单词 | 火把节 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 火把节 —Torch FestivalSee also:火把 n—torches pl • torch n 火 n—fire n • fires pl 火—ammunition • internal heat (Chinese medicine) • fiery or flaming • surname Huo • hot (popular)
同时,螺栓外形相似的恐慌节目的 拍摄过程中,不小心敲在一 些 火把 , 火 竹 篙 被困在里面设置完善的阶段。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | At the same time, the [...] Bolt-lookalike panics during the show’s filming and accidentally knocks over some flaming torches, setting the sound stage on fire with Penny [...]trapped inside. seekcartoon.com |
出现少许小河,节省野火精神,并把 他 带 到安全的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Little Creek [...] appears, saves Spirit from the wildfire, and takes him to safety. seekcartoon.com |
当一个以色列女孩把奥林匹克火炬传 给了一个巴勒斯坦男孩时,总干事和他 (她)们一起手握火炬。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He joined hands with an Israeli girl and a Palestinian boy as she passed the Olympic flame on to the young Palestinian. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(d) 电视动作/情节连续剧“24”的第八个 季 节 目 前 把 联 合国作为故事情节 的中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The eighth season of the television action/drama series “24” is currently featuring the United Nations at the centre of the storyline. daccess-ods.un.org |
可用于 1.A.所述系统中的火箭各节接合 机制、分离机制及节间装置。 daccess-ods.un.org | Staging mechanisms, separation mechanisms, and interstages [...] therefor, usable in the systems specified in 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
七月23日发生了中国自2008年以来最严重的火车意外事故,一辆高速列车在温州市附近撞上一辆静止 的 火 车 ,随 後 四 节 车 厢 掉到叁十公尺高的陆桥下。 amccsm.org | In China's worst rail accident since 2008, a high-speed train rammed into the back of a stalled train near the eastern city of Wenzhou on July 23rd. amccsm.org |
根据《住所法》第 5 节规定,不得把人逐出住所或以任何方式限制他们 使用住所的权利,除非依据和根据《住所法》规定的程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under § 5 of the Dwelling Act, no one may be evicted from a dwelling or their right of using the dwelling restricted in any other way than on the bases and in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Dwelling Act. daccess-ods.un.org |
每天: 确保在大火时,即在调节器 / 流量控制阀 (JJ) 的 “ 三个火焰 ” 位置时, IR 燃烧器面发出明亮的橙色 火焰。 graco.com | DAILY: Make sure the IR burner face [...] emits a bright orange glow when at high fire; i.e. the “three flames” position on the Regulator/Flow [...]Control Valve (JJ). graco.com |
他的《太好玩 邮件》是用厨房里的锅碗瓢盆、耙子和其它一些变更了用处的碎屑来组装成 一 节火 车 ,并让它在临时搭起的圆形轨道上无意义地慢跑。 shanghaibiennale.org | His Toofun Mail sculpture made from kitchen pots and pans, rakes, and other bits of repurposed detritus, has been assembled to create a train car that slowly travels its futile path on a makeshift circular track. shanghaibiennale.org |
在这个季节最后几天经历火爆 的狂欢节将是一次特殊的文化体验。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | A special cultural experience in [...] this region is the fantastic carnival days at the end of the season. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
這樣我 們便可以把這信息傳給 下 一 代 , 這 把 火 炬 會 一 直 傳 下 去 , 終 有一天,我 們 整 個民族 會 面對自己 的 過錯, 洗 淨 犯 罪 感 , 然 後 重 新 抬 高頭來 , 堂堂正正做 一個中國人。 legco.gov.hk | This is how we can pass the message onto the next generation, and this torch will be passed down from one generation to the next until one day when our whole nation will face our mistakes, clean our guilty conscience and then raise our heads again to be dignified Chinese people. legco.gov.hk |
缓慢地打开喷灯火焰调节阀并使用冲击器点燃火焰。 graco.com | Slowly open torch flame adjusting valve and use striker [...] to ignite flame. graco.com |
地方社区在获取和利 用森林资源方面权力有限,造成社 区与森林保护的脱节、林火泛滥、 非法伐木及开辟森林用于农业和定 居。 worldfuturecouncil.org | If all countries followed its example, environmental law would be globally enforced and our biosphere would be protected. worldfuturecouncil.org |
代理主席,政府政策局重組之後,環境範疇自成一局,今天很高興局長 出席立法會大會,我再次恭喜他,亦希望局長“新官上任 三 把火 ” , 環境局 日後可以集中火力,加快本港的環保工作,與其他相關部門合作,支援環保 工業。 legco.gov.hk | I therefore hope that the Environment Bureau can make focused efforts to speed up the work of environmental protection in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
为把节余的 时间换算为金额,服务请求者以每年 90 000 美元的平均工资计,服务提供者以每年平均工资 [...] 75 000 美元计。 daccess-ods.un.org | Savings in time are monetized [...] on the basis of an annual average salary of $90,000 for service requesters and $75,000 for service providers. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家指挥机构还注意到,核供应国集团专门对印度开了绿灯,几个国家随后 与它签订了核燃料供应协议,这使得印度能 够 把 国 内资 源 节 省 下来,用于生产大 量的核武器用裂变材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The NCA further noted that the India-specific exemption made by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and subsequent nuclear fuel supply agreements with several countries, would enable India to produce substantial quantities of fissile material for nuclear weapons by freeing up its domestic resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
消除核武器及其他大规模毁灭性武器将帮助核 武器国家和希望拥有核武器的国家节 约 资 源, 并 把资 源腾出来用于发展和增长,不仅是在它们国内而且也 [...] 与其它会员国一起这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | Elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass [...] destruction would help nuclear-weapon [...] States and aspiring ones to save resources and release [...]them for development and growth, not [...]only on their territories but also together with other Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过教师判断的模式去报告学生的成绩,从而取代现有的国家考试 , 把节省 下来的一些时间和经费投入到提高教学的质量中去。 aaia.org.uk | Replace national testing, where it exists, by a requirement for reporting moderated teachers’ judgments of pupil performance, and divert some of the time and money saved into quality assurance that enhances teaching and learning. aaia.org.uk |
当他 举起双手、用一条腿站立起来时,检查站的其他士兵 开 火 , 把 手 无寸铁的他打死。 daccess-ods.un.org | When he got up on one leg with his hands up, other soldiers at the [...] checkpoint opened fire, which resulted [...]in his death. daccess-ods.un.org |
本节把本报 告和所附《有效调解指导意见》作为背景,对冲突和调解领域的 八个趋势做了分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | To put both the present report and the annexed Guidance for Effective Mediation in context, this section analyses eight trends in the area of conflict and mediation. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样,当我们采取重建信心的临时措施 把火烧眉 毛的事情解决后,就应该考虑寻求应对金融危机的中长期办法,改善全球性的管理。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Similarly, once the fire is put out by immediate [...] measures which can restore confidence, the quest for a middle and long [...]term answer to the current financial crisis must lead to a progress in global governance – and be understood as such. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
4)Sheḳalim(“谢克尔”);八个章 节;把 主 要的调查,一个半舍客勒每个男性在防爆规定,税。 mb-soft.com | (4) Sheḳalim ("Shekels"); eight chapters; treats chiefly of the poll-tax of a half-shekel for each male, prescribed in Ex. mb-soft.com |
继近日网络热传的由黑兔音乐节与搜狐音乐联手发起的音 乐 节 市 场调 查 火 热 推出之后,黑兔音 乐 节 主 办 方太合互动(Taihe Live)和Split Works于2012年6月19日发布了2011黑兔音乐节的精彩回顾视频,同时向去年所有合作伙伴及大力支持黑兔的乐迷们致谢。 spla-t.com | Following the announcement of the 2012 Black [...] Rabbit Music Festival official musicians and marketing online survey (in cooperation with Sohu Music), Taihe Live and Split Works, the co-producers of Black Rabbit Music Festival, are proud to present [...]to all of Black [...]Rabbit’s sponsors, partners and attendees the official Black Rabbit 2011 wrap video. spla-t.com |
每逢夜晚大桥,灯火把大桥 照得通明,耀目非凡。 visitfinland.com | When illuminated at night, the bridge dominates the cityscape. visitfinland.com |
夜幕低垂,灯火把大桥照得通明,在极地清幽天地里,画面格外动人。 visitfinland.com | The river landscape is dominated by Jätkänkynttilä Bridge; it’s an impressive sight, especially when illuminated at night. visitfinland.com |
華沙作為波籣的首都有着非常豐富的歷史,雖然第二次世界大戰的無情 戰 火把 這 城市摧殘破壞,但是值得遊覽的景點還是俯拾皆是。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | Poland's capital city has a flourishing history, and despite the destruction wrought in the Second World War, a plethora of sights remain. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
基于上述分析,中国可以充分借鉴发达国家和世界上其它国家的经验 , 把节 能 政 策 作为实现经济繁荣发展的措施,并制定建筑节能和其它节能领域的政策,推动能效水平的 不断提高。 efchina.org | Based on this review, China could advance its policies to promote energy efficiency in buildings, and more broadly, use energy efficiency policy as a way of promoting prosperity and economic growth by following a set of strategies that are being used by leading regions and countries in many places throughout the world. efchina.org |
专家组还认为,在本双年度期间,总 干事可以通过确定能够提高效益的领域 , 把节 省 下 来的资金用于这些基本管理手段的运行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Group also considered that, during the current biennium, the Director-General could identify areas where efficiency gains could be achieved in order to liberate funds for these fundamental management tools. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自从 Bujagali 水电站第一台机组于 2012 年 2 月开始运转以来,该站已开始为乌干达电力需求问题提供了一种可靠的解决方案,推动了经济发展, 并 节 省 了备 用 火 力 发电的成本,由此每月为乌干达节省 950 万美元的政府补贴支出。 china.blackstone.com | Since the first unit became operational in February 2012, Bujagali has provided a reliable solution to Uganda’s power demands, serving as a catalyst for economic growth and replacing emergency thermal generation costs, thereby saving US$ 9.5 million per month in government subsidies. blackstone.com |