单词 | 火冒三丈 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 火冒三丈—get really angrySee also:冒火—get angry burn with rage
三宗起火╱冒烟事故的资料撮述如下 legco.gov.hk | Details of the three incidents are [...] summarized below legco.gov.hk |
所以,每次谈及这些贫富悬殊的问题时,均真的会令我们感到无名火起 三千丈。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, whenever we talk about such problems concerning the wealth gap, it really drives us upthe wall. legco.gov.hk |
我听到那些说话时真的是无名火起三千丈的。 legco.gov.hk | Inexplicable anger just flared up in me when I heard those remarks. legco.gov.hk |
二零零九年四月三十日 二零零九年一月二十三日交通事务委员会会议跟进行动 最近巴士起火/冒烟事故 legco.gov.hk | (Miss Constance Choy) for Secretary for [...] Transport and Housing Panel on Transport Meeting on 23 January 2009 Recent bus fire/smoke incidents legco.gov.hk |
运输署十分关注三宗巴士起火/冒烟事故,并已指示九巴和城 巴兩家公司调查事故起因,以及向运输署提交调查报告,以便运输 [...] 署作出评估。 legco.gov.hk | The Transport Department (TD) is [...] very concerned about the threeincidentsand has instructed [...]both KMB and CTB to investigate [...]the causes of the incidents and submit investigation reports to TD for assessment. legco.gov.hk |
这样真的使我感到 无名火起三千丈。 legco.gov.hk | I am really infuriated. legco.gov.hk |
后来印度教的实践作为Suttee,其中死者的妻子扔在她的丈夫火葬自己知道,似乎在此期间有不明。 mb-soft.com | The later Hindu practice known as the Suttee, [...] in which the bereaved wife threw herself on [...] the funeral pyre of herhusband,seems at this [...]period to have been unknown. mb-soft.com |
政府当局就上述巴士起火/冒烟事故的起因和建议的预防措施所拟备的报告,已於2009年 [...] 4月提 交事务委员会 [立法会CB(1)1476/08-09(01)号文件 ]。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration's report on causes [...] of the above bus fire/smoke incidents [...]and recommendations on preventive measures was [...]provided to the Panel in April 2009 [LC Paper No. CB(1)1476/08-09(01)]. legco.gov.hk |
Njamba 女士的丈夫和三名其他 子女依然活着的、而且可以在刚果民主共和国找到的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party reiterates that it still cannot be excluded that [...] Ms. Njamba’s husband and three other children [...]are still alive and could be found in [...]the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
Njamba 女士的丈夫和她三个子女都失踪了。 daccess-ods.un.org | When they returned home after hiding for a few days in other people’s homes, [...] Ms. Njamba’s husbandand threeof her children [...]had disappeared. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 透过收集内部意見和改装测试,检视潜在的起火/冒烟危险,并进行改装工程;及 legco.gov.hk | (d) to review potentialfire/smokehazards and [...] make modifications via internal feedback and modification trials; and legco.gov.hk |
索伦管理禁用的斑点,飞入森林火灾和设置一盏灯火焰,冒着自己的生命。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Soren manages to disable the flecks, by flying into the forestfire and setting [...] a lampinto flames, risking his own life. seekcartoon.com |
(3) 巴士起火/冒烟事故主要关乎过热问题,巴士公司会否为巴士 加设适当装置,在引擎过热时向車长发出警示,以便車长及时 [...] 采取行动? legco.gov.hk | (3)As bus fire/smokeincidents were [...] mainly related to overheating, whether suitable devices could be introduced to alert [...]bus captains of overheating so that they could take timely actions; and legco.gov.hk |
更糟糕的是,预计暴力抗议、官员腐败、纵火、冒名顶替、武装抢劫、劫持车辆、绑架、劫持人质、自杀式爆炸以及路边爆 [...] 炸事件将构成作业环境的性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its worst, violent protests, [...] office occupation, arson,impersonation,armed robbery, [...]carjacking, kidnapping, hostage-taking [...]and suicide and roadside bombings are expected to be the nature of the operating environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
接近暴力事件者总要冒着陷入交火的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who get close to violence will always [...] be at risk of being caughtin the crossfire. daccess-ods.un.org |
更令人关注的,是在海关检获的私烟中,有三分之一属於冒牌香烟,而当中的焦油、尼古丁含量更远较正牌香烟高,释出的一氧化碳亦 较多,对健康的损害比正牌香烟更深远。 legco.gov.hk | More worrying [...] though is that onethird of the illicit cigarettes seized by theC&ED are counterfeitswhich have much [...]more tar, nicotine and [...]carbon monoxide and hence, pose even more serious harm to health than smoking authentic cigarettes. legco.gov.hk |
香港中文大学最近一项调查显示,其中三成警员认为“丈夫有权打妻 子”;四成警员认为“如被虐妻子仍与丈夫一起,她便是有问题”;只有 19.7%警 员 认 为 虐 妻 对 社 会 有 严 重 影 响 。 legco.gov.hk | From a recent survey [...] conducted byThe ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, about 30% of the police officers think that husbandshave the right [...]to beat their wives while [...]about 40% of the police officers think that if an abused wife is still living with her husband, then she must have some problem herself. legco.gov.hk |
闲暇时间,您总可以在她位于新泽西州的家中见到她与丈夫还有三条搜救犬呆在一起。 siegelgale.cn | In her free time, you’ll find her at home in New [...] Jersey with her husband and three rescuedogs, where [...]she enjoys hiking, comfort food and [...]relaxing to the sounds jazz and folk. siegelgale.com |
火╱冒烟事故调查所得的初步结果,以及为防止同類事故而采取的 即时跟进行动。 legco.gov.hk | This paper reports on the preliminary findings of the investigation on the three franchised bus fire/smoke incidents on 10 December 2008, and the immediate follow-up actions taken to safeguard against similar incidents. legco.gov.hk |
同时,我也并不认为美国有在中东地区涉入第三次军事冒险的胃口。 china.blackstone.com | I also don’t think the United States has an [...] appetitefor a third military adventure in theMiddle East. blackstone.com |
自怡子画的五个黄忠肖像都显示谭氏的头和肩上部,面孔就相称地大,而面孔特别传神,这确是描绘一个正在饰演某角色中的谭鑫培;马少宣画的黄忠肖像则显示上半身和双手,黄忠身前拿着象鼻刀,这就是顶天立地奇男子,勇冠三军大丈夫的肖像。 e-yaji.com | By emphasizing the head, Ziyizi has chosen to make the actor the subject of his portrait, but in a particular role, whereas Ma’s versions tend to portray the role with a particular actor indicated, even though, at that time in Beijing, to show the role would have been to identify the actor, since Tan Xinpei made it his own with so definitive a version. e-yaji.com |
(2) 巴士起火/冒烟事故是否与巴士車龄有关? legco.gov.hk | (2) Whether the [...] occurrence of bus fire/smoke incidents [...]was related to bus age legco.gov.hk |
在清资中,原告发现1989年企业变更登记中,上述五个自然人(第三人王某丈夫已亡故)有出资额,则认为被告对企业的资产情况不进行认真的审查,对自然人投资情况进行错误登记,严重侵犯了企业及企业职工的财产权益,遂以被告变更登记的具体行政行为主要证据不足,而起诉要求撤销被告核准登记的……五个自然人虚假投资注册登记……。 lylawyer.com | In the qing dynasty, the plaintiff [...] found (1989 enterprise registration, the [...] fivepersons (third husband died) hasalready [...]wang mou, think the capital assets are [...]not earnest examination situation of natural conditions, investment, a serious violation of the error registration of enterprise and worker of enterprise property rights, and the alteration registration with the specific administrative act, which mainly sued for evidence of the cancellation registration is approved... Five persons false investment registration... . lylawyer.com |
按照该两条条文,㆒名女性的子 女,包括了其最後㆒任丈夫与另㆒名女子在所缔结的有效婚姻㆗所生的子女,以及 [...] 凡提及任何㆟的兄弟姊妹,即指该兄弟姊妹是该㆟的同㆒父亲的子女。 legco.gov.hk | These are that a child of a female includes a child of a valid marriage to [...] whichher last husbandandanother female [...]were parties and that references to a [...]brother or a sister of a person mean a brother or sister who is a child of the same father as that person. legco.gov.hk |
但有些反对利他主义的㆟士就会 [...] 指出,利他主义往往成为压迫妇女的假真理,要妇女在这个社会发展过程㆗,心甘情愿处 於辅助性的㆞位,为他㆟,尤其是为丈夫、儿子或兄弟牺牲自己的发展潜能。 legco.gov.hk | But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to [...] sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in [...] particular theirhusbands,their sons or [...]their brothers. legco.gov.hk |
我曾见过也接过不 [...] 少个案,事主均属於这类低收入人士,一家数口住在东涌、葵青,丈夫以前从事“三行”,但现在却没有工开,而子女则尚在求学,於是妻子只好 [...]外出工作,月薪只有 3,000 至 4,000 元,每天工作十多小时,更没有休假。 legco.gov.hk | With each family consisting of several [...] persons, they live in places like Tung [...] Chung and Kwai Ching. Thehusband was once a construction [...]worker, but he is now jobless. legco.gov.hk |
(i) 由於巴士起火/冒烟事故可能关乎巴士的車龄,巴士公 司需对車龄超过十年的巴士进行更频密的维修保养,并 [...] 需提醒维修保养人员特别留意可能因老化而构成火警 危险的配件 legco.gov.hk | (i) as the [...] occurrence of busfire/smoke incidents [...]might be related to bus age, it was necessary to more regularly carry [...]out maintenance on buses over 10 years old, and to remind maintenance staff to pay special attention to components that might pose fire hazards as they aged legco.gov.hk |
因应市民对2008年 12月 10日发生的3宗专营巴士起火/冒烟事故的关注,事务委员会在2009年 [...] 1月 23日的会议上,与政府当 局及有关专营巴士公司讨论如何防范同類事故再次发生。 legco.gov.hk | In response to public concern about the [...] three franchised bus fire/smoke incidents [...]on 10 December 2008, the Panel discussed [...]the safeguards against recurrence of similar incidents with the Administration and the franchised bus companies concerned at its meeting on 23 January 2009. legco.gov.hk |