

单词 火场留守分队

See also:


the scene of a fire


stay behind to take care of things


respect the law
abide by the law

External sources (not reviewed)

S.M. 说,他和他的家人在场被安全部队 关押 了两天,而他对瑞典当局则声称他被 留 了 四 、五天。
Furthermore, according to the above-mentioned document, S.M. stated that he
and his family were
[...] held at the airport by security forces for two days, while he had claimed before the Swedish authorities that his detention lasted for four [...]
or five days.
2012 年 5 月 19 日 21 时 40 分,一 个武装恐怖团伙企图从伊拉克境内对叙 利亚领土进行渗透,并向 Bukamal 的边守备队人员开火。
At 2140 hours on 19
[...] May 2012, an armed terrorist group attempting to infiltrate Syrian territory from Iraqi territory opened fire on members of the border guard in Bukamal.
缔约国应进一步发展和强化现行教育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、 留场 所公 共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村 队 成 员 以及监狱和移民官员在内 的所有官员都分了解 《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁止实施酷刑的原则, 以及如果有任何违反《公约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges
and prosecutors,
[...] public inspectors of places of detention, law enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards and prison and immigration officials, are fully aware of the [...]
provisions of the Convention,
the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for any actions in contravention of the Convention.
联科行动框架的火构成部分反映 了向武装 队 的 重 组和前交战部队的整 编提供的支助,这将有助于稳定该国的安全局势,确保全面 守 军 火 禁 运、所有 各方恪守《瓦加杜古政治协议》以及监测《协议》的执行情况。
The Operation’s
[...] framework component on ceasefire reflects support extended to the restructuring of the armed forces and integration of former belligerent forces, which will assist in the stabilization of the security conditions in the country, while ensuring full compliance with the arms embargo, adherence [...]
by all parties
to the Ouagadougou political Agreement and that its implementation is monitored.
各位部长表示他们支持黎巴嫩政府的 场 , 呼 吁国际社会 分 执 行安全理 事会第1701(2006)号决议,制止以色列不断违反该决议以及对黎巴嫩持续进行 威胁和间谍行为;重申黎巴嫩基于这一决议的要求,要求永久 火 并 遵 守 《塔伊夫协定》中规定的《休战协定》,还要求以色列对其野蛮入侵黎巴嫩造成的 损失予以赔偿,释放囚犯并归还烈士遗体。
The Ministers expressed their support to the position of the Government
[...] of Lebanon which calls on the international community for the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701(2006) and to put an end to the ongoing Israeli violations to this resolution and to the continuous threats and acts of espionage it is exercising against Lebanon; and which reiterates Lebanon’s demand based on this resolution, for a permanent cease-fire and to adhere to the [...]
Truce Agreement, as provided
for in the Taef agreement , also demanded Israel to compensate Lebanon for the damage it has inflicted as a result of its obsessive aggression upon it, and to release the prisoners and return the bodies of martyrs.
委员会还建议缔约国确保由照料者监护 留守 儿 童 获得 分 的 教 育。
It also recommends that the State party ensure
[...] that children left in the custody of caregivers receive adequate education.
在这一目标范围内,特派团打算继续观察和监督火的遵守情况 ;支持负责西撒哈拉问题的秘书长个人特使;便利联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处(难民署)开展工作,加强撒哈拉 分 裂 社区的关系;协助在阿尤 恩的非洲联盟代表;与护堤西的摩洛哥王国陆军和护堤东的非政府组织“地雷行 动”合作,调查受地雷和其他战争 留 爆 炸 物污染的危险地区;与日内瓦国际人 道主义排雷中心合作,继续利用信息管理领域取得的进展。
Within that objective, the Mission intends to continue to observe and monitor compliance with the ceasefire; support the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara; facilitate the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) aimed at enhancing relations between the divided communities of Sahrawis; assist the representatives of the African Union in [...]
Laayoune; conduct surveys of hazardous
areas contaminated by mines and other explosive remnants of war in cooperation with the Royal Moroccan Army west of the berm and Landmine Action, a non-governmental organization, east of the berm; and continue to build on the progress achieved in the area of information management in cooperation with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining.
取得的另一项积极 进展是,政府接受了不能以儿童达到法定成年年龄为理由,视招其入伍、使其继留在部队或之后对其处以擅离守 罪 为合法行为的原则。
Also welcomed is the Government acceptance of the principle that a child recruit attaining the legal age of majority
does not legitimize his
[...] recruitment, his continued retention in the army or his being charged with [...]
subsequent desertion.
收缴的武器大多是 AK-47 突击步枪,都放在戈马场的 一个集装箱中,由共和国队看守。
The collected arms, mostly AK-47 assault rifles, are stored in a container at Goma Airport under the security of the Republican Guard.
有一些情况下,通过场压力 可以刺激负责任捕捞 操作,但遵守至多也是分的,对不 守 的 船 队 难 以 进行制裁,在许多情况下, 国际法下的有效协议还尚待制定。
In some cases, responsible fishing practice can be
[...] incentivized through market pressures, but compliance is at best partial, actions of non-compliant fleets are difficult to sanction, [...]
and, in many instances,
effective protocols under international law are as yet developing.
力图在摩加迪沙 提供援助的各方尤其关注过渡联邦政府和非索特派团的 队 , 特 别是在巴 卡拉哈火市场及其周围地区。
Of particular concern to those attempting to
provide aid in Mogadishu were the Transitional Federal
[...] Government and AMISOM forces, especially in and around Bakaara Market.
这个美丽的地球,而我属于我自己,我给大 分 的 欢 迎本国和外国游客谁是纯净的空气,请温暖,他们永恒的雪,教堂和百年公园的大山,用石块铺成的街道,多彩我们的本土 场 之 一 ,蒸 火 车 和 在天花板坐着马车之旅,他们的主要食物的气味和接触在街头魅力酒店,收集的特殊性质,我们的小母国,它给我的人它的嘉宾和朋友们的舒适性,安全性和注意力,让他们首选的住宿是他们完成随和。
Of this beautiful earth to which I belong myself I give most warm of the welcomes the national and foreign visitors who please of the pure air, the great mountains with
their eternal
[...] snows, the churches and centennial parks, the streets paved with stones, the colorful one of our indigenous markets, a steam train and the trip seated in the ceiling of wagons, the smell of their meals and mainly the contact with [...]
my people in the streets
GLAMOUR HOTEL, gathers that special nature of our small mother country, and it gives to its guests and friends them the comfort, security and preferred attention so that their stay is of their complete affability.
特 派团的资源也正从西部转向东部,首先是军事和警 务人员,然后是文职人员,一些实务构成 分留在 西部,与联合国国家工队密切合作。
The Mission’s resources are also shifting from the west to the east, starting with the military and police personnel and followed by
civilian staff, with a few
[...] substantive components staying in the west to work closely with the United Nations country team.
结果,冲突和争端火种 仍留在该水域,成为场全面 战争潜在的引火点。
As a result, the seed of conflicts and disputes still remains in the waters, becoming a potential flashpoint for an all-out war.
乌兹别克斯坦的优秀天才运动员早 留 名 乌兹别克与世界体育史册,包括: 60 公斤级柔道绝对世界冠军 Rishod Sobirov;国际赛艇协会所称的世界最佳赛 艇手 Vadim Menkov;两度奥林匹克自由式摔跤冠军 Artur Taymazov;乌兹别克 斯坦顶级网球手 Akgul Amanmuradova;2004 年世界国际象棋联合会锦标赛获胜 者 Rustam Kasimdzhanov;游泳健将 Sergey Pankov;获得亚运会银牌和艺术体 操世界杯铜牌的体操选手 Ulyana Trofimova;乌兹别克场队员 O dil Ahmedov; 世界青年拳击冠军 Elshod Rasulov;以及裁决 2010 年国际足球联合会(国际足联) 世界杯半决赛并被评为最佳裁判的国际足球裁判 Ravshan Irmatov。
These include Rishod Sobirov, the absolute world judo champion in the 60 kg weight class; Vadim Menkov, declared the world’s best canoeist by the International Canoe Federation; Artur Taymazov, twotime Olympic free-style wrestling champion; Akgul
[...] Uzbekistan’s top tennis player; Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner of the 2004 World Chess Federation Championship; the swimmer Sergey Pankov; the gymnast Ulyana Trofimova, who won silver at the Asia Games and bronze at the 2011 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Kyiv; Odil Ahmedov, the Uzbek midfielder; Elshod Rasulov, the world youth boxing champion; and, of course, the international football referee Ravshan Irmatov, who refereed the semi-final game of the 2010 World Cup of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and [...]
was named its best referee.
(l) 截面圖顯示符合《建築物(建造)規例》第 90 條及《2011 年建築物消防安守則》中有關阻 火 勢 及 煙霧於樓層 之間,同一樓層內的不同火隔室之間,以及一層樓中 的實用分與其走火樓梯或其防護門廊之間蔓延的規 定。
(l) sections showing compliance with
Regulation 90 of the
[...] B(C)R and the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings 2011 on such relevant aspects as the protection against spread of fire and smoke between floors, between different fire compartments on the same [...]
floor, and between the
accommodation of a storey and the required staircase or its protected lobby.
此外,该构成分将协 同移民组织为 沙漠上受困的移徙者临时提供紧急援助。2010/11 年期间的主要优先事项将是继 续视察武装队总部 ;进行巡逻,以确保 守 停 火 协 定 ,并书面通知违约方,向 总部报告违约事件,以采取进一步行动并提出报告。
The main priorities during the 2010/11 budget period include the provision of continued support to the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General in the performance of his functions, including assistance with the organization of meetings between the parties involved in the dispute over Western Sahara, analysis of [...]
political issues in
the region and logistical support during his visits to the region; the facilitation of the work of UNHCR in seeking to expand the confidence-building measures programme aimed at enhancing relations between divided communities, and the conduct of surveys, as well as clearance of hazardous areas contaminated by mines and other explosive remnants of war.
与此同时,因诺琴蒂研究中心继分 析 对 儿童产生影响的全球 趋势,其最重要的“第 9 号成绩报告”侧重于富裕国家的 留守 儿 童 ”。
At the same time, the Innocenti
[...] Research Centre continued to analyse global trends affecting children; its flagship Report Card 9 focused on “Children Left Behind” in wealthy countries.
在这方面,调解方恳切呼吁各方分 遵 守 已 宣 布的 火 , 以 期增强各方之间 的信任,改善达尔富尔的安全和人道主义状况,营造有利于谈判的环境,并减轻 [...]
In this context, the Mediation earnestly calls on the
[...] parties to fully comply with the declared ceasefire, with a view to [...]
promoting confidence among
the parties, improving the security and humanitarian conditions in Darfur, creating an environment conducive to negotiations and alleviating the sufferings of the population in Darfur.
但是,我想几乎所有的发言者都强调了,只有全面和 得到分遵守的停火才会 使双方平民幸免于他们目 前遭受的严重危险和恐惧。
But, as I think virtually all speakers emphasized, only a full
[...] and fully respected ceasefire will spare the civilian [...]
population, on both sides, from
the unrelenting danger and fear that they currently face.
联尼特派团写信给政府和尼联共-毛主义,公开重申其一贯 场 , 即 任何一方 队进 行 的任何征兵活动,均构成违反《监察 火 和 军 队 管 理 工作协定》的行为。
UNMIN wrote to both the Government and UCPN-M and
reiterated publicly its
[...] consistent position that any recruitment by either army constitutes a breach of the Agreement on the Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies.
由于持续火山危机,大分肥沃 的农田、 场 和 捕 鱼区都受到进出限制或 无法进出。
As a result of the ongoing volcanic crisis, the majority of fertile agricultural [...]
lands, pasture and fishing areas are either restricted or inaccessible.
[...] 徙儿童登记系统,北京已经成功借鉴了这种做法并将其纳入北京的第 11 个“五 年规划”;将儿童权利和性别平等纳入全国家庭教育框架和家长教育服务;建立 针留守儿童的社会支助网络,帮助他们应对与父 分 离 的 问题。
Other UNICEF-supported results were the registration system for migrant children to increase access to basic social services, which was successfully replicated in Beijing and incorporated into Beijing’s 11th Five-Year Plan; the incorporation of child rights and gender equality into the national family education framework and parental education services; and the
establishment of social
[...] support networks for left-behind children to help them cope with separation from their parents.
分析了 移民现象所涉主要群体,包括散居各地 的罗马尼亚人、移徙工人、父母是移徙工人 留守 儿 童 和人口贩运受害者。
An analysis of major groups involved in the migrant phenomenon follows, including the Romanian diaspora, migrant workers, children left behind by migrating [...]
parents and victims of trafficking in persons.
(b) 一个高级预算助理(本国一般事务员额)将从财务科调到特派团支助事 务主管办公室,以确保联塞队遵守 对 所 有维持和平特派团适用的政策,即财务 和预算职能分开(同上,第 20 段)。
(b) One national General Service post of Senior Budget Assistant to be redeployed from the Finance Section to the Office of the Chief of
Mission Support, so as to
[...] ensure that UNFICYP is in compliance with the policy applied in all peacekeeping missions that finance and budget functions should be separate (ibid., para. 20).
[...] 的此种能力)有限、不熟悉电子付款方法(例如使用提款卡和手机付款的方法)以 及性别影响(例如在武装人守卫下排 队 时 ) , 分 配 资 金的方式都可能产生意想不 到的歧视性影响。
For example, owing to limited mobility (such as that of persons with disabilities and older persons), lack of familiarity with electronic methods of payment (such as through the use of debit
cards and mobile phones) and the
[...] gender impact (such as when queues are guarded by armed personnel), [...]
modes of disbursement could
have unintended discriminatory effects.
作出答复的各方没有提供关于审查会议建议的某些援 助形式的资料,包括关于援助港口国控制、 守 市 场 和 贸 易相关措施、满足场 要求和分享船舶信息的资料。
No information was provided concerning some of the forms of assistance recommended by the Review Conference, including
assistance for port State
[...] control, compliance with market and trade-related measures, meeting market requirements and the sharing of vessel information.
由于设立开发署国家主任,在“一体行动”试点国家加强驻地协调员制度 共同掌握权的努力取得了进展,但是,根据独立评价,联合国国家工 队 成 员对 职能“火墙”提出了留意见
Despite advances in strengthening common ownership of the Resident Coordinator system in the “Delivering as one” pilot countries, assisted by the introduction of UNDP
Country Directors,
[...] United Nations country team members expressed reservations about the functional “firewall”, according [...]
to the independent evaluation.
缓冲区内每年例行的一分,这 些轮换通常涉及向高级官员演示技 能和装备,特别是沿土耳其队停火 线 ,以及沿国民警 队 停 火 线 一 带的情况 简报。
As part of annual routines within the buffer zone, these usually involve the demonstration of skills and equipment for senior officer inspections, particularly along the Turkish Forces ceasefire line, and [...]
terrain briefings along the National Guard ceasefire line.
同一天 7 时 15 分,在完全撤到技术围栏之 后,以色列敌军使用中小型武器以及榴弹发射器,对在瓦扎尼地区 Maysat 阵地 及周边地区的黎巴嫩队开火达 10 分钟之久。
At 7.15 of that same day, having completed their withdrawal behind the technical fence, the Israeli enemy opened fire for 10 minutes using small and medium weapons
and grenade launchers
[...] against Lebanese Army troops at the Maysat position in the Wazzani area and the surrounding area.




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