单词 | 烂的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 烂的 adjective —rotten adjSee also:烂—rot • decompose • thoroughly • rotten • messy • worn out • chaotic • utterly • mushy • well-cooked and soft
看到这么多儿童聚集在一处,每个人都有着光辉 灿烂 的前途,使我领略到这种不必要的道路死亡和可预防 的伤害所造成的伤害的真正规模。 daccess-ods.un.org | Seeing so many children all in one place, each one with a bright, glowing future, brought home to me the true scale of this epidemic of unnecessary road deaths and preventable injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
柬埔寨在历史上是一个伟大而荣耀的民族,过去拥有光辉 灿 烂的 文 化。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cambodia had been a great and glorious nation in its history and had been a country with grand prosperous civilization in the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
沼气是一种腐烂的生物废物 产生的可燃气体,通常含有 50%至 60%的甲烷。 daccess-ods.un.org | Biogas is a combustible gas derived from decomposing biological waste and normally contains 50 to 60 per cent methane. daccess-ods.un.org |
其值得政治家Mannetti,一个伟大的文化,虔诚和纯洁的人,是一个优秀的希腊语和拉丁语的学者,和 灿 烂的 演 说 家。 mb-soft.com | Its worthy statesman Mannetti, a man of great culture, piety, and purity, was an excellent Greek and Latin scholar, and a brilliant orator. mb-soft.com |
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特 绚 烂的 城 市 生活。 discoverireland.com | This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too – you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores. discoverireland.com |
虽然妈妈最终会把鲜花扔到垃圾桶里,但是爸爸还是喜欢送花给妈妈,因为爸爸喜欢看见妈妈 灿 烂的 笑 容。 4tern.com | Although mum ended up threw the flowers away, but it never stopped the dad to repeat the routine. 4tern.com |
实际上,这场革命堪比被黑格尔称为 “光辉灿烂的黎明”的 1789 年法国大革命。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, it was a revolution comparable to the French Revolution of 1789, which Hegel described as a splendid dawn. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 [...] 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的沙眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 [...] 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿 溃 烂的 利 什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system and heart [...] function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin [...] lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis [...](sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection. daccess-ods.un.org |
采用目前流行的技术 XHTML+CSS+div布局的模板结构,多变、 绚 烂的 模 板 可使您的blog与众不同,f2blog可以使用asp版本的pjblog中的skin,让您不要再为没有喜欢的skin而发愁。 javakaiyuan.com | The use of popular technology XHTML CSS div layout template structure , changing , gorgeous templates make your blog unique , f2blog can use asp version of thepjblog in the skin, so you do not like the skin longer to worry about . javakaiyuan.com |
真是太高兴了!”笑容灿烂的哈娜 说道。 unicef.org | I was extremely happy,” Hanaa says, [...] with a broad smile. unicef.org |
澳大利亚政府的绿色汽车创新基金(Green Car Innovation Fund)与汽车市场入市计划(Automotive Market Access Program)等措施,为探索中国市场打开了 灿 烂的 前 景 ,因此澳中两国双向投资机会有望相互分享专业技能,共同开发出更清洁 的能源解决方案。 australiachina.com.au | Given that the Australian government’s commitments such as the Green Car Innovation Fund and the Automotive Market Access Program have a strong perspective to explore the market in China, two-way investment opportunities have the potential to share expertise and develop cleaner energy solutions. australiachina.com.au |
在 Malihah 镇,在 Shab'a 环路发现了 2 具腐烂的尸体。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of Malihah, two decomposing bodies were found at the Shab'a roundabout. daccess-ods.un.org |
有趣的多维表盘、绚烂的色彩和对材料的创新使用都成为 Tendence 手表这个前卫手表设计制造公司文化的独特元素。 hk.ashford.com | Interesting multi dimensional dials, splashes of color, and thoroughly original use of materials in their creations all add to the culture of this avante garde watch making design house, Tendence Watches. ashford.com |
作为一个魅力不凡、阳光灿烂的旅游 目的地,劳德代尔堡吸引着大量的游艇爱好者,整座城市共有42000艘游艇和100个小船舶和船坞。 msccruises.com.cn | Now a glamorous, sunny holiday destination, Fort Lauderdale attracts a sophisticated yachting crowd, with its 42,000 resident yachts and 100 marinas and boatyards. msccruises.com.au |
FSSC 22000 是专门为食品产业链中的组织制定的食品安全体系认证,可申请该认证的组织包括加工或制造动物产品、易 腐 烂的 植 物 产品、长保质期产品及(其他)食品配料(例如添加剂、维生素和生物培养产品)以及食品包装制造的厂商。 tuv.com | FSSC 22000 has been developed for the certification of food safety systems of the organizations in the food chain which process or manufacture animal products, perishable vegetal products, products with a long shelf life and (other) food ingredients like additives, vitamins and biocultures and food packaging manufacturing. tuv.com |
灿烂的阳光 透进窗口,照射在这些用金箔包着的器具上,只见满屋金光闪耀,光彩夺目,令人眼花缭乱。 chinesestoryonline.com | When the sunshine came in through the window, falling on the gold foils, the whole room would glow with incomparably golden radiance. chinesestoryonline.com |
Compost 堆肥 由腐烂的食物 碎屑、作物和植物废料、粪和其 他有机物制成的天然植物养料。 hesperian.org | Compost natural plant food made from decomposed food scraps, crop and plant wastes, manure, and other organic matter. hesperian.org |
本世纪或许是东方的世纪,但对非洲而言,也是一个前景 灿 烂的 世 纪。 australiachina.com.au | We may be in the century of the East, but this century also promises much for Africa. australiachina.com.au |
她的其他作品包括一卷十四行诗和诗歌、一本英国诗人奥斯卡·王尔德的和他的母亲王尔德女士的回忆录以及另外两本关于非 洲 的 书 :《 破 烂的 边 缘 :非洲金矿的传说》(The Ragged Edge:Tales of the African Gold Fields)(1895) 和 《一个非洲之子的罗曼史》(A Son of Africa:A Romance)(1899)。 wdl.org | Her other books include a volume of sonnets and poems, a memoir of English poet Oscar Wilde and his mother, Lady Wilde, and two other books about Africa: The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold Fields (1895) and A Son of Africa: A Romance (1899). wdl.org |
奥克兰市青年旅舍的工作人员知识渊博,将一天24小时以 灿 烂的 笑 容欢迎你的到来。 cn.yha.co.nz | Knowledgeable staff are on hand 24 hours a day to welcome you with a big smile! yha.co.nz |
作为谷物类别一部分的小麦,是以面包、面食和煮沸及 捣 烂的 面 食 形式摄 入的,如表21所示,主要是安纳托利亚东部和东南地区消费。 daccess-ods.un.org | Wheat as one component of the grain group is consumed in the form of bread, pasta, and boiled and pounded wheat, and is most consumed in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, as indicated in Table 21. daccess-ods.un.org |
不时检查户外地板上是否有干透的污点、 腐 烂的 木 材 等,需要时涂油保养。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Check the decking on occasion for dry spots, decayed wood etc. and maintenance oil it when required. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
这是一个整数,象征 着充满对科特迪瓦光辉灿烂的和平 与繁荣未来的希 望的新开端。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is a round number, symbolizing a new beginning filled with promise for a radiant future of peace and prosperity for Côte d’Ivoire. daccess-ods.un.org |
此次推出2008高级华服系列作为NE•TIGER品牌的第六次开创,可以说是对我所提出的"中国奢侈品复兴与新兴宣言"的一次新的实践,我希望通过服装服饰的变革,在复兴中国 灿 烂的 奢 侈品文明的同时,促进中国新兴的奢侈品产业的发展,造就属于真正属于中国自己的奢侈品品牌。 ne-tiger.com | 2008 high-grade Chinese fashion series launched this time is the sixth creation of NE•TIGER, which can be regarded as a new practice of “Declaration on Revival and Emergence of China’s luxuries”, and I hope we can depend on reforms of costumes to improve the development of China’s emerging luxury industry and create the luxury brand really belonging to China at the same time of reviving China’s splendid luxury civilization. ne-tiger.com |
2008 年 2 月 21 日,作为第九个“国际母语日”,因此就有了特别重要 的意义,在这样的日子发起弘扬语言的活动,必将有光明 灿 烂的 前 景。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The date of 21 February 2008, that of the ninth International Mother Language Day, will have a special significance and provide a particularly appropriate deadline for the introduction of initiatives to promote languages. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从法律和人道主义方面而言,识别骸骨、严重 腐 烂的 遗 骸或因其它原因未识 别的遗骸具有重要意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | The identification of skeletal, badly decomposed or otherwise unidentified human remains is important for both legal and humanitarian reasons. daccess-ods.un.org |
它采用了NVIDIA的Tegra的双核心处理器高密度芯片,一个 灿 烂的 7 英 寸 多点触摸与康宁Gorilla玻璃和充分支持Adobe Flash Player的10.1屏幕,Android为基础的平板是市场经历了Android小部件,数以千计的游戏和应用程序的理想选择。 technologeeko.com | Featuring an NVIDIA Tegra dual-core processor superchip, a brilliant 7-inch multi-touch screen with Corning Gorilla Glass and full Adobe Flash Player 10.1 support, the Android-based tablet is ideal for experiencing thousands of Android Market widgets, games and applications. technologeeko.com |
因此,我深信只要全民凝聚劳资政三方的结合力量,携手合作,一定能够昂然突破重重难关,再次一起迎接更加 灿 烂的 未来 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Thus, I am confident that as long as we hold true to the spirit of tripartism, work closely together, we can surely overcome the many difficulties ahead of us, and be prepared to enjoy a more glorious future. english.sccci.org.sg |