

单词 灾变论

See also:


cataclysmic change


disaster n


External sources (not reviewed)

可惜,关于不干预问题的论对包灾国在 内的各国的一系列义务问题的探讨在 变 过 程 中产生了令人不接受上 述观点的效果。
Unfortunately, the non-intervention debate had had a dissuasive effect on the development of a range of obligations [...]
on States, including on the affected State.
运动的目的是就妇女贩运问题作为社会问题展开 论 , 改 变 当 前对待这个问题的 普遍态度。
Its aim was
[...] to launch a debate on the issue of trafficking in women as a social problem and to change prevalent attitudes [...]
towards the issue.
通过 这一合作处理的问题包括森林在气 变 化 、 供水、自 灾 害 以及支持发展中国家 可持续森林管理举措中发挥的作用。
The issues addressed through such
cooperation include the role of forests
[...] in climate change, water supply, natural hazards, as well as [...]
support for sustainable forest
management initiatives in developing countries.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气 变 化 、 防 灾 备 灾 、 通 过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention
[...] included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, [...]
minimizing biodiversity
loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
示范战略和实际措施》增订本认识到有些特殊的妇女群体特别容易遭受暴 力行为,论是由 于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移 民、无国籍人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 或拘留、身有残疾、是老年妇女、寡妇或生活在冲突、冲突后 灾 害 局势中,因 此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 以特殊关注、干预和保护。
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they belong to an indigenous group, are migrants, are stateless, are refugees, live in
underdeveloped, rural or
[...] remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they require special attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses [...]
to violence against women.
[...] 表性不足、妇女部门被边缘化和对妇女的暴力问题仍然是妇女面临的挑战, 此外还有气变化、减少灾害、 贸易与经济发展等更广泛的挑战。
The lack of women’s representation in parliament, marginalization of women’s departments and violence against women continued to be
challenges for women along with the broad challenges
[...] of climate change, disaster reduction, trade [...]
and economic development.
日本在筹备委员会第二届和第三届会议的会外部分主办研讨会, 论 如 何灾难的 经历留传给下一代(第二届会议),以及提高公众认识的切实可行方式和 工具(第三届会议)。
On the margins of the second and third sessions of the Preparatory
Committee, Japan hosted
[...] seminars on how to hand down experiences of nuclear devastation to the younger [...]
generation (second session)
and on practical ways and tools to raise public awareness (third session).
亚太地区及拉丁美洲 和加勒比地区所有总部外办事处的代表都参加了为期三天半的冲突后 灾 后 专题 讨 论 会 ,研 讨如何有效参与联合国的协调活动和筹资机制,以及如何加强知识共享网络等问题。
Representatives from all field offices of the Asia-Pacific and LAC regions participated in three-and-a-half day PCPD workshops on effective engagement within United Nations coordination, fundraising mechanisms and on strengthening networks for knowledgesharing.
[...] 高风险地区内的开发、发展不足和不良的基础设施、薄弱的适应能力、环境退化、 气候变、气候变化、遭遇地灾害 、竞争稀少的资源以及诸如艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、疟疾和结核病等流行病的影响,所有这些都增加了最不发达国家面对自然灾 [...]
Changing demographics and poor technological and socio-economic conditions, unplanned urbanization, development within high-risk zones, underdevelopment and poor infrastructure, weak adaptive capacity,
[...] degradation, climate variability, climate change, exposure to geological hazards, competition [...]
for scarce resources,
and the impact of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis all increase the vulnerability of least developed countries to natural hazards.
这些服务包括维 和全球灾后恢复和业务连续性构架和系统的持续管理及运作,服务器和网络基础
[...] 设施的协调,已实施系统的文档配置和建立,包括日常业务支持的提供,外勤部 灾后恢复和业务连续性基础结构的运作,为该部不 变 化 的 灾 后 恢 复和业务连续 性需要提供灵活支持的持续,以及灾后恢复和业务连续性系统的监测。
These services include the continued management and operation of the peacekeeping global disaster recovery and business continuity architecture and systems, as well as the coordination of server and network infrastructure requirements, configuration and establishment of documentation for implemented systems, including day-to-day operational support, operation of the disaster recovery and business continuity infrastructure
in DFS and maintenance of
[...] flexible support for changing Departmental disaster recovery and [...]
business continuity requirements,
and monitoring of disaster recovery and business continuity systems.
卡塔尔赞赏地注意到,针对卡塔尔提出的关于改革 1980
[...] 年新闻 法 和其他所有有关法律以 考虑到论自由变的建议,阿联酋 通过了一项出版 和 新闻法 [...]
, 这 项 法律不 久 将由国 家 元 首 颁 布。
Qatar appreciated that, regarding the recommendation it has made on the reform of the 1980 law on
publications and all other related laws to
[...] take into account the evolution of freedom of expression, [...]
a press and information law was
adopted by the UAE and is soon to be promulgated by the Head of State.
[...] 括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展和可持续发展的国家、双边、区域和 国际方案:农业和渔业;监测气变 化 ; 灾 害 管 理;水文学;管理生态系统和 自然资源;监测空气和水的质量;对生物多样性资源、沿海区、土地使用、荒 [...]
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following
areas: agriculture and fishery;
[...] monitoring climate change; disaster management; hydrology; [...]
managing ecosystems and natural
resources; monitoring air and water quality; mapping biodiversity resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; oceanography; rural development and urban planning; and safety.
[...] 的是,讨论国民账户体系未来可能出现的发展和这些发展的程序,同时考虑到全 球经济的迅变化,经济论的变化 和新兴的政策需求。
The purpose of such a high-level group was to discuss possible future developments of the SNA and procedures related to such developments,
taking into consideration the rapid changes in the
[...] global economy, changes in economic theory and emerging policy needs.
关于应在本议程项目下还是在“投资项目”下 论 改 变 工 作方案申请的问题,会议 上确认,依照第 66/16 号决定,改变工作方案而不涉及供资问题的,将在关于情况报告的 本项目下论,改变工作方案而涉及供资问题的,将在关于投资项目的项目下审议。
With regard to the question of
[...] whether requests for changes to work programmes should be addressed under the present agenda item or under the item on investment projects, it was confirmed that, based on decision 66/16, changes to work programmes without funding implications were to be addressed under the present item on status reports, while changes with funding implications [...]
were to be
considered under the item on investment projects.
该决定计划设立一些工作组,根据 CD/1299 号
[...] 报告及其中规定的任务,谈判达成一项可核查的条约,禁止生产核武器或其他核 爆炸装备所用的变材料,以便论 与 核 裁军和制止外层空间的军备竞赛有关的 议程项目,并讨论制定关于消极的安全保证的建议。
That decision provided for the establishment of working groups to negotiate a verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, on the basis
of document CD/1299 and the mandate
[...] contained therein, to discuss all issues related to [...]
nuclear disarmament and the prevention
of an arms race in outer space, and to debate the question of recommendations on negative security assurances.
意大利佛罗伦萨,2012年4月18日——非洲之角的饥荒和萨赫勒地区不断蔓延的危机激起了新一轮 论 , 讨 论 此 类 灾 害 的根本原因、临界点和解决方案。
FLORENCE, Italy, 18 April 2012 – The famine in the Horn of Africa and the unfolding
crisis in the Sahel have
[...] sparked renewed debate on the underlying causes of such disasters, the tipping points [...]
and solutions.
教科文组织发布了一套新的国际防洪计划丛 书,这将对与水有关灾害治理理论 和 实践做出重大贡献。
UNESCO launched a new IFI book series that will provide a significant contribution to
[...] water-related disaster management theory and practice.
另一位代 表提请与会代表注意高温环境国家的状况,并指出上述国家目前尚无氢氟碳化 合物替代品,还指出,缔约方会议应仅限于讨论有关遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》
[...] 及臭氧消耗物质的问题,而不是花时间来 论 全 球 变 暖 相 关问题,此类问题属 于《气候变化框架公约》的管辖范围。
Another representative, drawing attention to the situation of high ambient temperature countries and pointing out that there were currently no alternatives to HFCs in those countries, said that the Meeting of the Parties should confine itself to discussing issues related to compliance with the Montreal Protocol and
ozone-depleting substances instead of
[...] using its time to discuss global warming-related [...]
issues, which were under the purview of the Framework Convention.
一 些国家提出应大力加强对小岛屿发展中国家及青年的需求及所面临挑战的关注:小岛屿发展中国家正面临着气变化及环境灾难所 带来的巨大危害,青年们则面临着失业问题,以及在世界上某些地区面临着持续增长的暴 [...]
Some States called for taking far greater account of the needs of and challenges to be met by small island developing States and young people, as the former were confronted with greater vulnerability
to the challenges and
[...] threats of climate change and environmental disaster, and the latter [...]
with problems of unemployment
and, in some regions of the world, constantly rising levels of violence.
(1) 第 7 条草论述的是应灾害的背景下人的尊严这一原则。
(1) Draft article 7 addresses the principle of
[...] human dignity in the context of disaster response.
鉴于阿拉伯区域正面临着因环境系统退化和由于越来越多的地质和气变 化致使自灾害经 常发生而不断增加的风险,对生命、基础设施、生计手段和可 持续发展都有直接的影响,我们申明实施 2020 年阿拉伯减少灾害风险战略,承 诺执行关于气候变化的阿拉伯宣言和声明以及相关决议,并答应制订一项应对气 [...]
Given that the Arab region is facing ever-increasing risks as a result of the degradation of
environmental systems
[...] and the natural disasters that are occurring regularly because of increasing geological and climate changes, which [...]
have a direct impact
on lives, infrastructure, means of livelihood and sustainable development, we affirm implementation of the Arab strategy to reduce disaster risk 2020 and commitment to the Arab declaration and statement on climate change and the related resolutions, and promise to devise an Arab plan for dealing with climate change.
政府间气候变化专门委员会的最新调 查结果表明,由于全变暖,气候灾 害 的 发生频率和规模可能增加,如洪水、飓 [...]
风、荒漠化、甚至大片土地“沉降”等,从而导致越来越多的人流离失所(联合 国,2009a)。
The most recent findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
indicate that the frequency and
[...] magnitude of climate-related disasters, such as flooding, [...]
hurricanes, desertification or
even the “sinking” of stretches of land, are likely to increase as a consequence of global warming, and thus will further displace an ever-increasing number of people (United Nations, 2009a).
[...] 好的资源管理和资源共享,有助于相关国家克服在应对气 变 化 和自 然 灾害 时 面对的共同脆弱性,进而促进它们实现可持续的经济发展。
Such frameworks fostered better resource management and resource sharing to deal with increasing resource constraints, helped
countries manage common vulnerabilities
[...] to climate change and natural disasters, and fostered [...]
sustained economic growth.
作为首要森林管理人员和负责管理粮食保障的农业者、作为在处理自 灾 害 包括 气变化造成的自灾害方 面有特殊需要的一个群体,妇女必须参与适应和减轻 战略的拟定和执行进程,并从她们对碳的管理中获益。
As primary forest managers and farmers with responsibility for managing food security, and as a group with
special needs in dealing
[...] with natural calamities, including those resulting from climate change, women must [...]
be involved in the process
of developing and implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies and access benefits from their management of carbon.
关于“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第四次报 告(A/CN.4/643 和 Corr.1),论了在超越灾国家 的本国应对能力时寻求援助的 [...]
责任问题,受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务,以及国际社会表示提供援助的 权利。
In relation to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the fourth report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/643 and
Corr.1), dealing with the
[...] responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where [...]
its national response capacity is
exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.
[...] 复杂性质,而这些因素除其他外也受到环境退化、干旱和荒漠化、全球气 变 化、灾害以 及缺乏必要技术的不利影响,同时也确认各国政府和整个国际社会必 [...]
Recognizing the complex character of the current global food crisis as a combination of several major factors, both structural and conjunctural, also negatively affected by, inter alia, environmental
degradation, drought and desertification,
[...] global climate change, natural disasters and the lack of [...]
the necessar y technology, and recognizing
also that a strong commitment from national Governments and the international community as a whole is required to confront the major threats to food security
(a) 确保所有受影响的人,论其灾前的 保有权地位如何,可不受任何歧 视地平等获得住房,住房应满足若干适足要求,即符合进出方便、价格适中、适 [...]
宜居住、保有权保障、适当的文化环境、地点合适、能获得基本服务,以及遵守 安全标准,以便在今后发生灾害的情况下减少损坏等标准
(a) To ensure that all
[...] affected persons, irrespective of their pre-disaster tenure status and [...]
without discrimination of any
kind, have equal access to housing that fulfils the requirements of adequacy, namely the criteria of accessibility, affordability, habitability, security of tenure, cultural adequacy, suitability of location, access to essential services and respect for safety standards aimed at reducing damage in cases of future disasters




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