单词 | 火曜日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 火曜日—Tuesday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)日曜日—Sunday (used in Ancient Chinese astronomy)See also:火n—firen firespl 火—ammunition internal heat (Chinese medicine) surname Huo fiery or flaming hot (popular) 曜—glorious one of the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy
台北,台湾-2011年10月24日-TteSPORTS-高性能专业电竞的代名词,持续贯彻曜越科技的终极使命「致力于创造完美的用户经验」! ttesports.com.cn | October 24th, 2011- Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, the leader of gaming and a sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is exciting to [...] announce SAPHIRA, world’s [...]most advanced pro-gaming engineering technology on mouse, and White-Ra’s Limited Edition signature mouse pad. ttesports.fr |
台北,台湾 -2011年11月4日--曜越科技旗下首屈一指的电竞品牌事业处Tt eSPORTS电竞数字专用耳机震撼者一号(SHOCK One)首次与穿越火线(Cross Fire,简称CF)连手合作企图再度打造射击游戏高峰。 ttesports.com.cn | November 9th, 2011- Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, a sub-division brandof Thermaltake, isexcited to publicly announcing the first debut join-force partnership with Cross Fire (CF),a FPS [...] game created by South Korean game developer NEOWIZ. ttesports.fr |
TtFUN曜乐娱乐网为曜越集团於2012年创立之娱乐媒体平台,集结一切最丰富、好看、好玩的有趣消息,内容包含「最火快报」与「曜FUNTV」,并统合时下最夯的电竞擂台、游戏广场、酷搜娱乐、科技潮流、电影快报、动漫关注多元资讯、「好康活动」、「曜点歌」、「快乐PLAY」等多元丰富的一流资讯。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Tt Fun is an online entertainment media [...] established by Thermaltake in 2012. Uniting the most diverse and interesting latest news, Tt Funintroduces [...]e-Sports and digital [...]entertainment, games, technology trends, movies, animation and comic to general consumers. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
在报告期 [...] 间,该平台在应对影响会员国的自然灾害频发状况中发挥着重要的协调作 用,这些灾害中最着名的包括海地地震,巴基斯坦和贝宁的洪灾,印度尼西 亚海啸和火山喷发,以及日本的地震和海啸。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Platform undertook its important coordination role in response to the high number of natural disasters that affected Member States during the reporting period, most notably in the Haiti [...] earthquake, floods in Pakistan and [...] Benin, tsunami andvolcanic eruptionin Indonesia, earthquake and tsunami in Japan). unesdoc.unesco.org |
但由於来自市场对於键盘、滑鼠与耳机需求的日益增加,故曜越科技决定於2010年以「Tt eSPORTS」做为电子竞技产品的品牌,推出游戏键盘、滑鼠与耳机等一系列的产品线,希望藉由「Tt [...] eSPORTS」的这个全新品牌来延伸游戏市场的硬体产品广度,同时期盼着能够创造更多的个人化游戏硬体提供全世界热衷游戏於玩家族群们。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Due to the constant requests for keyboards and mice from [...] gamers and end users, Thermaltakedecided to create [...]a series of gaming keyboards, mice, [...]and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
小组委员会就织女星运载火箭在2012 年 2 月13日成功发射向欧空局表示 祝贺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee congratulated ESA on the [...] successful launch of the Vega launcher on13 February 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
在上述这一段期间,除其他外,俄罗斯联邦一直严重违反国际法基本原则和 规范、其多边和双边的义务,以及 2008 年 8 月12日签署的停火协议的几乎每一 项规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Throughout this period, the Russian Federation remains in grave violation of the fundamental principles and norms of international law, as well as of its multilateral and [...] bilateral obligations, and practically every [...] provisionof the ceasefireagreementsigned on 12August 2008,[...]among others. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国大会第 36/67 号 决议将每年的这一天定为非暴力和停火日,它为各组织、国家和个人承诺并开 展建设和平文化的行动提供了一个机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Established [...] as anannual day of non-violence andceasefire by the UN General [...]Assembly under resolution 36/67, it provides [...]an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to commit to or engage in actions to build a culture of peace. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今年参展厂商比起往年减少,但是大厂索尼电脑娱乐并未缺席,其他还有以「霹雳神州Online」参展的智乐堂、电竞周边产品的曜越科技、带来音乐游戏「maimai」的SEGA、日本手机社群游戏厂商-DeNA,「坦克世界」俄罗斯厂商Wargaming,以及其它数位设计、教学相关、3C电子产品相关的厂商参展。 taiwanslot.com.tw | There were also many operators attending the show, including Zealot Digital bringing “PILI SHEN ZHOU [...] Online”, Thermaltake [...] Technology eSPORTS (Tt eSPORTS) bringing e-sports products related, SEGA bringing musical games like “maimai”, DeNAbringing Japanmobile social game, [...]Russia exhibitor Wargaming [...]bringing “World of Tanks”, and other exhibitors bringing digital design, teaching products, and 3C products related. taiwanslot.com.tw |
现在,全球停火和非暴力日比以往任何时候都 更聚焦于希望在和平进程中发挥积极作用的个 人。 peaceoneday.org | Now more than [...] ever before, the dayof global ceasefire and non-violence [...]provides a focus for individuals who wish to become active in the peace process. peaceoneday.org |
曜越科技自1999年起秉持『致力於创造完美的使用者经验』之企业使命,与旗下专业电脑DIY品牌【Thermaltake】以稳健的脚步持续延续品牌和产品创新独具之精神,在业界拥有屹立不摇的地位!自2002年起,Thermaltake推出了第一代Bigwater [...][...] SE水冷散热器,提供全方位且多元的散热商品,包括DIY式、外接式、All-In-One、水气冷waterblock、水冷散热系统机壳等,Thermaltake产品设计师及工程师成功将理性与感性融合於产品之中,用以洞烛机先的精准眼光,不断早一步发掘并满足使用者需求,屡屡透过创新科技的应用改写历史,不但备受消费者推崇,更屡获全球各项大奖肯定。 thermaltakecorp.com | Thermaltake, thego-ahead for [...] the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the PC gaming hardware and DIY market development [...]was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid -cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology. thermaltakecorp.com |
台北,台湾- 2012年10月15日-蔚为电脑DIY市场领导品牌的佼佼者,曜越始终秉持「致力於创造完美使用者经验」的企业理念,竭力钻研消费者需求,全新发表的Thermaltake Evo Blue 2.0电源供应器,承继2009年广受好评的Evo Blue电竞系列电源供应器品牌经典,亦延续电竞动能精神,推出全球首款结合智能涡轮(Turbo Charge)功能与电竞美学概念的Evo Blue 2.0电源供应器,誓言以其崭新抢眼外型与极致效能引发狂潮,再次启动电竞能量新世代!全新一代Evo [...][...] Blue 2.0电源供应器,完美结合优质效能和电竞时尚外观设计,让这款新世代Evo Blue 2.0电源供应器里外兼备,拥有一身矫健的好身手,同时蕴藏渊博的设计语汇与科技内涵。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Taipei, Taiwan – October 15, 2012 – In 2009 with aesthetic design in mind, Thermaltake launched the first gaming PSU series – the Evo Blue which stands out from the crowd with different and refreshing appearance. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
曜越科技Thermaltake所推出的「机壳」、「散热器」、「电源供应器」一直都风行于DIY市场及金字塔顶端的玩家族群中并成为全球DIY电脑首选品牌的地位。 ttesports.com.cn | Thermaltake isa well known [...] brand for gaming & DIY in Case, Cooler, and PSU for years. Due to the constant requests for [...]keyboards and mice from gamers and end users, Thermaltake decided to create a series of gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand. ttesports.fr |
台北,台湾-2013年3月22日-曜越TteSPORTS身为世界电竞领导品牌,专为职业电竞玩家打造一流的电子竞技配备,史无前例首只由台湾职业电竞选手-曜越太阳神队星海战队第一好手「亚洲人皇」SoftBall与曜越TteSPORTS所联手打造而成的逸品,不仅展现出 曜越TteSPORTS高超的研发实力与丰富的开发经验,更是浓缩了人皇SoftBall长年电竞经验与高深实力的精髓,《闪猎THERON 雷射引擎电竞滑鼠》的诞生,从设计研发到完成,再以全球电竞领导品牌的权威姿态将想像力、创新力和竞争力集结於电竞配备上,搭配卓越的设计思维,优越的技术,以画龙点睛之效果一举拿下『2012红点设计奖 [...] Red Dot Design Awards』。 ttesports.com.tw | Its beautifully trimmed bodylines and its perfect mouse grip and placement of the side buttons are awarded by the reddot Design Award (click here for more information), a prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the organizer of reddot. ttesports.es |
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包括曜越纪念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可以让所有玩家及粉丝疯狂享受最刺激的战斗模式。 ttesports.com.cn | Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and [...] SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also going [...] to give you the Tt eSPORTScollector’s [...]edition cards and paints, all can be [...]found in Cross Fire (CF) shooting game. ttesports.fr |
台北, 台湾 - 2011年10月31日-曜越科技落实企业一贯「致力於创造完美的使用者经验」的使命,持续以打造「享受娱乐、电竞、科技、生活的品牌文化」为企业愿景,致力於提供消费者性能卓越且品质优良的产品来大幅提升系统的效能。 thermaltakecorp.com | Taipei, Taiwan-October 31, 2011-Thermaltake,being theindustry [...] pioneer brand in thermal solutions with the mission of [...]“delivering the perfect user experience,” carrying the corporate vision of “building Thermaltake Technology into a cultural brand for the enjoyment of entertainment, e-Sports, technology, and lifestyle,” featured the Contac CPU air cooling Series that aids in fulfilling various needs in the market as well as the corporate mission of “delivering the perfect user experience. thermaltakecorp.com |
TtFUN曜乐娱乐网为曜越集团於2012年创立之娱乐媒体平台,集结一切最丰富、好看、好玩的有趣消息,内容包含「最火快报」与「曜FUNTV」,并统合时下最夯的电竞擂台、游戏广场、酷搜娱乐、科技潮流、电影快报、动漫关注多元资讯、「好康活动」、「曜点歌」、「快乐PLAY」等多元丰富的一流资讯。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Uniting the most diverse and [...] interesting latest news, Tt Fun introduces e-Sports [...]and digital entertainment, games, technology [...]trends, movies, animation and comic to general consumers. taiwanexcellence.in |
俄 罗斯继续奉行侵犯格鲁吉亚领土完整的政策,破坏 2008 年 8 月12日的停火协议,进一步将被占领地区 军事化,拒绝一切对话的建议,对格鲁吉亚发出侵略 [...] 性军事言论,它将很难改变我国持有的看法,即:俄 罗斯是一个具有敌意的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | By continuing the policy of violating [...] Georgia’s territorial integrity, by breaching the [...] 12August 2008 ceasefireagreement, by further [...]militarizing the occupied regions, [...]by rejecting all offers of dialogue and by pursuing aggressive military rhetoric against Georgia, Russia will hardly manage to change the perception of my country that Russia is a hostile State. daccess-ods.un.org |
日袭击事件之前的事态发展中,停火破裂后于11月4日发生了一系列事件, 其中,以色列在加沙打死了一名巴勒斯坦人,从加沙发射了迫击炮弹以报复,然 [...] 后以色列发动了空袭在加沙又打死了六名巴勒斯坦人;换言之,停火破裂似乎主 要是以色列违反的结果,虽然这在法律上、道义上或政治上并不能成为向平民目 [...]标发射火箭的借口,向平民目标发射火箭本身就是明显违反了国际人道主义法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the course of events preceding the attacks of 27 December, the [...] breakdown of the truce followed a series of incidents on4 November inwhich Israel [...]killed a Palestinian [...]in Gaza, mortars were fired from Gaza in retaliation, and then an Israeli air strike was launched that killed an additional six Palestinians in Gaza; in other words, the breakdown of the ceasefire seems to have been mainly a result of Israeli violations, although this offers no legal, moral or political excuse for firing of rockets aimed at civilian targets, which itself amounts to a clear violation of international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
吉利还直接与每个大洲的 [...] 30000 多名年轻人和教师进行了谈话,录制了他们 对联合国停火和非暴力日的诉求,全长共417 小时。 peaceoneday.org | Jeremy also spoke directly with over 30,000 young people and teachers in [...] every continent, recording 417 hours of their thoughts on the need for a [...] United Nations dayof ceasefire and non-violence. peaceoneday.org |
关方面切实遵守日前达成的停火承诺,保持克制,避 免单方面挑衅行动,避免导致无辜平民的伤亡,推动 事态尽快地恢复平静。 daccess-ods.un.org | China hopes that the parties will [...] effectively honour the ceasefirecommitments theymaderecently,exercise restraint, [...]refrain from unilateral [...]and provocative actions and avoid unnecessary innocent civilian casualties so as to stabilize the situation and restore calm on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,Apollo亦精通箭术,百发百中,从未射失;故曜越太阳神即以其为象徵,代表团队光明磊落与热情,甫以前头冠以集团名称及队中有多名选手,称为曜越太阳神(Thermaltake Apollos)。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo also mastered in archery; he could shoot with unfailing accuracy. This was where Tt APOLLOS got the name from, symbolizing integrity and passion of the team. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
但由于近年来电子竞技的活跃与成长,玩家对键盘、耳机、与滑鼠的要求日益增加,故曜越科技于2010年正式推出Tt eSPORTS做为电竞产品的全新品牌,推出以专业电竞玩家为主的一系列相关电子竞技产品,希望藉由Tt eSPORTS的这个全新品牌来延伸全球游戏市场的电竞产品广度,同时期盼能够创造更多个人化的游戏硬体需求,提供全世界热衷游戏的专业玩家一个更舒适的理想电竞环境。 [...][...] Tt eSPORTS不仅提供玩家终极的游戏设备,也实现完成最后胜利的热情。 ttesports.com.cn | By using Tt eSPORTS, we want to extend our product lines into the gaming industry, and provide more ''personalized gaming'' gears to gamers and enthusiasts worldwide. ttesports.fr |
光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫是展位上最闪耀的一颗星;同时,白大妈『White-Ra』也很清楚的表逹出SAPHIRA圣武士的出现将会带给玩家们与众不同的电竞手感,因为SAPHIRA圣武士勘称是他目前最满意的代表作且此举也响应了曜越TteSPORTS也会持续秉持着「致力于创造完美的使用者经验」的终极使命提供更多的电竞舞台空间。 ttesports.com.cn | On our booth you can see the brand new “White-Ra” gaming [...] peripherals which include the “Special [...] Tactics” MousePadandthe Tt eSPORTS “Saphira” gaming [...]mouse, which have both been expertly [...]developed, based on Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk’s feedback and suggestions to create the perfect end user experience. ttesports.es |
曜越TteSPORTS这次非常有荣幸地能与重量级星际选手『White-Ra』并肩共同推出光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫,成功的吸取电竞比赛中硬件配备的环节并置入产品中。 ttesports.com.cn | Tt eSPORTS is honored to [...] have White-Ra as a member of design team. His experience of winning SCII titles is saying a lot; [...]the unbelievable 10-match win streak in the lower bracket of the Major League Gaming Anaheim 2011, and the glorious triumph of IGN Pro League’s 2nd Season to HomeStory Cup 2. ttesports.fr |
亚洲七号卫星於2011年11月26日由ILS质子火箭在哈萨克斯坦之拜科努尔发射基地发射升空,计划於2014年年底接替於东经一百零五点五度轨道位置运作的亚洲三号S卫星。 asiasat.com | AsiaSat 7 was launched by ILS Proton Breeze M vehicle from Baikonur, Kazakhstan on 26 November 2011. The satellite is designed to replace AsiaSat 3S at the orbital location of 105.5 degrees East in late 2014. asiasat.com |
1974年7月15日塞浦路斯希腊族人以及支持与希腊结盟的亲希腊分子在塞浦路斯发动政变,土耳其进行了军事干预并在岛北部建立了土耳其族的控制,1974年8月16日实际停火达成后,安全理事会继续监测塞浦路斯岛局势,包括秘书长斡旋的进展情况。 un.org | Subsequent to a coup d'état in Cyprus on 15 July 1974 by Greek Cypriot and Greek elements favoring union with Greece, military intervention by Turkey that established Turkish Cypriot control over the [...] northern part of the island, and [...] conclusion of a defacto ceasefire on 16 August 1974, [...]the Security Council has continued to monitor [...]the situation on the island, including the progress of good offices of the Secretary-General. un.org |