单词 | 激怒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 激怒—enrageless common: infuriate exasperate 激怒verb—angervSee also:激—stimulate arouse fierce incite 怒n—angern wrathn 怒—fury vigorous
这激怒了苏丹政府,它原以为中国会投否决票。 crisisgroup.org | This angeredthe Sudanese government, [...] which had expected a Chinese veto. crisisgroup.org |
这些言论激怒了波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那其 他民族的代表。 daccess-ods.un.org | These remarks have exasperated representatives [...] of the other nationalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. daccess-ods.un.org |
发现的证据证明,迅雷杰克是在医院出生时,他激怒了,布鲁克斯返回到阿拉斯加寻找答案。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Infuriated by evidence found proving [...] that Thunder Jack was at the hospital when he was born, Brooks returns to Alaska to look for answers. seekcartoon.com |
驶出后在游戏中,这是他的最后一个顾客,被激怒的店经理陷阱末底改和里格比他们逃脱,并得到他们的退款。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After driving out his last [...] customer, theenraged storemanager [...]traps Mordecai and Rigby in the game and it’s up to them [...]to escape and get their refund. seekcartoon.com |
被这种态度所激怒,其雇主向劳工督 察提出要将其解雇;但该机构拒绝了该请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Annoyed by this attitude, his employer applied to the employment inspector for authority to dismiss him but the inspectorate refused. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然Burberry官方微博的更新计划并不会激怒其粉丝,其中能够被转发或评价的内容仍然十分有限。 labbrand.com | While Burberry’s update [...] schedule willnot causeirritation to its followers, [...]the amount of content that could be retweeted or commented on is limited. labbrand.com |
根据条例,残酷对待动物主要包括残酷地打、踢、恶待、折 磨、激怒或惊吓动物,使其受到不必要的痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Ordinance, cruelty to animals mainly includes the act [...] of cruelly beating, kicking, [...] ill-treating, torturing,infuriating or terrifying animals, [...]or causing unnecessary suffering to them. legco.gov.hk |
295至298 [...] 条规定了对下述行为可处监禁、罚款,或两项并处:蓄意污蔑某个 宗教,毁坏礼拜场所的行为;蓄意且恶意激怒宗教感情或信仰的行为;扰乱宗教 仪式或集会的做法;袭扰礼拜场所或法庭的行为,以及故意伤害宗教感情的言论 [...]或举止。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sections 295–298 of the Pakistani Criminal Code addressed defamation of religions, providing sanctions of imprisonment, fines, or both, for the following: acts of vandalism in a place [...] of worship with the [...] intent of insultingareligion, deliberate and maliciousacts intended to outragereligious feelings [...]or beliefs, disturbance [...]of religious ceremonies or assembly, trespassing of places of worship or burial, and speech or gestures deliberately intended to hurt religious feelings. daccess-ods.un.org |
真相调查经常会激怒犯罪人和其他人,这些 人试图威胁甚至袭击参与调查的人员,以期阻止揭发真相。 daccess-ods.un.org | The search for truth often provokes perpetrators and others, who may attempt to prevent the truth from being discovered by threatening or even attacking persons participating in an investigation. daccess-ods.un.org |
侮辱激怒了,约翰王子的三倍税,监禁大部分的乡亲,谁可以不支付他们的税收。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Enraged by the insult, Prince [...] John triples the taxes, imprisoning most of the townsfolk who cannot pay their taxes. seekcartoon.com |
索伦被激怒时Ezylryb嘲笑他的过去,,虽然Ezylryb解释战争的概念:它甚至不是英雄,只是做正确的事,即使将来有一天可能最终会像他一样的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Sorenisenraged when Ezylryb scoffs [...] at his past, though Ezylryb explains the concept of battle: how it’s not even heroic, [...]merely doing what’s right, even if someday one might end up looking like himself. seekcartoon.com |
这项决 定不仅会激怒巴勒斯坦方面,而且还可能被视为意在 扼杀直接会谈而使和平进程复杂化的举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decision could also be interpreted as a move to kill the direct talks and thereby complicate the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 证据规则没有歧视性;可向法院提出一切相关证据;辩护规则和原则不 得歧视妇女;对妇女实施暴力行为者不得以“名誉”或“激怒”为由逃脱刑事责 任;(e) 性暴力案件中的原告当被认为与其他任何刑事诉讼中的原告具有相同 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Evidentiary rules are non-discriminatory; all relevant evidence can be brought before the court; rules and principles of defence do not discriminate against women; and “honour” or “provocation”cannot be invoked by perpetrators of violence against women to escape criminal responsibility daccess-ods.un.org |
12.28 在这些情况下,陆教授拒绝发表声明,进一步激怒李教授, 而更甚的是,教院曾在五月发表声明,支持申诉专员在优先聘用期一 [...] 事上的立场。 legco.gov.hk | 12.28 In these circumstances, [...] Professor Li was further angeredby Professor Luk’s [...]refusal to issue the statement; more so, [...]because HKIEd issued one in May to support the Ombudsman’s position on PAP. legco.gov.hk |
根据香港法例第169章《防止残酷对待动物条例》,残酷对待动 物包括残酷地打、踢、恶待、折磨、激怒或惊吓动物,使其受到不必 要的痛苦。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance (Cap. 169), cruelty to animals includes the act [...] of cruelly beating, kicking, [...] ill-treating, torturing,infuriating or terrifying animals, [...]thus causing unnecessary suffering to them. legco.gov.hk |
两个失落的男孩透露给彼得,它实际上是小叮当是谁欺骗了他们,并激怒这个,他打破他之间的友谊。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Two of the Lost Boys reveal to Peter that it was actually Tinkerbell who [...] tricked them, and enragedbythis, he breaks [...]his friendship with her. seekcartoon.com |
然而,石油勘探启动仅一年之后,2004年,乍得总统代比为了稳固自己的统治而收紧政治空间,从而激怒了参政的反对派,全国范围内紧张局势骤然升温。 crisisgroup.org | In 2004, less than a year after the exploitation of oil began, the closing of the nation’s political space for the benefit of President Déby aggravated dissension within the Chadian power structure and increased tension throughout the country. crisisgroup.org |
但行内和行外却有很多传 闻,说是由於穆士贤敢於批准法援给㆒些在香港的越南船民,挑战政府拘留他们的合 法性,因而激怒了政府高层。 legco.gov.hk | But speculations have been rife within and without the legal profession that Mr MOSS had infuriated the government top brass in granting legal aid to some Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong to challenge the legality of their detention by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
虽然这一系列不断升级的事件激怒了北京,使中国愿意谴责朝鲜,但谴责的方式是克制的, [...] 是在能保护中国利益的范围之内的。 crisisgroup.org | Beijingwasangered by the latest escalation [...] and was ready to reprimand the North, but in a controlled way that would protect Chinese interests. crisisgroup.org |
西游记中心的地方:被激怒的干旱和,穆里尔的使用烹调茄子,茄子绘制一个人性化的剧团她下台地下深处。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Journey to [...] the Center ofNowhere: Angeredboth by a drought [...]and Muriel's use of eggplants in cooking, a humanized troupe [...]of eggplants plot her downfall deep underground. seekcartoon.com |
我相信单是这项规定本身,已激怒了很多纳税的 夹心阶层。 legco.gov.hk | I am sure that this requirement is by [...] itself enough to infuriate many taxpayers [...]from the sandwich class. legco.gov.hk |
厄里斯节省激怒了,他的得粉碎粉碎刽子手的剑,和他总是抱怨他的诚实,但与辛巴达的交易的一部分,她不情愿地给他的书才消失。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Angered bythis, Eris saves him by [...] shattering the executioner’s sword to pieces, and quarrels with him for his honesty, [...]but as part of the deal with Sinbad, she reluctantly gives the Book to him before disappearing. seekcartoon.com |
利比亚见证了错误和误导性信息有多危险,因为前 [...] 政权使用了此类信息以国家和人民的利益为代价分 裂人民,并激怒部落、派系和党派的情绪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Libya had seen how dangerous false or misleading information could be, as the former [...] regime had used such information to divide [...] the people and rouse tribal, factional [...]and partisan feeling at the expense of [...]the interests of the nation and the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其是什么激怒了基督徒的事实,即犹太人在他们的救世主的希望依然存在。 mb-soft.com | What especially angeredthe Christians was [...] the fact that the Jews persisted in their Messianic hopes. mb-soft.com |
小盒显示幻觉亲吻哈利,赫敏,罗恩,玩的不足之处和嫉妒他的感情折磨,直到被激怒的罗恩用剑捣毁它。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The locket torments Ron, playing on his feelings of [...] inadequacy and jealousy by displaying a hallucination of Hermione kissing [...] Harry, until an enraged Ron smashes it [...]with the sword. seekcartoon.com |
2008 年 11 [...] 月初,SADC 的国家元首们被协议执行 的缓慢速度激怒,呼吁津巴布韦政党从速组成联合 政府,不再提及制裁之事。71 [...]2009 年 1 月,已经对 津巴布韦政府应对 2008 年选举暴力的政策感到恼 火的欧盟,认为津巴布韦的局势没有取得足够的进 步,在其旅行禁令名单上增加了 26 名 ZANU-PF 的 成员,被冻结资产的公司数目也从 4 家增至 40 家。 crisisgroup.org | The EU and others adopted a “wait-and-see” approach, and in some respects, their caution was validated by ZANU-PF’s unilateralism during the last months of 2008.70 [...] In earlyNovember, exasperatedbyslow implementation, [...]SADC heads of state [...]appealed to the parties to form an inclusive government without further delay and made no mention of sanctions.71 In January 2009, the EU, which had been agitating for a response to the 2008 electoral violence, concluded there had been inadequate progress, added 26 ZANU-PF names to its travel ban list and increased the number of companies whose assets were frozen from four to 40.72 This set the tone for future relations between the sanctioners and the sanctioned. crisisgroup.org |
11 而中国在国际上(特别是在联合国安理 会中)对于苏丹政体的庇护进一步激怒了喀土穆的 反对者。12 对于中国的恼怒并没有随着内战的结束 而消散。 crisisgroup.org | Attempts to paint this stance as a reflection of China’s principle of “non-interference” in the affairs of sovereign nations are seen as disingenuous by many Southerners, given the undeniable national implications that were generated by the economic intervention of China and its oil companies, as well as the sale of arms.11 Opponents of Khartoum were further incensed by China’s shielding of the regime internationally (most notably at the UN Security Council).12 Anger toward China did not die with the end of the civil war. crisisgroup.org |
(d) 证据规则没有歧视性;可向法院提出一切相关证据;辩护规则 [...] 和原则不得歧视妇女;对妇女实施暴力行为的人不得以“名誉”或“激怒”为由逃脱刑事责任 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Evidentiary rules are non-discriminatory; all relevant evidence can be brought before the court; rules and principles of defence [...] do not discriminate against women; and [...] ‘honour’or ‘provocation’cannot be invoked [...]by perpetrators of violence against women [...]to escape criminal responsibility daccess-ods.un.org |