

单词 激发注射

See also:



发射 n

transmitter n
launch n
emission n
loose n

注射 n

injection n
injections pl
vaccination n
injection molding n
shot n

External sources (not reviewed)

为 1.A.所述系统的贮运、控制激活及 发射 用 而 设计或经改进的飞行器。
Vehicles designed or modified for the transport,
[...] handling, control, activation and launching of [...]
the systems specified in 1.
因此在全球需要更 多的政治注,激发努力
Greater political attention is needed globally to galvanize efforts.
这进一步突出了,在马尔代夫存 在与像合注射针之 类的高危行为有关的风险,艾滋病毒可能 发。
This further highlight the risk associated with certain high risk behaviours like needle sharing in a possible outbreak of HIV in the country.
利用公共播放系统讲授有关科学知识 的话题可以提高青年的注度,从而 激发 他 们对科学的兴趣。
Public broadcasting programmes on scientific issues can raise the awareness of young people in order to provoke their interest in science.
在全球范围,被证明对预防注射吸毒者中新的艾滋病毒感染最有效的服务的 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月注射毒品者分发少量 无菌器械,8%的人参加类阿 激 动 剂 治疗方案,和 4%的艾 滋病毒呈阳性的注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that have been shown to be most effective in preventing new HIV infections among people who inject drugs remains low: a limited number of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of drug dependence treatment services, a
limited number of sterile devices are
[...] distributed per month per person who injects drugs, 8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy [...]
and 4 per cent of
HIV-positive people who inject drugs are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
绿色增长高度重视技术和创新,如智能 电网、高能照明系统以及太阳能和地热等可再生能源,并 注 重 进 一步 激 技术 发展和创新。
The approach places a premium on technology and innovation — from smart grid systems and highefficiency lighting systems to renewable
energies including solar and geothermal power —
[...] as well as on improving incentives for technology development [...]
and innovation.
在测量点上,样品暴露于一激光光 源 发射 的 光 束中,被染色的细菌会发出红光 – 每个通过光束的细菌都会发出一个光脉冲。
The cells then emit fluorescent light pulses at a different wavelength, the pulses are counted and displayed.
使注射疗法 HARG 成分是一种维生素 H 或 B,您还必须执行中胚层疗法发注射 液 对 毛发的生长至关重要的唯一成分,在此"生长因子"前者的成分对毛发,如氨基酸和细胞以 激 和 促 进细胞分裂,轻微的症状,治疗的生长至关重要的作用。
Make injection therapy HARG ingredient is a vitamin H or
B,You must also do Hair
[...] Mesotherapy injection only ingredients which are essential for the growth of hair, the former in this "growth factor" has the role of ingredients which are essential for the growth of hair, such as amino acids and cells to stimulate and promote cell [...]
division, mild symptoms for that treatment.
若丢注册信息,例如激活码/或注册号 (软件供应商通常会通过电子邮件将 发 送 给 您),可能会面临还原应用程序使用 权的问题。
If you lose your registration information, for example, the activation key and/or registration number, which are usually sent by [...]
software vendors by
e-mail, you may have problems with restoring your right to use the application.
还有其它注射试验(比如脊椎面关节注射阻断法、骶髂关 注射 疗 法 、 激 痛 点 注射 疗 法 和神经根注射疗法)有助于识别和查明导致椎间盘源性疼痛的病因。
There are other injection tests – such as facet joint block, sacroiliac joint block, trigger point injection and nerve root injection – that help identify or clarify causes of discogenic pain.
在测量点上,样品暴露于一激光光 源 发射 的 光 束中,被染色的细菌会发出红光 – 每个通过光束的细菌都会发出一个光脉冲。
At the measuring point, the sample material is exposed
[...] to a light beam from a laser source, forcing the [...]
stained bacteria to emit red light
- one light pulse for every bacteria passing the beam
2011 年在撒哈拉以南 非洲的一项调查结发现, 在一方已感染、另一方未感染的配偶中,妇女使用注射的孕激素荷 尔蒙避孕药增加了传染和感染艾滋病毒的风险。
After a 2011 study in sub-Saharan Africa found that women’s use of injectable progestogen-based hormonal contraception increased the risks of HIV transmission and acquisition within serodiscordant couples, international health experts determined that available evidence was inconclusive and did not warrant advising women to avoid hormonal contraception.
2012 年,通过“织女星发射器首次飞行 发射 了 意大 利 激 光 相对论卫 星,此卫星专用于研究广义相对论,特别是兰斯——蒂林效应。
In 2012, the Italian Laser Relativity Satellite, dedicated to the study of [...]
general relativity and, in particular, the Lense-Thirring
effect, was launched on the maiden flight of the Vega launcher.
其狭窄激发和发射光谱 使其对交叉光束补偿和邻近探测器补偿的要求较低。
Its narrow excitation and emission spectra result in less
[...] requirement for cross-beam compensation and compensation [...]
into neighboring detectors.
有四个主要注领域:(a) 强制性在线培训;(b) 提供大量介绍最佳做法的材料 和其激发积极 性的材料以供查阅的网站;(c) 针对特定群体如供应单位工作人 员或国家一级管理人员等的培训单元;(d) 面对面培训。
There are four main areas of focus: (a) mandatory online training; (b) a website providing access to numerous materials that would feature best practices and other motivational material; (c) [...]
training modules focussed
for specific groups, such as supply staff, or country-level managers; and (d) face-to-face training.
进行法兰平面度的测量,只需激光 发射 器T330固定在法兰上。
The rotating laser beam provides a virtual plane and the sensor simply measures the distance between the surface and the laser plane.
它们包括:太阳系中的轨道共振效应、行星环和太阳系外行星;较差转动放大和盘状星系旋臂结构的关系;星际微 激射 放 大效应的产生和进行测定的机制;脉冲星的电动力学;在日震学和星际闪烁中出现的天体物理湍流的特征;将木卫一(即伽利略发现的 Io 卫星)考虑为从木 发 出 的低频射电爆源等。
The variety, depth and breadth of his most important contributions are staggering: the effects of orbital resonances in the solar system, planetary rings, and extrasolar planets; the importance of swing amplification in the explanations of the origin of spiral structure in disk galaxies; the mechanisms by which interstellar masers are produced and can be diagnosed; the electrodynamics of pulsars; the character of the astrophysical turbulence that arises in helioseismology and interstellar scintillation; and the role of the Galilean satellite Io as a source of low-frequency radio bursts from the planet Jupiter.
但是,我们猜测500卡路里热量的饮食方式和她自身生活方式的改变(当她搬去加利福尼亚居住后,生活中的方方面面都产生了变化)对于她的最初瘦身效果和持续成功所起到的作用可能大 注射激 素 针 剂。
However, our guess is that her initial and continued success is based more on the 500-calorie diet
and her lifestyle changes (various aspects of her life changed when she moved to
[...] California) than the hormone injections.
她回顾说明了数据来源和 验证过程,并强调指出,与去年的报告相比,今年的报告 注 重 激发 辩 论
She reviewed data sources and the verification process, and stressed that this year’s report, more than in
[...] the past, is about stimulation of debate.
在緊接句號之前加上“;本會亦對行政長官在政府庫房有大筆盈餘的 情況下,投放在改善長者醫療服務方面的資源微不足道,不足以照顧
低下層長者的醫療需要,深表失望;本會促請行政長官及政府採取措 施及投入更多資源,改善長者的醫療服務,包括將醫療券的受惠對象 擴展至所有 65 歲或以上的長者、增加每名長者所獲的津貼金額、為
[...] 所有長者提供公營醫療半價優惠、設立基金津貼長者的牙科服務,以 及為所有長者提供免費流感防注射 等 ”
To add "; this Council also expresses deep disappointment that, despite a huge surplus in the government treasury, the Chief Executive only deploys a meagre amount of resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, which is hardly sufficient to meet the medical needs of the elderly in the lower class; this Council urges the Chief Executive and the Government to adopt measures and devote more resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, including extending the beneficiaries of the health care vouchers to all senior citizens aged 65 or above, increasing the amount of subsidy for each elderly recipient, offering half-fee concession for public medical services to all senior citizens, setting up a fund to subsidize dental services for the
elderly, and providing all senior citizens with free
[...] vaccination against influenza, etc" immediately [...]
before the full stop.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的 发 ; (b ) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核射性威 胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond
to pest and disease
[...] outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; [...]
and the organization
of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
新思路的一个核心重点,是必注重 可持 续 发 展 ,为此既要实现物质财富增 长,又要保护自然环境,确保社会公平和公正,而不是狭隘 注 重 基 于市 激励 的经济增长和私人财富聚集。
A central concern of the new thinking will be the need for a focus on sustainable development — entailing an approach that would balance material wealth improvements with protection of the natural environment and ensure social equity and justice — rather than a focus narrowly concentrated on economic growth and private wealth generation based on market incentives.
尽管微创医学美容项目在我国还处于萌芽期,包括皮肤填充术、肉毒 注射 、 激 光 治 疗、抗衰老和药妆在内的非手术类医学美容项目越来越被国人接受和青睐。
The market for minimally-invasive procedures is in its infancy. However,
non-surgical cosmetic procedures – including
[...] dermal fillers, Botox, laser therapy, anti-aging [...]
and cosmeceutical products – are becoming
acceptable and even desired by more and more patients.
积极促进国家和国际投资,并加强以可持续和具有成本效益的方式对涉及预 防和控制非传染性疾病的所有方面进行优质 发 的 国 家能力,同 注 意 到继 续激 励创新的重要性
Promote actively national and international investments and strengthen national capacity for quality research and development, for all aspects related to the prevention and control of non-communicable
diseases, in a sustainable and cost-effective
[...] manner, while noting the importance of continuing to incentivize innovation




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