单词 | 灰阶值 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 灰阶值 noun —gray value nSee also:灰 adj—gray adj • grey adj • lime adj 灰 n—ash n • dust n 灰—discouraged • dejected 阶 n—stairs pl
每一个像 素其自身拥有的色彩或灰阶值。 motion.kodak.com | Each pixel has [...] its own color or grayscale value. motion.kodak.com |
当我们分别观察频道,他们呈现的是 灰阶 影 像 ,因为一个 频道内的每个像素实际上是强度值。 motion.kodak.com | When we view channels [...] separately, they appear as gray scale images because each pixel in a channel is actually an intensity value. motion.kodak.com |
默认情况下,“影像设 [...] 置”窗口包含以下选项卡:常规、尺寸、调整 (彩色/灰阶和黑白)以及 增强。 graphics.kodak.com | The Image Settings window includes the following tabs by default: General, Size, [...] Adjustments (color/grayscale and black and [...]white) and Enhancements. graphics.kodak.com |
否則,如果選擇了色彩偵測,則會將掃瞄應用程式中設定的 dpi 值,套用至彩色 / 灰階及黑白文件。 graphics.kodak.com | Otherwise, if Color Detection is [...] selected, the dpi value set in the scanning application is applied to both color/ grayscale and black and white. graphics.kodak.com |
对于黑白影像,这些设置会影响扫描仪分析用来制作电 子影像的文档灰阶版本的方式。 graphics.kodak.com | For black and white images, these [...] settings effect the grayscale version of the [...]document which the scanner analyzes to produce that electronic image. graphics.kodak.com |
对于挑战性的文档,生成灰阶版 本的文档,使您能够最终控制应用软件内的影像质量。 graphics.kodak.com | For challenging documents the grayscale version of the [...] document is produced, allowing you final control over image quality [...]within your application software. graphics.kodak.com |
不过,即便是在头六个月内,显然也有一些问题在 现 阶 段值 得一提。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, even within the first six-month period, there are some obvious [...] issues which merit mention at this stage. daccess-ods.un.org |
还需要政策应对以防止跨国企业将本国产业挤出市场、将本地生产者封锁在生产 进程中的低附加值阶段或带来不利的社会和环境影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Policy responses are also needed to prevent multinational enterprises from crowding out [...] domestic industries, locking local [...] producers into the lower value added segments of [...]the production process and creating undesirable [...]social and environmental impacts. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些设置仅适用于黑白 影像,而其他则适用于彩色 / 灰阶影像。 graphics.kodak.com | Some settings apply only to black and white images, others [...] apply to color/grayscale images. graphics.kodak.com |
柯达公司在 1922 [...] 年听取了摄影师的建议开发了全色黑白胶片, 它可以记录所有颜色,并将其准确还原 为 灰阶 影 调。 motion.kodak.com | Kodak heeded cinematographers’ suggestions in 1922, and [...] developed a panchromatic black-and-white film that recorded all colors and reproduced each [...] of them in accurate gray tones. motion.kodak.com |
正面和背面裁剪可个别执行,但是,对于双流扫描, 彩色 / 灰阶和黑白的裁剪必须每一面相同。 graphics.kodak.com | Front and Back cropping are independent, however, for dual stream [...] scanning, color/grayscale and black and [...]white cropping must be the same per side. graphics.kodak.com |
若使用 VRS 软件进行黑白扫描,则会显示灰阶影 像。 graphics.kodak.com | If scanning in black and white using [...] VRS software, a grayscale image will be [...]displayed. graphics.kodak.com |
檢查掃瞄的影像,然後在 Kofax VRS 「影像品質」標籤中執行下 列步驟:如果要讓 Kofax VRS [...] 自動設定每個影像的亮度,請按一 下自動調整亮度,然後再按一下亮度與對比度,以設定亮度、對比 度及灰階係數的值。 graphics.kodak.com | Inspect the scanned image and do the following on the Kofax VRS Image Quality tab: click Auto Brightness if you want Kofax VRS to automatically [...] set the brightness of each image, and click Brightness & [...] Contrast to set the values for Brightness, Contrast [...]and Gamma. graphics.kodak.com |
连续复合期权估计的是这些投资的阶 段 价 值 , 一 个接一个,而同阶段 复合期权是同时来估计这些期权的价值。 crystalballservices.com | The Sequential Compound Option evaluates these investments in stages, one after another over time, while the simultaneous option evaluates these options in concurrence. crystalballservices.com |
水的石灰含量会影响 PH 值,即,石灰含量 将决定水产生中性、酸性还是碱性反应。 oase-livingwater.com | The lime content of [...] the water influences the pH value, i.e. lime content determines [...]whether the water will have a neutral, acidic, or alkaline reaction. oase-livingwater.com |
提高对档案认识的讲习班为所有方案管理人提供必要的信息,以确保各部门 的记录得到妥善处置,并且具备长期和永久 价 值 的 记录 分 阶 段 移交工作将从余留 事项处理机制起始日开始。 daccess-ods.un.org | The archives awareness-building workshop has provided all programme managers with the information required to ensure that the records of their offices are [...] appropriately disposed of, [...] and that the phased transfer of records of long-term to permanent value will begin as [...]from the commencement [...]date of the Residual Mechanism. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,只对增加的价值征税(全阶段 净税 原则)。 gza.ch | Consequently, only the value added is taxed (net all-phase principle). gza.ch |
若进行双流扫描,则会显示彩色 / 灰阶影像。 graphics.kodak.com | If scanning in dual [...] stream, a color/grayscale image will be [...]displayed. graphics.kodak.com |
根据文档内容创建彩色 / 灰阶或黑白影像,示例 1。 graphics.kodak.com | Creating color/grayscale or black and [...] white images based on the content of your documents, Example 1. graphics.kodak.com |
如果您使用此选项,您必须为每一 个影像类型 (黑白、灰阶和彩色)指定您要删除的空白影像大小。 graphics.kodak.com | If you use this option, you must specify a blank image size for each image type [...] (Black and White, Grayscale and Color) you [...]want to delete. graphics.kodak.com |
如果相对于黑白文档,返回的彩色 / 灰阶文档太多,则改成 高选项然后重新运行工作。 graphics.kodak.com | If too many documents were [...] returned as color/grayscale vs. black and [...]white, then change to the High option and re-run the job. graphics.kodak.com |
他还 说,出口值增加“表明在出口阶段 大量 低 值 钻 石不合法”,这证实了小组在其前 几份报告中提出的关切问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also states that the [...] increase in export value “suggests that large quantities of low value diamonds are not [...]being legalized at [...]the export stage”, which supports concerns raised by the Panel in previous reports. daccess-ods.un.org |
该软件具有六种格式化编辑控件,方便您快速验证数据,您可以使用布尔控件来显示用户外观的真 /假 / 灰 度 值 , 或 者使用备忘录控件来显示大量的文本信息。 evget.com | Take advantage of the six formatted edit controls to quickly validate data, [...] use the boolean control to display a [...] custom true/false/grayed value appearance or use [...]the memo control to display large amounts of text. evget.com |
从图中我们可以看到,第一阶段在第一年的投资额为 500 万美元(现 值),第二阶段第二年的投资额为 8000 万美元(现值)。 crystalballservices.com | In the illustration, the Phase I investment of [...] –$5M (in present value dollars) in Year 1 is followed by Phase II investment [...]of – $80M (in present value dollars) in Year 2. crystalballservices.com |
两个区域未洗原煤的JORC标准煤炭资源量(“风干”基)总计为3.738亿吨,相对密度为1.54~1.71g/ cc , 灰 分 为22.97~38.69%, 热 值 为 41 28~5083Kacl/kg,内部水分2.21~2.9%,挥发分26.66~33.30%,硫分0.89~3.12%(平均低于1%),固定碳31.81~41.52%。 tipschina.gov.cn | JORC compliant coal resources for UNWASHED RAW COAL on an "Air Dry" basis for the two areas have been reported as totaling [...] 373.8 Mt, Relative Density [...] 1.54-1.71 g/cc, Ash 22.97-38.69%, Calorific Value 4,128-5,083 Kcal/kg, [...]Internal Moisture 2.21-2.9%, [...]Volatile Matter 26.66-33.30%, Sulfur 0.89-3.12% (average < 1%) content, Fixed Carbon 31.81-41.52%. tipschina.gov.cn |
草稿 (混合):可让您选择用于决定像素是黑还是白 的 灰 度 阈 值。 graphics.kodak.com | Draft (Fixed): allows you [...] to select the grayscale threshold used [...]to determine if a pixel is black or white. graphics.kodak.com |
基本法》具有宪法价值,其位阶高于 其他法律,订立了澳门特区法律制度 的基本原则和核心规范。 daccess-ods.un.org | It sets out the general principles and fundamental norms underpinning the MSAR legal system. daccess-ods.un.org |
現時的修訂堵塞「暫 時停工」定義的灰色㆞帶,我認為值 得 本 局支持。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed amendment will do [...] away with the grey area in the definition of "lay off" and I think it deserves this Council's [...]support. legco.gov.hk |
对数现值收益法将所有的未来现金估计转换为两部分 现 值 之 和 ,一个是第 一 阶 段 的现 值,另外一个是现阶段的现值(图 B3)。 crystalballservices.com | The Logarithmic Present Value Returns Approach to estimating volatility collapses all future cash flow estimates into two present value sums, one for the [...] first time period and another for the present time (Figure B3). crystalballservices.com |
是根據ISO 12647-7,包括打稿紙張顏色、CMYK實地的偏差寬容度 (即是與目標值之最大差別)、印張均勻度、階調 增 值 、 中 灰 、 IT 8.7/4及IDEAlliance 控制色帶顏色要求。 aptec.hkprinters.org | it is based on ISO 12647-7, including substrate color, deviation tolerance of CMYK solids [...] (i.e. maximum [...] difference from aim values) and within-sheet variation, TVI (Tone Value Increase), neutral gray, IT8.7/4 and IDEAlliance [...]color control strip. aptec.hkprinters.org |