

单词 炳烛

See also:


candle n

(literary) illuminate

Zhang river in Fujian

External sources (not reviewed)

我謹藉此機會,向商業樓宇小組委員會所有委員,尤其是主席 炳 釗 先 生致意,感謝他們對這個充滿創意的項目付出重大努力和提出寶貴意見。
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Commercial Properties Committee, in particular the Chairman, Mr Andrew Chan, for their hard work and advice on this innovative project.
当我们需要测量某个光源的时 候,按下按钮,一个测量的数据就被提取( 烛 光 ) ,然后被整合到运算当中。
When we aim the meter at some light source and push the button, the measurement
[...] is taken (in foot candles) and incorporated [...]
into the calculation.
虽然你可能已经来到这里,而以后的日期,视频是非常有益的,因为它适用于基本概念,如移动平均线,支持线, 烛 及 其 他。
Although you may have come here on a date rather later, the
video is quite instructive because it applies basic concepts such as moving
[...] averages, Support lines, candles and the like.
只有 5.9%的土著
[...] 家庭拥有浴室或者能够获得饮用水;只有 21%的人有电,大部分家庭使用烛。
Only 5.9 per cent of indigenous homes
have a bathroom or access to drinking water, and only 21 per cent have electricity, with most
[...] homes being lit by candles.
炳章議員: 主席,鑒 於 政 府 收 支出現 嚴 [...]
重 赤 字 ,政府可否 告 知 本 會, 會 否讓私 人財團參與 興 建及營 運基建和 社 區 設 施;若會,哪 些設施將由政 府 及 私 人財團 分別興 建 和 營 運 、 私 人財團
將以甚麼模 式 ,例如 建 造、營 運及移 交 專 營 權 等 模 式 , 興 建及營 運 有關設 施 , 以 及 這 些 模 式 的 優 點和缺 點;若 不 會,原 因為何 ?
MR LAU PING-CHEUNG (in Cantonese): [...]
Madam President, in view of the Government's huge fiscal deficit, will the Government
inform this Council whether private consortia will be allowed to take part in the building and operation of infrastructural and community facilities; if so, of the facilities to be built and operated by the Government and private consortia respectively, the various options for private consortia to build and operate such facilities (such as a build, operate and transfer franchise), as well as the merits and demerits of the various options; if not, the reasons for that?
[...] 各不相同的人、一个个家庭以及一群群男孩和女孩聚 集在华沙市中心,手持红色和白色的 烛 , 点 点 烛光 闪动,他们在悲痛、痛苦和悲伤中团结起来,但也团 [...]
结在对他们的国家、民主以及自由硕果的深爱中,卡 钦斯基总统为这一切作出了巨大贡献。
Poland felt “shock at the immensity of its loss”, as one prominent newspaper wrote at the sight of so many people of all ages and political persuasions, families, and groups of boys and
girls gathered in central Warsaw holding
[...] flickering flames, candles in the red and white [...]
colours; united in grief, pain and
sorrow, but also in care for their nation, their democracy and the fruit of freedom to which President Kaczyński contributed so much.
根據本公司之公司細則第100(A)條,周偉偉先生、區慶麟先生、 炳 聯 先 生、康百祥先生及楊傑聖先生會於即將舉行之 [...]
In accordance with Bye-law 100(A) of the Company’s Bye-laws,
Mr. Chow Wai Wai, John, Mr. Au Hing Lun,
[...] Dennis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, [...]
Mr. Hong Pak Cheung, William and Mr. Yeung
Kit Shing, Jackson will retire by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
按摩服务品种多样,巴里四手按摩、足底按摩、指压、火山岩按摩、泰式按摩、淋巴排水疗法、排毒疗法、草药及 烛 疗 法 、情侣双人按摩和颅顶按摩。
The range of massages offered is immense, from Balinese four-handed massages, reflexology and Shiatsu to
hot lava stone, Thai, lymphatic drainage,
[...] detox, herbal and candle massages, as [...]
well as a special massage for couples and cranial massages.
烛的顺 序往往形成模式,有助于预测分析师和投资者更多或更少的准确性什么市场储备。
The sequence of candles often form patterns [...]
that help to predict analyst and investor with more or less accuracy what the market reserve below.
炳鴻教 授建議:(a)政府當局應為香港制訂 全面的文化政策,並設立文化局/文化委員會,負責 [...]
監察文化事務;(b)應提供更多公眾用地供視覺藝術家 發揮創意;(c)應就各類文化活動/表演向學生、家庭 及個人提供贈券/優惠票,讓全體市民均可參與藝
術;(d)應設立信託基金供發展藝術之用,並由私人發 展商以新工程計劃造價的1%至 2%作為供款;及(e)區議 會/民政事務專員應參與發展具有社區特色的地區藝 術。
Professor CHANG Ping-hung suggested that: [...]
(a) the Administration should formulate a holistic cultural policy for Hong Kong
and establish a cultural bureau/council to oversee cultural affairs; (b) more public spaces should be made available for creative expression of visual artists; (c) complimentary/concessionary tickets for cultural activities/performances should be made available to students, families and individuals to enable full community involvement in the arts; (d) a trust fund should be set up for arts development with contributions from private developers calculated at one to two percent of the construction cost of any new project; and (e) District Councils/District Officers should be involved in the development of districtbased community arts with local characteristics.
於本公佈日期,本公司董事會由十一名董事組成,包括四名執行董事郝傳福先生(副董 事長)、Andrew Gordon
Michelmore先生、David Mark Lamont先生及李連鋼先生;四名
[...] 非執行董事李福利先生(董事長)、焦健先生、徐基清先生及王立新先生;及三名獨立 非執行董事丁良輝先生、炳坤先 生及Peter William Cassidy博士。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises eleven directors, of which four are executive directors, namely Mr. Hao Chuanfu (Vice Chairman), Mr. Andrew Gordon Michelmore, Mr. David Mark Lamont and Mr. Li Liangang; four are non-executive directors, namely Mr. Li Fuli (Chairman), Mr. Jiao Jian, Mr. Xu Jiqing and Mr. Wang Lixin; and three are
independent non-executive directors, namely Mr. Ting Leung Huel,
[...] Stephen, Mr. Loong Ping Kwan and Dr. Peter [...]
William Cassidy.
廈門太古飛機工程主席炳傑指出:「這是港機工程集團的一項新發展,讓我們可以 [...]
在廈門同一地點為航空公司客戶提供全面的大型維修服務,包括整個 GE90 發動機系 列的航空發動機大修服務。
TAECO Chairman P.K. Chan said, “This is a new [...]
development for the HAECO group, enabling us to provide comprehensive heavy
maintenance services for our customer airlines, including aero-engine overhaul in respect of the full range of GE90 engines, all under the one roof here in Xiamen.
他们的 非凡成就将得到不仅是他们本国同胞的肯定,而且得 到整个国际社会的肯定,永远炳史 册
Their prize will be unfading recognition of their exceptional achievement, not only by their fellow citizens but also by the entire international community.
目前,Emerson 在中国设立了 40 多家企业,其中 30 多家为生产设施,分布在上海、深圳、苏州、福州、北京、天津、青岛、江门、罗定、成都、绵阳、沈阳、南京、漳州、中山及西安等 16 个城市。
Emerson has set up more than 40 legal entities in China, over 30 of which are manufacturing facilities, and located in 16 cities:  Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Jiangmen, Chengdu, Mianyang, Luoding, Shenyang, Nanjing, Zhangzhou, Zhongshan and Xi’an.
[...] 的任何其他南聯股東及彼等各自之聯繫人及一致行動人士(包括周偉偉、 炳 聯 、 陳周 薇薇、鄭陳秀清及新加坡渣打銀行)將於南聯股東特別大會上放棄就相關決議案投票的 [...]
Wing Tai, the Purchaser, and any other Winsor shareholder who are involved in or interested in the Special Deals, the New Tenancy Agreements or with a material interest in the Distribution In Specie, the Special Cash Dividend, and the transactions contemplated thereunder and their respective associates and parties acting in
concert with each of them (including Chow
[...] Wai Wai, John, Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Chen [...]
Chou Mei Mei, Vivien, Cheng Chan Sau
Ching, Ivy and SCB Singapore) will abstain from voting on the relevant resolution(s) at the Winsor EGM.
Scitec & TeleMatrix公司首席执行官炳南博 士表示:“中国的酒店市场是世界上发展最快的酒店市场,对我们的产品来说潜力非常突出。
China's hospitality market is the fastest growing market in the world and the potential is outstanding for our products," says Dr. Bing N. Sun, CEO of Scitec & TeleMatrix.
另一特點是光素的反面,炳榮一 般是圖案集中於一正面而纏繞側面,延伸到反面的邊緣。
Although Wang’s subjects are customarily [...]
focussed on one main side, the design usually extends around the narrow sides to the other main side.
徐州众联玻璃瓶厂产品有:食品玻璃瓶、化妆品瓶、药用瓶、玻璃工艺品、玻璃 烛 台 、奶瓶玻璃、香水玻璃瓶、墨水玻璃瓶、出口玻璃瓶、马口铁瓶盖、调料瓶、保健瓶、麻油瓶、酒瓶、罐头瓶、酱菜瓶、饮料瓶、蜂蜜玻璃瓶、饮料玻璃瓶、大酒坛子、玻璃容器、药用玻璃瓶、输液瓶、抗生素瓶、精油瓶、红花油瓶、膏霜瓶、指甲油瓶、玻璃口杯等1500多个品种,并能为客户来样加工烤花、刻字。
Xuzhou public glass bottle factory products are: glass bottle,
cosmetic bottles, medicine bottles, glass
[...] crafts, glass candlestick, glass bottles, [...]
perfume bottles, glass bottles, glass
bottle of ink, tinplate, seasoning bottles, bottles, oil bottles, health care, cans, bottles pickles bottles, beverage bottles, honey glass bottles, beverage bottles, large wine jar, glass containers, medicinal glass bottle, transfusion bottles, oil bottles, bottles of antibiotics, safflower oil bottles, cream bottles, nail polish bottles, glass and so on more than 1500 varieties, and for customers to sample processing decorated, lettering.
可以制作出20多种不同类型的图表其中包括:面积图,条形图,泡沫图,等高线图 烛 台 图 ,方块图,曲线图,曲面图,圆环图,甘特图,HighLowClose,线条图,OpenHighLowClose,柏拉图,饼状图,菱形图,点图,雷达图,散点图,茎叶图,地面天气图,以及上述类型图表的许多变种图。
Create more than 20 different charts types including Area, Bar, Bubble, Contour, Candlestick, Cube, Curve, CurveArea, Doughnut, Gantt, HighLowClose, Line, OpenHighLowClose, Pareto, Pie, Pyramid, Point, Radar, Scatter, Step, Surface, as well as many variants of these types.
於本公告日期,董事會成員包括執行董事宣建生博士、洪育德先生及 炳 昌 先 生、非執 行董事Maarten Jan de Vries先生、張玥先生及盧明先生與及獨立非執行董事曾文仲先生、 谷家泰博士及黃之強先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Dr Hsuan, Jason, Mr Houng Yu-Te and Mr Lu, Being-Chang as executive directors, Mr Maarten Jan de Vries, Mr Chang Yueh, David and Mr Lu Ming as non-executive directors and Mr Chan Boon-Teong, Dr Ku Chia-Tai and Mr Wong Chi Keung as independent non-executive directors.
在上一次會議中,炳煥委 員曾指出,有需要為全港提供專業的屋邨管理服務,以減低市民感染到傳染病的風險。
At the last
[...] meeting, Mr CHAN Bing-woon pointed [...]
out the need for professional estate management services across the territory
to minimize the risks of the spread of contagious diseases among the public.
With a push of the bar the door of the new 62m high workshop of Huisman China was officially opened by (from left to right): Mr. Wu (the Party committee secretary of China Merchants Zhangzhou development Zone), Mr. Wang (vice mayor Zhangzhou City), Mr. Roodenburg (CEO Huisman Group), Mr. Haarman (vice consul The Netherlands) and Mr. Kies (CEO Huisman China).
(8) 由於邱炳擁有 Bonham Industries Limited 99.9%已發行股份,他被視為擁有該公司持有之1,023,494 股。
(8) KHOO Kay-peng was deemed to be interested in 1,023,494 Shares which were held through Bonham Industries Limited, a company in which he held 99.9% of the issued capital.
香港大學民意研究計劃在上月,透過真實訪員以隨機抽樣方式,分兩階段進行了行政會議非官守議員的排名,以及市民最熟悉的副局長和政治助理的調查,發現在周梁淑怡和曾鈺成辭任行政會議成員,以及劉江華成為行政會議成員後,巿民最熟悉的行政會議非官守議員,民望評分都普遍下跌,當中夏佳理和 炳 良 的 得分都是他們的歷史新低,而梁振英和鄭耀棠皆錄得2005年4月以來的新低,顯示特區政府民望下跌,同時影響行政會議成員的民望。
The Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong conducted a double stage survey on the ranking of non-official Executive Councillors, Under Secretaries and Political Assistants last month, by means of random telephone surveys conducted by real interviewers.
2011年8月25日,联合国教科文组织亚太文化中心奈良办事处(ACCU Nara)主任NISHIMURA Yasushi先生等一行四人与WHITRAP Shanghai主任周俭教授以及同济大学“历史建筑保护技术实验室”主任戴 炳 教 授 等进行了亲切友好的会面。
August 25, 2011, Mr. NISHIMURA Yasushi, Director of the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU Nara), accompanied with other three colleagues had a meeting with Prof. ZHOU Jian, Director of WHITRAP Shanghai and Prof. DAI Shibing, Director of the Laboratory on Conservation Technology of Historic Buildings.
於二零零五年十一月二十三日,本公司、本公司間接全資附屬公司昌興建材有限公司 與本公司執行董事兼主要股東炳均 先生(「黃先生」)訂立協議,據此,黃先生有條件 [...]
On 23 November 2005, the Company, Prosperity Trading Limited (an indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) and Mr.
[...] Wong Ben Koon (“Mr. Wong”), an executive [...]
director and substantial shareholder of the
Company, entered into an agreement, pursuant to which Mr. Wong conditionally agreed to subscribe for 63,241,106 new shares of the Company at HK$0.3795 each in consideration for the settlement in full HK$24 million of the loan advanced by Mr. Wong to the Group (the “Loan Capitalisation”).
1月中的最新調查顯示,市民對行政會議非官守議員的最新支持度排名,首位是夏佳理,得55.5分;排第二的是 炳 良 , 評分為55.2分;第三及第四位的是劉江華及鄭耀棠,評分分別為49.8及49.6分;而位列第五的是梁振英,得49.1分。
The latest survey conducted in mid-January showed that Ronald Arculli was the most popularly supported non-official Executive Councillor, attaining 55.5 marks.
艾訊應用電腦暨網路設備事業處產品經理 炳 琨 表 示,iCON-1141系列產品符合 IEC61850-3、IEEE1613 以及 EN50121-4 等多項國際認證標準,充份滿足光纖網路的佈線需求,提供使用者輕易且超值的光纖網路通訊佈線技術。
According to Philip Wei, Product Manager of Applied computing & Network Device Business Unit at Axiomtek, the iCON-1141 series products comply with multiple international standards including IEC61850-3, IEEE1613 and EN50121-4, can fully meet the emerging deployment needs of optical fiber network and allow users to connect a twisted-pair network to optical-fiber network easily and cost-effectively.




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