

单词 炮台

炮台 ()




Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)


Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)

See also:


artillery n
cannon n

dry by heating
prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)
ancient ballista for throwing heavy stones

External sources (not reviewed)

東涌有一個古老炮台, 很具特色, 但 其旅遊作用似 乎 未 能 加 以 發 揮 , 這 會 否跟我 剛 才 提及的因 素 有關呢 ?
There is an old but distinctive battery in Tung Chung, and it appears, however, that the authorities have not given play to its tourism function.
北港島線 是 將
[...] 現時地下鐵路東涌 線沿港島北岸伸延至現時港島線東半 段炮台山 站
It will be an extension of the existing MTR Tung Chung Line along the northern
shore of Hong Kong Island to run through onto the eastern half of the existing MTR Island
[...] Line at the Fortress Hill Station.
政府當局告知事務委員會,根據上述 準則,當局認為西區正街和東炮台 山 是 兩個適合興建自動扶梯 連接系統/升降機的地點。
The Administration informed the Panel that using these criteria, the Centre Street in the Western District and Fortress Hill in the Eastern District were identified as two potential locations for the installation of escalator links/elevators.
炮台山行人連接 系統 向財務委員會建議,把 156TB 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 2,380 萬元,用以炮台 山建造行人連接系統。
156TB PWSC(2004-05)21 (Head 706) Fortress Hill pedestrian link To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 156TB to Category A at an estimated cost of $23.8 million in money-of-the-day prices for the construction of a pedestrian link at Fortress Hill.
北港 島線是東涌線沿港島北岸的延伸部分,從香港站行走炮 台山站與現有港島線的東部連接。
The EOT is also required for the future North Hong Kong Island Line (NIL), which is an extension of the TCL along the north shore of Hong Kong Island to run from Hong Kong Station through onto the eastern half of the existing Island Line at Fortress Hill.
經過多次會議及交通 顧問公司的研究後,小組於 2007 年 9 月建議把馬拉松賽事的終
[...] 點站由以往灣仔金紫荊廣場改為銅鑼灣維多利亞公園,而 10 公 里賽事則改在港島區的東區走廊舉行, 炮台 山 東 區走廊東行線 出發,在近西灣河處折返東區走廊西行線,以維多利亞公園為終 [...]
The Task Force also recommended to change the course of the 10-km Run to the Island Eastern Corridor on Hong Kong Island, so that the race will start at the eastbound
carriageway of the Island Eastern
[...] Corridor in Fortress Hill, with the Turning Point located near Sai Wan [...]
Ho for westbound carriageway
of the Island Eastern Corridor, and finish at Victoria Park.
舉例 而言,運輸署助理署長/市區匯報,於1993年啟用的 現有中環至半山自動扶梯系統的造價約為2 億 4,000萬元,而於2003年完成炮台山行 人連接系統 造價約為2,100萬元。
By way of illustration, AC for T/U reported that the cost of the existing escalator link system between Central and Mid-levels commissioned in 1993 was about $240,000,000, and that of the Fortress Hill Pedestrian Link completed in 2003 was about $21,000,000.
地鐵北港島線將 會是現有地鐵東涌線的延續,沿港島北岸而建,由香 港站炮台山站 ,然後連接現有地鐵港島線的東半 段。
The NIL is an extension of the existing MTR TCL along the north shore of Hong Kong Island to run from Hong Kong Station through onto the eastern half of the existing MTR ISL at Fortress Hill.
此外,由於將 有更多人使用這個系統,特別是取道這個系統由英皇道前 炮台 山半 山,在上述地區以私家車為交通工具的人數或會減少。
With more people attracted to use the pedestrian link, especially for going up from King’s Road to Fortress Hill mid-level, we may also see a reduction in usage of private car as a mode of transport in the area.
2005年7月,澳門歷史城區被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界遺產名錄》, 炮台 是 構成澳門歷史城區的重要歷史建築。
In July 2005, the Historic Centre of Macao was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
例如准炮台山的 車輛左轉、重新檢討留仙街的㆝橋交通情況、 或長期而言,能否使運輸司和教育統籌司更有效㆞互相協調工作,不致使每當教育統 籌司批准興建學校時,運輸司則要去「收拾殘局」?
And in the longer term, are there ways to ensure better co-ordination between the Secretary for Transport and the Secretary for Manpower and Education, so that when the Secretary for Manpower and Education endorses applications for construction of schools, it will not bring forth a problem for the Secretary for Transport to look after at the end of the day?
[...] 研究可否由 西 環 到 銅鑼灣 末端炮 台 山,設 置 一 個 以行人 為 [...]
主的行 人 步 行 網絡。
Our study is on the feasibility of building a network of pedestrian walkway systems from Western District to the
[...] end of Causeway Bay or Fortress Hill.
此外,我們亦會為現有樓梯和介 炮台 山 地 鐵 站出入口至擬建的升降機塔之間的一段英皇道行人徑加建上蓋。
We will also take the opportunity to provide covers to the existing stairway as well as the footpath at King’s Road from the entrance/exit of the Fortress Hill MTR Station to the proposed lift tower and the existing stairway.
連接路八,讓來自銅鑼灣、大坑 炮台 山 、天后的車輛 進入主幹道西行線隧道,前往港島中西區。
Slip Road 8, for traffic from Causeway
[...] Bay, Tai Hang, Fortress Hill and Tin [...]
Hau areas to enter the westbound Trunk Road
tunnel, going to Central and Western districts of Hong Kong Island.
自 由 黨 支 持 修 例,並 希望可以順 利 通 過 , 以 加快吊 車 工 程 的 進 度,配 合大嶼 山 其他景 點,例 如 迪 士 尼 主 題 公 園、東涌炮台 等 的 落 成。
The Liberal Party supports this move. We hope the amendments can be passed smoothly to speed up the progress of the cable car project, so that it can tie in with the completion of other attractions on Lantau, such as the Disney theme park, the Tung Chung Battery, and so on.
09 时 35 分 在从阵地 shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军 Adaysah 检查站炮 台时, 其中一名人员用武器对准黎巴嫩境内方向。
0935 As an Israeli enemy patrol was moving from positionshin -27 (Misgav Am) towards the emplacement at the Lebanese Army Udaysah checkpoint, one of its personnel pointed his weapon in the direction of Lebanese territory.
路政署署長建議把 156TB
[...] 格計算,估計所需費用為 2,380 萬元,用以在康澤花園毗鄰建造行人連 接系統,把英皇道炮台山半山介乎富澤花園與金文泰中學之間的未 命名道路( 下稱「未命名道路」) [...]
The Director of Highways, with the support of the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (SETW), proposes to upgrade 156TB to Category A at an estimated cost of $23.8 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices for the construction
of a pedestrian link
[...] adjacent to the Fortress Metro Tower from King’s Road level up to the existing [...]
unnamed road between
Fortress Garden and Clementi Secondary School (the unnamed road) at the Fortress Hill mid-level to enhance pedestrian movement in the area.
該活動週的餘㆘時間,將會巡視戰場和參觀主要軍事用 ㆞,例如墳場、赤炮台、和深水 戰俘營前址等。
Over the remainder of the week, there will be a battlefield tour, visits to significant military sites, such as the cemeteries, Stanley Fort and the former Sham Shui Po prisoner-of-war camp.
該幅擴大了 的公眾休憩用地會炮台里的 天然綠化山坡連 接,一直伸延至香港禮賓府,與中區的廣闊綠化網 絡連成一體。
It was planned that the enlarged POS would link up the natural green hillside from Battery Path all the way up to the Government House to form an integral part of an extensive greenery network in Central.
(viii) 須確保 當 遊 行 隊伍到 達 政 府 總 部 特 定 範 圍舉行集 會,如果參 加 人 數 太 多以致 特 定 範 圍不足 以 容 納 所有參加 者 時,其他未 能 進 入 特 定 範 圍 的 參 加 者,須依照在 場警務人員的指 示 在 政 府 總 部 西閘外 沿炮台里有 秩 序 地 排 隊 等 候 安 排。
(viii) when the procession reaches the designated area at the Central Government Offices to start the meeting and if the designated area cannot accommodate all the participants, shall ensure that those who cannot enter the area will wait in an orderly manner along Battery Path outside the West Gate of the Central Government Offices following the instruction of the police officers there.
聖保祿炮台建於 數世紀前,當時屹立於本市邊緣的空曠地帶。
St. Paul of the Mount’s Fortress was built many [...]
centuries ago and in that time it stood on open ground at the edge of the city.
炮台城堡的頂層為炮台花園 ,可以環視澳門半島的風景,是澳門其中一個主要的景點。
The top platform of Mount Fortress features Mount [...]
Fortress Garden, and is one of the major attractions of Macao, offering
a panoramic view of the landscape of the peninsula.
Battery Park City  This office and apartment community was built on the landfill from the excavation of the World Trade Center in 1977.
第三個地點(列於附件 IB)為照片六所見位於炮台南門 的小食店,該店面積相當細小,網絡信號 須覆蓋小食店室內所有的地方。
The network signal should cover the entire café and its exterior premises as shown in Figure 5.
炮台山地 勢陡斜,山腳前臨英皇道,設 炮台 山 地 鐵站、電車站、 約 40 條巴士線的巴士站,以及多個小巴站,而半山則前臨天后廟道, 四周住宅樓宇林立,並有數間教育機構。
Fortress Hill is a hilly area bounded by King’s Road at the foothill level where the Fortress Hill Mass Transit [...]
Railway (MTR) Station,
tram stations and stops for some 40 bus routes as well as mini-bus stops are sited and Tin Hau Temple Road at the mid-level where many residential buildings and a few educational institutions are located.
沿途經過東涌小砲台法定古蹟、舊碼頭、馬灣涌和涌口村舊 式民宅、東涌寨炮台等。
The trail should run through the Tung Chung Battery, the old pier, old-style residential houses at the Ma Wan Chung and Chung Hau villages, the Tung Chung Fort, and so on.
12 时 15 分 在从阵地 shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军 Adaysah 检查站对面炮台时, 以色列敌方巡逻队成员指着黎巴嫩境内的方向,查看地 图,并通过望远镜观察。
1215 As it was moving from positionshin -27 (Misgav Am) to the emplacement opposite the Lebanese Army Udaysah checkpoint, members of an Israeli enemy patrol consulted maps and pointed and looked through binoculars in the direction of Lebanese territory.
如欲獲得有關愛滋病病毒感染的意見,可透過九龍油麻 炮台 街 14 5號 5樓生署油麻地賽馬會診療所轉交有關感染愛滋病病毒醫護人員的專家小 組秘書。
Advice on HIV Infection may be sought from the Secretary of the Expert Panel on HIV Infected Health Care Workers c/o Department of Health, 5/F, Yaumatei Jockey Club Clinic, 145 Battery Street, Yaumatei, Kowloon.
沿着短短的彎曲坡道,可到炮台寬 敞的大平台,歷史 炮台 平 台 上 及 其下層空間均設有軍事設施,如西面棱堡內之彈藥庫(現為澳門博物館陳列室)及儲水池等(現為博物館的內港展區)。
In the past, both the platform and the space below were equipped with military [...]
facilities such as an ammunitions depot (now
Macao Museum Gallery) and a cistern (now Inner Harbour Exhibition Area of the Macao Museum).
我們現時步行至金鐘 之 後 , 在連接 至 銅鑼灣 的 系統方 面 會 較 為 麻 煩 , 那邊的 天 橋 可 如 何 走 , 能否在該處進行少許
[...] 工 程 ,令我們可循 大 橋 步 行 直炮 台 山 呢
How should the footbridges run and can some works be done so that we can walk on the
[...] flyover all the way to Fortress Hill?




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