

单词 激战

See also:


battle n
war n

External sources (not reviewed)

在最近激战中, 来自布隆迪和乌干达的数十名 勇敢的非索特派团维和人员为和平的事业献出了自 [...]
In recent heavy fighting, dozens of brave [...]
peacekeepers of AMISOM from Burundi and Uganda made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of peace.
支 持卡扎菲的部队同反对派部队之间继续在西部地区、 西部山区和 Nalut 区,包括 Yafran 和 Zintan 两市,
[...] 以及该国东南部,包括 Kufra 和 Jalu,进激战。
Heavy fighting has continued between pro-Al-Qadhafi troops and the opposition forces in the western region, the Western Mountains and Nalut district,
including the cities of Yafran and Zintan, as well as in the south-eastern part of the country,
[...] including Kufra and Jalu.
[...] 全权拥有的子公司Arenanet效力,担任工作室艺术指导,也是 激战 》 及 《 激战 2 》 的项目艺术指导。
For the past seven years he has been with
Arenanet, a fully owned subsidiary of NCSoft, as the Studio Art Director and
[...] Project Art Director for Guild Wars/ Guild Wars 2.
月,在 Buuhoodle 地区发生激战,这 一战事再加上索马里全国各地的干旱结合起来,致使游牧居民由于担心发生新的 [...]
In February 2011, for example,
[...] there was heavy fighting in the Buuhoodle [...]
area, the combined effect of which, together with
the drought throughout Somalia, was the displacement of nomadic populations from the area in anticipation of the fighting.
水泥厂是在其 近处发生激战过程 中损坏的,其中包括以色列国防军当时力图找到并摧毁哈马 [...]
Instead, it was damaged in the
[...] course of intense fighting that took place [...]
in the immediate area of the plant, including
IDF efforts to locate and destroy an intricate tunnel system that was dug by Hamas.
经过近6小时的“史诗式激战,诺 瓦克·德约科维奇完成五盘(5-7/6-4/6-2/6-7/7-5)赛事,最终成功捧走奖杯。
After an epic match that lasted five sets (5-7/6-4/6-2/6-7/7-5) and nearly 6 hours, Nole could finally lift the trophy.
这项赛事结合海岸的怡人景致与海洋的连 激战 的 赛况,无疑是最具挑战性的世界顶级环球赛事之一。
The race is the ultimate mix of world-class sporting competition and on-the-edge adventure – a unique blend of onshore glamour and offshore drama and endurance.
青年党在对非盟维和人员发起的自他们部署以来最致命的一次攻击中杀害 了
[...] 11 名布隆迪士兵,并声明说青年党参加了在摩加迪沙至少杀死了 15 人激战。
Al-Shabaab killed eleven Burundian soldiers in the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since
their deployment and states that Al-Shabaab
[...] engaged in heavy fighting that killed at [...]
least fifteen people in Mogadishu.
我期望两队什么都得不到,但这只是想法,现在他们正准备本周末的这 激战。
I expect both sides to have nothing but this in mind as
[...] they prepare to battle each other this [...]
2011 年 2 月期 间,George Athor 将军与苏丹解放军在琼莱州和上尼罗 激战 , 造成数百人伤亡, 千万人背井离乡。
During February 2011, heavy fighting took place between General George Athor and SPLA in the area between Jonglei and Upper Nile States, leading to hundreds of casualties and the displacement of tens of thousands.
2011 年 2 月两军首激战后,柬埔寨将此问题提交 给联合国安理会,而安理会史无先例地将解决冲突 [...]
After the first pitched battle in February 2011 between [...]
the two militaries, Cambodia took its case to the Security Council,
which gave ASEAN an unprecedented referral to take the lead on resolving the conflict.5 That same month, the regional grouping’s foreign ministers set another precedent by agreeing to deploy Indonesia observers under the ASEAN banner to a conflict zone in its own neighbourhood.
他们从那里又朝着吉格洛推进,据报在达洛亚和波努弗拉发生了战事, 经过 3 月 20 日激战,“新生力量”取得了对多克和扎波村以及布洛莱金的控制。
From there, they advanced towards Guiglo, and fighting was reported in Daloa and Bonoufla, with the Forces nouvelles taking control of the villages of Doke and Zaibo, as well as Bloléquin, after heavy fighting on 20 March.
选举后危机造成了社会经济状况的严重恶化,部分原因是多 激战 造 成 阿比 让瘫痪,迫使人们不得不躲在家中,靠极少的食物、水和药品维持生活,有的则 [...]
The post-electoral crisis led to a serious deterioration
of the socio-economic situation, partly
[...] due to the heavy fighting that paralyzed [...]
Abidjan for many days, forcing the population
to stay at home with little food, water and medicine or to leave the city and find refuge in the countryside.
至今为止,第九城市旗下的产品有《奇迹》(MU),《快乐西游》,《卓越之剑》(GE),《奇迹世界》(SUN), 激战 》 ( Guild Wars),《超女世界 Online》和《Hellgate: [...]
So far, the ninth city its products are "miracle" (MU), the happy journey ", "the sword of
excellence" (GE), the miracle of the
[...] world "(SUN), Guild Wars (Guild Wars)," super girl [...]
Online world "and" the Hellgate: London ".
从 2008 年 7 月到 2011 年 2 月激战爆发 期间,东 盟本有许多机会介入调解,但却没有采取行动,原 因是成员国对介入“他国内政”讳莫如深,轮值主席 国也不愿意或是没有能力起领导作用,泰国又非常 抵触该争端的“国际化”。
It is not in their interests to aggravate them”.92 From July 2008 until February 2011, when fierce fighting broke out, there were numerous opportunities for ASEAN to intervene.
不过,这种可再生能源项目面临着来自传统化石 燃料发电项目的严峻战和激烈竞 争,这是由于相关的技术仍处于发展阶 [...]
Nevertheless, such renewable energy projects
[...] face serious challenges competing with [...]
conventional fossil fuel-fired power projects,
as technologies are still evolving and costs have remained relatively high.
报告深 入介绍了面临的战,激励世 界采取行动。
This has provided
[...] insight into the challenges that lie ahead [...]
and motivated the world to action.
该政策提供了积极的政策框架,以实现生 产性就业和人人有体面工作的目标,并通过针对性政策和方案来应对就业方面的战,同时刺激经济 增长和发展,满足人力需求,减少技能不匹配的情况,促进 同工同酬,尽量减少失业和就业不足。
It provides an active policy framework for achieving the goal of productive employment and decent work for all
as well as meeting
[...] the employment challenge through well-targeted policies and programmes, while stimulating economic growth [...]
and development, meeting
manpower requirements, reducing the mismatch of skills, promoting equal pay for equal work and minimizing unemployment and underemployment.
这些“前哨”是在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷被占 领上非法修建的。这些定居者大多持有武器、 战 、 激 进 、 对巴勒斯坦人的存在 和生存持极端仇视的论点和立场。
Many of these settlers are armed, militant and radical, espousing extremist views and positions in rejection of the very presence and existence of the Palestinian people.
德国还表 示,已拟订战略行 动构想,目的是为开展具针对性的进一步调查建立必要的基 [...]
Germany further
[...] indicated that a strategic action concept [...]
was developed in order to create the necessary infrastructure for further targeted survey.
这项以中小企业和行业主导为对象的议程,提供洞悉商业先进的重要信息,协助本地企业迎接 战 , 激 励 与 推动业务向前迈进。
Join more than 2,000 SME decision makers and infocomm leaders on October 14 2010 at the 14th Infocomm Commerce Conference (ICC) jointly organised by SCCCI and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA).
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的 战 主 要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 [...]
该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政
和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group
[...] found that the challenges faced by people [...]
of African descent in Portugal related mainly
to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
具 体的落实行动包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨 激 励 决 策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 [...]
Concrete follow-up initiatives have included the
organization of specific training sessions
[...] with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers [...]
to enact the right of universal
online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
[...] 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技 战 略 的 制定、促进地方和本地知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of
resources, renewable energies, the
[...] formulation of national strategies in science and [...]
technology, the promotion of local and
indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求战略》 的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求 战 略 》 的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to
and implementation of
[...] the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further [...]
Implementation of the
Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点
蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以
[...] 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀 / 刺 激 的 章 节进行文字修订; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 [...]
1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一步指导。
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System with that of the Model Regulations;
editorial revision of the chapters addressing skin
[...] corrosion/irritation; assessment [...]
of water-activated toxicity; implementation
issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additional guidance for the labelling of small packagings.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以 战 略 支 助领域,所有这 些都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载 战 略 和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支 战 略 规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area
education focused on
[...] the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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