

单词 炮烙

See also:


artillery n
cannon n

dry by heating
prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)
ancient ballista for throwing heavy stones

bake (in a pan)

External sources (not reviewed)

在受到使用集束弹指控后, 泰国军队暂停使用法国制造的凯撒 155 毫米自行榴炮 和 M198 炮弹。
The Thai army suspended use of the French-made Caesar 155mm selfpropelled howitzer and M198 shells
[...] after the cluster munitions allegations.
滙 率 變 動 對 現 金 的 影 響 額 作 為 調 節 項 目,在 現 金 流 量 表 中 單 獨 列 報。
The impact on cash caused by the fluctuation of exchange rates is presented as a separate line item in the cash flow statement.
本集團利用 其外部遠期外滙合約(如適用),管理其外幣風險。
The Group manages its foreign exchange risk by using external forward currency contracts where appropriate.
以下表格顯示在資產負債表日其他變量保持固定的情況下,美元滙率的合理可能變化導致本集團稅前利潤(由 於 貨 幣 型 資 產 ╱ 負 債 公 允 價 值 的 變 動 )和 權 益 變 化 的 敏 感 性。
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the balance sheet date to a reasonably possible change in the US$ exchange rate, with all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity.
4.1.18 如有任何重大之實際、懷疑或涉嫌欺詐,而又涉及財務報告之不 當或不道德行為,或任何虛報資產事項,並且未曾透過管理層向 委員會提交報告者,委員會需就該事項向滙豐集團風險總監及滙 豐集團財務董事滙報。
4.1.18 To report any significant actual, suspected or alleged fraud (involving misconduct or unethical behaviour related to financial reporting) or misrepresentation of assets, which has not been included in a report submitted by Management to the Committee, to the HSBC Group Chief Risk Officer and HSBC Group Finance Director.
这份 早些时候的文件详细介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫 炮 和 火箭攻击以色列 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000 次此类攻击)而且攻击范围不断扩大; 哈马斯的自杀炸弹攻击;哈马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 以色列试图通过外交示好和向联合国发出紧急呼吁等非军事手段消除这些威胁。
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks on Israel’s civilians (some 12,000 such attacks in the 8 years prior to the Operation) and the steadily increasing range of such attacks; Hamas’s suicide bomb attacks; and Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry and ammunition through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and urgent appeals to the United Nations.
出现未用余额的主要原因是:(a) 一些特遣队的实际轮调费用减少、为部署 和轮调特遣队人员使用了合并飞机包租服务、一个派遣国没有部署特遣队人员和 只记录了三个特遣队两次轮调中的一次轮调的支出(另一次轮调费用记入上一财
政期),以及在收到根据协助通知书安排进行的轮调费用报销方面的延迟;(b) 偿
[...] 还部队派遣国政府主要设备的费用减少,因为履带式装甲运兵车和迫 炮 已运 回、一些设备无法使用,部署主要设备方面也出现延误;(c) [...]
货运和部署特遣队 所属设备所需经费减少,因为一些设备的部署是通过海运而不是按照起初设想通 过空运进行的。
The unspent balance resulted primarily from: (a) lower actual rotation costs for some contingents, the utilization of combined air charter services for the deployment and rotation of one contingent personnel, the non-deployment of contingent personnel from one contributing country and the recording of expenditures for only one of two rotations for three contingents (as the other rotation was charged against the previous financial period), and delays in the receipt of claims for rotations conducted under letter-of-assist arrangements; (b) reduced requirements for reimbursements to troopcontributing Governments for major equipment, owing to the
repatriation of tracked armoured personnel
[...] carriers and mortars, the unserviceability [...]
of some equipment, and delays in the
deployment of major equipment; and (c) reduced requirements for the freight and deployment of contingent-owned equipment, due to the deployment for some equipment by sea rather than by air as originally envisaged.
至於非貨幣項目的滙兌差異,例如歸類為可供出售金融資產的股票等,均列入 權益 的公 平 值儲 備內。
Translation difference on non-monetary items, such as equities classified as available-for-sale financial assets, are included in the fair value reserve in equity.
[...] 取的政策和法律决定之外,本研究报告的目的还在于具体说明秘密拘留的定义, 秘密拘留是如何为酷刑或不人道和有辱人格待遇创造条件的,以及秘密拘留的做 法如何给受害者及其家人留下无法磨灭 烙 印 的
In addition to the analysis of the policy and legal decisions taken by States, the aim of the study was also to illustrate, in concrete terms, what it means to be secretly detained, how secret detention can facilitate the practice of torture or inhuman and degrading
treatment, and how the practice of secret detention has left
[...] an indelible mark on the victims, and on their families as well.
有鉴于过去数日来叙利亚局势的升级,安全局势 日益严峻和危急——这些升级表现在持续的暴力行 径和相炮击和 射击,导致许多平民丧生,显然是叙 利亚政府提高了所谓的安全措施等级所致,它彻底违 背了它在阿拉伯行动计划以及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 与阿拉伯国家联盟 2011 年 12 月 19 日签署的有关阿 拉伯联盟驻叙利亚观察员特派团任务授权的议定书 中所做的承诺。
The security situation is increasingly grave and urgent in light of the escalation that Syria has witnessed in the past few days — the ongoing acts of violence, the shelling and firing and counter-shelling and counter-firing that have felled many innocent civilians in the Syrian Government’s clear resort to an escalation of the so-called security option, in complete contradiction of the commitments it took on in the Arab plan of action as well as in the protocol signed by the Syrian Arab Republic and the League of Arab States on 19 December 2011, on the mandate of the League’s observer mission in Syria.
[...] Nyamunyoni 剩下的弹药和武器,包括 75 毫米加炮炮弹、12.7 毫米弹药和 107 毫炮弹被 刚果(金)武装部队查封(见附件 37)。
However, as he could not transport all of his arms cache, the
remaining ammunition and
[...] weapons in Nyamunyoni, including 75 mm cannon rounds, 12.7 mm ammunition and 107 [...]
mm rounds, had been seized by FARDC (see annex 37).
他們所受到的身體創傷縱然可以治癒,但心靈㆖的創傷卻永遠也難以復原, 更會留㆘㆒個永不磨滅烙印。
Although the physical injuries sustained can heal up, emotional harms can never be mended and they may leave permanent scars.
4.1.12 審閱及討論本行在會計及財務滙報職能方面員工的資源、資歷及 經驗是否足夠,該等員工的培訓項目和相關預算,以及整個職能 的主要崗位繼任計劃等事宜。
4.1.12 To review and discuss the adequacy of resources, qualifications and experience of staff of the Bank’s accounting and financial reporting function, their training programmes and budget and succession planning for key roles throughout the function.
這 些情況包括:擁有人是否已採取措施聘用一個專責的地產發展 商負責統籌和監管整個發展過程、擁有人有否對該地產發展商 作出清晰和正確的指示、擁有人是否與該地產發展商之間有任 何查核及滙報機制以確保有關指示得到遵從,以及擁有人是否 有任何理由相信有關指示會不獲遵從。
These circumstances may include whether the owner has taken steps to engage a responsible property developer to co-ordinate and supervise the whole development process, whether the owner has given clear and correct instructions to the property developer, whether the owner has put in place any checking and reporting mechanism with the property developer to ensure compliance with those instructions, and whether the owner has any reason otherwise to believe that the instructions would not be complied with.
董事會已就整體風險管理訂定明文原則,亦就若干特定範疇訂 出明文政策,例如外滙風險、利率風險、信貸風險、使用衍生金融工具以及現金管理。
The Board provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as written policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial instruments and cash management.
本 公 司 將 密 切 監 控 外 滙 風 險 及 其 對 本 集 團 的 影 響 。
The Company will closely monitor the foreign exchange exposure and its impact on the Group.
換 算 非 貨 幣 項 目 所 產 生 之 滙 兌 差 額 按 公 平 價 值 計 入 期 間 之 盈 虧,惟 因 重 新 換 算 有 關 盈 虧 直 接 在 股 本 確 認 之 非 貨 幣 項 目所產生 之滙兌差額除外,在該情況下,有關差額直接在股本確認。
Exchange differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary items carried at fair value are included in profit or loss for the period except for differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary items in respect of which gains and losses are recognised directly in equity, in which cases, the exchange differences are also recognised directly in equity.
(iii) 根據股東於股東特別大會上通過之普通決議案,於收購滙彩股份及轉讓滙彩貸款完成後,本公司將配發及發行 843,500,000股本公司每股面值0.10港元之新股份作為代價股份,發行價為每股0.10港元。
(iii) pursuant to an ordinary resolution of the Members passed at the SGM, the Company will allot and issue 843,500,000 new shares of HK$0.10 each of the Company at an issue price of HK$0.10 each as the Consideration Shares upon the completion of the acquisition of the Colour Asia Share and assignment of the Colour Asia Loan.
[...] 的光阴,并且留下了无法磨灭烙印 , 这常常表现在其生计方面以及更经常的是 [...]
其健康方面的损失,但他们几乎从未获得任何形式的补偿,其中包括身心的康复 及赔偿。
Although many victims feel that the secret
detention has stolen years of their lives and left
[...] an indelible mark, often in terms [...]
of loss of their livelihood and frequently
their health, they have almost never received any form of reparation, including rehabilitation or compensation.
述六間貸款機構為香港㆖ 海 滙豐銀 行有限公司、㆗ 國 銀 行( 香港)有 限公司、東 亞 銀 行有限公司、花旗銀 行、星 展銀行( 香 港 )有限公司及 渣打銀 行。
DMC is a non-profit-making entity owned and operated by six lending institutions participating in the Scheme, namely, The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, The Bank of East Asia, Limited, Citibank, N.A., DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank to help the Government recover the loans.
有效的風險管理端視(其中包括)滙豐能否透 過壓力測試及其他技巧,設法防範其所採用的 統計模型所無法偵測的事件;以及滙豐能否成 功應付營運、法律及監管和訴訟方面的挑戰, 特別是有關反洗錢、《銀行保密法》和美國外 國資產控制辦公室調查的最終解決方案。
Effective risk management depends on, among other things, our ability through stress testing and other techniques to prepare for events that cannot be captured by the statistical models we use; and our success in addressing operational, legal and regulatory, and litigation challenges, notably the ultimate resolution of the AML, BSA and OFAC investigations.
審 核 委 員 會 與 本 公 司 高 級 管 理 人 員 及 核 數 師 檢 討 本 集 團 所 採 納 的 會 計 政 策 及 常 規,並 討 論 審 計、內 部 監 控 系 統 及 財 務 滙 報 之 事 項。
The audit committee reviewed with the senior management and auditors of the Company the accounting policies and practices adopted by the Group and discussed auditing, the internal control system and financial reporting matters.
根據《中 華人民共和國外滙管理條例》及《結滙、售滙及付滙管理規定》,本公司獲准透過獲授權進行外滙業務之銀行, 把 人 民 幣 兌 換 成 外 幣。
Under the Mainland China’s Foreign Exchange Control Regulations and Administration of Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange Regulations, the Company is permitted to exchange RMB for foreign currencies through banks authorised to conduct foreign exchange business.
滙豐經營業務所在市場的整體經濟環境產生 變化,例如經濟衰退持續或惡化及就業市場波 動超出一致預測者;匯率及利率變動;股市波 動;批發融資市場流通性不足;國家的房地產 市場流通性不足及出現價格下調壓力;各國央 行為金融市場提供流動資金支持的政策出現 不利變動;市場對過度借貸的國家 / 地區的主 權信譽憂慮加劇;私人或公營機構的界定福利 退休金的資金狀況出現不利變動;及消費者如 何理解持續可用信貸以及滙豐提供服務所在 市場的價格競爭情況。
changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in foreign exchange rates and interest rates; volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks’ policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve
我不後 悔 曾 參與這項運 動 , 我 亦 不 後 悔 參與
[...] 這項運 動後令我的 身 體留下 一烙 印 、令我與現時香港的 董 建 [...]
華政府和北 京 政 府 存 有 裂 隙 或 鴻 溝 。
I also do not regret that my participation in this
[...] movement had left a mark on me and created [...]
a rift or a wide gap between me and TUNG
Chee-hwa's administration in Hong Kong and the Beijing Government.
於二零零一年八月一日 及二零零七年八月一日前,本基金的原本名稱分別為「寶來新興市場基金」及「滙富新興市場 基金」,直至二零零七年八月一日更改至現有名稱。
The Fund was formerly known as Polaris Emerging Economies Fund and Kingsway Emerging Economies Fund before 1st August 2001 and 1st August 2007 respectively and was changed to its present name with effect from 1st August 2007.
審核委員會已經與管理層審閱本集團此半年度業績、本集團所採納之會計政策及實務,並討論內部監控及財務滙 報事宜,包括審閱中期賬目。
The Audit Committee has reviewed with management the Group’s results for the Period, the accounting polices and practices adopted by the Group and discussed internal controls and financial reporting matters including a review of the Interim Accounts.
茲提述太古股份有限公司、國泰航空有限公司及香港飛機工程有限公司 就Asia Pacific Advisers Limited及香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司代表太古公 司就悉數收購未為太古公司或其附屬公司擁有的港機工程股本中的已發 行股份而提出的強制性無條件現金要約發出日期為二零一零年六月七日 的聯合公告,以及太古公司及港機工程就要約共同發出日期為二零一零 年六月二十八日的綜合要約及回應文件(「綜合文件」)。
Reference is made to the joint announcement made by Swire Pacific Limited, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited dated 7th June 2010 in respect of the mandatory unconditional cash offer by Asia Pacific Advisers Limited and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited on behalf of Swire Pacific to acquire all of the issued shares in the capital of HAECO not already owned by Swire Pacific or its subsidiaries and the composite offer and response document jointly issued by Swire Pacific and HAECO in relation to the Offer dated 28th June 2010 (the “Composite Document”).




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