单词 | 烟花柳巷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 烟花柳巷 —red-light districtSee also:烟花—fireworks • prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater) 烟花 n—firecracker n 烟花巷—red-light district
品种繁多的铝粉和闪片可利用其反应特性和颜色被应用 于 烟花 制 造 当中。 eckart.com.cn | A wide variety of aluminium powders and aluminium glitter is [...] available for use in pyrotechnics with defined reaction [...]properties and colour tones. eckart.net |
主席先生,北風又吹起, 我們又看到漫㆝的顛狂柳絮和輕薄桃 花。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, the northerly wind is blowing again [...] now and we will see willow catkins and peach blossoms swaying in the wind, [...]filling up the sky again. legco.gov.hk |
这种产品设计的目的很明显 是为了给消费者能够自己编排一 个有一定时间长度的烟花表演的 可能性。 afsl.org | The intent of the product design [...] appears to be to give consumers the [...] flexibility to create a backyard display that [...]operates for a substantial length of time. afsl.org |
如在 施工時發現未有列入記錄的公用設施,情況會變得更為 複雜,因為在 村屋之 間的窄巷內, 可供改移公用設施的空 間 往往有 限 。 legco.gov.hk | This was further complicated by the [...] presence of uncharted utilities and space is often limited for utility diversion [...] in those narrow alleys between village houses. legco.gov.hk |
我们的产品既能为印刷行业、涂料行业和塑料行业带来闪亮的效果,又能利用自身的化学反应特性而用于如发泡混凝土 和 烟花 的 技术性应用领域。 eckart.com.cn | From powders, pastes and dispersions all the way to press-ready printing inks, our products are suitable for a broad range of uses in the most varied of markets: whether for creating brilliant effects in the graphics, coatings and plastics industries or [...] intended for chemical reactions such as those in the foam [...] concrete and pyrotechnical industries (technical [...]applications). eckart.net |
所有真正關心香港前途的㆟,都寄望㆗英會 談 柳 暗 花 明 , 最終 取得成功。 legco.gov.hk | All who really care about the future of Hong Kong hope that the deadlock will be broken and that the Sino-British talks will go on and finally succeed. legco.gov.hk |
即使在 21 世纪的今天,在世界上的许多城市,唯一固定或可靠的废物收集 服务(如果存在的话)是由靠一辆卡车走街 串 巷 的 非 法企业来提供的;青少年和他 们年幼的弟妹把垃圾场当作游乐场和捡拾物品换取零用钱的地方;冒着健康和安 全风险回收废物的非正规企业主未受赞扬和嘉奖,反遭迫害和刑事定罪;管理有 害工业材料的最安全方法便是由工人进行露天焚烧并呼吸有毒气体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even now, in the twenty-first century, there are many urban areas in the world where the only regular or reliable waste collection services (if they exist at all) are provided by illegal one-truck businesses run from people’s homes; where adolescents and their small sisters and brothers see the dump site as a playground and a source of materials to sell for pocket money; where informal entrepreneurs who risk their health and safety to recycle are persecuted instead of praised, criminalized instead of commended; where the safest way of managing hazardous industrial materials is for workers to burn them openly and breathe in the toxic fumes? daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 [...] 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷 与 惬 意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 [...] 菲尔火山上的骑士城堡也是不错的选择。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic [...] district, the university town of Constance [...] with its narrow alley ways and excellent [...]shopping facilities is within easy reach, [...]and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
不应该让儿童迫不得已 在洒满玻璃碎片的空地或到处是垃圾的 小 巷 或 受化 学废物污染的场地活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children should not be forced to play in vacant lots littered with broken glass, or in alleys choked with trash or fields contaminated by chemical waste. daccess-ods.un.org |
艺术家尼古拉斯·帕里斯收集了一系列存在于哥伦比亚流行想象的“唐人街”,包括加西亚•马尔克斯最新的忏悔式小说中描述的红灯区唐人街,在波哥大北部,他和朋友们曾经去过,在圣诞节期间去买 过 烟花。 shanghaibiennale.org | For his part, Nicolas Paris has been collecting a series of “Chinatowns” that exist in the Colombian popular imagination, including the Red Light district described as Chinatown in Garcia Marquez’s latest, confessional [...] novel, and the place where he and his friends used to go, in the North [...] of Bogota, to buy fireworks during Christmas time. shanghaibiennale.org |
在第三十四次会议上,执行委员会原则上核准 4,421,945 美元,作为提供给黎巴嫩 政府实现在蔬菜、鲜花、烟草和 草莓种植用途中全部淘汰作为土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴 (236.5 ODP 吨)的全部资金(经由开发计划署和工发组织分别实施的项目的资金为 2,600,000 美元和 1,821,945 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | 60. At its 34th Meeting, the Executive Committee approved in principle US $4,421,945 (US $2,600,000 and US $1,821,945 for the projects to be implemented through UNDP and UNIDO respectively) as the total funds available to the Government of Lebanon to achieve the complete phase-out of MB used as a soil fumigant in the production of vegetables, cut flowers, tobacco and strawberries (236.5 ODP tonnes). multilateralfund.org |
回顧期內,本集團位於山西省柳林縣的三個優質焦煤礦(興無煤礦、金家莊煤礦和寨 [...] 崖底煤礦)運作良好,並且錄得良好的安全生產紀錄。 shougang-resources.com.hk | During the period under review, the [...] three quality coal mines of the Group (Xingwu Coal Mine, Jinjiazhuang Coal Mine and [...]Zhaiyadi Coal Mine) located in Liulin County, Shanxi Province, operated smoothly and maintained excellent safety record. shougang-resources.com.hk |
CX6共配备13种模式:烹饪模式可让您拍摄出令人垂涎的美食图像;夜景多摄模式可以拍摄出美丽的夜景;高尔夫挥杆连拍模式可用于检查您的挥杆动作 ; 烟花 模 式 可以完美捕捉夜空中绽放 的 烟花。 ricoh.com | The CX6 comes equipped with a total of 13 modes, including Cooking mode to make sure your food photos look especially delicious, Night Landscape Multi-shot mode for great night scenes, Golf [...] Swing Continuous mode for checking your golf [...] swing, and Fireworks mode to beautifully capture fireworks in the night sky. ricoh.com |
此外,除了配备全新的烹饪模式、 烟花 模 式 和连拍高尔夫挥杆模式等场景模式外,CX5还改进了用于变焦微距模式拍摄的超级分辨率变焦功能和其他功能,让拍摄图像更富乐趣。 ricoh.com | Furthermore, in addition to [...] the new Cooking, Fireworks, and Continuous [...]Golf Swing scene modes, the CX5 has improved features [...]that make shooting photographs even more fun through the use of super-resolution zoom during Zoom Macro mode shooting and other functions. ricoh.com |
要注意的是,這391.5公頃土地當中,仍有不少形狀不規 則的地塊(例如建築物間的空隙、後 巷 , 以 及現有發展、公 路或其他設施邊旁的狹窄地塊),並非全部適合作房屋發展 [...] 之用。 legco.gov.hk | It must be pointed out that amongst the 391.5 hectares of land, there are still a number of sites with [...] irregular shapes (e.g. empty space [...] between buildings, back lanes and narrow strips [...]of land alongside existing developments, [...]highways or other amenities), and not all of them are suitable for housing development. legco.gov.hk |
發牌制度使招牌能夠「妾身已明」,使 它不會「朝秦暮楚」,變成「路柳牆 花 」 , 那便是我們市民的福氣。 legco.gov.hk | A licensing system will help identify the owners of overhanging signboards so that there will not be any more abandoned signboards. legco.gov.hk |
让其他方参与并提出问题通常会柳暗 花 明, 找到正确的行动路线。 sonova.com | By getting others involved and raising issues, a good course of action usually comes to light. sonova.com |
这种例子包括枪支、烟花或医药制 品。 global.tobaccofreekids.org | Examples [...] include firearms, fireworks or pharmaceutical [...]products. global.tobaccofreekids.org |
2-1.10 符合本标准的产品,它的形状,颜色 或产品名不能类似于违禁的烟花产品,如 M-80 礼炮,银色礼炮,樱桃炮等。 afsl.org | 2-1.10 Items subject to this Standard must not have the shape [...] and color or bear a name that resembles [...] banned hazardous fireworks, such as M-80 Salutes, [...]Silver Salutes, Cherry Bombs, etc. afsl.org |
巴基斯坦制造的计量吸入器中的活性成分 为 柳 丁 氨 醇(由上述三个企业制造) 、 柳丁 氨醇/ 丙酸(由 Macter 和 Zafa 制造)、丙酸(两种不同剂量)、沙美特罗/替卡松(三种 不同剂量)以及异丙托品、沙美特罗和曲安奈德 (仅由 Macter 制造)。 multilateralfund.org | The active ingredients in MDIs manufactured in Pakistan are salbutamol (manufactured by the three enterprises), salbutamol/beclomethasone (manufactured by Macter and Zafa), and beclometahsone (two different doses), salmetrol/fluticasone (three different doses), ipratropium, salmeterol and triamcinolone acetonite (manufactured only by Macter). multilateralfund.org |
有時山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又 一村;機關算盡,但算來算去都算不 到公民社會如何覺醒,香港人團結的力量是不能估算的。 legco.gov.hk | Sometimes, when people are at the end of their tethers, it may suddenly dawn on them that every cloud has a silver lining. Even by exhausting all intrigues, they may not be able to predict the awakening of a civic society, and the power of solidarity of the people of Hong Kong cannot be predicted. legco.gov.hk |
最後是“輕薄桃花逐水流”,又是杜 甫形容那些朝三暮四的人,最後是“保皇自欺欺人可惡”,今天我要面對 的,是以自由黨和民主黨為首的一羣,他們經常如亂世 桃 花 、 癲 狂 柳絮 ─ 對不起,不是民主黨,是民建聯。 legco.gov.hk | And the final line is, "Light and thin peach petals flow with the currents", the poet DU Fu used the line to describe those who often change their stances very easily. legco.gov.hk |
不管是为了纪念这一事件,还是只因为有趣,每个瑞士地区现在都点燃篝火, 放 烟花 , 儿童游行队伍举着点缀着瑞士十字或州标志的纸灯穿过街道,人们在窗口点燃蜡烛。 swissworld.org | Whether in remembrance of this event, or just because it is fun, [...] every Swiss commune now lights its own [...] bonfire and sets off fireworks, and children parade [...]through the streets with paper lanterns [...]- often decorated with the Swiss cross or the symbols of the cantons - and people light candles in their windows. swissworld.org |
脆弱,不稳定,消耗,最终到消散,这个过程在诗意的审美中安静的被刻画着:一场盛放过后 的 烟花 表 演 ,一曲精疲力竭却没有听众的生日颂,一道平淡无奇转瞬即逝的光,在一个寂静的空间里,稍不注意,就一一错过。 shanghaibiennale.org | In a silent space, this process is [...] poetically and aesthetically described: a [...] fully launched fireworks show, a well-performed [...]birthday concert with no audience, [...]an ordinary but transient flush of light. shanghaibiennale.org |