单词 | 瀑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 瀑noun—waterfalln瀑—shower (rain)Examples:洛皮塔瀑布—Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant 尼加拉瀑布—Niagara Falls (Tw) 瀑布n—waterfalln waterfallspl falln cascaden
但就在 Ortiz 成功滑出瀑布的时候,他受到冲击而从皮划艇上弹出,万幸的是他并没受伤,但却因此而失去了追平纪录的资格。 mammals.org | But after Ortiz successfully navigated the [...] face of the falls, hewas launched [...]— uninjured — from his kayak on impact, and [...]his attempt to match the record was disqualified. mammals.org |
Converse先生仅发了一封电报,内容是他要订购八台水轮机;我应在周日返回尼亚加拉大瀑布。 voith.com | Mr. Converse has just sent a telegram to say that he is going to order turbine number eight; I am supposed to be back at [...] the Niagara Falls onSunday. voith.com |
其中包括阶次 跟踪分析、实时瀑布图和语谱图、倍频程分析、轨道图和倒频谱分析。 bksv.cn | Order tracking [...] analysis,real-timewaterfalls and spectrograms, [...]octave band analysis, orbit plots and cepstrum analysis are all available. bksv.jp |
所有专家都列举了共享收益的贴切实 [...] 例――从涉及五个亚洲不同国家的壮观的河流盆地项目,到非洲一些相邻的国家 利用瀑布共享倍增效应等。 daccess-ods.un.org | All of them cited powerful examples of shared benefits – from projects along a spectacular [...] river basin involving five different [...] Asian countries, to waterfalls witha shared multiplier [...]effect among neighbouring countries in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
汹涌澎湃的尼亚加拉大瀑布距离多伦多约90分钟。 shangri-la.com | Approximately 90 minutes from Toronto is the majestic Niagara Falls. shangri-la.com |
的边缘,雄壮的瀑布,坐落在一个巨大的猴面包树的外壳是一个繁华的城市,被称为赞比西亚省的鸟类。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | On the edge of amajestic waterfall, nestled in the [...] shell of an enormous Baobab tree is a bustling city of birds called Zambezia. seekcartoon.com |
一些特许铁路公司正在建立设施来加快过境运输,例如 布基纳法索瓦加杜古的 Sitarail [...] 国际终点站提案,和赞比亚与津巴布韦之间的 维多利亚瀑布过境点的 ZRS 公司海关担保设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rail concessionaires are developing facilities to speed up transits, such as the Sitarail intermodal terminal proposal in [...] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and the ZRS Company customs bond at [...] the Victoria Falls border crossing [...]between Zambia and Zimbabwe. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个在宿舍的日子:经过一年的休息和晚上在寂静的和平,你可以有一个早餐户外或餐厅,你可以欣赏瀑布,阿勒或通古拉瓦火山的意见。 instantworldbooking.com | A day in hostel: After one night of rest and peace in the silence, you can have a breakfast outdoors or in the dining room, you can appreciate the views of the falls, montains or the Tungurahua volcano. instantworldbooking.com |
当决定一个类型之后,您可以按需选择正确的产品:不论是池塘外形还是衬垫,水道还是瀑布--拥有 OASE 池塘建筑材料,您可以轻松地满足个人欲望。 oase-livingwater.com | After you have decided on a type you can select the right [...] products as needed: Pond shell or pond [...] liner, watercourseorwaterfall –withpond construction [...]material from OASE you easily satisfy individual desires. oase-livingwater.com |
我忘了这个瀑布叫什麽名字,只记得司机当时吩咐大家下车,然後走五分钟的步道,就可以观赏壮观的瀑布。 4tern.com | However, the driver told us to get down from the bus, to take a short walk into the forest, there would be awaterfall awaits us. 4tern.com |
效果非常显着:龙头中流出完美的瀑布式的水流,不用太 多的出水量就可以体验这种令人非常愉悦的触感。 hansgrohe.com.cn | The result is clear: a mixer from [...] which a beautifulwaterfall flows; a particularly [...]pleasant haptic experience that uses little water. hansgrohe.hr |
从德比出发,您可以乘船或乘飞机前往海盗群岛的各个岛屿,这碱O南海珍珠养殖场和着名的地平线瀑布(Horizontal Waterfalls)的所在地 。 danpacplus.hk | From Derby, you can take a boat or fly to the islands of Buccaneer Archipelago, home to South Sea Pearl farms and [...] the famousHorizontal Waterfalls. danpacplus.hk |
他们背后的瀑布,并开始进入一个山洞里过的桥梁时突然下降,其中一些脱落。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They enter a [...] cave behinda waterfall and start crossing [...]a bridge when suddenly it falls and some of them fall off. en.seekcartoon.com |
1905年的尼亚加拉大瀑布:福伊特为尼亚加拉大瀑布发电站提供了十二台当时全球最大的水轮机。 voith.com | NiagaraFalls ataround 1905: Voith delivered twelve of the world's largest turbines at the time for power stations at the Niagara Falls. voith.com |
PULSE CAN总线接口软件BZ-5610是一个硬件/软件组合解决方案的一部分,通过它,PULSE能够读取CAN [...] Bus总线上的数据,并且还可以利用PULSE的标准视图,将它们显示成瞬态、平均或瀑布图数据(切片)。 bksv.cn | PULSE CAN Bus Interface BZ-5610 software is part of a combined hardware/software solution that allows PULSE to read the messages available on the CAN bus and, where [...] appropriate, display them as [...] instantaneous, averagedor waterfalldata (slice) inside [...]of PULSE using PULSE’s standard displays. bksv.com |
许许多多的大、小型供水系统创造了中国南京的水游城主题购物乐园,让建筑内外成为水的世界: 门口是一道人造悬瀑,水池由 164 件 Aquarius Universal 3000 [...] 水泵阵列组成,配备 Comet 50-10 喷头和一个 8 m 高的中心喷泉,迎来送往,大宴宾客。 oase-livingwater.com | Many small and large water systems create the Aqua City Park shopping mall in Nanjing, China, and [...] will make the building inside and [...] out to awater world:waterfalls frame the building [...]from outside, in front of the entrance [...]a pool with a matrix with 164 piecess Aquarius Universal 3000, equipped with comet 50-10 nozzles and an 8 m high Jet Center welcomes the visitors. oase-livingwater.com |
乘坐观光飞机,观赏汹涌的潮汐运动如何迫使海水像“瀑布”一般穿过悬崖峭壁中的狭窄缝隙。 danpacplus.hk | Take a scenic flight and see how massive tidal movements force [...] the seawater ¡¥waterfall¡¦through a narrow [...]gap in the cliff walls. danpacplus.hk |
欣赏百胜滩瀑布沿Cavinti和百胜滩飞流直下无疑令人叹为观止。 shangri-la.com | The sight of Pagsanjan Falls cascading down the border of Cavinti and Pagsanjan is a mesmerising one. shangri-la.com |
走进森林,领略斯洛根峡谷的绝美瀑布。 discoverireland.com | Venture into the woods and witness breathtaking [...] viewsover the waterfallat Sloughan Glen. discoverireland.com |
第二日,Gilman 就从丹佛的大本营乘坐飞机前往波特兰,在周日的深夜抵达河边,然後周一花了一整天时间来探索瀑布的环境,最後在周二完成了滑行瀑布的摄影。 mammals.org | Gilman flew from his home base in Denver to Portland the next [...] day, arrived at the river [...] late on a Sunday night, scouted the falls on Monday, and photographed the descent [...]on Tuesday. mammals.org |
若你是从基督城开车来到Hokitika,高速公路会带你穿越国家公园、森林保留区、海边及瀑布。 4tern.com | If you are driving from Christchurch to Hokitika, the highways will guide you into National Parks, forest [...] reserve,beach andwaterfalls. 4tern.com |
幻想曲号”特设刺激的水上滑梯,而其它多数游轮配有喷水池、漩涡池和瀑布的水上乐园。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Fantasia boasts a thrilling waterslide and most of our cruise liner have children’s waterparks with [...] fountains, whirlpools andwaterfalls. msccruises.com.eg |
有建议指,马会在 设计公众綠化空间时,可參考全球最大的室内公园之 一 ──加拿大卡城的 [...] Devonian Gardens,园内花卉和 树木林立,并以瀑布和湖泊作为点缀。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | It was suggested that the Club, when designing the pubic green space for the CPS Compound, could draw reference from the Devonian Gardens in Calgary, Canada which [...] is one of the world's largest indoor parks with many thousands of trees and flowers [...] complementedby waterfallsandlakes. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
尼亚加拉大瀑布IMAX影院是你冒险的开始!位于娱乐区的心脏的尼亚加拉大瀑布旅游和,剧院是家庭对IMAX电影, 电影的瀑布:传说与Daredevils ,令人惊叹的尼亚加拉大瀑布决死画廊和决死历史上的最好来源。 imaxniagara.com | Located in the heart of the Niagara Falls tourist and entertainment district, the Theater is home to the IMAX film, The Falls Movie: Legends and Daredevils, the amazing Niagara Falls Daredevil Gallery, and the best source of daredevil history. imaxniagara.com |
卢斯皮诺斯Backackers敞开大门有利于不同国家,文化和年龄组的接触对于那些谁喜欢它的本质,社会关系,三面环山一温暖的环境中,瀑布和通古拉瓦火山。 instantworldbooking.com | Los Pinos Backackers opens its doors to favor contact with nature for those who enjoy it, and social relationships among different [...] countries, cultures and age groups, in a warm environment surrounded by the [...] mountain, the falls and theTungurahua [...]volcano. instantworldbooking.com |
那里有许多古老的文化古迹:了石头雕刻的Kunvanshanskih岩石,将军的悬崖,徐福殿...的照片有是也充满了惊人的美丽和美丽如画的地方:山的鲜花和水果,湾Fenshuvan,石,海,海湾瀑布张家界捕鱼...广大定量的旅游目的地和海滩...相结合的开放性和水疗中心,和一个古老神秘的迷人的城市。 cn.badgood.info | There are many ancient cultural monuments: the stone carving on the Kunvanshanskih rocks, pictures of generals on the cliffs, the temple of Xu Fu ... There is also full of stunningly beautiful and picturesque locations: Mountain of [...] Flowers and Fruit, Bay Fenshuvan, Stone-sea [...] fishing in the Gulf Falls Zhangjiajie ... [...]The vast quantitative tourist destinations [...]and beaches ... stunning city that combines the openness and the spa, and an ancient mystery. en.badgood.info |