

单词 点血

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

静脉曲张的主要点是血管突 出皮肤表面,它不只是一种难看的症状,还可能引起疼痛。
Unsightly and potentially painful veins that are enlarged, twisted and bulge at the surface of the skin typically in the legs and feet (but can occur anywhere) are termed “varicose veins”.
对于这种加剧对巴勒斯坦平民的暴力和骚扰有几种解释:对Itamar定 点的 血腥事 件做出反应,其中 5 名以色列定居者在晚上睡觉时被杀害,其中有 [...]
3 名儿 童;29 定居者出于宗教动机而试图鼓励以色列政府支持特别是在东耶路撒冷的种 族清洗政策,并支持他们对载于圣经的拥有整个西岸的名分;”30 向政府发出信 息,即特拉维夫今后任何反定居者的举措,如关闭未经官方许可设立的前沿定居点,
There have been several explanations given for this intensifying violence and harassment of
Palestinian civilians:
[...] a reaction to a bloody incident in Itamar [...]
settlement in which five Israeli settlers were killed, including three children, while asleep at
night;29 an effort by the religiously motivated settlers to encourage support by the Government of Israel for a policy of ethnic cleansing, especially in East Jerusalem, and their claim of biblical birthright to the entire West Bank;30 and a signal to the Government that any future anti-settler moves by Tel Aviv, such as closing settler outposts established without official permission, would be met with what settlers themselves call “price tag” reprisals against Palestinians and their properties.31 Maher Ghoneim, the Palestinian Authority Minister charged with monitoring settlement activity, declared: “This is a government of settlers and its program is one of settlement.
Annemiek van
[...] Bolhuis 博士也来自卫生组织,她发言的点 是 心 血 管 疾 病、 糖尿病、哮喘和精神卫生疾病等非传染性疾病。
Dr. Annemiek van Bolhuis, also
from WHO, focused on non-communicable
[...] diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, [...]
asthma and mental health diseases.
Today, our agenda is focused on those who suffer from
[...] diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer [...]
and respiratory diseases.
没有固定带子在跖骨解放阵线的你的脚= > = >少压点更好的血液循环= >更好的提供卡路里(=温暖)到脚趾。
No fastening straps over the metatarsals,
freeing up the front of your foot
[...] => fewer pressure points => increased blood circulation => more [...]
calories flowing to the toes (more warmth).
在中国,诺华诊断公司正与卫生部合作,推进2010中国核酸检测(NA T) 试 点 项 目, 和 血 液 中 心分享Procleix Ultrio和TIGRIS系统的使用知识和最佳规范。
In China, Novartis Diagnostics is collaborating with the Ministry of Health as part of the 2010
China nucleic acid testing (NAT) pilot program, sharing knowledge and
[...] best practices with blood centers using the Procleix [...]
Ultrio and TIGRIS
systems to test NAT in their blood centers.
我们强调所有国家均有责任按照《宪章》尊重所有人的人权和基本自由, 不作任何区别,不论种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他 点 、 民 族血 统或 社会渊源、财产、出生或其他地位。
122. We emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter, to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language or religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
随后,新鲜的血液被泵送回人体参 血 液 循 环,这 点 与 心脏的机能相同。
The fresh blood is then pumped back into the body's [...]
circulation – which corresponds to the function of the heart.
可方便改血液流动扭血液聚集的 点 和 帮 助排毒。
Our proposition is that improving your blood characteristics and flow can be [...]
convenient and drug-free.
我们决意尊重和确保每个儿童的权利,不加任何歧视,无论儿童本人或其 父母或法定监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他 点 、 民 族或 族血统或社会渊源、财产、残疾、出生或其他地位。
We commit ourselves to respecting and ensuring the rights of each child without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status of the child or his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
跟腱痛,痛觉缺失,关节炎,类风湿性关节炎,痛风(尿酸性关节炎),关节病,滑囊炎,足底筋膜炎,挫伤,褥疮,扭伤,起 点 病 , 上髁炎 血 肿 , 髌骨软骨软化症,佩罗尼氏病,坐骨神经痛,偏头痛,杜普伊特伦(氏)病(掌腱膜挛缩症),肌肉松弛,神经痛,水肿,面瘫,骶骨痛,背痛,强直性脊柱炎,腕管综合征,蒂策综合征—肋软骨炎,脊椎综合征,肌腱病,腱鞘炎。
achillodynia, analgesia, arthritis, arthritis rheumatoid, gout (arthritis uratica), arthrosis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, contusion, decubitus, distorsion, enthesopathy, epicondylitis, haematoma, chondromalacia patella, Peyronie's disease, ischialgia, migraena, Dupuytren's disease, myorelaxation, neuralgia, oedema, paresis of facial nerve, sacralgia, back pain (dorsalgia), ankylosing spondylitis, carpal tunnel, Tietze's syndrome - costochondritis, vertebral syndrome, tendinopathy, tendovaginitis
商业印刷现由Acrobat 4.0与PDF 1.3支持,对于商业印刷而言,其他十分关键的特点在于颜色混合过渡,页面 血 , 网 点 拷 贝或预先加过网的二值图像,镶嵌加网及双色版。
Commercial printing by Acrobat 4.0 and PDF 1.3 support, for the commercial printing, the other key
features of the transition is
[...] of mixed colors, bleeding page, copy or pre-plus points over the net value [...]
of the two images, mosaic
screening and two-color version.
Thornberry 先生表示,虽然公约第 1 条中所列歧视的五种理由—种族、 肤色、出身、国籍或民血统—没有 点 明 宗教,消除种族歧视委员会在审议个别案 例时在种族歧视与宗教歧视之间寻找了“互相交 叉”的要素 。
Mr. Thornberry indicated that, although the five grounds of discrimination set out in article 1 of the Convention - race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin - did not specify religion, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination searched for elements of “intersectionality” between racial and religious discrimination when considering individual cases.
尽管存在一些争议,但目前认为幼年脊柱关节病包括与成人相同的一组疾病:强直性关节炎、反应性关节炎(Reiter氏综合征)、银屑病关节炎(脊柱关节病型)、与炎症性肠病相关的关节炎(脊柱关节病型),有一些患儿达不到以上疾病明确的诊断标准,即所谓的未分化脊柱关节病 另外一些情况,特别血清阴性附 点 病 和关节病综合征(SEA)以及附着点相关的关节炎也在幼年脊柱关节病中被提到。
Despite some controversy, juvenile spondyloarthropathies include the same diseases belonging to the group of adult spondyloarthropathies, including ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis (and Reiter’s syndrome), psoriatic arthritis (of the spondyloarthropathy type), and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease (of the spondyloarthropathy type).
(c) 如果有充分的理由相信,提出引渡请求是因某人的性别、种族、宗 教、国籍、民血统、政治点或其 他相关的偏见而起诉或惩罚此人,则拒绝 引渡请求。
(c) Denying a request for extradition where there are substantial grounds to believe that the request was made to prosecute or punish a person because of their sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinions or other related prejudice.
根據在香港進行,並已在世界 生組織 (“世 ")SARS 工作坊發表的研究結果顯示,影響死亡 率的病人臨床概況包括:(1)年齡 ─ 年齡在 65 歲以上的 人的死亡風險,為年齡為 35 至 64 歲的人的十二點七倍;(2) 性別 ─ 男性的死亡風險為女性的二點五倍;(3)同時染 有其他病患 ─ 患有若干長期疾病而染有 SARS 的人的死 亡風險,為沒有同時染有其他病患的人的十點九倍;及(4) 病情的嚴重性 ─ 這些變項,血 氧 未 飽和度等對患有嚴 重疾病的病人影響較大,亦引致較高的死亡風險。
According to studies performed in Hong Kong and reported in the World Health Organization (WHO) workshop, patient clinical profiles which influence mortality include: (1) age — persons over the age of 65 have a 12.7-fold risk of death as compared to those aged 35-64; (2) sex — men have a 2.5-fold risk as compared to women; (3) co-morbidity — patients who have certain chronic illnesses co-existing with SARS also have a 10.9-fold risk of mortality as compared to those without co-existing chronic illnesses; and (4) severity of illness — patients with more severe disease inferred by such variables as oxygen desaturation also have a high mortality.
(x) 穿着制服的警務人員可要求`未能通過'初步測試
[...] (即口腔液測試或行為反應測試)的人士提 血 液及 /或尿液樣本作化驗分析,從而確定其體內是否含 [...]
(x) A police officer in uniform may require a person who ‘fails’ the preliminary
tests (i.e. oral fluid test or impairment
[...] test) to provide blood or/and urine specimens [...]
for laboratory analysis with regard
to the presence and amount of drugs for determination of prosecution.
[...] 和照顾难民儿童;水、保健、环境卫生和防止 血 ; 男女平等、防止性暴力和基 于性别的暴力;难民登记;公众信息;公共部门投资;重新定居项目;研究、评 [...]
Global Programmes cover activities related to promotion of refugee law and advocacy; protection and care of
refugee children; water, health, sanitation
[...] and prevention of anaemia; gender equality, [...]
prevention of sexual and gender-based
violence; refugee registration; public information; public sector fund raising; resettlement projects; and research, evaluation and documentation.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部
署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要
[...] 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon,
at its request, in securing its
[...] borders and other entry points in order to prevent [...]
the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作点 现有 和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future
language post vacancies at
[...] all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in [...]
a timely manner, and
to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
点将是 促进中等教 育课程的系统改革,以及各国加强普通中等教育和职业教育联系的政策,尤其是注重生活能 [...]
Focus will be placed on promoting [...]
systemic reform of secondary education curriculum as well as national policies for enhancing
linkages between general secondary and vocational programmes, the emphasis being on life skills development for employability and effective citizenship.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作 点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.




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