

单词 火山活动

See also:

火山 n

volcanic n
volcano n
volcanoes pl
caldera n

活动 n

activities pl
movement n
campaign n


move about
use connections

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,火山活动水平不高时,这 火山活动产 生 的灰、沙、浮石和聚成岩可经开采和收集后供国内使用和出口。
At the same time,
[...] when the level of volcanic activity is low, such activity produces ash, sand, [...]
pumice and aggregates that
can be mined and collected for domestic use and export.
火山活动和飓 风破坏、由此而产生的人口和商业中 心的流动以及社会经济困境继续给蒙特塞拉特造成了巨大困难。
Volcanic activity and hurricane damage, [...]
the resultant movement of population and commercial centres and the attendant socio-economic
difficulties continued to create tremendous difficulties for Montserrat.
研究表明火山活动每年 只向大气排放大约 3.4 公吨(3.7 ODP 吨)的四氯化碳。
Studies have
[...] indicated that volc anic activity contributes only [...]
some 3.4 metric tonnes (3.7 ODP tonnes) per annum of CTC to the atmosphere.
现在仍然强 烈感受到那次爆发和随后较轻 火山活动 的 影 响。
The effects of that eruption and
[...] subsequent lighter volcanic activity are still being [...]
strongly felt.
豪勋爵岛因数百万年前的海 火山活动 而 形 成,该岛与众不同的生态系统中包括了未经破坏的白色沙滩和世界最南端的珊瑚礁环绕之中的碧绿泻湖。
Forged millions of years ago
[...] through submarine volcanic activity, Lord Howe’s remarkable [...]
eco-systems include unspoilt white
beaches and an aquamarine lagoon bordered by the world’s southernmost coral reef.
旅游业曾经对当地经济作 出过最重要的贡献,但是该岛上接连不断 火山活动 重 创 了旅游业。
Once the most significant contributor to the local economy, the tourism industry was a major casualty of
[...] the island’s ongoing volcanic activity.
Stoyanova 博士介绍了一张克拉 里昂-克利珀顿区结构略图,并讨论了该区的热液 火山活动 数 据
Dr. Stoyanova presented a tectonic sketch of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone and discussed the
[...] hydrothermal and volcanic activity data for the region.
蒙特塞拉特首都普利茅 斯火山活动已经不宜居住,它于 1997 年被弃置。
Montserrat’s capital, Plymouth, was abandoned
[...] in 1997 after volcanic activity rendered it uninhabitable.
现在仍然强烈感受到那次爆发和随后较轻 火山活动 的影 响,因为该领土正在该岛未受影响的北部重建社区。
The effects of that eruption and
[...] subsequent lighter volcanic activity are still being [...]
strongly felt, as the Territory rebuilds
the community in the unaffected northern part of the island.
[...] 献包括:中印度洋盆地主要结核矿床的划界和资源开发潜在区域的划分;发现大 型浮石场,为板火山活动提供 第一手证据;发现沸石矿床及其与中印度洋盆地 [...]
的结核和火山之间的关系;发现微陨坑对澳大利亚微玻璃陨石的影响,这是经查 明类似于月球微陨坑的第一批陆地类似物;发现澳大利亚熔融石场中的微玻璃陨
His major scientific contributions include delineation of major nodule deposits in Central Indian Basin and demarcation of potential areas for resource development; discovery of a large
pumice field, which provided first evidence
[...] for intraplate volcanism; discovery of zeolite [...]
deposits and their relation to nodules
and volcanics in Central Indian Ocean Basin; discovery of impact microcrates on Australasian microtektites, the first terrestrial analogs identified akin to lunar microcraters; discovery of minitektites in the Australasian strewn field; mapping the seabed and charting the bathymetry of Prydz Bay area for approach channel in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.
23 然而,如以往报告所述(A/AC.109/2008/16,第 36
[...] 段), 蒙特塞拉特当前正促销探险旅游,设法将活 火山活动 这 一 实际情况,逐步转化 为促推销亮点。
According to Caribbean Tourism Organization statistics for 2008, 251 cruise passenger and 7,360 tourist arrivals were registered in Montserrat, constituting an 8.1 per cent and a 5 per cent decrease, respectively, compared to the previous year.23 However, as previously reported (see A/AC.109/2008/16, para. 36), Montserrat
is trying gradually to turn the fact
[...] that it has an active volcano into a selling point, [...]
inter alia, by promoting adventure tourism.
不过,咨询委员会指出,对安全性和风险进行了评估,考虑到该地区地震火山活动,办 公楼结构薄弱,安全和治安考虑,如地下停车场,餐厅和其他公共 [...]
设施以及疏散路线有限,于是决定,当前拉加经委会分区域总部房舍不符合联合 国最低运作安保标准(同上,第 2-10 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes, however, that, following a number of security and
risk assessments, and considering
[...] the seismic and volcanic activity in the region, structural [...]
weaknesses of the office
building, safety and security considerations, such as the presence of an underground parking garage, a restaurant and other public amenities and limited evacuation routes, it was determined that the current ECLAC subregional headquarters premises did not meet the minimum operating security standards of the United Nations (ibid., paras. 2-10).
小型地点海底火山,是到目前为止的地球科学研究认识中被认为 火山活动 中 「 不可能」的,靠近深海底和海沟新型火山。
A new type of volcano, petit-spot, was discovered on the Pacific Plate prior to subduction off
Sanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, although
[...] no present-day volcanic activities have been believed [...]
on such old and cold plate near trench in geoscience.
在 1995 年 7 月火山活动恢复后,估计已有约 8 000 名难民离开该岛, 其中有些人后来返回该岛。
An estimated 8,000 refugees left the island following the
[...] resumption of volcanic activity in July 1995, some [...]
of whom have returned.
地球灾害包括地震火山活动、山 崩、海啸、洪水、陨星撞击和地质材料对健康的危 害等,种类极其繁多,从泥石流、海岸侵蚀等地方性事件到威胁到整个人类的事件(如超级 [...]
Geohazards include
[...] earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, [...]
tsunamis, floods, meteorite impacts and the health hazards of geologic materials.
2007 年下半年火山穹窿上 仍有大量火山物质,科学家认为这 火山活动 暂 停 而不是完全停止的迹象。
In the latter part of 2007, there remained a large mass of material on the dome, and scientists believed this to be a sign of a pause rather than a
[...] complete cessation of volcanic activity.
它是一种自然产生的 元素,可在自然过程中( 例火山活动或森林火灾) 或由于人类活动中( 例如,工业 加工、采矿、森林砍伐、垃圾焚烧和化石燃料燃烧) [...]
It is a naturally occurring element and can be released into the air
as vapour during natural
[...] processes, such as volcanic activity or forest fires, or as a result [...]
of anthropogenic activities
such as industrial processes, mining, deforestation, waste incineration and burning of fossil fuels.
社会联网和应急援助;陆地、空中和海上导航、交通管制和营救行动;金融 业;测量、测绘和地理信息系统;标准时间参考;地球物理学和地质学,包括 监测地震易发区火山活动;农 业,包括指导、追踪和土壤采样
(d) Applications of global navigation satellite systems in everyday life, including navigation, cell phone operations, social networking and emergency assistance; land, air and maritime navigation, traffic control and rescue operations; the finance industry; surveying,
mapping and geographic
[...] information systems; precise time reference; geophysics and geology, including monitoring earthquakeprone areas and volcanic activity; and agriculture, [...]
including guidance, tracking and soil sampling
大会第五十五届会议请秘书长向第五十七届会议提交关于国 山 年 活动的 中 期报告,并向第五十八届会议报告国际山年的成果(第 55/189 号决议)。
At its fifty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its
fifty-seventh session an
[...] interim report on the activities of the International Year of Mountains and to report to [...]
the Assembly at its
fifty-eighth session on the outcome of the Year (resolution 55/189).
欢迎会员国努力执行法律和(或)行政措施,在其法律制度范围内规范 火中 介活动
Welcoming the efforts made by Member States to implement laws and/or administrative measures to
[...] regulate arms brokering within their legal systems
美国堪萨斯州威奇托的警察局长 Richard LaMunyon 发起了特奥会执法人火炬接力活动。
Wichita, Kansas (USA) Police Chief
Richard LaMunyon launches a Special
[...] Olympics awareness campaign that becomes [...]
the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.
(范围)在明确保护范围的时候,首先应当明确:拟议的条款草案只处理人活动引起 的损害,因此,不会扩大到包 火山 喷 发 和沙漠中的沙所造成的损失 (除非人类活动加剧了这些损害)。
(Scope) In clarifying the scope of the project, it should be made clear first that the proposed draft articles are
addressed only to damage
[...] caused by human activities, and accordingly, their scope would not extend, for instance, to the damages caused by volcanic eruption and desert sand (unless these are exacerbated by human activity).
2012 年,即本报告概列预计所需资源涉及的一年,刚果民主共和国问题专家
[...] 组将收集各国执行安全理事会所定措施的信息,调查和分析违反安理会所定有关 措施的火流动及网络活动的相 关信息,并就今后需要采取的行动提出建议供安 理会审议,行动针对的目标包括:严重违反国际法以儿童或妇女为攻击目标的个 [...] [...]
人、阻挠所属战斗人员解除武装的武装团体政治和军事领导人、在刚果民主共和 国东部阻挠领取或分发人道主义援助的个人以及通过自然资源非法贸易支持该 国东部非法武装团体的个人或实体。
In 2012, the projected requirements for which are outlined in the present report, the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo will collect information on the implementation by States of the measures imposed by the Security Council;
investigate and analyse
[...] information regarding the flow of arms and the operation of networks in violation of relevant [...]
measures imposed
by the Council; and make recommendations for consideration by the Council on future action to be taken, including on individuals who commit serious violations of international law targeting children and women, on political and military leaders of armed groups who prevent their combatants from disarming, on individuals obstructing access to or the distribution of humanitarian assistance in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and on individuals or entities supporting the illegal armed groups in the eastern part of the country through the illicit trading of natural resources.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城
[...] 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪 活 , 攀 登霍恩特 菲火山上的 骑士城堡也是不错的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is
within easy
[...] reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, [...]
or climb up the knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
与此同时,正如阿莫斯女士先前强调的,鉴于 军火贸易管理不善以及特别是冲突局势地区 火走 私和相活动带来 的人员代价,保护平民需要加强 国际裁军努力。
Meanwhile, as Ms. Amos underscored earlier, the protection of civilians requires enhancing international disarmament efforts, given the human cost of a
poorly regulated arms trade, as well as arms
[...] smuggling and related activities, in particular in areas [...]
in conflict situations.
该 首脑会议的一项后活动是“山岳研 究 活动 ” , 这是国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球 环境变化与人的关系国际计划(IHDP)和全球陆地观测系统(GTOS)的一项共同努力,将 [...]
One follow-up to
[...] the Summit is the “Mountain Research Initiative”, a joint [...]
endeavour of the International Geosphere-Biosphere
Programme (IGBP), the International Human Dimension Programme on Global Change (IHDP) and the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), to be carried out together with UNESCO-MAB so as to study the impact of global change on mountain environments and mountain communities using biosphere reserves in mountains all over the world.
[...] 不容忍现象的侵害,受害妇女和女童往往受到多重形式的歧视和暴力侵害,包括 基于其性别、年龄、残疾、族裔、文化和宗教、以及民族和社会出身的歧视和暴 力侵害,种种形式的歧视本身可能为人口贩 活动火 上 浇
Recognizing that victims of trafficking are particularly exposed to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and that women and girl victims are often subject to multiple forms of discrimination and violence, including on the grounds of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, culture and religion,
as well as national
[...] or social origin, and that these forms of discrimination may themselves fuel trafficking in persons
高级专员表示关切地指出,“娜斯林“索托德的情况是远为广泛的镇 活动 的冰山一角 ,伊朗人权捍卫者的处境越来越困难”,她敦促“伊朗当局紧急复查 她的案件,尽快释放她”。
The High Commissioner stated her concerns “that Nasrin Sotoudeh’s case is part of a much broader crackdown, and that the situation of human rights defenders in Iran is growing more and more difficult” and urged “the Iranian authorities to review her case urgently and expedite her release”.
D&B的标准信用报告提供每一家公司的总体情况,包括财务和支付信息、业务历史、所有权详情、经营情况以及相关公司的详细信息和特殊事件(例如商 活动 、 火 灾 和 其他灾难、季度业绩)。
D&B's standard credit report provides an overall profile of each company, including financial and payment information, business history, ownership details, operational information,
and details on related
[...] firms and special events (such as business moves, fires and other disasters, [...]
and quarterly performance).




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