单词 | 炁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 炁noun—gasnless common: weathern airn 炁—used in Taoist charms渔—fisherman渔verb—fishvExamples:渔业n—fisheriespl fisheries industryn aquaculturen 渔船pl—fishing boatspl 渔船n—fishing vesseln
我们会在拟议规例中授权 食环署署长,向渔护署署长索取有关资料。 cfs.gov.hk | We would empower DFEH in the proposed Regulation to obtain from DAFC such information. cfs.gov.hk |
(2) 签核 船旗CPC或定置网CPC应负责签核渔获资讯乙节,除非黑鲔系依本建议 第21点予以标識。 ofdc.org.tw | The flag or trap CPC shall be responsible for the validation of the CATCH INFORMATION section unless bluefin tuna are tagged in accordance with Paragraph 21 of the Recommendation. ofdc.org.tw |
渔护署办理每宗申请时,会与有关机构一同 考虑、商量及议定工作的目标和范围、所涉开支,以及其管理工作。 devb.gov.hk | In processing each application, AFCD will consider, discuss and agree the objectives and scope of the work, the expenditure involved, its management with the NGO concerned. devb.gov.hk |
碧涛意国渔乡的大厨团队亦会炮制一个设有四道菜色的白松露菜单,当中包括一些以上单点菜单内的美馔,价格每位澳门币888元*。 yp.mo | The chefs of Portofino will also be featuring a four-course white truffle set menu featuring some of the seven delicacies from the à la carte menu, at MOP 888* per person. yp.mo |
在作出决定前,食环署署长会进行风险评 估;以及 (c) 法例第 133 章与拟议规例之间的配合机制:为确 保根据香港法例第 133 章注册及用於粮食作物的 除害剂,同样受到拟议规例适当的规管,我们建 议引入一套安排,渔护署会要求在法例第 133 章 下申请除害剂注册的申请人,需提供足够资料, 以便制定相关的最高残余限量或豁免物质。 cfs.gov.hk | In coming to his decision, DFEH will conduct risk assessment; and (c) dovetailing mechanism between Cap. 133 and the proposed Regulation: to ensure that a newly registered pesticide for use on local food crops under Cap. 133 is properly regulated under the proposed Regulation, we now propose to introduce an arrangement whereby AFCD will require applicants for pesticide registration under Cap. 133 to provide sufficient information for the purpose of setting up the corresponding MRLs or exempted substances. cfs.gov.hk |
虽然捕鱼限制可能在长远而言对渔业有 利,因为可以令鱼类数量得以恢复,但有关的措施具有争议性,因 此,必须谘询当地渔民。 logisticshk.gov.hk | Although fishing restrictions may have benefits to the fishing industry in the longer term through promoting the recovery of fish stocks, they are likely to be perceived as controversial and, there would need to be consultation with the local fishers. logisticshk.gov.hk |
有成员认为应提高对渔民生活文化的关注及 保育,亦有成员列举大澳盐田及「迷八仙」集体活动为例, 认为该等珍贵文化资源,可让市民多点了解当地歷史及发展 狀况,是吸引本地人及外国游客的桥梁。 forum.gov.hk | A member considered that more attention should be paid to fishermen’s life and culture which should have better conservation. Another member took Yim Tin in Tai O and group activity known as “Mibaxian” as examples of precious cultural resources which would give people a better understanding of local history and development and were attractions for locals as well as foreign tourists. forum.gov.hk |
深圳一开始从一个小渔村到发展到现在,才 29 年,因 此他本身年龄才 29 岁,正好是一个人刚刚逐渐成熟的时期。 gemconsortium.org | From the time Shenzhen started to develop from a small fishing village to now, only 29 years have passed, so Shenzhen is now 29 years old: it is like a person who has just crossed into maturity. gemconsortium.org |
首先,我们可以预设多名有机会在某选区参选的候选人,不论是敌是我,以渔翁撒网方式纳入问卷之内,然後要求被访巿民从中选取最合意者。 hkupop.hku.hk | Second, the respondents would be asked to choose one candidate from the list. hkupop.hku.hk |
(6) 经营一般商人、贸易商、佣金经纪人、进口商、出口商、托运人及船东 、冷冻商、租船商、货运代理、销售代理、及制造商分代理、代理及承 运商分代理、经纪及经纪代理、采购代理、码头管理、仓库管理、供应 商、游客及旅游代理、拍卖商、评估师、估值师、测量师、保付代理商 、个人及促销代表、保理人、店主、古玩交易商、装卸商、包装商、仓 储保管商、渔夫及拖网捕渔者、马具商、建筑商,以及一般建筑工程承包 商、冶金商以及所有类别工程、企业或项目承办人之所有或任何业务。 mmg.com | (6) To carry on all or any of the businesses of general merchants, traders, commission agents, importers, exporters, shippers, and ship-owners, refrigerators, charterers, forwarding agents, sales agents and sub-agents for manufacturers, agents and sub-agents for carriers, brokers and agents for brokers, purchasing agents, wharfingers, ware housemen, furnishers, tourist and travel agents, auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, surveyors, del credere agents, personal and promotional representatives, factors, shopkeepers, antique dealers, stevedores, packers, storers, fishermen and trawlers, saddlers, builders, building, engineering and general contractors, metallurgists, and undertakers of all kinds of works, enterprises or projects whatsoever. mmg.com |
石排湾商场位於香港仔渔光道,属石排湾邨重建发展计划的一部分,商场毗邻渔晖苑,邻近有香港仔郊野公园及香港仔水塘,巳於2005年10月落成。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Shek Pai Wan Shopping Centre, located on Yue Kwong Road, Aberdeen, is part of the Shek Pai Wan Estate Redevelopment Project. housingauthority.gov.hk |
倘渔获资讯、活鱼贸易之贸易资讯、转移资讯和养殖资讯等节不完整, 且倘适用时为无效的,养殖CPC不应签核BCDs。 ofdc.org.tw | The farm CPC shall not validate BCDs where the CATCH INFORMATION, TRADE INFORMATION FOR LIVE FISH TRADE, TRANSFER INFORMATION and FARMING INFORMATION sections are not completed and, where applicable, validated. ofdc.org.tw |
如拍摄中须进行吸烟,必须预先得到场地管理人( 即渔 护署) 批准,而有关的吸烟行为并非烟草广告。 wetlandpark.com | If smoking is required in the film making, permission from the venue manager (i.e. AFCD) must be sought in advance and the smoking act is not a tobacco advertisement. wetlandpark.com |
在 2004-05 年度,署方在“资助护理及管理拉姆萨尔公约湿地”项目之 下将会拨款约 130 万元,资助世界自然(香港)基金会管理米埔沼泽自然保护区的 生境,但不会再拨出 192,000 元资助该会在元洲仔自然环境保护研究中心举办教 育活动,原因是渔护署及其他机构亦有举办同类活动。 devb.gov.hk | The subvention of $192,000 for WWF/HK to run education programmes at the Island House Conservation Study Centre will however cease because similar programmes will be provided by AFCD and other organizations. devb.gov.hk |
一般而言,任何足以减少水质影响的措施(包括设置隔泥幕、限制挖泥 速度等),以及构成良好施工方法的措施(包括控制船只速度、装设气 泡套罩/围幕),都有助於保护捕捞渔业和生态资源免受间接影响。 logisticshk.gov.hk | In general, any measures which are required to reduce impacts to water quality (including provision of silt curtains, controlling dredging rates etc) and which contribute to good construction practices (including control vessel speeds, provision of bubble jacket/curtain) will also serve to protect against indirect impacts to capture fisheries and ecological resources. logisticshk.gov.hk |
中国主要葡萄酒进口商之一ASC Fine Wines 的年度品酒盛事於今年首度由香港伸延至澳门,并将於11月28日假澳门威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店的高级意大利餐厅碧涛意国渔乡举行。 yp.mo | The annual fine wine tasting fair in Hong Kong organised by one of China’s leading fine wine importers, ASC Fine Wines, will for the first time be extended to Macao at The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel’s Portofino Restaurant on November 28. yp.mo |
(e) 自渔业、家禽业、畜牧业、乳品业、园艺业、花卉业、蘑菇培植业及养蚕 业所得收入豁免缴税直至二零一一年六月三十日,惟须将豁免收入超过十 万塔卡的至少10%用作投资政府债券。 cre8ir.com | (e) Income from fishery, poultry, cattle breeding, dairy farming, horticulture, floriculture, mushroom cultivation and sericulture are exempt from tax up to 30 June 2011, subject to investing at least 10% of the exempted income that exceeds BDT one lakh, in government bonds. cre8ir.com |
开采业包括农业、林业、渔业及矿业。 gemconsortium.org | Extractive sectors include agriculture, forestry, fishing, and mining. gemconsortium.org |
因为许多海狮都不小心被困在渔夫的网中,无法逃脱而死亡。 4tern.com | There were many trapped under the trawlers’ net, unable to escape, and died. 4tern.com |
华懋慈善行」作为西贡首个大型生态活动,反应热烈,并邀得行政会议成员梁智鸿医生,GBM,GBS,JP;中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室社工部副部长黄清芳先生;渔农自然护理署助理署长沈振雄先生;西贡乡事委员会主席骆水生先生MH、西贡区社区中心主席袁土星先生;香港大学校长徐立之教授、香港中文大学校长沈祖尧教授;香港城市大学校长郭位教授及香港理工大学常务及学务副校长陈正豪教授参与主持起步仪式。 welovegreenhk.com | The Chinachem Charity Walk not only drew an excellent public response but also invited a number of notable guests from diverse sectors to join the opening ceremony, including Dr. the Honourable Leong Che-hung, GBM, GBS, JP, Member, Executive Council; Mr. Huang Qingfang, Deputy Director, Social Work Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.; Mr. Joseph Sham, Assistant Director (Country & Marine Parks), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR; Mr. Lok Shui-sang, MH, Chairman, Sai Kung Rural Committee; Mr. Yuen To-shing, Chairman, Sai Kung District Community Centre; Professor Tsui Lap-Chee OC, PhD, FRS, FRSC, Vice-Chancellor, the University of Hong Kong; Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS, Vice-Chancellor / President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Professor Kuo Way, President, City University of Hong Kong; Professor Philip C.H. Chan, Deputy President and Provost, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. welovegreenhk.com |
如分化情况深化,便很可能导致「鹬蚌相争,渔人得利」的局面,不但失去影响政策的能力,亦令劳工 疲於应付内部斗争,未能团结向雇主争取权益。 hkupop.hku.hk | If the relationship deteriorates and the conflicts continue, the labour sector may end up losing their benefits to other thirdparties. The labour force does not only lose its influential power in policy-making, it also causes unnecessary internal competitions. hkupop.hku.hk |
此外,我与中美洲国家合作混合委员会「外长会 议」进行多项合作计画包括「中美洲渔业及水产养殖 整合进程计画」、「协助促进中美洲粮食安全之粮食 增产与品质提升计画」,均有效协助友邦提高粮食自 给率,消弭贫穷与饥饿。 mofa.gov.tw | Furthermore, Taiwan collaborated with nations whose foreign ministers met at the Mixed Commission for Cooperation between Countries of the Central American Isthmus and the ROC on a number of projects, including the Central America Fishing and Fish Breeding Integration Project and the Food Productivity and Quality Improvement Project for Food Safety in Central America, both of which effectively helped diplomatic allies to increase the self-sufficiency rate for grain production and to eliminate poverty and hunger. mofa.gov.tw |
参与这项计划的其他机构及人士包括香港渔农自然护理署、香港嘉道理农场暨植物园、印尼林业部、国际动物救援组织(印尼)、印尼野生生物保护协会,以及马老河附近的巴布亚村民。 swirepacific.com | Other participants in the project included the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong Kong government, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden of Hong Kong, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, International Animal Rescue (Indonesia), Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia and villagers from Bupul near the Maro River. swirepacific.com |
与 其 他 施 工 方 法 比 较 , 在 污 泥 坑 范 围 上 施 工 时 采 用 「 深 层 水 泥 拌 合 」 法 , 而 於 其 余 地 方 则 使 用 疏 水 竖 管 的 免 挖 方 法 , 大 致 上 可 避 免 拓 地 及 填 海 对 水 质 、 相 关 海 洋 生 态 及 渔 业 资 源 带 来 潜 在 负 面 影 响 。 threerunwaysystem.com | Compared to other construction methods, the adoption of DCM method for construction over CMP area and non-dredge method using vertical wick drains over the remaining area will largely avoid potential adverse impact on water quality and the associated marine ecology and fishery resources due to site formation and reclamation. threerunwaysystem.com |
为协助提升合作国家政府效能,外交部及国合会每 年皆以「台湾经验」为主轴,配合国际重要发展议题, 办理国家安全、土地政策、经贸、农渔业、资讯通信、 公共卫生与医疗、社会发展及环保等主题之国际研习课 程。 mofa.gov.tw | To help nations enhance government efficiency, MOFA and TaiwanICDF combine the theme of the “Taiwan Experience” with key international development topics to design international workshops on national security, land policy, economics and trade, agriculture and aquaculture, ICT, public health and medicine, societal development, and environmental protection. mofa.gov.tw |
我们与香港观鸟会和渔农自然护理署合作,编制保护野生禽鸟窝巢的指引,以免鸟巢受公屋大厦翻新工程影响。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We have collaborated with the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and Agricultural Fisheries and Conservation Department to develop guidelines for protection of nesting colonies of wild birds during the course of building renovation works at PRH estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |