

单词 火眼金睛识真假

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劉江華議員金睛火眼”地 看着我,他稍 後可以談談的。
Mr LAU Kong-wah is staring hard at me; he can rise to speak again later.
關炘榮醫生表示真正能 改善眼敏感患者生活質素的療法必須具針對性,能阻斷 H1-受體及抑 制人眼睛結膜肥大細胞釋出組織胺,同時治標治本。
The breakthrough of the new generation of eye allergy therapy, Olopatadine, lies in its unique functions: It inhibits the H1-receptor and stabilizes [...]
the human conjunctival mast cell at the same time.
民眾眼睛真是雪 亮的,任憑怎樣說、怎樣吹噓也沒有效果,人 們會看他的實際表現是怎樣的。
No matter how hard one boasts of himself, the people would always see him in the light of his actual performance.
譬如,他们要确保新的信息真正理 解;一旦 现有的识假设受到挑战,他们要建设性的协调解决;他们要确保专业学习富有成 果;他们还要激励教师继续把新的学习运用到实践当中去。
These include: ensuring that teachers understand new
information, engaging dissonance
[...] constructively when existing assumptions are challenged, ensuring that [...]
teachers have productive
opportunities to learn, and providing incentives for teachers to continue to enact the new learning in practice.
[...] 少一部分虹膜和瞳孔的成像资料;照亮一个有虹膜 和瞳孔的未识别的人的眼睛;对未 被 识 别 的人的 至少同一部分虹膜和瞳孔至少取一次成像;将取得 [...]
的至少虹膜的成像与已保存的成像资料比较以识别 该未被识别的人。
A method of identification of a person, comprising: storing image information of at least a portion
of the iris and pupil of the
[...] person’s eye; illuminating an eye, of an unidentified person having [...]
an iris and a pupil; obtaining
at least one image of at least the same portion of the iris and pupil of the eye of the unidentified person; and comparing at least the iris portion of the obtained image with the stored image information to identify the unidentified person.
金额根 据暴力犯罪所造成的下述重大损害确定:因无法工作而造成的 损害,受害者的医疗费用,因受害者死亡所造成的重大损害, 眼 镜 、 假 牙 、眼镜及 其他替代身体官能的器具造成的损害,给衣服造成的损害,以及受害者 的丧葬费用。
The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of the following material damage caused by a crime of violence: damage arising from incapacity for work, expenses for the medical treatment of the victim, material damage arising from the death of the victim, damage caused to spectacles, dentures, contact lenses [...]
and other appliances
substituting for bodily functions and to clothes, and the victim’s funeral expenses.
除這些標準金額外,綜援計劃亦有各類以特別津貼形式發 放的非標準金額,以協助個別受助人或家庭應付特殊需要,包括支付金、學 費和其他教育開支、醫務人員建議的特別膳食 眼 鏡 和 假牙 等項目的開支。
They include payments to cover such
[...] expenses as rent, school fees and other educational expenses, medically recommended diets, spectacles and dentures.
我们大家必须识到, 和谈开始以来,以色列面 临的威胁已经变得更加多样和更加危险:伊朗代理人 哈马斯真主党的火箭弹、全球恐怖主义和伊朗追求 核武器的企图。
We must all recognize that since the
advent of peace talks, the
[...] threats facing Israel have grown more diverse and dangerous: the rockets of Iranian proxies Hamas and Hizbullah, global terrorism and the pursuit of nuclear weapons by Iran.
AdlibVideo有激情,知识和专业识的 眼睛 和 想 法,使您的商务视频看起来比一般的视频。
AdlibVideo has the passion,
[...] the knowledge and expertise, the eyes and ideas to make [...]
your business video look more than an average video.
伊朗和叙利亚通过提供火、培训和 金 —— 这一切都粗暴违反了第 1701(2006)号决议和今天的 决议——来支真主党 ,而在这两国的支持下,真主 党正在黎巴嫩各地,包括在利塔尼河以南和联黎部队 行动区,建立致命的武库。
With Iranian and Syrian
[...] support through arms, training and financing — all of which are flagrant violations of resolution 1701 (2006) and of today’s resolution — Hizbullah is building [...]
a deadly arsenal throughout
Lebanon, including south of the Litani River and in the area of UNIFIL’s operation.
全面介眼睛和眼镜知识,提 供眼保健知识和验光配镜咨询。
[...] introduction eye and eyeglasses knowledge, provides eye health care knowledge and optometry [...]
matches mirror consultation.
因为圣灵的工作和大能,信徒才得以用属灵 眼睛 看 见和 认 识 耶 稣就是基督,他比 我们还了解我们。
The work of the Holy Spirit is
the power by which believers come to Christ
[...] and see with new eyes of faith, He is closer to us than we are to ourselves.
这是一个人会识到受审判的地方, 真 有 火 烧 的 地方,是罪永 远受刑罚的地方。
It is a place of literal fire. It is punishment for sin eternally.
电焊是一种在瞬间强电流作用下产生的一种高温作业.它主要是使同一种(或不同 种 ) 金 属 在 高温下溶解而融合在一起,但在此同时会产生一种强烈的光线,而其中的紫外线对人的眼睛视网膜会造成不可想象的伤害,业内人士称为"被电焊打到了",因此在电焊作业时一定要保护好自己 眼睛 , 佩 戴一 付 真 正 安 全的防护眼镜,BASTO电焊眼 镜 , 真 正 保 护您的双眼不受伤害.
It is mainly the same ( or different ) metal dissolved at high temperature and fused together, but at the same time will produce a strong light, and ultraviolet on human eye retina can cause unimaginable the harm, the industry called" to be welded hit", so the welding work must protect their eyes, wearing a really safe protective eyewear, BASTO welding [...]
glasses, to protect your eyes from being hurt.
我不知立法會有沒火 警 演假 如 真 的發生火 警 ,根據常識, 便 是 在 開 始 時 數分鐘 , 當 火勢仍 不算猛 烈 時,在 任 何環境,不 論 是 在 [...]
家 裏 的 廚 房 、 在 寫 字 樓 、在餐 廳 或在私 家 車
內 , 我們一般都 會 嘗 試 自 行 救 火 , 當 事人的第 一 反應一 定是最 有 效 的 。
I do not
[...] know whether fire drills are held in this Council. Should a fire really break out, our [...]
common sense will tell us
to attempt to put out the fire by ourselves when the fire is not burning very fiercely during the first few minutes, no matter whether we are in our kitchens at home, offices, restaurants or private cars.
[...] 輛、汽車零件、光碟母版製作和複製設備、盜版光碟、毒品、應課稅 香煙、視像器材、爆竹煙花、彈藥 火 、 附有 虛 假 商 標或 虛 假 產 地來 源聲明的物品,此外,還有偷運非法入境者的活動。
Articles smuggled include vehicles, vehicle parts, optical disc mastering and replication equipment, pirated discs, narcotics, dutiable
cigarettes, video
[...] equipment, fireworks, ammunition, articles bearing false trademark or false origin declaration, [...]
and illegal immigrants.
第三,我覺得香港市民今真的要擦 亮 眼睛 , 看 看誰在阻撓香 港實行普選。
Third, I believe Hong Kong people
[...] have to open up their eyes to see for themselves [...]
who are those obstructing the implementation
of universal suffrage in Hong Kong.
綜援計劃還設有多種以特別津貼形式發放的非標準 金額援金,以應付例如金、學 費和其他教育開支、醫生建議膳 食眼鏡和假牙等費用。
A wide range of
[...] non-standard payments in the form of special grants are also payable to meet expenses such as rent, school fees and other educational expenses, medically recommended diets, spectacles and dentures, etc.
計劃特別照顧有需要的長者,向他們發放較高的標金額(每名長者每月可獲發 2,150 元至 3,885 元不等),特別津 貼(包眼鏡、假牙、 搬遷費用、往來醫院/診所的交通費,殮 葬津貼,以及醫生建議的膳食和醫療及衞生用品的開支),以及 每年獲發一次的長期個案補助金。
It takes special care of the needy elderly through
the provision of
[...] higher standard rates (ranging from $2,150 to $3,885 per month per elderly person), special grants (including payments to cover glasses, dentures, removal expenses, [...]
fares to hospitals/clinics,
burial grant, medically-recommended diet, medical and health care appliances) as well as an annual long-term supplement.
蘋果公司的“ 鬼馬 主腦” 喬布斯請假,退下火線, 便令公司股價大跌一成,足以證明創 意人才抵金。
took sick leave and stepped down, the stock price of the company dropped by as much as 10%. This proves that [...]
creative human capital is worth great riches.
甚至可以在满月冥想中想象,您和太阳同频,不用管外边是否白天黑夜,在意识开发后会看到太阳,充满活力的、有 识 的 火 球 在 漆黑的宇宙空间中升起......然后可以想象,从太阳表面喷出火热的“岩浆”,也许 真 正 看 见......您可以观想,半透明的“岩浆”能量和您沟通,如同宇宙“脐带”和太阳,您通过这个脐带吸收强大的太阳能量......在太阳上就生活着生命,他们的身体非常细腻,他们是太阳系统一定层次的强大管理者。
During the full-moon meditation, you can imagine that you tune to the actual Sun; regardless of whether there is dark outside, in expanded state of mind, you will
see the sun as it
[...] floats as a live conscious ball of fire in black cosmic space... Then you can imagine how hot magma syringes from the sun surface; you might even REALLY see this... You [...]
can visualize that stripe
of semi-transparent magmatic energy connects you to the Sun as a cosmic “navel cord” and through this cord, you draw powerful energy from the Sun... Directly inside the Sun, creatures live with fine bodies; these creatures are powerful administrators of particular levels of solar-system existence.
当有更过的视觉信息进眼睛时, 真实感就更加强烈,比如 70 毫米拷贝的影像信息。
The feeling of reality is more intense when there is additional visual information, as with a 70 mm print.
金属软 管的材质为1.4541不锈钢,并 真 空 退 火 处 理
These metallic hoses are made of 1.4541 stainless steel and are vacuum annealed.
为了加强 比利时打击身份欺诈行为的能力,该国已设想加强 假 证 件 识 别 专 家与政府之 间的合作。
With a view to improving Belgium’s
ability to fight identity fraud, stronger collaboration
[...] between experts on false documents and the Government [...]
was envisaged.
上星期,財務委員會通過因應通脹而增加綜援金額,雖然加幅不能抵銷 食物價格上升,政府也總算是做了一些工夫,但對於那些沒領取綜援、希望 自力更生、每天做到金睛火眼”而 只掙得“雞碎咁多”的勞動階層,政府 又做了甚麼來幫助他們呢?
The increase in such rates cannot offset the rise in food prices, but the Government has made some efforts after all.
格里布尔(不想看到另一个地球男孩失去了他的母亲) 火 星 的 眼睛 , 他 会试图挽救他的妈妈,并给它米洛的母亲,显示了火星人的一件事,他们能找到的太空头盔忽略地球妈妈:爱自己的孩子。
Before the eyes of the Martians, Gribble (not wanting to see another Earth boy lose his mother) manages to find the space helmet he’d attempted [...]
to save his mom with
and gives it to Milo’s mother, showing the Martians the one thing they had overlooked about Earth moms: love for their children.
此外,12 至 64 歲的嚴重殘疾人士,亦可每月獲發交通補
[...] 助金,以鼓勵他們更多外出參與活動。除了上述的標準金額及補助金 外,綜援計劃還設有多種以特別津貼形式發放的非標準金額援助金, 以協助受助人應付特定需要,例如 金 、 學 費和其他教育開支、醫生 建議膳食眼鏡和假牙等費用。
These include payments for rent, school fees
[...] and other educational expenses, diets recommended on medical grounds, spectacles and dentures, etc.
另据解释,其中提及在知识产权登记处登记知识产权 (而不是知识产权担保权),这样做 假 设 是, 知 识 产 权相关法律允许在知识产 权登记处登记一项担保权通知或文件使之具有对抗第三方效力(见 [...]
A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.42/Add.3,第 4 段)。
It was also explained that reference was made to registration of an intellectual property right (and not a security right in intellectual
property) in an intellectual
[...] property registry on the assumption that law relating [...]
to intellectual property allowed the registration
of a notice or document of a security right in an intellectual property registry with third-party effects (see A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.42/Add.3, para. 4).
安全理事会第 2021(2011)号决议第 7 段鼓励所有国家,特别是该区域各 国,继续提高对联合国专家组尽职调查准则的 识 , 尤 其是在 金 业 , 以此作为 更广泛努力的一部分,减轻进一步资助刚果(金)武装力量内的武装团体和犯罪网 络的风险。
By paragraph 7 of resolution 2021 (2011), the Security Council encouraged all States, particularly
those in the region, to
[...] continue to raise awareness of the United Nations Group of Experts due diligence guidelines, in particular in the gold sector as part [...]
of broader efforts to
mitigate the risk of further financing armed groups and criminal networks within FARDC.
但有些反對利他主義的㆟士就會 指出,利他主義往往成為壓迫婦女 假真 理 ,要婦女在這個社會發展過程㆗,心甘情願處 於輔助性的㆞位,為他㆟,尤其是為丈夫、兒子或兄弟犧牲自己的發展潛能。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, their sons or their brothers.




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