

单词 点阵

点阵 adjective ()

fractional adj



dot matrix printer


dot matrix printer


semiconductor superlattice

See also:

classifier for gusts or bursts; for events of short duration such as lightning, storms, wind
disposition of troops
short period of time

External sources (not reviewed)

热敏打印机的工作方式不同于行 点阵 打 印 机或激光打印 机,因为热敏打印机采用了发热元件打印头以及特殊的打印纸或碳带。
The thermal printer operates
[...] differently from a line matrix or laser printer, [...]
because the thermal printer uses a printhead
with heating elements and special paper or ribbon.
然后点阵纸上书 写以将新笔记与现有录音链接。
Then write on dot paper to link [...]
your new notes to the existing audio.
半色调去除:增点阵文本 和使用半色调网屏的影像(例如报纸照 片)。
[...] Removal: enhances dot matrix text and images with [...]
halftone screens (e.g., newspaper photographs).
交响曲将听众的注意力集中点阵打 印机这一几乎被遗忘的技术本身。
The Symphony focuses the listener’s attention on the physicality of a nearly forgotten
[...] technology: the dot-matrix printer.
重放录音时,可点阵纸上 写下笔记,录音将自动链接到该笔记。
While you are playing back the audio, you can
[...] write down notes on dot paper and the audio [...]
will automatically link to your notes.
标准产品包括数字、数字字符点阵 和 完全图形显示器。
Standard products include
[...] numeric, alphanumeric, dot matrix, and full graphic [...]
这项选择打印机要仿真的行式点阵 打 印 机。
This item
[...] selects the line or dot matrix printer to be emulated [...]
by the printer.
识别低质量图像的文本,例如这些图像时 点阵 打 印 机创建的。
Recognize text in low quality images such as
[...] those created with dot matrix printers.
这些空白标签产品分热传输点阵和 /或喷墨打印系列。
These blank label products come in
[...] thermal transfer, dot matrix and/or ink jet printable [...]
(4)在Color Management Policies的选项中共有四种,Leave Color Unchanged 是转换PDF档时,保留所有数值不变,如知道下一个工序已设定好色彩管理模式,可选用此选项;Tag Everything for Color Mgmt (no conversion)是保留所有数值不变,但将Working Spaces 中所选定的ICC Profile
按需要内嵌于PDF档内,方便下一个工序的工作人员知道档案来源的ICC Profile;Tag Only Images for
[...] Color Mgmt (no conversion)与上一个选项功用相同,但祗是影 点阵 图 像 部份,文字及外框图形则没有影响,如页面内的图像是RGB模式,而文字及外框图形是CMYK,又或者是想文字部份不要转换色彩,则可选用此选项;Convert [...] [...]
All Colors to sRGB 如PDF档将来用于网页或一般展示用途可选用此选项,因这选项转换成的PDF档案较细,方便传送。
(4) of the Color Management Policies in a total of four options, Leave Color Unchanged is converted PDF file to retain all the values remain unchanged, who knows a good process has been set up color management model, can choose this option; Tag Everything for Color Mgmt (no conversion) is to retain all the values the same, but in the Working Spaces will be selected in accordance with ICC Profile embedded in need PDF file to facilitate a process under the staff to know the source file ICC Profile; Tag Only Images for Color Mgmt (no conversion) with an option
on the same function, but
[...] the impact is only part of lattice images, text and frame graphics [...]
are not affected, such as the
page is RGB mode images, and text and graphics frame is CMYK, or do not want to convert part of the text color, can use this option; Convert All Colors to sRGB if the PDF file will for the general purpose of display pages or to choose this option, this option due to the PDF files into smaller, easy to send.
专利点阵驻留 技术能够实现本同级别产品中最卓越的打印速度,满足食品、饮料和个人护理行业的各种批次和日期的打码要求。
The patented and proven dot matrix technology enables [...]
outstanding print speed in its category for a wide variety of lot
and date code applications in the food, beverage and personal care industries.
经审核的打印机包括点阵式打 印机,喷墨打印机,镭射打印机,一体机,大型打印机(例如:DesignJet)和绘图仪。
Audited printers include: Dot Matrix, Inkjets, Laser [...]
printers, Multifunctional devices, Large Format Printers (I.e.: DesignJet), and Plotters.
中国农业银行主要分行开始尝试使用普印力 P7000H 行矩阵打印机解决点阵打印 机平稳过渡到行式打印机遇到的问题,大大缓解了打印机中断给客户造成的焦虑以及居高不下的运营和维护成本。
Printronix P7000H line matrix printers were used in key sub-branches of the Agricultural Bank of
China to trial solve problems with smooth
[...] transition from dot matrix printers to line [...]
printers, easing worries of customer
on shutdown of printers and costly operation and maintenance.
点阵打印 机变成了“乐器”,而当代办公室典型的电脑网络系统则是演奏乐器的“交响乐团”。
Dot matrix printers are turned [...]
into musical ‘instruments’, while a computer network system, typical of a contemporary office,
becomes the ‘orchestra’ used to play them.
早些时候,中国农业银行内蒙古分行还在使用 1900K 点阵打印 机时,常常每天要断断续续花 8 个小时打印 1000 多页文档,而且频繁遇到热待机、卡纸、打印针损坏和数据丢失等诸多故障,对时间、人力和金融资源造成巨大的浪费。
Previously, Inner Mongolia Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China often spent 8 hours printing over 1000 pages off and on each day using 1900K dot matrix printers, frequently encountering failures like hot standby, paper jam, broken pin and missing data, wasting time, manpower and financial resources.
这些数点阵可以 导入3D拟合软件,得到旋转中心后,软件会显示工件的数据如何与工件的CAD模型相一致。
These point clouds can be imported [...]
into 3Dcapable fitting software, which, byknowing the center of rotation, canshow how
allthe part data coincide withthe CAD modelof the part.
硅钢和坡莫合金软磁材料都是晶态材料,原子在三维空间做规则排列,形成周期性 点阵 结 构,存在着晶粒、晶界、位错、间隙原子、磁晶各向异性等缺陷,对软磁性能不利。
NBSP; Silicon steel and slope mo is amorphous alloy soft magnetic materials materials, the atoms in the three
dimensional space do rule arrangement,
[...] form of periodic dot matrix structure, there exist [...]
grain, grain boundaries, dislocations,
and interstitial atoms, magnetic crystal anisotropic defects, adverse to soft magnetic properties.
支持创建针点阵打印 机的特别报告,并支持将其迅速打印,这一需求经常被大型企业所提到。
Besides, FastReport Studio supports any other development environments compatible with COM technology or supporting command line.
采用最新的数字信号处理器DSP,大规模可编程门列举阵PLD技术和现代工业级高速CPU即时控制高速度、高精度运用1 28 X 6 4 点阵 L C D 液 晶显示技术,在整机结构更为紧凑合理,质量稳定可靠的优越性,本公司已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,以优质、创新、开拓、进取为宗旨,一切为了客户的利益而出发,谒诚为广大客户提供优质的服务,并衷心希望与国内外客户和各界同仁建立长期友好的合作关系。
Using the latest digital signal processor DSP, large-scale PLD programmable gate array technology and modern list of industrial real-time control
of high-speed CPU speed, high
[...] precision using 128X64 dot matrix LCD liquid crystal display [...]
technology, in the whole structure
more compact, and its quality the advantages of stable and reliable, the company has passed ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification to quality, innovation, pioneering and enterprising for the purpose, all for the benefit of our customers starting sincerely provide our clients with quality service, and sincerely hope that customers and all circles at home and abroad to establish long-term friendly relations of cooperation.
与其它焕肤治疗方法相比,二氧化 点阵 激 光 的优势之一是能够收紧皮肤,与此同时刺激胶原蛋白的合成。
Compared with other skin resurfacing procedures, one of the
[...] advantages of the fractional CO2 laser is [...]
its ability to tighten skin and stimulate
collagen production at the same time.
三维晶体结构视图, 三维分子视图, 创建碳纳米管和纳米锥,晶体、分子、富勒烯和碳纳米管的组装, 单晶或者相混合物的粉末X射线、中子和电子衍射模拟,单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的三维倒 点阵 , 单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的晶带轴电子衍射花样以及极射赤面投影,第一原理模拟,三维各阶劳厄带,高阶劳厄带电子衍射花样,二 点阵 以 及 二维倒 点阵 以 辅 助表面RHEED分析。
3D crystal view, 3D molecule view; nanotubes and nanocones; assembly of crystals, molecures, nanotubes and Fullerenes etc.; Powder XRD, neutron or electron Diffraction
Patterns for phase or
[...] phase mixtures; 3D Reciprocal Lattices, Zone Axis Diffraction Patterns and Stereographic Projections for the crystal structure or matrix plus twin or second phase; First Principle Simulations; different orders of 3D Laue zones; higher order Laue zone Diffraction Patterns [...]
and two dimensional
real and reciprocal lattices to aid surface RHEED analysis.
纳米薄膜样品,例如量点阵列、自组织薄膜、表面上的生物分子… 是在掠入射模式下进行测量的。
Nanostructured thin film samples,
[...] such as quantum dot arrays, self-organized [...]
thin films, biological molecules on surfaces,
… are measured in grazing-incidence mode.
SR61HP 可以真正 支持所有线性、堆叠、复合点阵条 码 符号, 为将来的应用做好了准备。
With support for virtually all linear,
[...] stacked, composite and matrix bar code symbologies, [...]
SR61HP is well equipped for the future.
为了让配点阵式LC D屏幕的装置,能有长达五年的电池寿命,Altierre所有阶段的设计都采用节能概念,包括频率闸控、动态电压开关、动态频率调整、低功耗的SRAM编译器、低电压执行和低功耗标准电池。
With a goal of five-year battery life for the
[...] devices powering dot matrix LCD display screens, [...]
the Altierre team applied power-saving
criteria at all hierarchies of the design, including clock gating, dynamic voltage switching, dynamic frequency scaling, low-power SRAM compiler, low-voltage operation and low power standard cells, according to the companies.
条码品质增强技术用于优化打印误差 点阵 图 输 出。
A barcode quality enhancement technique to optimize printing tolerance or bitmap output.
LED点光源采用超高亮度的进口芯片为光源, 内置微电脑芯片,可任意编程控制,多个同步变化,超低功率,超长寿命,电压有DC12V, DC24V, AC110V,AC220V四种可选,颜色有红,绿,黄,蓝,紫,青蓝,白等单色变化也可实现同步七色渐变,跳变,扫描,流水等全彩变化效果及多个点光源组 点阵 屏 , 变化出各种图画,文字和动画效果。
LED point light source using ultra-high brightness light source of imports for the chip, built-in microcomputer chip can be programmed to control a number of simultaneous changes in ultra-low power, long life, voltage DC12V, DC24V, AC110V, AC220V four optional , colors are red, green, yellow, blue, purple, blue, white and other color changes can also be synchronized to achieve seven-color gradient, hopping, scanning, running water, such as the effect of
full-color and changes in the
[...] composition of a number of point light source lattice [...]
screen, changes in a variety of pictures, text and animation effects.
2000年全力投入LED研发到现在,公司已拥有“立大星光”牌LED光电产品有: LED灯珠,LED彩虹管,LED智能管状火龙灯,LED护栏管, 大功率LED洗墙灯,LED数码管,大功率LED水底灯,LED埋地灯,LED星星灯串,LED光源模块, L E D 点阵 光 源 ,大功率LED射灯,LED显示屏,LED控制器, LED数码控制系统等等。
Since 2000, we have been devoted into LED R&D. At present, our Lida LED photoelectric products include: LED color tube, LED Flexible strip, LED Rope Light, high power LED wall wash lamp, LED digital tube, high power LED underwater lamp, LED underground lamp, LED Neon flex, LED module, LED String Light, high power LED spot light, LED Digital rope light, LED controller, LED digital control system, and etc. In order to provide convenience for customers, Lida has setup offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Dalian, Tianjin, and Hong Kong.
想象一下,有了晶体工作室,照片般逼真的3D图像是多么容易,少于5下鼠标点击来创建一个令人惊叹的3D晶体结构,再点击一下绘制出粉末X射线衍射花样,晶带轴电子衍射花样,晶体的倒 点阵 或 晶 体结构的极射赤面投影。
Imagine how easy photo-realistic 3D graphics is with Crystal Studio, less than 5 mouse clicks to create a stunning 3D crystal structure, and one more click to plot the powder XRD pattern, zone axis electron diffraction pattern or a stereographic projection of the crystal structure.
SmartProfile从完成的工件测量结果(任何一台测量系统都适用)中提取数 点阵 , 将 数据与带公差标记的公称CAD模型融合,再根据公差自动对结果进行评估。
SmartProfile takes point clouds of data from part measurements performed on any measurement system, merges that data with the nominal CAD model of the part with GD&T tolerances, and automatically performs a results evaluation based on those tolerances.
一个高ICO文件中包含头信息,确定其文件类型,目录,其中存储的信息包含在每个图像的文件,以及多个图标图像的不同解析度和色彩深度储存 点阵 图 或 PNG格式。
An ICO file contains header information, which defines its file type, a directory, which stores information about each image contained within the file, and multiple icon images with varying resolutions and colour depths stored in bitmap or PNG format.




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