









External sources (not reviewed)

This starts
[...] the appropriate wizard or performs the [...]
appropriate action.
这种不 设最低许可使用费付款的情况,有利於 贵公司,此乃由於此举可让合营集团更,仅在有利情况下出售第二级商标范围内产品。
The absence of such minimum royalty payment is favorable to the Company as the JV Group has the flexibility to sell the Secondary Trademark Scope Products only when it is beneficial to do so.
故董事相信,授出一般授权将为资金来源提,使 贵公司可及时 把握任何潜在机会。
The Directors therefore believe that the grant of General Mandate will provide flexibility in the source of funding and allow the Company to grasp any potential opportunities in a timely manner.
董事认为购回授权所赋予之购回 股份权力可增加本公司,对本公司及股东整体而言有利,因为如当时市况及融资 安排配合,购回可提高本公司资产净值及╱或每股盈利。
The Directors believe that an ability to repurchase the Shares subject to the Repurchase Mandate would give the Company additional flexibility that would be beneficial to the Company and the Shareholders as a whole as such repurchases may, depending on market conditions and funding arrangements at the time, lead to an enhancement of the net asset value of the Company and/or its earnings per Share.
我们管理的多元化物业组合为集团创造持续性增长,令我们抓 紧市场机遇,以支持集团的长远发展,并提供可持续及可靠的经常性收入和提高 投资收益。
We now manage a much more diversified property portfolio that has created enduring growth for the Group, giving us greater flexibility to seize market opportunities to support our long-term development and producing sustainable and reliable recurring income as well as enhanced investment returns.
因此,吾等认为10%的缓冲属合理,并 允许 贵集团在市场环境发生变化时具有更多
Accordingly, we are of the view that a buffer of 10% is reasonable and will allow more flexibility to the Group when market conditions change.
本行成功 推出多种别具 特色的新产品,以迎 合 不同客户 之 需求,其㆗包括供 款期较短但保障期较长之保险产品,长者 医疗保障计 划选投保额及个㆟投资目标的保险产品等。
New products with special features to suit different customer needs, including longer protection with shorter subscription periods, medical cover for the elderly, and flexible investment return pay-out patterns, were successfully launched.
采用华丽的设计与温暖丰富的色调,DOM Lounge 的特色在於簇绒垫墙面和 LED
[...] 照明吧台,宾客可在华丽的麂皮沙发和典雅的皮革沙发上或舒适的休息区内自在放松,针对希望拥有私人空间的贵宾,还提供了高墙隔间,内有 19 世纪初俄国文艺复兴风格的
Opulently designed and hued in warm, rich colours, DOM Lounge features tufted cushion walls and LED lit bars where guests may retreat comfortably on glamorous suede and classy leather sofas, cozy seating areas or
for VIPs seeking privacy - high-walled booths
[...] with ethereal wallmurals borrowing [...]
influences from early 19th century Russian Renaissance.
(b) 因後述各项产生的任何损失或损害:任何发布资料者的疏忽行为或遗漏,或任何不可抗力事件(包 括但不限於:洪水、异常天气条件、地震、其他天灾、火灾、战争、暴动、骚乱、劳动纠纷、意 外、政府行为、电力故障、设备、软体或通讯线路故障或或任何发布资料者合理控制范 围外之原因所造成之⑴任何不准确、错误、延误或遗漏,(ii)没有履行责任,或(iii)任何此等数据、 资料或讯息的中断。
(b) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (ii) non-performance, or (iii) interruption in any such data, information or message, due either to any negligent act or omission by any Disseminating Party or to any “force majeure” (such as, without limitation, flood, extraordinary weather condition, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, power failure, equipment, software or communications line failure or malfunction) or any other case beyond the reasonable control of any Disseminating Party.
这一基本思想的拜火教是,自年初以来,那里已经存在的良好的精神(胡马自达或Ormazd )和精神的罪恶( Ahriman )谁是在永久的冲突,人伟大目标的战争。
The fundamental idea of Zoroastrianism is that since the beginning, there has existed a spirit of good (Ahura Mazda or Ormazd) and a spirit of evil (Ahriman) who are in perpetual conflict, with the soul of man as the great object of the war.
在神的人特别yashts致力於我们发现Ardvi苏拉的女神水域; Tishtrya
[...] ,恒星天狼星;米特拉神,神的光与真理的Fravashis ,正义, Verethragna [...]
,天才的胜利和在Kavaya Hvarenah , “王者的荣耀” ,神圣的光照亮了古老的伊朗国王。
Among the divinities to whom special yashts are devoted we find Ardvi Sura the goddess of waters; Tishtrya, the star Sirius;
Mithra, the divinity of light and truth; the
[...] Fravashis, ordeparted souls of the [...]
righteous, Verethragna, the genius of Victory
and the Kavaya Hvarenah, "kingly glory", the divine light illuminating the ancient kings of Iran.
为此,目前大多数镍氢电池快速充电器都采用-∆V 检测,当电池略有下降时,立即停止快速充电。
For this reason, most of the present Nickel Metal Hydride fast battery chargers, use high sensitivity negative delta voltage detection methods, to detect when the battery voltage shows only a minute reduction, at which point the fast charging process can be terminated.
认罪 现在停下来,求你,让你看见自己的罪,并求主 饶恕。
Pause now and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your sins and ask for forgiveness.
为 使 董 事酌 情 发 行 新 股 份 及 购 [...]
回 股 份 , 本 公 司 将 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 上 提 呈 普 通 决 议 案 , 授 予 董 事一般 授 权 , 授 权 彼 等 (i) 行 使 本 公 司
权 力 配 发 及 发 行 不 超 过 该 项 决 议 案 获 通过当 日 之 股 本 20 % 之 新 股 份 ; (ii) 购 回 不 超 过 该 项 决 议 案 获 通过当 日 之 股 本 10 % 之 股 份 ; 及 (iii) 待 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 上 通过普 通 决 议 案 批 准 一 般 授 权 後 , 藉 加 入 相 当 於 本 公 司 根 据 购 回 授 权 所 购 回 股 份之总 面 值 , 以 扩 大 发 行 授 权 。
In order to provide flexibility and [...]
discretion to the Directors to issue new Shares and repurchase Shares, ordinary resolutions
will be proposed at the AGM to grant to the Directors general mandates authorizing them (i) to exercise the powers of the Company to allot and issue new Shares up to an amount not exceeding 20% of the Share Capital as at the date of the passing of such resolution; (ii) to repurchase Shares not exceeding 10% of the Share Capital as at the date of the passing of such resolution; and (iii) subject to the passing of the ordinary resolutions approving the General Mandates at the AGM, to extend the Issue Mandate by an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of Shares repurchased by the Company pursuant to the Repurchase Mandate.
Not content with this innovation, BRM Tourbillon is distinguished by a mounting cage twice mounted flexible one goal: preserve the integrity of this exceptional mechanical shocks that could meet to wear.
调查同时发现接近五成(45%)受访上班族认知到服用营养保健品可保护关节或舒缓关节痛楚,而55%的被访者指出关节痛或活动接或间接影响到其工作效率及表现, 36%更影响到其家庭或社交生活,可见保持关节健康对整体人生甚为重要。
Nearly half of the respondents in the working class (45%) are aware that taking health supplements help maintain joint health or relieve joint pain. 55% pointed out that joint problems or limited movement have a direct or indirect impact on the work efficiency and performance. 36% felt that joint health affects their family / social life.
如果存档位於 CD
[...] 等卸除式媒体上,请先插入最後一张 CD,并於「复原示时依相反顺序插入其 他 CD。
If the archive is located on removable media, e.g. CD, first insert the last CD and then insert discs in reverse order when
[...] the Recovery Wizard prompts you.
对於分流器、智慧型输送带、封装机器等位置控制应用系统,PowerFlex525交流 变频器可用最具经济效益性的套装组合提供点对点定位功能,满足您的 所需。
And for position control applications such as diverters, smart conveyors and packaging machines, the PowerFlex 525 AC drive provides point to point positioning in a cost effective and flexible package to meet your needs.
在意大利法拉利总部的FIORANO跑道上,430 SCUDERIA经过调较的底盘,精准制动、转向和加速,让它无惧於最大马力的差距,成功挑战ENZO。
On the Fiorano race track, the fine-tuned chasis of 430 Scuderia is accurate in its moves, turns and acceleration, overcoming its issue of weight-horsepower ratio to challenge Enzo.
By off-loading the device's main CPU and replacing multiple hardwired accelerators for performance-intensive imaging and vision processing tasks, the highly-efficient CEVA-MM3101 dramatically reduces the power consumption of the overall system,while providing complete flexibility.
Useour wizardto search for courses [...]
or institutions, create shortlists, and view other important information.
SA2100伺服器为具成本效益数码影院应用技术, 采用无缝管道传输可替换内容;不同形式之内容如现场访问、萤幕广告及主题电影均可编排播放, 毋须重新设定伺服器及╱或投射器以配合不同之影像格式。
The SA2100 server is a cost-effective and flexible solution for digital cinema and alternative content sources to be playout in a seamless pipeline; various formats of content such as live interview, on-screen advertisement and feature films can be programmed to playout without the need to re-initialise the server and/or projector for different image formats.
The two monitor series "POS Line" and "Performance Line" provide highly modular platforms for professional touch applications represent Thanks to the flexibility of the product series can be as provide a modular system which is optimal for the particular application monitoring solution from industrial components together.
本 集 团 内 部 监 控 系 统 之 设 计,提 供 合 理 的 保 证,而 并 非 绝 对 保 证 能 够 避 免 出 现 重 大 错 误 或 损 失,并 管 理 及 消 除 营 运 系 统险,及 达 致 业 务 目 标。
The Group’s system of internal control is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss and to manage and eliminate risks of failure in operational systems and fulfillment of the business objectives.
为维持财,以便  贵集团可就未来投资及/或日後之业务发展进一步筹集资金,董事建议於股东特 别大会上寻求独立股东批准授出一般授权。
In order to maintain the financial flexibility to raise further capital to finance the Group’s future investments and/or future business developments, the Directors proposed to seek the approval of the Independent Shareholders at the EGM for the grant of the General Mandate.
除了一般的资料库管理功能,如编辑或设计资料表、资料写入、资料库转储、及建立或编辑使用者,其他有用的功能包括:汇入/汇出表建立工具、查询建立工具、自动完成程式码、资料/结构同步、批次作业排程、HTTP/SSH [...]
Besides general database administration functions like edit/design tables, data entry, SQL dump, and
create/edit users, other useful features include the
[...] Import/ExportWizard,Report Builder, [...]
Query Builder, Code Completion, Data/Structure
Synchronization, Batch Job Scheduler, HTTP/SSH Tunnel Connection, Backup and more.
Consisting seven segments (A to G) that can be either power or control segments, where one control segment consists of 12 circuits and one power segment consists of three circuits, the modular design of the SRC provides flexibility to increase circuit count up to 84 (control only) and allows for simple field repair and replacement of headers and connectors.




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