asian flavours. shangri-la.com |
这里准备了经典的墨西哥菜肴:墨西哥 烤肉、卷饼、炸玉米饼、鳄梨色拉、墨西哥啤酒、龙舌兰、玛格丽特,美食应有尽有。 msccruises.com.cn | Sample all the tastes of Mexican [...] cuisine: from Texas steaks to enchiladas, [...]fajitas to burritos and tacos, guacamole to tortillas, [...]all accompanied by Mexican beer, Tequila and Margaritas. msccruises.com.eg |
这份量十足的餐点是由烤肉、烤马铃薯、约克夏布丁、填料、蔬菜和肉汁组合而成。 ukeas.com.tw | It is a hearty meal [...] consisting ofroasted meat, roast potatoes, [...]Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy. ukeas.ph |
今年学生代联的万圣节活动仍将与中华文化协会的秋季 烤肉合办,希望家长们一如往常 乐捐糖果一包,共襄盛举!为鼓励大家加入万圣变装的行列,郑弘将用他的专业相机为 [...] 着装参加者拍个人照留念!学生代联也将准备一分小小的礼物 ! clsphoenix.org | This year, Student Council will [...] continue to coordinate the Halloween [...] activities andFallbarbecue with the Chinese [...]Culture Association, so we hope that parents [...]will continue to donate candy for the activities, and that everyone will attend the festivities. clsphoenix.org |
亚洲风味烤肉,如特色牛肉、羊肉、猪肉和鸭肉亦值得一尝。 cn.sandscotaicentral.com | Expand the experience with [...] a taste of AsianBarbeque,includingspecialty [...]beef, lamb, pork and duck. sandscotaicentral.com |
龙虾酒吧扒房利用历经几十年发展已至臻完美的食谱为阁下奉上各种海鲜、 烤肉和意大利面等。 shangri-la.com | With a selection of [...] fresh seafood, grilled meats and pastas, Lobster Bar and Grill’sdishes feature [...]recipes have been honed to perfection for decades. shangri-la.com |
烤肉、菜和水果,带出最好的味道。 daydaycook.com | Meats,vegetables, and fruits, [...] yet another way to bring out their natural goodness. daydaycook.com |
7 月 25 [...] 日应王冠超与王敏霞夫妇的爱心邀请,在他们家美仑美奂的後花园里举办 了暑期中的烤肉爱晏,香喷喷的各式烧烤,精美甜点,什锦水果外尚加每家的拿手私房 [...]菜,真是色香味齐全的美味大餐。 mccc.org | Different grilled meats, delicately made [...] desserts, and various fruits complemented the specialty dishes brought by each [...]family to make a hearty feast. mccc.org |
在上周末405号州际公路关闭期间,市政府举办了各种活动,例如单车与飞机赛跑(竟然赢了)、洛杉矶民众步行日(很愉快)等,然而令人失望的是,在西洛城与凡杜拉大道之的高速公路上,却不见任何行人活动,单车骑士不准到陡坡骑车,也无法在此想像或许有朝一日,单车或许能超越汽车的地位,成为道路上的主流;在这10英里路面上,民众亦不得举办封街派对、野餐、足球或腰旗橄榄球等比赛,任何无关车辆的活动一律禁止(不过还是有一群人成功闯入,违法举办晚餐派对,洛城警察虽不以幽默感着称,但看到长10英里的 烤肉人群,相信也能会心一笑)。 thisbigcity.net | Of all the novel activities during last weekend’s Interstate 405 closure —bikes racing planes (and winning), Angelinos walking (and enjoying it)— there was none more disappointing than the lack of pedestrian activity on the barren stretches of highway between West LA and Ventura Boulevard. thisbigcity.net |
该餐厅由获奖厨师 Manjunath Mural 打理,如今食客可在此享用烤肉串、黄油鸡、菠菜吉士和其他地方美食。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Managed by award-winning Chef Manjunath Mural, diners can now enjoykebabs,butter chicken, palak paneer and other local favorites. marinabaysands.com |
ANA Gura提供正宗日本料理,新鲜的鱼生剌身,热腾腾的天妇罗与色泽一流的 烤肉,让人食欲大振。 ilovelkf.hk | At Ana Gura, authentic Japanese cuisine is prepared by chef who spent six years at Inagiku. ilovelkf.hk |
至于菜单,您可以选择从土耳其美食广泛的选择(被认为是世界三大美食之一),其中包括炭火烧烤,羊肉串 烤肉,新鲜出炉的土耳其比萨,新鲜粉扑PIDE面包,美味的和不可抗拒的热& [...] 冷开胃菜,包括甜点 果仁蜜饼文化的最爱& kadayif,新鲜水果和蔬菜 [...]& 饮料,日常食物的选择,多种点菜菜单选择,为您提供良好和充足的选择......我们提供传统的土耳其茶,咖啡 & Ayran。 sultanrestaurant.com.cn | As for the menu, you can choose from a wide selection of Turkish cuisine (considered to be one of the three main cuisines [...] in the world) that includes [...] charcoalgrilled Barbeques, Doner Kebab, freshly baked Turkish pizza, [...]fresh puff & pide Bread, [...]delicious and irresistible Hot & Cold Appetizers, Desserts including cultural favorites baklava & kadayif, Fresh Fruits & Drinks, Daily Food Choices, and a variety of selections from Ala Carte Menu offers you good and plentiful choices... We serve Traditional Turkish Tea, Coffee & Ayran. sultanrestaurant.com.cn |
光临这家酒馆享用家庭风味的周日烤肉大餐,或是在户外热闹的酒馆花园中享受一杯美酒。 visitbritain.com | Drop in for a [...] home-cooked Sunday roast, orenjoy a pint [...]in the bustling pub garden outside. visitbritain.com |
食物环境卫生署于2004年进行了一项PAHs研究,收集了多种烧 烤肉类的样本,包括烧味(烧肉、叉烧及烧鸭)和肉干(牛肉干及猪肉干),以进行分析。 cfs.gov.hk | Samples of barbecued meats (siumei, namely [...] roasted pork, BBQ pork and roasted ducks, and dried meats, namely dried beef [...]and dried pork) were collected and analysed. cfs.gov.hk |
随后,铁匠房的味道传到屋内,一整份牛排摆在我面前,这份牛排重约两公斤,外面已经烧焦,里面却还有血丝,他们称之为“外焦里嫩”(…)!我切下一片 烤肉,抹上许多芥末、盐和胡椒,这样才能盖住外面的焦炭味和里面的平淡 voith.com | I cut a piece off this cannibal roast and use a generous measure of mustard, salt and pepper, in order to outdo the outer flavor of charcoal and the inner blandness voith.com |
这家由 Alain Ducasse 指导的培训中心是世界上最着名的,占地 300 [...] 平方米,专门为希望提高现有技能水平或开发新的烹饪技术的厨师而打造,从最传统的(铸铁炖锅、 烤肉架……)到最独特的(平煎锅、炒锅、电磁炉、真空包装……),应有尽有,而这都归功于这些最先进的设备。 electrolux-professional.cn | This is the most famous training center in the world, directed by Alain Ducasse; it consists of 300 square meters dedicated exclusively to Chefs who want to improve their existing skills or to develop new cooking [...] techniques, from the most traditional [...] (cast iron cocotte,rotisserie…)to themost [...]untypical (griddle, wok cooking, induction, [...]vacuum packing…), thanks to the use of state-of-the-art equipment. electrolux-professional.co.uk |
奇达窑业有限公司成立於1979年,是台湾唯一制造瓦斯器具用点火针、感应电极之类的制造厂商,适用於瓦斯炉热水器,瓦斯炊具, 烤肉炉等 等...拥有25年经营经验,我们总销售量超过一亿件以上。 tgas.org.tw | LTD, was found and CHI DAR is the only [...] manufacturer of Ignition Electrode in Taiwan to supply Gas Appliances (gas water [...] heater, gas cooker,barbecue,gas stove, etc…). tgas.org.tw |
此必定令人回味无穷的自助餐提供琳琅满目的热盘及冷盘美食供宾客选择,包括冻海鲜盆、特色沙律及冻杂肉盘、鲜甜寿司及日式鱼生、各式芝士盘、香嫩 烤肉、中式小炒及火煱,以及色彩缤纷的中式及西式甜品。 hk.sandsmacao.com | The delicious buffets offer a wide selection of hot and cold dishes for guests to choose from, including chilled seafood, cold vegetable platters and cold cuts, [...] fresh sushi and sashimi, cheese platter [...] and condiments,roasted meat, Chinese style [...]stir-fries and hot pot, as well as Chinese and western desserts. sandsmacao.com |
配合夏日派对的品牌日概念,媒体场与客户场皆规划别开生面的户外蒙古 烤肉餐饮搭配精致赛事风点心及特调饮品,同时聆听揉合古典与现代曲风的新潮乐团「太妃堂」带来的听觉飨宴,来宾赏车之余,也对主办单位的用心印象深刻!晚上於客户场并安排与Cayenne [...][...] GTS一同入画的现场电脑人像绘画以及针对车款特性的趣味问答,除了增加与来宾的互动,也能加深其对保时捷车系有更多的认识,皆获得热烈回响。 pap.porsche.com | At the same time, they were entertained by performances by TOFFEE, a band that mixes classical music with modern style. pap.porsche.com |
食物配搭:牛肉或羊肉,烤或烤或炖 sfgourmet.com | Food pairing : with [...] beef or lamb, roasted or grilled or stewed sfgourmet.com |