

单词 炼焦炉

See also:


the process of producing coke from coal


焦炉 n

coke oven n


coking furnace

External sources (not reviewed)

1999年从澳大利亚MIM控股公司引进 炼炉 以 来,中国云铜集团就一直与澳大利亚公司开展合作。
China Yunnan Copper Group has cooperated with Australian companies
[...] since it introduced smelting furnaces from Australia’s [...]
M.I.M. Holdings in 1999.
采 用 除 渣 装 置 去 除 富 氧 熔 渣 ,在 钢 包炼 炉 中 进 行 去 氧 、合 金 化 处理并加热熔态金属,利用真空除气法去除氢、氮和硫元素。
It is also important to stop the polishing operation immediately after the last scratch from the former grit size has been removed.
ORIS新款广告风格焦于精炼之处 ,为的是呈现Oris腕表的独一无二。
Our advertising style concentrates on what’s important – the Oris watch in its inimitable world.
广炼焦生产中 的干熄焦或低水分熄焦工艺。
Develop thin-belt
[...] continuous casting techniques. [...]
Popularize dry coke-extinction or lowwater coke-extinction techniques in the process of coking.
当流动特性发生变化时,不锈钢料斗中沿墙不会出现流动现象,结果导致供 焦炉 的 料 仓发生严重的流动问题。
When the flow characteristics changed, flow did not occur along the
walls in the stainless steel hoppers, resulting in severe flow problems within the
[...] bunkers that supplied the coke ovens.
包括天然气、煤层气、沼气焦炉煤 气 和合成气(包括煤基合成气和生物质基合成气等)的净化、分离技术,合成气生产技术,天然气和合成气的化工利用技术(合成甲醇、氨、燃料(油和二甲醚等)、制氢和氢气的利用、一氧化碳和二氧化碳生产和化工利用技术、合成烯烃、羰基合成醇、碳酸二甲酯、醋酸及其他大宗或精细化工产品,加氢甲酰化合成化工产品,等等),天然气和一碳化工衍生产品的深加工利用技术,天然气加工及石 炼 制 与化工副产的低碳烷烃(C1~C5)的化工利用技术,同时也报道本领域国内外的最新动态信息和一些其他领域的化工新技术。
The journal covers new scientific and technological developments, new processes, technical progress, and information on the natural gas and C1 chemical industries, specifically: the purification and separation technology of natural gas, CBM, biogas, coke oven gas, and synthesis gas (including coal-based synthesis and biomass-based synthesis gas); synthesis gas production technology; the chemical utilization of natural gas and synthesis gas (the synthesis of methanol, ammonia, and fuel, e.g. oil and dimethyl ether); hydrogen production and utilization; the production and chemical utilization of CO and CO2; the synthesis of olefins; the carbonyl synthesis of alcohol, dimethyl carbonate, acetic acid, and other bulk or fine chemical products; and the synthesis of chemical products through hydrogenation and formylation.
焦炭: 焦, 从石油冶炼中提取的碳基固体。
petcoke: petroleum coke, a carbon-based solid derived from oil refineries
本模块详细介绍了各种炼炉中发生的化学 反应,阐明了基本热力学和动力学控制这些化学反 应、生产所需成份钢的原理。
It illustrates how the underlying thermodynamics and kinetics can allow these reactions to be manipulated to produce steel with the required composition.
卧式、入水式和立式渣浆泵用于中等强度到超大强度的应用设备( 焦 炭 、 制 炼 厂 和 尾矿)、核污泥以及API 610等特殊应用设备。
The horizontal, submersible, and vertical slurry pumps are designed for medium to ultra severe duty applications such as coke fines, process plant and tailings, nuclear sludge as well as specialty applications like API 610.
因为LEICOMELT®熔炉基本上为感应 炼炉 , 所 以可采用返回废钢、铁屑和海绵状金属作为炉料,无需利用昂贵的圆锭。
Because LEICOMELT® furnaces are basically induction melting furnaces, they can be charged with casting revert scrap, [...]
turnings and sponge
rather then utilizing expensive round ingots.
钢铁企业将采用来自鼓炉 废能的干焦发电技术,改造所有鼓 炉 煤 气发 电,并实施转炉煤气回收。
Iron and steel enterprises will apply coke dry quenching and power
[...] generation from the waste energy from blast furnaces, renovate all blast furnace gas power [...]
generation, and implement converter gas recovery.
本集團的整體風險管理計劃焦點集中於金融市場的不可預見事情上,並務求減低對 本集團財務表現所構成之潛在不利影響。
The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.
以气态烃转化催化剂与工艺、低压合成甲醇工艺与催化剂、甲醇羰基合成醋酸、甲醇脱水制二甲醚工艺与催化剂、甲醇裂解制氢工艺与催化剂、变压吸附气体分离技术 焦炉 气 甲烷化制天然气、煤矿瓦斯综合利用、黄磷尾气/电石炉尾气深度净化与利用、醋酸加氢制乙醇、焦化苯加氢精制、硫磷专用分析仪、N-甲酰吗啉等为代表的成果达到国内领先水平,这些技术与产品应用于全国近2000家化工、石化、冶金、机械、食品、军工企业并出口,创造了显著的经济效益,并为节能环保战略性新兴产业发展和传统产业升级发挥着重要的示范与带动作用。
A number of its research findings have been industrialized -- for example low-pressure synthesis of methanol and catalyst, hydrocarbon conversion process and catalyst, PSA gas separation, carbonyl synthesis of acetic acid from methanol, methanol-to-dimethyl ether, methanol-to-hydrogen, refining of crude benzene, and the synthesis of NFM by methyl formate process -- all of which are at the international level, and play an important role in technologically supporting the sector and generate a large amount of economic and social benefits.
从铝炼炉的维 修流程图中可以看出,当使用基于Nanobond技术的产品时能够将水泥结合材料(中水泥耐火混凝土)原来所需要的6天加热时间降到1天以下。
As an example, the flowchart for the repair of an
[...] aluminium melting furnace shows the reduction [...]
of heat-up time from 6 days when using
cementbonded materials (here: medium cement castable) down to less than 1 day when using Nanobond products.
3.9.3 推广钢铁工业融熔还原等非炉炼铁 工 艺,开发薄带连铸工艺。
3.9.3 Popularize
[...] non-blast furnace iron-smelting techniques using [...]
melted reduce in the iron and steel industries.
经合组织和联合国尽职调查准则建议对矿产品供应链的上游(从矿山到炼 炉或提炼厂)与下游(从炼炉或提炼 厂 到 最终用户)加以区分。
The OECD and United Nations recommendations for due diligence guidelines distinguish between those upstream of mineral supply chains, that is, from mine to smelter or refinery, and those downstream, that is, from smelter or refinery to the end-user.
SBB钢铁市场日报》为您提供公开透明的价格评估,包含每日和每周价格,涵盖铁矿石 炼焦 煤 和 焦炭、废钢以及铁合金,此外还提供对每日市场动态的深入分析和评论。
SBB Steel Markets Daily provides transparent daily and weekly
[...] assessments of iron ore, coking coal & coke, ferrous [...]
scrap and ferroalloys prices, plus
insightful analysis and commentary on the day’s market activities.
这些努力将包括无害环境的施工技术(包括减少使用木材 炉 砖 )和 燃料消 费(包括更多依赖太阳能)。
These efforts would include environmentally friendly construction techniques (including less reliance on timber and oven-fired bricks) and fuel consumption (including more reliance on solar power).
中国国家石油公司将建成 乍得首个石炼油厂》,《中国焦 》 , 2007 年 10 月 11 日,详情可登录 www.china [...]
memo.org/chinascope/ briefing/geo-strategic-development/2757。
China National Petroleum Corporation
[...] to Build Chad’s First Oil Refinery”, ChinaScope, 11 October [...]
2007, at www.china memo.org/chinascope/briefing/geo-strategic-development/ 2757.
汞在全球范围交易,用于产品生产和氯碱厂,并从燃煤 电厂、焚炉、水 泥窑和受污染的场所向外释放。
Mercury is traded globally and is used in products and chlor-alkali plants; it is emitted from coal-fired power plants, incinerators, cement kilns and contaminated sites.
[...] 共同努力、合作和经验交流提供一个 焦 点 , 现提出下列若干主要模式。
To provide a focus for collaborative [...]
efforts, cooperation and exchange of experiences among member countries, the key modalities
described below are suggested.
Kolmar公司位于俄罗斯联邦萨哈共和国境内,是一家从 炼焦 煤 开 采和加工的公司(储备有10亿多公吨的优 炼焦 煤 ) ,在东西伯利亚的Chulmakan煤田和Denisovsky煤田经营数家矿山。
Located in Sakha Republic of the Russian
[...] Federation, Kolmar is a coking coal mining and processing company (with reserves of more than 1 billion tonnes of high-quality coking coal) that operates [...]
several mines within
the Chulmakan and Denisovsky coalfields within Eastern Siberia.
在另一些评论中,重点进一步焦, 具 体到管辖权的执行或裁判方面,提到 了(a) [...]
国家法官对在外国领土上由外国人犯下的某些罪行和对外国国民提出诉 讼和作出裁决的能力;或(b) 法院即使在案件与法院地国之间缺乏特定关联的情 况下行使其管辖权的能力,这些关联包括领土、犯罪人或受害人的国籍,或对国 家根本利益的侵犯。
In yet some other
[...] instances, the focus was narrower and [...]
specific to the enforcement or adjudicatory aspects of jurisdiction,
referring to (a) the ability of a national judge to bring proceedings and rule on certain crimes committed on foreign soil, by foreign nationals and against foreign nationals; or (b) the ability of a court to exercise its jurisdiction even in the absence of a link between the case and the forum State, such as territory, nationality of perpetrator or victim, or infringement upon the fundamental interests of the State.
熔炼详述:顾客提供的废料可以熔化,精炼,铸块以及返矿;又或者鼓德温在进行A OD 精 炼炉 熔 炼 时 添 加所需要的合金成分,得到了给定结构成分的金属。
Melts to Specification: Customer supplied scrap can either be melted, refined, pigged and returned; or Goodwin can make the required alloy additions whilst processing in the AOD vessel to bring the metal to a given composition.
电力行业30万千瓦以上火电机组占火电装机容量比重由2005年的47%上升到2010年的71%,钢铁行业1000立方米以上大型 炉炼 铁 产 能比重由48%上升到61%,电解铝行业大型预焙槽产量比重由80%提升到90%以上。
The proportion of thermal power generating units with a generation capacity above 300,000 kw each in China's thermal power installed capacity increased from 47 percent in 2005 to 71 percent
in 2010; the proportion of large
[...] iron production blast furnaces with an capacity above [...]
1,000 cu m each increased from 48
percent to 61 percent; and the proportion of the output of large aluminum electrolysis prebaking tanks increased from 80 percent to above 90 percent.
公司拥有主要技术装备包括:日本NKK50吨超高功率电弧炉一座;70吨LF钢包 炼炉 一 座 ;70吨 VD真空炼炉一座 ;三机三流16米半径连铸机一台;美国720轧机组成的合金钢大棒材半连轧机组,并配有完善、先进的附属配套设备及设施,整套的物理、化学检测及气体分析设备。
The company’s main technology and facilities include one Japanese NKK 50-ton
ultra-high power
[...] electric arc furnace, one 70-ton LF steel-coat ladle refining furnace, one 70-ton VD vacuum refining furnace, one 3-engine-3-flow [...]
continuous caster, and a semi-continuous rolling production assembly for alloy steel bars and rods consisting of American BIRDS BORO (φ720mm) rolling mill which is equipped with leading and completed supplementary facilities and physical and chemical testing equipment and gas analyzer.
[...] 空调、电机、燃气产品、家用电器(电视、录像机、视听和相关娱乐产品)和办 公室设备(计算机和相关设备、复印机、传真机等)、照明产品(灯和镇流器)、 一体式炉、冷 藏设备(家用和商用) 炉 灶 、 配电变压器、热水器等。
Additionally, the list of products in need of further consideration on the implementation of energy label and energy-efficiency standards include: air compressors, air-conditioners, electrical machines, gas products, electrical household appliances (TVs, VCRs, audio and visual products and related entertainment products) and office equipment (computers and related equipment, copy machines, fax machines etc.), lighting products (lamps and
ballasts), one-piece
[...] boilers, cold storage equipment (for domestic and commercial use), stoves, substation [...]
transformers and water heaters etc.
(b) 政府當局已改變條例草案焦點, 由作為 一項反壟斷法更改為一項競爭法,此舉只 [...]
會損害中小企的營商環境及香港的自由經 濟體系,對大財團則過於姑息。
(b) the Administration
[...] had shifted the focus of the Bill from [...]
an anti-trust law to a competition law which would only undermine
the business environment of SMEs and Hong Kong's free economy while sparing large consortia.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”炼厂 地 位的 炼 厂 和 冶 炼 厂 称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).




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