

单词 火成的

See also:


fire n
fires pl

internal heat (Chinese medicine)
surname Huo
hot (popular)
fiery or flaming

External sources (not reviewed)

礦化物因沿著易分的火山成因的碳 酸 鹽岩-絹雲母-石 英石頁岩層狀礦化層鑽探至1,460米的深度而顯現。
The mineralisation was delineated by drilling along the stratified mineralised formation of strongly fissile volcanogenic carbonate-sericite-quartz shale rock to the depth of 1,460m.
鬣蜥在黑的火成岩上 舒服地晒着太阳,水陆两栖的它外形看起来更像神话传说中的龙。
Basking in the
[...] sunshine on the igneous black rock, the [...]
iguanas – both terrestrial and marine varieties – look more like fairy-tale dragons.
花園街在2011 年
[...] 11月發生致命火警後,屋宇署已調整其採取執法行動的策 略,因應小販排檔可能成的火警風 險來揀選目標樓宇。
Following the fatal fire at Fa Yuen Street occurred in November 2011, BD has adjusted the strategy of its
enforcement action by taking
[...] into account the fire risk that may be [...]
brought about by hawker stalls when selecting the target buildings.
火成岩侵 入岩亦導致活化方鉛礦、硫鐵礦以及較少程度磁黃鐵 礦及閃鋅的吸熱和放的矽卡 岩狀浸染成礦帶。
Igneous intrusives have also caused endothermic and exothermic skarn like disseminated mineralisation of remobilised galena, pyrite, [...]
and to a lesser
extent pyrrhotite and sphalerite.
李議員認 為,為 消 除 攤檔成的火警風 險,政府當局應進一步探討應否規定在晚上 [...]
To eliminate the fire risks posed by stalls, [...]
Mr LEE opined that the Administration should further explore whether commodities
should be removed from the stall structures during night-time closing hours.
[...] 成火災危險,為了盡量減低排檔對其周邊樓宇 成的火 災 風 險,我們 或有需要把個別一些位於大廈出入口附近的排檔遷置。
Hence, to minimise the fire risks posed by stalls [...]
to the surrounding buildings, we may need to relocate some of the stalls
near the entrances of buildings.
有關違例事項,包括 在劏房入口處安裝鐵閘阻礙其他單位的走火出口通 道,以至阻塞通往第二道樓梯的出口路線2 等的更複雜 個案;在沒有公共走廊連接兩道樓梯的樓宇內,後者 是劏房最常成的火警危險。
Such contraventions range from obstruction to the fire exit routes of other units by metal gates installed at the entrances of a sub-divided unit to more complicated cases of blockage of an exit route to a secondary staircase2.
水陸雙棲的鬣蜥蜴倘佯在陽光遍的 黑 色 火成 岩 上 ,看起來就像神話裡的龍。
Basking in
[...] the sunshine on the igneous black rock, the iguanas [...]
– both terrestrial and marine varieties – look more like fairy-tale dragons.
帕巴寺的建筑风格独特,整体形状为楼阁式石木塔,塔心有楼梯可盘旋至顶,从下至上共4层,层层出檐,逐层收分,每层均设有壶门、小窗,建有挑檐、椽子、飞头、瓦垄等。塔之四角自下而上,第1、2层檐角上套有黄铜 成的火 焰 形套饰,第3、4层上为黄铜制成的翘檐伸出,顶部有黄铜制成的刹顶,以圆光、仰月、宝盖、宝珠联接而成,屋面用红铜盖顶。
Palmer and the temple unique architectural style, the overall shape for the castles in type stone county ying, tower with stair can hover heart to the crown, from next first total 4 layer, layer upon layer the eaves, charge points one by one, each layer is a pot of door, small window, has a pick eaves rafter, fly, head, WaLong, etc. The bottom corners of the tower, 1, 2 layer eaves Angle made of brass position have flame shape set of act the role ofing, 3 and 4 layer made of brass to become warped eaves stretched out, and the top brass has made the brake, aureole, back on, the treasure cover, orb a connection, roofing inlaid copper covered with.
调节汽轮发电机蒸汽供给用电动液压控制(EHC)的高压和 高温环境,也要求用抗燃流体降低会 成 高 昂代 价 的火 灾 风 险和 潜在危险。
Electro Hydraulic Controls (EHC) used for governing steam supply to turbine
generators are also
[...] applications in which high pressures and temperatures dictate the use of fire-resistant fluids to mitigate the potential for dangerous and expensive fires.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全 成的 威 胁 ”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运火、非 法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
第三项举措是支持在因冲突而成四 分五裂的斯里兰卡东北部推行“斯里兰卡和平建 设进程”,具体方法是制订有助于提高机构能力的预算外项目、推动建立一个自由传媒中 心,对曾在冲突中火的 Jaff na 图书馆实行计算机化和联网以及通过教科文组织“文化间对 话”计划倡导和平生活理念。
The third initiative was to support the “Peace-building process in Sri Lanka”, in the strifetorn North East of the country, through developing extrabudgetary projects in building capacities of institutions, promotion of a free media centre, computerization and networking of the Jaffna library which was burnt during conflict and promotion of concepts for peaceful living through UNESCO’s “intercultural dialogue” programme.
[...] 申需要全面遵守与联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团(西撒特派团 ) 达 成的 有 关停 火的各项军事协定,并呼吁双方全面遵守这些协定。
In that resolution, the Security Council, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/175), among other things, reaffirmed the need for
full respect of the military
[...] agreements with regard to the ceasefire, and called upon the [...]
parties to adhere fully to those agreements.
但是 ,正如我們於去年年報中所述 ,我們已獲告 知用以運載衛星升的火箭出 現延誤,對我們之發射日期會 成 影 響
It is worth reiterating that there are no changes being made to the current launch programme, other than the date of the launch.
(d) 以構成或相當可能成火災危險的方 式,將任何已燃 的 煙 頭、火柴、 煙草、液體、物質或任何其他物件,放置或拋棄在鐵路處所。
any other thing upon the railway premises in a manner which constitutes or is likely to constitute a fire hazard.
尽管这不应成为拒绝立即火的依 据 ,无数联 合国机构和其他人道主义机构承认,长期封锁加沙边 界过境点不仅造成人道主义灾难,而且明显违反国际 [...]
法和人道主义法,特别是《日内瓦公约》有关占领国 保护被占领人口的义务。
While it should not be a basis for
[...] rejecting an immediate ceasefire, numerous United Nations [...]
and other humanitarian agencies
have recognized the long-term closure of Gaza’s border crossings as not only causing a humanitarian disaster, but as a clear violation of international law and humanitarian law, particularly the Geneva Convention’s obligations on occupying powers to protect the occupied population.
对于成火灾、 爆炸或水灾,威胁到公共 档案馆、图书馆或博物的任何人,第 186(3)条规定了三至十五年的监禁处 罚。
Article 186(3) prescribes punishment of between three
[...] to fifteen years’ imprisonment for anyone causing a fire, explosion or flooding which endangers a public archive, [...]
library or museum.
选择哈龙替代品涉及到对各种因素进行评估,这 些因素包括空间、重量成本、 安全、对“清洁的 需求 (即例如在唱片储藏或文化遗产建筑物方面不会 产生残留物或损害)、环境性能、对于某种特 火灾 威胁的有效性(固体材料火灾为 A 类,易燃液体火 灾为 B 类,通电的电力设备火灾为 C 类,以及特殊 情景如极端寒冷条件的火灾)
Selecting an alternative to halon involves evaluating a wide range of factors. These include space and weight, cost, safety,
requirements for
[...] ‘cleanliness’ (i.e. without residue or damage such as in the storage of records or cultural heritage buildings), environmental performance, effectiveness against a specific fire threat (fires in solid materials (‘Class A’ fires), flammable liquids (‘Class B’ fires) and energized electrical equipment (‘Class C’ fires) and special circumstances (e.g. very cold conditions).
Use of unauthorized
[...] accessories creates the risk of fire, electric shock, and personal injury.
亚历山大(相对于安提阿成为学 说城堡的这一点,西里尔,虽然被视为正统的,在本质上提供相同的是燃 的火 点 燃了他的继任者,Dioscorus和欧迪奇,谁否认身体基督作为机构男子。
Alexandria (as
[...] opposed to Antioch) became the citadel of this doctrine, and Cyril, although deemed orthodox, furnished fuel for the fire kindled by his successor, [...]
Dioscorus, and Eutyches,
who denied that Christ's body was the same in essence as the bodies of men.
附件 1 為減低街頭小販擺賣活動在 43 個固定小販排檔區(
[...] 下稱「排檔 區」)(見附件 1)所成的火警風 險,政府認為需要改善小販攤檔的防火 [...]
43 fixed-pitch hawker areas (the hawker areas) (Enclosure
1), the Government considers it
[...] necessary to improve the fire resisting capability [...]
and design of hawker stalls, and to
relocate stalls away from staircase discharge points of buildings or emergency vehicular access.
鑒 於 正 確 使 用小量 的 酒精蠟 所成的火 警 危 險 相 對 較 低 ,食 環 署、消 [...]
防 處 和 屋宇署現正 積極檢 討現行的 燃 料限制。
Recognizing the relatively low fire risk arising [...]
from the proper use of "alcohol candle" in small quantity, the FEHD, FSD
and Buildings Department are actively reviewing the existing fuel restrictions.
就自然保育方面而言,在施政報告內,大家都可以看到,繼去年把 北大嶼山一幅2 360公頃土地列為法定郊野公園後,今年我們採納政黨
[...] 和立法會議案辯論提出的一項計劃,就是將新界東北部及西貢東 的火 成岩六 角柱及沿海侵蝕地貌,透過《郊野公園條例》和《海岸公園條例》 [...]
Regarding conservation, Members can note in the policy address that pursuant to designating a site with an area of 2 360 hectares in North Lantau as a statutory country park last year, we have taken on board a proposal put forward by political parties in a motion debate of
the Legislative Council this year to
[...] develop the hexagonal igneous rocks and erosion [...]
landscape along the shore of the Northeast
New Territories and Sai Kung East into a geopark under the Country Parks Ordinance and the Marine Parks Ordinance.
PAH 研究还可用于帮助确定水污 染的可能源头,因为此分析能够对油 的火成 ( 燃 烧产物)、造岩(来自原油)和生物(来自生 物过程)来源进行区分。
The study of PAH can also be used to help
[...] determine the possible sources of water contamination because the analysis is able to distinguish between pyrogenic (combustion [...]
products), petrogenic
(originating from crude oil) and biogenic (originating from biological processes) sources of oil.
由于沿着侵入于泥盆纪石灰的晚二 叠纪 火成 侵 入 体附近发现了矽卡岩,因此13602X许可证区域南部矽卡岩型矿 的 成 矿 潜力较高。
The southern region of license 13602X has potential for skarn related mineralization, as suggested by the identification of skarns along the contact of a late Permian sub-volcanic intrusion with Devonian limestone.
[...] 業大廈的消防安全規定,有關當局主要是針對大廈 其他部分的工業運作可能成的火警 , 從保障公眾 安全的角度作出考慮。
Head/EKEO/DEVB replied that with respect to fire safety requirements in industrial buildings, the main consideration of the relevant authorities stemmed
from the angle of protecting public safety
[...] against possible fire hazards caused by [...]
the industrial operations in other parts of the building.
為減低排檔區的小販擺賣活 動所成的火警風 險,食物環境衞生署(“食環署")已加強 [...]
其於 43 個排檔區(見附件一)的管理工作,特別是有關火警安 全的事宜。
To reduce the fire risks posed by on-street [...]
hawking activities, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (“FEHD”) has
strengthened its work on the management of the 43 fixed-pitch hawker areas (Annex A), with particular regard to fire safety issues.
[...] 供日常支助;为开办特派团编写工程特派团资源计划和预算;编写有关环境、住 宿、供电、供水、资产管理和火的 工 程 导则与政策,协助在研究和向特派团持 [...]
续供水方面提供技术支助;订立关于发电机、电力设备、预制结构、水净化和废 水系统、防御工事器材和建筑服务的全球系统合同;监测工程系统合同的使用情
It is responsible for providing day-to-day support to existing field operations; preparing engineering mission resource plans and budgets for start-up missions; preparing engineering guidelines and policies related to environment,
accommodation, power, water,
[...] asset management and fire prevention and assisting [...]
in providing technical support in researching
and providing a continuous supply of water to the missions; establishing global system contracts for generators, electrical equipment, prefabricated structures, water purification and waste water systems, field defence stores and construction services; and monitoring the utilization of the engineering system contracts; and preparing the budget and performance reports of the Section.
另外,也是在今天, 以色列占领军打死在加沙地带北部贾巴利亚难民营的一名 65 岁男子及其 30
[...] 岁的 女儿,当时,他们在家门前正试图扑灭以色列上一次空袭 成的火 灾。
Also today, Israeli occupying forces killed a 65-year-old man and his 30-year-old daughter in the Jabaliya refugee camp in the
northern Gaza Strip as they were
[...] attempting to put out a fire in front of their [...]
home as a result of a previous Israeli air strike.




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