单词 | 激浪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 激浪 —Mountain DewSee also:激—stimulate • arouse • fierce • incite 浪—unrestrained • dissipated • breaker 浪 n—wave n
我們既不應因為一時的偏激浪漫而 盲目冒險,孤注一擲,亦不應因為缺乏毅力意志而輕易棄局,集體辭職。 legco.gov.hk | We must not [...] be urged by any romantic impulses to take [...]any uncalculated risks and put all our eggs in one basket, nor should [...]we allow a lack of will power and determination to make us give up altogether and resign en masse. legco.gov.hk |
此外,較少人提及的是,每逢假日都有很多度假船或所謂觀光船 由西貢駛至浪茄,當有大型高速船經過時,便 會 激 起 浪 花 , 對小型船 隻構成一定危險。 legco.gov.hk | Whenever a high-speed craft sails by, it will stir up waves and poses certain threat to the smaller boats. legco.gov.hk |
1 当我们是无关小组时,我们便不是表演家,不是艺术家,不是建筑师,不是工人农民,不是知识分子,不是诗人,不是理论家,不是批评家,也不是达达 、 激浪 、 后 感性,我们是他们之后的某种事物。 shanghaibiennale.org | 1. While we are Irrelevant Commission, we are not performers, not artists, not architects, not workers or [...] farmers, not intellectuals, not poets, not theoreticians, not critics, and we [...] are not Dada, Fluxus, or Post-sense [...]Sensibility. shanghaibiennale.org |
地球正义指出,在科摩罗,气候变化使沿岸社区人民的人身安 全和公共 卫生受到 威胁, 因 为 海 平 面 上 升 , [...] 越来越严重的风暴和 旋风导致海潮激浪、 低地 洪水和 海滩侵蚀;气候变化危及科摩罗的文化 [...], 因 为人民被迫到 环境更为 安 全的 国家寻求庇护,传 统 [...] 习俗和 做 法 从此失传;气候变化将 威胁科摩罗人民可用的淡 水 资 源 , 因 为 气温升高、降水减少以及咸水侵入地下水;粮食保 障也受到 威胁, 因 为 气候变化阻碍岛屿的 农业能 力 、 破坏了科摩罗人主要食物来源的 海洋生态系 统,如珊瑚礁渔业。 daccess-ods.un.org | EJ indicated that in the Comoros, climate change will threaten the physical security and public health of coastal communities with rising sea levels and [...] increasingly severe storms and cyclones, [...] resulting in tidal surges, lowland flooding, [...]and beach erosion; endanger Comorian [...]culture by forcing people to seek refuge in more environmentally secure nations, where they will no longer be able to continue traditional customs and practices; threaten Comorians’ access to freshwater by warming air temperatures, decreasing precipitation, and salt-water intrusion into groundwater; and jeopardize food security by impeding the agricultural capacity of the islands and damaging ocean ecosystems such as coral reef fisheries on which Comorians rely for food. daccess-ods.un.org |
战后在杜塞尔多夫美术学院就读纪念碑雕塑并留校任教,博伊斯与当时 的 激浪 派 运 动密切接触,发展出一种结合了雕塑、表演和社会行动的总体艺术方式,并提出“社会雕塑”的概念。 shanghaibiennale.org | Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) [...] was a German Fluxus, Happening and [...]performance artist as well as a sculptor, installation artist, [...]graphic artist, art theorist and pedagogue of art. shanghaibiennale.org |
石激起千重浪」,千石激 起多少重浪呢? legco.gov.hk | As "one rock (shek) excites a thousand (chin) waves", how many waves will be excited by a thousand rocks (chin shek)? legco.gov.hk |
强烈而又变化多端的风、激烈的海浪 、 危险 的 激 流 : 海面状况通常很恶劣。 voith.com | Strong and changing winds, towering waves, dangerous currents: Conditions out at sea are often rough. voith.com |
你还可以在怀努伊海滩租一个冲浪板 进行 刺 激 的 冲 浪 运 动,如果你能够起早,还可以成为世界上第一批欣赏日出美景的人。 cn.yha.co.nz | You can hire a surfboard, and if you can, make sure you [...] get up early to be the first in the world to see the sunrise of the new day at Wainui beach. yha.co.nz |
這焦 點可說是一石激起千重浪,但這焦點正正令整個局面產生了很大的轉 變。 legco.gov.hk | This focus has aroused strong reverberations in society, but it is [...] precisely this focus that has brought about substantial [...]changes in the entire situation. legco.gov.hk |
其实这个主张并不算新鲜,然而作者在文中那种义正言辞、不容妥协的口吻和措辞,坚称二者不可分割、否则一事无成,倒是一 石 激 起 千 层 浪。 infoq.com | The idea of combining these two skill sets is not that new, but the uncompromising tone of the post and the claim that one can not be effective without the other proved to be quite controversial. infoq.com |
海岸線以順時針方向轉向 45°, 既可以為 9 號及 10 號碼頭提供免受渡輪所激起海浪衝 擊的停泊區,又可以避免使用這些碼頭的船舶干擾碼 頭以東解放軍碼頭的運作。 devb.gov.hk | By turning the direction of the shoreline 45° clockwise, the layout of Piers No. 9 and 10 has been designed such that on one hand there is a sheltered berthing area from the waves generated from the ferry vessels, and on the other hand, vessels using these piers will not interfere with the operation of the PLA berth on the east. devb.gov.hk |
但是,為何當局提出減稅的方案會激 起 千 重 浪 呢? legco.gov.hk | Then how come the Government's proposals to lower taxes have stirred up surging waves? legco.gov.hk |
强劲的震动和多种脉冲模式供您选择,更多柔和诱人的LED灯光效果,让您的使用过程中,充 满 激 情 与 浪 漫 情 趣,给您多重感官享受。 bloomnine.com | Pulse of the vibration makes a great harmony with LED illumination [...] and gives you sensual romantic pleasure. bloomnine.com |
激励特性与运行状态有关,对于机械来说,它会受到诸如发动机转速、载荷、压力、温度和流速的影响;而对于一些土木工程结构,还会受到环境力 的 激 励 ,如 波 浪 、 风 以及车流等。 bksv.cn | The forcing function depends on the operating conditions, which for machinery could be influenced by engine speed, load, pressure, temperature, flow, etc. Ambient forces from waves, wind and traffic might also apply for civil engineering structures. bksv.com |
醫保激起千重浪,政 府和市民隨時雙輸,保險和醫生便穩妥雙贏。 legco.gov.hk | The Government and the public will [...] face a lose-lose situation at any time while the insurance industry and the doctor profession [...]will surely get a win-win gain. legco.gov.hk |
我有點擔心今天的議題 會激化愛護流浪動物人士及反對流浪動物人士之間的矛盾,令我們日 後在爭取動物權益時更困難。 legco.gov.hk | I am a bit worried that today's motion will intensify the conflicts between people caring about stray animals and those opposing stray animals, thus making it even harder for us to fight for animal rights in the future. legco.gov.hk |
而且在由强风、大浪或激流引起的复杂操作情况下更能显示出优势。 voith.com | And even more so in difficult operating conditions caused by heavy [...] winds, high waves or strong currents. voith.com |
除了可以和大猩猩近距离接触之外,乌干达还是尼罗河的源头,拥有许多在非洲数一数二的高山——鲁文佐里山脉国家公园(Rwenzori Mountains National Park)中的“月光之山”(Mountains of the Moon)——爱刺激还可以在这里挑战可怕 的 激 流 冲 浪。 vantageshanghai.com | Beyond up-close gorilla encounters, Uganda is also the source of the Nile, boasts mountains that are among the highest [...] in Africa — the [...] Mountains of the Moon in Rwenzori Mountains National Park — and offers formidable white-water rapids for thrill [...]seekers. vantageshanghai.com |
浪漫、刺激,所有新音乐由博诺创 作,The Edge of U2乐队把经典的蜘蛛侠故 [...] 事演绎成戏院里的飞檐走壁体验,而演员们 也确实就在观众头顶飞来飞去。 vgp.com | Romance, jawdropping thrills and all new music [...] by Bono and The Edge of U2 transform the classic SPIDER-MAN story into a [...]high-flying theatrical experience that has performers literally flying over the audience and the entire world talking. vgp.com |
本 來眼淚 也可以作為一 [...] [...] 個很好的政治 武 器 , 但 哭 要視乎有沒 有 功 力 , 哭 得是否 感 人,我 做不到劉千石議員那樣,一哭 就 激 起 千 重 浪 , 夏 佳 理議員一 哭 就成為 人民英雄,鄧 蓮 如 議員為香港前 途 而 哭,劉柔芬議員、麥國風議員、 [...] [...]陳國強議員昨 天為我 們 的 SARS 英 雄 而 悲 哀 , 而 我只能做一 個 最 沒 有政治 智 慧的“喊 包 ”。 legco.gov.hk | Tears could be a very good political weapon, but their power depends a lot on the "strength" of the person who cries. legco.gov.hk |
在樓 市 大 跌 的風浪 中 ,政府 刺 激 經濟的“動 作", 顯 得 太 慢 和 太 弱 。 legco.gov.hk | In the great property market crash, the moves made by the Government were too slow and too weak. legco.gov.hk |
各位,所以說一石激起千層浪,原 來荒謬的事,是對我們有教益 的,小弟沒有辦法不研究一下語文。 legco.gov.hk | Members, therefore, as the saying goes, "a tossed stone arouses thousand overlapping ripples", so something that was originally very ridiculous turned out to be very edifying and it is impossible for me not to look into the language a little bit. legco.gov.hk |
几何造型的Legend 系列 颈链、项链和手链,由长方形仿水晶元素精心拼砌成太阳光线的图形,将炎炎夏日的 热 浪激 情 与 炫目风姿展现地淋漓尽致。 brand.swarovski.com | The pleasing geometry of the Legend collier, necklace and bracelets, with their sunray motif of precisely structured rows of baguette crystals, reflects the warmth and brightness of summertime. brand.swarovski.com |
從黃金海岸的衝浪海灘、刺激的主 題公園和茂盛的腹地,前往生機勃勃的首府布里斯本。 danpacplus.hk | Drive from the surf beaches, thrilling theme parks [...] and lush hinterland of the Gold Coast to the vibrant capital of Brisbane. danpacplus.hk |
代理主席,本來這項諮詢是應該在本 年年初推出的,有人卻扮烏龜躲藏起來,等到現時才拿出來 ⎯⎯ 代理 主席,我發覺也不是的,諮詢推出後便一 石 激 起 千 重 浪。 legco.gov.hk | However, it is not launched until now because someone has acted like a tortoise and gone into hiding ― Deputy President, I do not think so because the launch of the consultation will achieve the effect of whipping up rolling waves. legco.gov.hk |
我们提倡:质量不是管出来的,而是每位员工做出来的,据此,立德推出了质量奖等正 向 激 励 机 制, 将 浪 费 的 原料变为员工口袋里的福利,从最细节处落实全面质量管理,以员工高质量的工作来保证高质量的产品。 cn.lvd.cc | We advocate that quality does not come from management but from action. [...] Then, Lide put [...] forward positive incentive mechanisms such as quality awards, so as to turn the wasted raw materials into [...]benefits for the employees [...]and ensure high-quality products via detailed implementation and employees’ efficient work. en.lvd.cc |
现在对您研究成果的水平进行诚实、正确的评估,就可以避免因 稿件遭拒(因为您的工作不适合该期刊,或未达到其通常的出版 水平)而浪费时间、情绪激愤。 biggerbrains.com | An honest accurate appraisal of the level of the research outputs you intend to publish now may save a lot of time and anguish later because the work is either inappropriate for, or not at the level of, papers normally published by the journal. biggerbrains.com |
最初要求设计出与新加坡摩天轮类似大小的一个轮型结构, 但上海这个华丽、高楼林立的城市迸发出 的 浪 漫 和 激 情 启发了史蒂芬•平博理负责的团队,进而催生出了一个焕然一新而激动人心的弗雷斯大转轮方案。 chinese-architects.com | Stephen Pimbley, Spark's founding director, conceived and designed an exciting alternative to the Ferris wheel inspired by the romance and passion of Shanghai. chinese-architects.com |
相反, 在經濟出現持續蕭條的時段,雖然會令上層社會暫時蜷縮起來,韜光養 晦,但價格的持續下降,使勞動階層的實際生活不一定變壞......經濟 增長緩慢甚至衰退,還有另外一些好處......經濟長周期的 下 浪 往 往會 刺激文化活動蓬勃發展,例如在1815年後,浪漫主義使已屆暮年的歐洲 煥發青春的熱情。 legco.gov.hk | The disparity between the rich and the poor worsened. On the contrary, in times of continuing recession, the upper stratum of society might huddle up temporarily to keep a low profile, but since the prices would fall continuously, the standard of living of the working class would not necessarily worsen …… There were other good points in times of slow economic growth or even depression …… The low tide of a long economic cycle would usually stimulate the rapid development of cultural activities. legco.gov.hk |