

单词 炭疽热

See also:


charcoal n
coal n
peat n


External sources (not reviewed)

最近在 2001 年,美国卫生和福利部部长在与拜厄(专利权所有人)就购 炭疽热 的 治 疗药品 Cipro 达 成协议前,也公开打算购买该治疗药品的非专利对等物,不过他最终还是与拜厄达成了协 议。
The cost of acquiring the antiretroviral drugs has reduced recently, as the Ministry of Health/NSAP develops local production in the public sector - establishing national laboratories, and tools to negotiate with multinational companies, including the threat of compulsory licensing.
這類事件的確會引起公眾恐慌,也可能會破壞香港的名譽,使人覺得香 港猶如炭疽埠"
It will also damage the reputation of Hong Kong and make people feel that
[...] Hong Kong is an "anthrax port".
(b) 2008 年 12 月 3
[...] 日,美利坚合众国常驻代表团向特别调查局核生化及放 射处报告,怀疑外交邮袋中炭疽。
(b) On 3 December 2008, the Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical Service of the Special Investigation Agency was
alerted by the Mission of the United States of America owing to the
[...] suspected presence of anthrax in the diplomatic pouch.
殘餘農 藥 、 二氧化 硫 、 O157:H7大 腸 桿 菌 、
[...] 沙 門 氏 菌 、 李斯特菌炭疽菌污染、 寄 生 蟲 及重金 屬 。
Vegetables and fruits Pesticide residues, sulphur dioxide, E.coli O157:H7,
[...] salmonella, listeria, anthrax contamination, [...]
parasites and heavy metals.
恐怖主義行為的方式,可以是飛機,可以是毒氣, 可以炭疽。
The means adopted can be an airplane, can be
[...] poisonous gas and even anthrax.
因此 , 雖然全 世界很 多 地 方也炭疽菌襲擊的 恐慌, 但 卻 只 有 美 [...]
國 本 土 才 真正有 傳 染 例 子 。
[...] although the panic of anthrax attacks exists [...]
in many places around the world, actual examples of infection were
only found in the United States.
根据 1997 年关于管理和保护 卫生数据和相关私人数据的第四十七号法令,将对生物病源和毒素引起的传染病
[...] 病例制定报告义务(疾病控制中心“A 类”生物恐怖主义制剂/疾病,例 炭疽、 瘟疫)。
Under Act No. XLVII of 1997 on the management and protection of health related data and relevant personal data, a reporting obligation is foreseen for cases of infectious diseases resulting from
biological pathogens and toxins (Centers for Disease Control “Category A”, bioterrorism
[...] agents/diseases like anthrax, plague).
公立醫院備 有 足夠的 抗 生素以
[...] 治 療 可 能 出現的生物媒 體 ,炭疽病 、 肺鼠疫 等 。
Public hospitals have adequate stock of antibiotics for treating probable biological
[...] agents such as anthrax, pneumonic plague, [...]
and so on.
原有的炭热电联产供能厂在早些时候已经毁坏,直到最近该热电联产供能厂才引入了全新的道依茨能源系统的TCG [...]
2020 V 20型燃气循环发动机组作为新供能厂的核心设备,装机发电容量为2MW。
The existing coke-fired cogeneration plant had [...]
been demolished earlier and, only recently, a brand-new DEUTZ Power Systems
TCG 2020 V 20 reciprocating engine had been introduced as the nucleus of the actual CHP plant, rating at 2 MW electricity.
生物质是指直接用作燃料或转化为燃料(如 炭 ) 或 电 力和 (或 ) 热 能 的任何植物物质。
Biomass is defined as any plant matter used directly as fuel or converted into fuels (e.g. charcoal) or electricity and/or heat.
热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
海產及海產製品 重 金 屬、防腐劑和 添 加 劑、甲醛、二氧化 硫、放 射 物 質、硝基 喃、氯霉素、其他抗 生 素、海 洋 毒 素 、 沙 門 氏菌、弧 菌、諾沃克 病 毒、甲 型肝炎
[...] 和 其他病 毒 、 寄 生 蟲 、致敏 原 (組 胺 )及 炭疽菌污染。
Seafood and seafood products Heavy metals, preservatives and additives, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide, radioactivity, nitrofuran, chloramphenicol, other antibiotics, marine toxins,
salmonella, vibrio, noroviruses, hepatitis A and other viruses, parasites, allergen
[...] (histamine) and anthrax contamination.
[...] 导师和辅导人员,但是该项目需要一个后续项目,以保持青年教师对科学 热 情。
The science education project delivered a core of science mentors and peer tutors trained in interactive teaching
approaches, but it needs a follow-up programme
[...] so that the enthusiasm for science [...]
among the young teachers could be maintained.
我們亦已設 立 了一個疾病監 察 系 統,透 過 公 、 私 營 醫 院及 診 所 的 參
[...] 與 , 監 察傳染病的 情況(當 中 包炭疽病 )
An effective disease surveillance system involving
hospitals and clinics in the public and private sectors is also in place to monitor infectious
[...] diseases, including anthrax.
从人权角度来看,这一现象可能构成对可能或罹患 疽 性口 炎儿童权利的侵犯。
From a human rights point of view, it may amount to a violation of the rights of the
[...] children at risk or affected by noma.
至於 一 些 在 美 國境外 的 個 案 ,例如 曾經有報道指一 封 由 馬 來 西 亞
[...] 寄 往 美 國 內 華 達 州 微軟公司的信 件 帶炭疽菌, 後 來已證 實並沒炭疽菌; 肯雅和 巴西的 個 案 也 證 實 是 沒 有。
In respect of cases beyond the borders of the United States such as the report of a letter sent from Malaysia to Microsoft in the
Nevada State of the United States was
[...] found carrying anthrax, but later it was proved that no anthrax was contained [...]
瑞士布斯化工及技术有限公司(简称BCT)60年来为铝用阳极和氟化铝的生产提供先进的不断发展的专用设备,包括: • 绿色阳极工厂 • 沥青熔化工厂 • BCT 混捏机 •炭预热螺旋 • 糊料冷却器和液压阳极成型机 • 从萤石或氟硅酸生产氟化铝的工厂 2011年九月以来,我公司加入了KRESTA工业集团,该集团员工人数达到700人,拥有自己的生产制造设施,提供EPC(设计,采购,施工)项目承包服务。
For more than 60 years Buss ChemTech (BCT) offers high developed
and fully dedicated
[...] applications for Carbon Anode & Aluminium Fluoride production, covering: • Green Anode Plants • Pitch Melting Plants • BCT Paste Kneader • Coke Preheater, Paste Cooler [...]
• Hydraulic Anode
Press • AlF3 plants Since Sep 2011 BCT is joining KRESTA Industries, a private owned industrial group with 700 employees, own fabrication facilities and full EPC services.
疽性口 炎是贫困和儿童营养不良最残酷的表现形式,因此导致了 [...]
Noma is the most brutal face [...]
of poverty and malnutrition in children and thus gives rise to some of the worst violations of the rights of the child.
水电反应堆技术可以在未来30年内在全球范围全面替代 炭 、 天 然气、 热 、 生 物质、风力、太阳能以及核能发电厂,有助于结束当前的能源危机、对石油的依赖以及全球气候变暖等问题。
The Hydro-Electric Reactor technology can
[...] replace all coal, gas, geo-thermal, bio-mass, windmills, [...]
solar and nuclear power plants,
worldwide, within 30 years and help put an end to the current energy crisis, oil dependence and global warming.
接 獲 懷 疑 帶炭 疽菌的 信 ,可以報警 求助,但 收到“大信 [...]
封 ”,又 可 以向誰 求助呢 ?
While we can call the police for help on receipt of
[...] mail suspected of Anthrax contamination, [...]
who can we turn to for assistance when given the "big envelope"?
除正在议程项目 3 项下审议的共同文件外,经社会还收到了减少灾害 风险委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/11)和两份背景文件:台风 委
[...] 员会报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/INF/6)和热带气 旋专题小组报告(文件 [...]
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/11) and two information documents: the
report of the Typhoon Committee (E/ESCAP/68/INF/6) and the report of
[...] the Panel on Tropical Cyclones (E/ESCAP/68/INF/7).
我們覺 得巿民 無 須
[...] 過度恐慌, 無 須 因為美 國 出炭疽菌而 預 先 服 食 抗 生素或 打 [...]
防 預 針 。
We think that the public do not have to feel excessively scared,
nor do they have to take antibiotics or receive vaccinations in
[...] advance since anthrax has been found [...]
in the United States.
在起草过程中接受咨询的所有行为者无一例外地表示,在抗击疽性口 炎方面还需要做更多工作,应以旨在消除贫困和减少营养不良状况的政策 [...]
Across the board, the actors consulted during the drafting
process agreed that more needs to be done in the
[...] fight against noma – starting with [...]
policies aimed at eliminating poverty and
reducing malnutrition – and that States and relevant specialized agencies ought to assume responsibility.
这些特定制剂和毒素是“最危险种类 中的最危险制剂和毒素”,包炭疽 杆 菌 、鼠疫杆菌、肉毒梭菌、李痘病毒、禽 流感病毒(高致病性)和牛海绵状脑病剂等生物制剂。
, plum pox potyvirus, avian influenza virus (highly pathogenic), and the bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent.
(三 ) 作為應付
[...] 輻射或 生 化 武器襲擊( 包炭疽病 威 脅 ) 的 整體策 略 的 其中一部分, [...]
生 界已制 訂了風 險 評 估機制 和應變 計 劃 ,以 便 在 處 理 緊 急 事 故 時 , 各部門能互相配合, 有效地執 行 任務。
(c) As part of the integrated strategy to counter the threat of
radiological, biological and chemical attacks
[...] including the anthrax scare, the health [...]
sector has in place risk assessment mechanisms
and contingency plans to handle emergencies in a co-ordinated and effective manner.
肉類及肉類製品 重 金 屬、防腐劑和 添 加 劑 、多 氯聯苯 、 放 射
物 質 、 乙 類 促 效劑、 硝基 喃、氯霉素、其他抗 生 素、葡 萄球菌腸毒素 、 O157:H7大 腸 桿 菌 、 沙 門 氏菌、 李 斯
[...] 特菌、對萬古霉素 呈 抗藥性的腸 球 菌 、 血痢弧 菌 、 寄 生 蟲炭疽菌污染。
Meat and meat products Heavy metals, preservatives and additives, polychlorinated biphenyls, radioactivity, beta-agonist, nitrofuran, chloramphenicol, other antibiotics, staphylococcal enterotoxins, E.coli O157:H7,
salmonella, listeria monocytogenes, vancomycin resistant enterococci,
[...] campylobacter, parasites and anthrax contamination.
梅指出“尽管(美国) 在非洲艾滋病肆虐的时候还在讨论知识产权的神圣性,但是在2001年11月美国成为利 炭疽 进行 生物恐怖攻击的对象,这使得一切成为可能,随后强制许可迅速成为在健康紧急状态下 的合法战略。
May notes ‘Despite arguing for the sanctity of IPRs in the face of the AIDS crisis in Africa, when in November 2001 it seemed possible that the US had been the target of a bio-terrorist attack using anthrax, suddenly compulsory licensing became a legitimate strategy in health emergencies.
石油焦的一项特别显著的功能是,与 炭 所 产 生的 8,000 至 13,500 BTU/磅热量相比,它可以产生 14,000 BTU/磅热量,并且与炭不同 的是,它产生很少量的灰。
A particularly attractive feature of petroleum coke is that it produces 14,000 BTU/pound as compared to the 8,000 to 13,500 BTU/pound associated with coal and, unlike coal, has very little ash.
炭疽菌郵 件的處 理 方 法,郵 政 署亦於 10 月 16 日 發 出有關 [...]
指引給 郵 務人員參 閱 , 並於 10 月 19 日 將 增訂本發 給 所有政 府 部門, 同 時將該指引上 載 於 數 碼 政 府 合署網頁及 保安局網頁。
Specifically for the handling of items
[...] suspected to contain anthrax, the Post Office [...]
distributed a set of guidelines to all
postal workers on 16 October. A similar set of guidelines was subsequently issued to all government departments and uploaded to the Cyber Central Government Offices and Security Bureau websites on 19 October.




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